Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1001: Magic land

On the other side, Lu Yuan had no time to talk to him.

Just as the rockets caused a series of magical explosions, blasting a piece of the sky here, Lu Yuan also discovered something.

Previously, he was able to visualize the diffused light analysis energy in this area into a rocket launcher, indicating that he can change the physical structure of these energies.

And the massive energy eruption in the sky can actually blow up the "sky", telling him that he can change not only the diffuse free energy, but also the energy that builds this small world.

Discovering this possibility, he immediately tried to reshape the stone floor under his feet.

Soon, a thing like a playground tube slide appeared at his feet and sent him under the ground.

Fortunately, although the incident happened suddenly, he did it after all. During the electric flint, he not only slowed down the angle of the slide on the next road, but also filled the hole in the ground with his hand, and made a wax figure of himself on it.

It was that Loki would see it soon, mistakenly thinking that it was the one of Lu Yuan's real body.

After finishing this, Lu Yuan continued to change the manifestation of the light analysis energy in the world below the ground.

At first, he wanted to simply open a tunnel to the outside of the world. And he also succeeded.

Only when he reached the edge, he found that in the empty world outside, many secret whistles had been ambushed by Rocky.

Obviously, Loki had been so slow to find the door before, and it was not just time spent searching for him. They also set up an ambush.

If you escaped at this time and alarmed those secret whistles, it would be equivalent to alarming Loki.

Then the two will become chasing and fleeing.

This road, Lu Yuan had given up once when he made a choice before, and of course he would not change it back now.

However, what if it is true?

Create a few clones, first go out to attract firepower, and after you lead Loki out, go to the other side?

He had already made the wax figure of the clone anyway.

However, after a little test, he discovered that the wax figure of the clone can be made, but it can't deceive people at all.

Not to mention that rigid wax figures cannot simulate the agility of a living person. It is a big deal to transform the inner structure into a robot skeleton, and it is still possible to solve it.

The real key is that this kind of thing created by light analysis of the small-world structure cannot continue to exist at all.

Once the external force of the change stops being injected, the changed things will return to the original state after tens of seconds or even tens of seconds at most.

After discovering this, Lu Yuan hurriedly looked back at the direction he came from. As expected, the previous tunnel had changed back to the original closed entity.

I'm afraid that the area where I was located was because I still needed to accommodate myself as an external provider, so I didn't completely turn around.

But the wax figure that was molded by himself was turned into the original floor tiles, or part of the floor tiles, on time.

The wax figure here has disappeared, and the one on the ground will naturally not be spared.

Fortunately, he soon discovered that things transformed with dispersive free energy instead of ground structure energy will last much longer than the latter. The rocket launchers on the ground will definitely be able to persist until 40 rockets are fired. Later.

After several rounds of testing, he confirmed this discovery.

Although the specific reasons are uncertain, things created by transforming the physical parts of the world can last for 30 seconds in the long term, and only a dozen seconds in the short term. This is roughly certain.

As for the objects created with free energy, if there is no power source or the power is not excited, such as statues, it can be easily maintained for more than 30 seconds.

If what is made is a rocket, or simply a firework, it can last for more than tens of seconds after the energy is exhausted.

Combined with Loki's previous explanation of the nature of these small worlds, Lu Yuan has a simple guess.

This small world is actually just a hard disk, or a track on the hard disk, which is some kind of information storage area, and it is write-protected.

Although they can change their composition from the inside, once the external force disappears, they will still return to their original appearance.

In other words, once the series of explosions that just smashed the sky stops, the sky will return to its original state.

On its own, this guess does not seem to have much practical significance. But for Lu Yuan, if there is a structure similar to a hard disk or a storage device, does it mean that in this world of fine gold veins, there will be a computing center, similar to a central processing unit?

Where, responsible for managing these peculiar data?

If there is such a place, does it mean that once Lu Yuan masters it, he can easily control the energy flow in the entire world of fine gold veins?

And then use the whole world to solve that Loki?

What's more, Loki has been hiding in this world for so long, and he has to set a three-month period with the clone outside. Couldn't he just try to control that thing here?

Thinking of this, even though a lot of time was wasted underground, Loki above the ground should have discovered his disappearance long ago, but Lu Yuan still felt that this time was wasted worthwhile.

After the test results, you can do some tricks in the next step and give it a try.

While he was busy here, Loki over there had already begun a routine of "digging three feet and never letting go".

It's not stupid over there. Although there was no chance to do anything like blasting the sky before, when Lu Yuan was "woke up" this time, people knew that he could blow up the ground with a big blast B.

As a result, a series of spells such as meteorite falling from the sky were ploughing the ground far above the road.

At this speed, it would take less than half an hour to plan the entire ground over there, and there would be nowhere to hide from the distance.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan was not in vain in this year of Paleogene.

But that sentence, although it seems like a waste of time, the substantial experience during this period is still a valuable asset.

The wax figure reconstructed with the energy of the ground structure will not exist for many seconds, right? Well, do it directly with free energy.

Without energy excitation to provide power, what has been manifested by free energy will disappear? Well, transform the wax figure into a jet drone.

Lu Yuan does not know enough about aero engines?

It doesn't matter, he can still do it according to the book. What can't be done is to modify the length, width, and height of the volume according to the needs, and adjust the power and so on. There is no problem with copying.

Is too big to fit the human figure? Fuel also needs volume?

OK, then expand it.

That’s how much water was added to the noodles, and the noodles were added to the water. Soon, a small plane with a person driving clearly visible on the outside was built.

The pilot, or pilot, was exactly the same as Lu Yuan before.

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