Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 984 The battle between man and snake!

Recalling my career as a ghost creature for so many years, I couldn't help but shake my head and smile bitterly. I never thought that I was not killed by Longquan Villa, but today I would be eaten by a group of snakes.

In fact, others don’t know that I have some trypophobia. Looking at the dense patterns on snakes makes me tremble all over.

The snakes seemed to be able to read people's minds. They seemed to have discovered the fear in my heart, and began to approach me with rustling tails wagging.

I kept retreating, but there was also a large group of snakes behind me. Gradually, the circle formed by the snakes became smaller and smaller.

I don’t know if it’s my imagination or if it’s true, but I always feel that these snakes are thoughtful and intelligent!

They will even use tactics to outflank the enemy. For example, at this moment, a group of snakes are surrounding me, spitting out long tails. Although there is no attack behavior, this formation is enough to drive a person who is afraid of snakes crazy. .

Silent confrontation is the most draining of willpower. When I envisioned the scene of being swallowed by snakes countless times in my mind, the snakes seemed to be watching a show. They just stared at me with their triangular heads and did not take any action.

Seeing that they didn't move for a long time, my tense nerves slowly relaxed!

However, at this moment, a woman's scream suddenly came from the top of the mountain. This sound was too familiar to me.

It's Yin Xinyue, yes, it's her voice! I looked up to the top of the mountain, and my heart was clenched tightly by the sound.

The moment I was distracted, a snake pounced like a ferocious eagle, aiming at my neck.

The snake was not big, only about one meter long, but its mouth opened as wide as the mouth of an abyss. I used to read news that there is a kind of snake in foreign countries that can swallow an adult bull alive, and I always thought it was false, but now I have to believe it.

The snake made a whirring sound and opened its bloody mouth to swallow my head.

I rolled on the spot and avoided the snake's attack!

Yin Xinyue's cry woke me up from my numbness.

Damn it, even if I have to die in a foreign country in the future, I will never die in the hands of a group of snakes.

Even if I am doomed this time, I will pull a few more snakes to support me.

Thinking of this, I unsheathed the ghost-killing swords from my waist, and waved the Yin-Yang sword technique with both hands. The sharp blade shot out one after another dark green sword energy. As the sword rose and fell, countless snakes' heads were smashed by me. Cut it down.

And there are so many wounds on my body that have been bitten by snakes!

In this fantasy, although the blood is fake and the snake is fake, if I am killed by a snake in the fantasy, I will also die in the real world.

This made me realize that there is an access point between this illusion and reality. As long as I find this access point, I can break this illusion.

I immediately thought of the locust tree stump. The locust tree stump is a relic from the Qing Dynasty and a witness to all the strange events in Yinren Village. The snake spirits gathered at the bottom of the locust tree stump must have absorbed a lot of yin energy.

Thinking of this, I fought my way out to find the locust tree stump.

Groups of snakes kept attacking me along the way, but they couldn't stop me if I wanted to leave!

I wielded my two swords like tigers and tigers in the wind, chopping melons and vegetables at the heads of the snakes, and my body was covered with red and white blood and minced meat.

Finally, I found the locust tree stump. The cracks on the locust tree stump that I had opened were still spitting out black blood.

The group of snakes chasing after me seemed to be extremely frightened when they saw the locust tree stump, and they stopped in place and did not dare to move forward.

There is an unpleasant fishy smell coming from the locust tree stump. This smell is uncomfortable. From last night to now, this is the third time I have smelled this smell...

Looking at the group of snakes parked halfway up the mountain, I suddenly understood why those snakes did not dare to come down.

The thing in this locust tree stump is a century-old snake spirit. Those little snakes must be afraid of the snake spirit, so they dare not come forward.

I was exhausted from all the hacking and killing, as well as running up and down the mountain.

I sat down on the locust tree stump and wanted to take a rest, but the moment I sat down, a huge force pulled me into the inside of the locust tree stump.

I seemed to be pulled into a black time and space tunnel, and everything was pitch black. I could feel the vastness of the surrounding environment, but I couldn't see anything. I only felt that my body was sinking continuously, and the whistling sound came from my ears. The sound of wind.

I don’t know how long it took, but I fell heavily on a piece of grass.

In front of me, a pair of handsome young men and women were sitting close together under a locust tree, making love to each other.

They didn't seem to see me, they were kissing passionately.

I immediately understood that this was Fang Tuo and the snake demon that old man Bai was talking about!

The sun is beautiful, the grass is green, and lovers come in pairs. Such a beautiful life not only exists in fantasy, but also happened in real life in the Yinren Village more than a hundred years ago.

A feeling of warmth just emerged in my heart, and suddenly the style of painting changed, and everything in front of me was like a canvas being torn apart from the middle. One of Fang Tuo's hands still maintained the hugging posture, but the snake demon had revealed its true form!

The locust tree was also split in half, one half was green and still alive; the other half was black, with the trunk covered in black plasma.

The snake demon seemed to have discovered me, and suddenly turned its head, its eyes like daggers, staring at me sharply, and I couldn't help but shudder.

The snake demon in front of me actually has the tail of a snake and the head of a beautiful girl. What's even more terrifying is that its tail is colorful and long and thin for one or two meters, which makes people feel sick.

The snake demon is flying towards me like an arrow off the string!

It was so fast that I had no time to dodge. I dodged back as fast as I could, but my left hand was still bitten by it. The sharp teeth penetrated my flesh and bit through my entire palm, and a heartbreaking pain immediately spread throughout my body.

The snake demon grabbed my palm and gave me a weird smile that a beautiful girl shouldn't have.

Suddenly, it pulled hard and my whole hand was torn off instantly! I was in so much pain that my swords for killing ghosts and gods fell to the ground with a clang.

"甔甔甔..." The snake demon laughed like a ghost. It didn't seem to be in a hurry to take my life, but like a cat chasing a mouse, it wanted to slowly torture me until I was exhausted. Waiting for another chance to swallow me up.

The pain of a broken hand is unbearable!

I dragged my severed hand back as hard as I could, delaying time to recover my strength to the maximum extent.

Even when I was dragging my severed hands back, I did not forget to pick up the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods. I knew that the twin swords were my only life-saving talisman at this moment.

The snake demon approached me step by step, its head was directly above me, and its eyes were staring at me, as if I had great hatred for it!

(ps: Thank you for your continued support! Lao Jiu is in good condition. Until the end of the month, there will be additional updates every day to make up for what is owed. Thank you to those who voted for the monthly vote. Although you did not leave a message or speak, you still voted. The record can be seen by Lao Jiu, no need to say more, and will be remembered in my heart.)

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