Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 985: Ugly Human Nature (Additional Update)

Hit the snake seven inches.

I held the Zhongyang Sword tightly and stabbed its seven inches with all my spiritual power!

Unexpectedly, the snake scales on the snake demon's body were as hard as armor. When the Yang knife was cut, it made a loud "clang" sound and splashed a few sparks.

The snake demon looked at me mockingly, flicked its tail with overlapping patterns, and the Yang Dao in my hand was instantly knocked to the ground.

I'm really desperate...

One of my hands was crippled, and there was no magic weapon that could save my life. I thought I was really going to die here this time.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head. If I die in a fantasy world, I wonder if I can leave some ashes for my son to worship.

The snake demon's head was getting closer and closer to my body. When the snake demon's head was only one centimeter away from me, I had no way to retreat.

I just feel sorry for Xinyue, Xiaofan, and Li Mazi!

I'm sorry to all the people who care about me and love me.

I closed my eyes in despair, waiting for the last moment to come.


At this critical moment, a Buddha's chant rang in my ears.

I opened my eyes suddenly and looked over following the sound. An old monk wearing a patchwork cassock, sitting cross-legged, was floating in the air with his hands clasped together. There were wisps of compassionate golden light around his body, and he was obviously the Yin spirit sitting in the Buddha's body in the vat, Master Wuyan.

"Master Wuyan?" I greeted tentatively.

The old monk slowly floated down, landed on the ground and walked towards me, standing between me and the snake demon: "Hello, little donor."

The moment the snake demon saw the silent mage, he suddenly stopped all movements, and his fierce eyes instantly changed into the girl's sad eyes.

The way it looked at Master Wuyan was really strange. There was love, hatred, and a sense of sorrow mixed with it.

Master Wu Yan has a kind face, bright and wise eyes, and two slender eyebrows that reach to his waist, just like the long-browed Arhat in Buddhism.

Fang Tuo, who appeared in the illusion in the distance, still maintained the posture of hugging the snake demon, and said something like a robot.

My eyes switched back and forth between Fang Tuo and Master Wuyan several times, and finally I discovered a shocking truth. Although the two people are different in age, their facial features are very similar. Master Wuyan is Fang Tuo!

Master Wu Yan raised his sleeves and asked, "Donor Zhang, do you know the human heart?"

In the past, when I was dealing with Buddha beads and other negative objects, Jigong Living Buddha also asked me similar questions.

This kind of Yin spirit has been practicing for a long time, and it always wants to use Buddhist principles to influence sentient beings. I have become familiar with their routines.

I immediately sat cross-legged and replied with a serious face: "There is good and evil in the human heart, and good and evil are only in one thought."

Master Wuyan clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, donor Zhang hit the nail on the head." After saying that, he pointed his hand, and another picture appeared in front of my eyes.

The people in the picture are all wearing Qing Dynasty costumes. The villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Although their lives are poor, they are also very happy.

Until one day, a young man, the Fang Tuo I saw in the fantasy, rescued the beautiful girl transformed by the snake demon when he went up the mountain to collect medicine, and fell in love with her.

Mr. Bai has already told us this story.

The story is similar to what Old Man Bai told him. On the night of the wedding, the snake demon drank wine mixed with realgar and revealed his true form.

However, the next story suddenly surprised me. The villagers went up the mountain with torches, hatchets and realgar to hunt for the snake demon. The snake demon was cornered and leaned under the locust tree, looking in panic at the villagers who wanted to kill it.

The villagers who went up the mountain were all men. The snake demon who had transformed into a beautiful girl had her clothes torn at the moment. Although she was covered in blood, it could not hide her beauty and large areas of snow-white skin.

The leading villager had evil thoughts and insulted the beautiful girl transformed from the snake demon.

The snake demon wanted to die, but unexpectedly the pain had just begun.

Desire spreads like a plague among the villagers, one, two, three...

When the last villager climbed up from the snake demon with his pants lifted, the snake demon's eyes were filled with despair and anger.

Afterwards, the villagers chopped off the snake demon's head and buried the snake demon's body under the locust tree.

Unfortunately, the villagers didn't know that the snake demon was insulted to death. With great resentment, and the locust tree is Yin, it eventually turned into a snake spirit.

Before his death, the snake demon made a poisonous oath that the people in this village would not be able to have sons for generations to come, and all the men would kill themselves.

Sure enough, the snake demon's curse worked!

Over the next hundred years, no more boys were born in this village, and the name of the village slowly changed to Yinren Village.

After Fang Tuo learned about the tragic death of the snake demon, his heart was as sharp as a knife, and he also lamented the ugliness of the people around him. So Fang Tuo went to a temple in Lingnan and became a monk, with the Buddhist name: Wu Yan.

Master Wu Yan thought of the snake demon before his death. He always believed that he had to bear a large part of the responsibility for the death of the snake demon, so he wanted to resolve her resentment.

Therefore, Master Wu Yan made his last words and asked his disciples to seal his body in a large vat, add spices and lime, and make an immortal Buddha sitting in a vat, and bury it under the big locust tree of that year to influence the snake demon.

It's a pity that the snake demon is too resentful! Even Master Wuyan could only slightly remove the resentment in her heart. This is why although men in Yinren Village no longer harm themselves, they are still unable to have sons.

"Donor Zhang, the poor monk knows that the purpose of your visit is my body." Master Wu Yan seems to be able to see through everything in the world: "As long as the donor can help subdue the snake demon and prevent the Yinren Village from suffering, then the poor monk will be willing to do so. If you go with the donor, you will also ensure that your wife will be returned unscathed."

After saying that, Master Wuyan disappeared, and the illusion around me also disappeared. When I returned to reality, I saw the anxious and concerned expressions of Li Mazi and the others as soon as I opened my eyes.

I found myself lying in the village chief's house. Everyone was fine except me.

I cursed secretly in my heart, thinking that this snake demon doesn't play according to the routine! Shouldn't we deal with villagers who have no fighting ability? Why did you single me out to deal with...

I suddenly remembered that my left hand was bitten off by a snake demon in the illusion. I raised my hand and was surprised to find that my left hand was fine. Even the injury I suffered last night had disappeared.

I thought about it carefully and realized that Master Wu Yan must have saved me in the illusion and healed my injuries.

Thinking of Master Wuyan, I feel really helpless. What he clearly meant was that if I didn’t surrender to the snake demon, I wouldn’t want to take away the physical Buddha sitting in the vat, and I wouldn’t want my wife either…

Alas, now I have to take care of it no matter what!

I told everyone about Master Wu Yan and asked Li Mazi and Wang Xun'er to prepare quicklime, realgar powder and mugwort leaves.

Boss Bai is a local and knows the depth of the matter. He immediately suggested that it would be best to start at night, and to do it quickly to avoid being disturbed by the ignorant villagers again.

Li Mazi asked: "Is it that serious? If we go at night, the snake demon's yin energy will be stronger. What if we can't defeat it? It's better to go during the day. The yang energy is stronger, which is more appropriate."

Boss Bai shook his head: "The Yin villagers are tough and tough. If we do it during the day and they find out, they may even kill you! There is no police in charge of this place."

I understood what Boss Bai meant, and the pores all over my body stood up when I thought of the scandalous things the simple villagers did to the snake demon.

Li Mazi and Wang Xun'er went to prepare realgar powder and quicklime.

Boss Bai and I went to Mr. Bai’s house, hoping to get Mr. Bai’s support!

Fortunately, Mr. Bai told me that if the villagers found out, he would mediate the situation. He also told us that if it doesn't work, just say that the physical Buddha sitting on the vat is a dangerous thing and is the reason why the Yinren Village cannot give birth to a son, and then the villagers probably won't stop it.

After listening to Mr. Bai's words, I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up. Sure enough, ginger is still spicy.

After that, Boss Bai and I went to several villagers' houses to buy some commonly used things, such as black dog blood, rooster combs, salt and pot bottoms, etc.

As the sky gradually darkened and every household in the village turned off their lights, we cautiously walked out of the village chief's house.

Then with the prepared things, he came to the locust tree stump again!

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