Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 986 Northern and Southern Buddhism

I first mixed the black dog blood, rooster comb, salt and pot bottom ash, and smeared it on the locust tree stump. These things contained a large amount of Yang Qi. In an instant, the surface of the locust tree stump released billowing white smoke like water vapor.

I took the opportunity to pull out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods, and used all my strength to strike at the locust tree stump. This time, the swords passed through without any obstacles, and the locust tree stump was completely cut off smoothly!

I gently pushed aside the soil underneath, and a large, ancient vat was immediately revealed. This vat was made of clay and was completely black.

I was overjoyed, thinking I had found it this time!

Yes, that was exactly the vat used by Master Wu Yan to store his remains.

Li Mazi helped dig out the entire tank with a shovel. While digging, he asked curiously: "Normal people lie in coffins after death. Why would this old monk choose to sit in the tank? He must meditate even after death. Don’t be too tired to panic.”

I flicked Li Mazi's forehead: "Don't talk nonsense in front of Master."

Then, I carefully explained to Li Mazi the origin of the Buddha sitting in a vat.

According to legend, the founder of Zen Buddhism had two disciples, one named Hongren and the other named Huineng. The two disciples were both deeply versed in the true teachings, but they had differences in their study of Buddhism. So the founder of Zen Buddhism ordered one of them to go to the south to spread Buddhism and the other to the north to spread Buddhism.

From then on, Buddhism was divided into two schools: Southern and Northern. This is how we often refer to Southern Shaolin and Northern Shaolin.

Northern Buddhism pays attention to cremation. Whether the relics of an eminent monk can be burned after death is used to determine whether he has become a Buddha.

The southern sect of Buddhism pays attention to sitting in a vat. The eminent monks of the southern sect will eat and drink less for three months before passing away. In the last week, they will not even have a grain of rice or a mouthful of water. After they die, they will be put into a large vat. , buried deep in the ground for three years, and after three years, the body will not rot, then you will become a Buddha.

After listening to my explanation, Li Mazi and Boss Bai shook their heads. Boss Bai sighed: "People with faith are really cruel to themselves. How many people can go on hunger strike and wait for death?"

Li Mazi summed it up very simply and crudely: "So, this old monk is starving to death!"

I rolled my eyes, too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

After the vat-shaped Buddha was dug out, Li Ma flicked the flashlight around a few times, and there seemed to be something in the soil reflecting white light.

I asked Li Mazi to take a closer look, and suddenly a slender white skeleton appeared in front of us.

I immediately guessed the snake monster.

It turned out that my guess was correct. After we cleaned the soil from the skeleton, we found that it was indeed a snake skeleton.

"Oh, that's not right!" Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "Brother Zhang, what should I do with my younger siblings?"

I took a deep breath and said, "As long as the matter here is resolved, the new moon will naturally come back. Am I right, Master Wu Yan?" After saying that, I raised five fingers and knocked on the jar.

An ethereal Buddha chant came from the tank, and the voice seemed to be answering my question.

Li Mazi was relieved. After tying the big vat with a rope, he buried the snake bone on the spot as I ordered. While shoveling the soil, he said regretfully: "The bones of this kind of monster are worth a lot of money! What a pity. You can’t take it away, otherwise we can make a small fortune.”

Li Mazi rested for a while and asked without looking back: "Do you think so?"

But none of us answered him, because in front of us at this moment was a group of villagers holding axes, hatchets, kitchen knives and torches.

Just like what happened yesterday afternoon, a group of villagers, led by the village chief, confronted us with various weapons.

But what is different from yesterday afternoon is that the eyes of the villagers yesterday afternoon were full of fear and uneasiness. At that time, they were afraid that destroying the Feng Shui stones would bring disaster to the village. But now, the eyes of these villagers are full of greed.

The villagers are not fools. There have been many antique dealers who have collected items over the years. They all know that the vat-shaped Buddha is very valuable.

Seeing that we were ignoring him, Li Mazi quickly turned around and said, "Hey, why are you..."

When he saw the scene in front of him, he swallowed back the words he was about to say and opened his mouth so wide that he could swallow a whole egg.

"Hey, Boss Zhang, you are so boring! You came to our village to hunt for treasures and you didn't even say a word." The village chief stared at the vat-shaped Buddha next to me, with a sinister smile on his face and said, "You You should also know that this vat-shaped Buddha is something that keeps the village safe. If you take it away like this, what will happen to our whole village of more than a hundred people?"

I was born with a stupid mouth, and I couldn't speak when others choked me, let alone being ridiculed by the village chief. Immediately, my mouth seemed to be blocked by something, and I couldn't say a word.

Fortunately, Boss Bai is well-informed and grew up in this village. He immediately came to my rescue and said: "Everyone has misunderstood. The thing in the vat is not a Buddha at all, but a snake demon. It is this snake demon that makes the village unable to give birth to a son."

"Nonsense, where did the snake demon come from in the village?" Suddenly, a female voice with a rough voice came over, and then the crowd automatically moved out of the way.

I saw the village elder's wife running over like a gust of wind.

The village elder's wife is not tall, with a big belly and thin legs. Her face has become dark and rosy due to the constant exposure to wind and sun.

She pointed at me and yelled, calling me a turtle bastard and calling us thieves and robbers. All in all, the scolding was extremely unpleasant.

The villagers' emotions were so aroused by the village elder's wife that they all accused me. They completely forgot who saved them yesterday?

In the end, some villagers could no longer contain their excitement and picked up rocks and threw them at us!

Countless rocks roared towards my head, and I had no choice but to duck aside. In the end, the four of us tried our best to avoid it, but we were still hit by a few stones.

The scene began to get out of control, and Boss Bai took us straight down the mountain. He grew up here and is very familiar with the local terrain. Under the leadership of Boss Bai, we returned to Bai's house along a trail on the mountain, carrying the Buddha sitting in a vat on our backs.

However, not long after we escaped to Bai's house, the villagers got the news and blocked the door of Bai's house with torches.

But none of these villagers dared to rush in. Instead, they kept calling Mr. Bai at the door. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It could be seen that Mr. Bai's prestige among the villagers was still very high.

Li Mazi was so nervous that he smoked one cigarette after another and kept pacing in the Bai family hall.

"Brother Zhang, this is going to be difficult." Li Mazi frowned and analyzed: "If people become greedy, they are more terrifying than ghosts! How can the four of us fight against a hundred villagers? Let me tell you, It’s better to leave it alone.”

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