Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 990 VIP Service

Regarding Wang Xun'er's words, I just responded casually.

I know the power of the Wang family in Wuhan, but this is Fuzhou, and I don’t think the Wang family will let foreign airlines give in!

I told her on the phone to look after the Buddha sitting in a vat and my wife Yin Xinyue. Then we continued to search for a hotel with Li Mazi and others. After struggling for a long time, we finally rested. The three of us had already fainted from exhaustion and started snoring as soon as we touched the pillows.

I thought to myself that I didn’t have a plane ticket to Shenyang the next day anyway, so I might as well sleep all day to recharge my batteries.

After all, the Thousand-Year Zombie Teeth makes my back break out in cold sweat just hearing the name. How can such an evil creature be so easy to obtain? It's probably another life and death battle.

Unfortunately, as soon as the sun rose in the morning, my sweet dream was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

I didn't plan to answer the call, so I subconsciously covered my head with the quilt, but the damn phone kept ringing and refused to let me go.

After it lasted for twenty minutes, I cursed "bastard" in my heart, and then I answered the phone in a daze...

What I didn't expect was that the call was actually from the airline's customer service. The customer service's voice was sweet and pleasant, reminding me that the boarding time was coming soon and that I should rush to the airport immediately.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, is this true? Then he remembered what Wang Xun'er said last night. Could it be that the Wang family is more powerful than I thought? Fortunately, I didn't become their enemy in the first place, otherwise I would have been the one who got out of Wuhan.

While I was thinking wildly, Li Mazi and Boss Bai knocked on my door hard, as if they were trying to break the door.

It turns out that Li Mazi and Boss Bai also received the same call. Only then did I realize that it was not a dream, but reality. The plane that was already full had three more seats vacated. How did Wang Xun'er do it? It was so awesome!

The three of us picked up our luggage, took a taxi and rushed to the airport as quickly as possible.

As soon as we boarded the first class cabin, the flight attendants gathered around us. They served tea, breakfast, and even knelt down to tie our shoelaces. I was really embarrassed, so I quickly shook my hand and said no.

The flight attendant still maintained a half-kneeling posture, showed her white teeth and smiled and said, the three of us are special VIPs holding black cards and should enjoy such services.

Black card, special VIP? What does it mean.

Li Mazi and I were confused, but Boss Bai did know a few tricks.

He explained to us that the black card is a card launched by the World Bank. This card is common to all banks around the world and is only issued to super figures, such as Trump, Jack Ma, etc.

Boss Bai also told us that the black card is not only a bank card, but also a symbol of status. Rumor has it that if you need anything, just make a phone call and the World Bank will find a way to help you get it done.

It is said that a rich man took a train to travel around France. After he got off the train, he left his luggage on the train. When the black card was shown, the French government unexpectedly stopped the moving train.

After listening to Boss Bai's explanation, I couldn't help but shake my head. It turns out that there really is another kind of "jianghu" in this world. I really underestimated the Wang family!

It takes four hours to fly from the southernmost part of China to the northernmost part. During these four hours, I had a long dream.

One moment in the dream, the British and French allied forces were burning the Old Summer Palace, and the other was an Eight Banners general wearing armor fighting on horseback. When the scene changed, Li Mazi and I seemed to be chased by a green-faced and fanged zombie, running desperately.

I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat. I knew I was dreaming, but I still couldn't help but tremble.

After waking up with a fright, I discovered that the plane had arrived in Shenyang.

After getting off the plane, I discovered that the weather in the north is indeed different from that in the south. It was still very hot in the south at this time, but it was already very cool in the north. I wrapped my clothes tightly and looked up at the sky in Shenyang.

The sky in Shenyang is so blue and so high, like a paradise.

And a piece of historical records about Shenyang emerged in my mind. Shenyang was called Shengjing in the Qing Dynasty. It was here that Huang Taiji ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. There is the magnificent Qing Zhaoling Mausoleum here, which is the symbol of the entire Qing Dynasty. Where is the dragon vein!

At this moment, Yin Xinyue called. I was just about to talk sweetly to her.

Unexpectedly, Yin Xinyue actually yelled at me, saying that I was a bastard, and actually took the risk behind her back without saying a word!

I was stunned by Yin Xinyue's scolding, but I didn't dare to talk back. Years of experience in married life tell me that when my wife is angry, never try to talk back or reason, as that will only make things worse. When his wife is angry, the husband just needs to keep apologizing.

Therefore, I didn't dare to say a word for fear of offending Yin Xinyue. You know, although Yin Xinyue is a superstar, educated and well-educated, she can't stop herself when she loses her temper.

Ten minutes later, Yin Xinyue finally finished cursing. The other end of the phone suddenly fell silent, and she said to me in a whimpering voice: "Husband, you must come back unscathed, I will wait for you at home!"

My heart suddenly became warm.

At noon, Boss Bai and I had something to eat at a local restaurant, while Li Mazi went to hire a black truck.

Finally, Li Mazi negotiated with a van driver and sent us to Gongzhuling Village for 600 yuan.

The driver is an authentic Shenyang native and was very talkative along the way. He asked us if we were traveling to Princess Mausoleum? I quickly nodded and said yes, and asked him about the situation of Princess Mausoleum.

The driver was very enthusiastic. He not only introduced us to the Princess Mausoleum where a princess from the Qing Dynasty is buried, but also told us that if we want to see the real Princess Mausoleum, we must not go to the village, because the Princess Mausoleum in the village is fake and purely to deceive tourists. money. The real princess mausoleum is hidden at the foot of the mountain.

Five hours later, we finally arrived at Gongzhuling Village. Although the journey was quite long, we felt that the time passed quite quickly because we were chatting all the time.

As soon as I entered Gongzhuling Village, a strange feeling came over me. I always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at me on the mountain next to the village!

It is now evening, and every household in the village is raising smoke and starting to chop wood for cooking. When we walked to the main road, the villagers didn't seem surprised at all by the three of us outsiders entering the village. On the contrary, many villagers came forward and asked us if we wanted to stay. Do you want to eat?

Li Mazi was about to agree to stay with a beautiful village girl at their house, but I stopped her.

The three of us continued walking forward, getting more and more remote, and we were almost at the end of the village. Li Mazi couldn't help complaining, saying that I was really troublesome. There were so many farmhouses just now that they had to go deep into the mountains and forests. Now they couldn't even see a house. What would they eat and live when it gets dark?

To be honest, I don’t know why I keep walking up the mountain. I can only say that it is based on an intuition about evil things. My intuition tells me that there will be surprises waiting for us in the mountains.

This mountain range is called Barhu Mountain, which can be regarded as a holy land of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. There are many tall green leafy trees on the mountain, some of which I recognize, and most of which I don’t recognize.

The leaves are colorful and look like the feathers of a peacock when viewed from a distance. There is a notice board erected on both sides of the road, which reads "Enter this way to climb the mountain". It seems that Balhu Mountain has long become a paradise for climbers.

The flat, grass-free path in front of us must have been trodden by climbers.

The three of us walked forward along this path. After walking for a while, a small wooden house appeared in front of us.

The cabin is a typical Northeast residential style. There is a black chimney on the roof, slowly blowing out white smoke, and corn, soybeans and other things are drying under the eaves. One side of the cabin has turned black due to being exposed to smoke all year round, and there are still resinous oil dripping from the wood.

If it weren't for the choking smell of burning firewood, people might mistakenly think this place is a fairyland, right?

I pointed at the cabin, and Li Mazi immediately understood what I meant.

He stared at his eyes and asked dissatisfiedly: "Brother Zhang, are you okay? Are you staying here tonight? There were so many beautiful girls trying to pull you over just now, so why do you have to stay in the mountains? What's wrong with you?" What a moth."

Boss Bai smiled at me, as if he already understood what I meant. Without saying anything, he walked up and knocked on the door.

I turned around and gave Li Mazi a killing look: "We've been brothers for so long, why don't we have a close connection with each other?"

Li Mazi shook his body numbly, took a few steps back, and said far away from me: "I don't want to have a telepathy with you. My telepathy is for Teacher Xia..."

I gave Li Mazi a big eye roll.

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