Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 987: Subduing the Snake Demon

Li Mazi was so nervous that he began to speak indiscriminately.

I glanced at him sideways: "Running away now, do you think Master Wuyan will help us save Xinyue?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Li Mazi pointed outside: "These villagers are barbarians and don't respect the law at all. If one person scratches us, the four of us will lose even a piece of meat." .”

Li Mazi became more and more enthusiastic as he talked. I noticed that when Li Mazi said that the villagers were barbarians, Old Man Bai's face changed. I quickly stopped Li Mazi, but Li Mazi became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, and eventually even the eighteen generations of ancestors in the village moved out.

Wang Xun'er was more thoughtful than Li Mazi. She quickly stopped Li Mazi and said, "Li Mazi, please be patient! With Mr. Bai making the decision, nothing will happen to us."

After hearing what Wang Xun'er said, Mr. Bai's expression softened a lot, and he coughed heavily and said: "These villagers are just asking for peace and wealth. If you can solve these two problems, then things will naturally be much easier to handle..."

I thought about it and immediately understood what Mr. Bai meant. What he means is that if we want to take away the Buddha sitting in a vat, we must do two things. One is to completely eliminate the snake demon and make the villagers feel that they are safe; the other is to give each household a certain amount of financial compensation.

Financial compensation was easy to handle. Xun'er called the Wang family and more than 5 million yuan was immediately transferred. Calculated per capita, a villager could receive 50,000 yuan in compensation.

I couldn't help but click my tongue, Wang Xun'er really didn't feel bad about spending money, more than five million, without blinking an eye!

I asked Mr. Bai to invite several representatives from the village into the house, and played a clever trick with them. I lied that the Buddha sitting in a vat was inhabited by the spirit of a snake demon, and was not a real Buddha at all. Only by taking away the Buddha sitting in a vat can the village be safe.

Although the representatives were a little moved, they were still hesitant.

Li Mazi suddenly patted his chest and promised, "In addition, this Master Zhang will also cure the disease that prevents you from giving birth to a son."

I quickly winked at Li Mazi, but Li Mazi didn't seem to hear me and made me feel like a god in the sky.

I can subdue Yin spirits and deal with Yin objects, and I can also give birth to a son, but I cannot guarantee that others will also give birth to sons! This Li Mazi is really hurting me.

After hearing Li Mazi's assurance, several representatives were so excited that tears filled their eyes and they knelt down in front of us. They said that if we could solve the problem of not having sons in the village, they would not only let us take away the Buddha sitting in a vat, but they would also not want the money...

Li Mazi coaxed those villagers away with sweet words, and those villagers now treat us like gods. Before leaving, he held Li Mazi's and my hands and sincerely asked us to help. We must help.

After the villagers left, I gave Li Mazi a kick in the butt: "How could you agree to this?"

Li Mazi said with a bitter face: "What else should I do? Don't worry, I promised the villagers, and I have my reasons. Think about it, technology is so advanced now, as long as you have money, you can have sons, and you can have daughters. Just give birth to a daughter, what’s so difficult about it? In my opinion, if people here can’t give birth to a son, there’s either a problem with the water quality or a problem with the food. Isn’t it difficult to solve these two problems?”

Li Mazi spoke so impassionedly that Xun'er was moved by him and thought that the Wang family could do it.

But Boss Bai next to me remained silent. I turned around and asked Boss Bai, "Boss Bai, what do you think?"

Boss Bai sighed: "It's not that simple. This village seems to be cursed. Over the years, many villagers have tried countless folk remedies and gone to countless big hospitals, but nothing has been cured."

I was about to speak when suddenly all the lights in the hall went out.

Hissing sounds flooded the hall from all directions, sounds I knew all too well. In the darkness, I shouted: "Mr. Bai, do you have any realgar powder at home?"

Mr. Bai's panicked voice came from the darkness: "I'll get it."

The sound of Mr. Bai's crutch hitting the ground echoed in the hall, and then I heard the sound of paper rubbing against each other.

I knew that Mr. Bai had already obtained the realgar powder, so I immediately ordered: "Old Mr. Bai, sprinkle the realgar powder on the ground."

As soon as I finished speaking, the lights in the hall were already on.

I happened to be under the electric light, and the sudden light made me unable to open my eyes. It took a while before I opened my eyes.

The moment I opened my eyes, the snake demon that appeared in the illusion appeared again.

The difference is that the snake demon's eyes are full of pity. I boldly speculated and thought that this snake demon was kind in nature. If all the disasters in the village were caused by her, then her kindness would make her heart suffer.

The moment the others saw the snake demon, they were stunned. I stepped forward and asked tentatively: "Are you Fang Tuo's wife?"

When the snake demon heard the word 'Fang Tuo', his tears fell like broken pearls and he nodded desperately.

"Do you have any unfulfilled wish to still haunt the Yinren Village after your death?" I asked.

When the snake demon heard this, she shed even more tears. I seriously doubted that if she cried for a while longer, the entire Bai family would be drowned in tears.

The snake demon looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I just want to complete the worship ceremony with Fang Tuo and become his real wife."

As soon as I heard this, I quickly knocked the physical Buddha sitting on the vat with my hand: "Master Wuyan, did you hear it?

A sigh of "Alas" came from the sitting tank, and a golden shadow floated up from the top of the tank. Master Wuyan clasped his hands together, with long eyebrows like snow, and a slightly sad look on his face.

The moment the snake demon saw Fang Tuo, the tears on his face couldn't stop. She pointed her finger at Master Wuyan and said: "Fang Tuo, you have weaved such a beautiful illusion for me, but you have never shown up to see me. It has been almost three hundred years, and you are obviously by my side. Why don’t you come out to see me?”

Hearing what the snake demon said, we all turned to look at Master Wuyan.

In front of everyone, Master Wu Yan's old face turned red with embarrassment as he was about to show off his youthful romance.

After a while, he clasped his hands and told the reason.

It turns out that this simple and honest rural boy did not keep his promise. Therefore, he knew that his beloved was by his side, but he did not dare to show up because of guilt...

In order to dispel the resentment in the heart of the snake demon, Master Wu Yan only created a beautiful illusion where the two of them had a private life under the big locust tree in the burial place of the snake demon.

I pointed at the door, and everyone else in the hall understood immediately and walked out one after another. I think the long-separated lovers need some alone time together.

Li Mazi leaned against a column and stared blankly at the stars in the sky. Having been brothers for so many years, I know Li Mazi too well. He must have something on his mind when he looks like this.

I touched Li Mazi and asked him what happened? Li Mazi was silent for a long time before answering me: "Some monsters are more affectionate and righteous than humans."

I knew he was thinking of Ruxue, but I didn’t know what to say for a moment, so I had to change the subject and said: "Li Mazi, what do you think Master Wuyan and the snake demon will be talking about inside?"

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