Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 989 The man in the T-shirt calls

I looked at the layout of the hotel room and asked Li Mazi to help me move the sitting Buddha to the center of the room.

I didn't bring an incense burner, so I used a clean paper cup instead and respectfully placed three sticks of incense. After the three pillars of incense were lit, the room suddenly became much warmer. I knew that this meant that the physical Buddha sitting on the vat accepted my offering!

In this society, which hotel doesn’t have a few lonely ghosts? This is why most people feel cold when they walk into a hotel.

There is a physical Buddha sitting on a vat here, so naturally most of the little ghosts avoid it.

I lay comfortably on the chair and glanced at the teacup on the table leisurely.

Li Mazi ran over with a tacit understanding: "Okay, I will serve you with tea and water. I will make sure you are comfortable."

Li Mazi poured two cups of tea, sat aside and began to listen to me talk about how these three evil objects can extend human life.

Wang Xun'er and Yin Xinyue also listened with interest.

I cleared my throat and explained that life, old age, illness and death are indeed destined by God. When you are alive, you will stay in the earth, and when you die, you will report to the ghost town of Fengdu.

Yin Cha Soul Binding relies on whether there is Yang Qi in this person to determine whether he is dead? Even if there is still a trace of yang energy left, it cannot be restrained.

If you want to stay alive, you must delay Yin Zai's soul-binding time, or disturb Yin Zai's sight.

For example, there is a folk practice that before a person dies, paper money will be scattered in the room. This paper money is used to pay off evil spirits.

The physical Buddha sitting on the vat has strong yang energy. With it, ordinary yin people dare not approach easily. Thousand-year-old zombie teeth also have huge energy of resentment, which can make Yin Zai mistakenly think that the soul to be trapped is in the teeth.

Although the name of Ganoderma lucidum sounds scary, it is actually a top-grade nourishing food. However, this kind of nourishing food does not need to be boiled in soup and taken orally. It only needs to be placed on the bedside to nourish the body. The principle is similar to the aerosol used by asthma patients. When an asthma attack occurs, just take a breath.

Li Mazi sighed and said that these three items were too difficult to find and the donor would need them in more than a month.

We have just found one of them now, but there is not even a single clue about the remaining thousand-year-old zombie teeth and ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum.

I nodded, yes, these three things are rare. You are very lucky to find the physical Buddha sitting on a vat. The other two...

Thinking of this, my head feels a little big, and I regret taking over this business.

Li Mazi asked Wang Xun'er if she had any clues in this regard. She shook her head and said that the Wang family had exhausted all their contacts and could only find the location of the physical Buddha sitting in the vat. As for the thousand-year-old zombie teeth and ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum, they rarely appear in the human world.

After saying that, the three of us fell into silence for a long time.

Li Mazi and I smoked one cigarette after another, and the room was filled with choking smoke. Wang Xun'er and Yin Xinyue waved their hands vigorously, covered their mouths and noses and said they couldn't stand us and wanted to go down for some air. After saying that, he left as if running away.

Li Mazi and I laughed out loud, a bit back to the time in middle school when we deliberately teased our female classmates.

At this moment, my cell phone rang. I took out the phone and looked at the caller ID. I was so happy that it was the call from the man in the T-shirt.

"Hello." I quickly pressed the call button.

The man in the T-shirt's voice was as cold as ever. He didn't say a word nonsense. He told me directly on the phone that there are no more thousand-year-old zombie teeth, but there is a pair of century-old zombie teeth in the Princess Mausoleum in Faku County, Liaoning Province. The effect is almost the same. . He also told me that I must bring Boss Bai with me, as this person is of great use.

After putting down the phone, I suddenly felt energetic and full of strength!

The information the T-shirt man gave me was always extremely accurate. Since he said there was something, it would definitely be there.

It's just that I don't quite understand why the man in the T-shirt asked me to bring Boss Bai with me? Although I can't guess what the man in the T-shirt is thinking, he must have a reason for saying so.

I immediately called Boss Bai. Boss Bai was also very loyal. Without saying a word, he immediately agreed to leave and come to the hotel to meet us.

Liaoning Province is more than 2,400 kilometers away from Fujian Province. It takes four and a half hours by plane, not to mention the need to change trains on the road? I stared blankly at the Buddha sitting in a vat in front of me, which was more precious than the unearthed cultural relics. I thought that there was no way I could bring it on the plane.

After thinking for a while, I had an idea. I called Wang Xun'er and told her that I already had the news about the thousand-year zombie teeth. I was going to go get the thousand-year zombie teeth, but it was inconvenient to carry the physical Buddha sitting in the vat with me.

Therefore, she and Yin Xinyue were asked to return to Wuhan first with the Buddha sitting in a vat.

Wang Xun'er obeyed my words and told me to be careful on the phone. Although I was very moved, I could only pretend not to hear and not respond.

Just like Li Mazi said, since you can't give someone all your love, don't respond, otherwise it will cause greater harm to the other person.

I checked online for flights to Liaoning Province and found that only Fuzhou has flights.

In order to save time, I immediately called Boss Bai and asked him to meet us at Fuzhou Airport. Li Mazi and I simply packed up, quickly checked out, grabbed our luggage and ran to the station.

By the time we arrived at Fuzhou Airport, it was already 9:30 pm. Boss Bai hadn’t arrived yet, so Li Mazi and I hurriedly went to the ticket office to buy tickets. The conductor told us that all the tickets for the flight to Liaoning at 8 o'clock the next morning were sold out, and we could only buy the one the day after tomorrow.

Li Mazi and I were dumbfounded. When had domestic flight tickets been so popular? Why were they sold out during the year?

In my impression, only trains are so popular in China. I bet the Chinese people are rich now, so they don’t take trains and take planes instead?

Then you have to save a seat for me, go to hell with the big watermelon!

Li Mazi and I sighed helplessly and could only sit in the waiting room and wait like wooden figures.

Waiting is the greatest torture, especially when you know there is a treasure waiting for you to explore, but you can't do anything but sit there. The feeling can be described as scratching your head.

When Boss Bai arrived, I told him that we had no tickets. The three of us could only drag our luggage and leave the airport in despair, preparing to find a hotel nearby.

I turned around and couldn't find it, and my stomach growled with hunger. My mood suddenly became extremely depressed.

At this point, my phone rang.

I turned on the phone and saw that it was Wang Xun'er again. I couldn't help but feel a little bored. Does this little girl not understand a man's rejection? Does it have to be pointed out in front of her for her to understand?

I was in a irritable mood and answered the phone in a very bad tone. I just said coldly: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Wang Xun'er on the other end of the phone was stunned for a while, and then said weakly in a sad tone: "It's okay, I just wanted to ask if you guys have arrived in Fuzhou?"

Hearing Wang Xun'er's pitiful voice, my heart softened again, and I quickly softened my words: "Thank you for your concern, sister. We have already arrived at the airport, but tomorrow's tickets have been sold out. I'm afraid it will take another two days to arrive." Go to Liaoning."

Although Wang Xun'er is an adult woman, she is still an unexperienced young lady.

When she heard that my tone softened, she immediately cheered on the other end of the phone and chirped, "Brother Zhang, if you are willing, I can help you get a ticket for tomorrow!"

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