Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1002: Guessing crazy

Just before Rocky was about to explode Lu Yuan's head, this was essentially a small drone like a drone, which emerged dangerously and dangerously from a hole in the ground, across the silent "starry sky", far beyond The speed of the normal world jet, flashing into the distance.

This weird thing flew away quickly, naturally attracting the attention of the secret guards that Rocky had pressed.

Immediately, Loki, who used the bombing to plow the ground, also got news from this side, and immediately changed direction and chased in the direction of the drone outside.

It's just that his previous flying speed couldn't even catch up with the distance in the normal state. If he wanted to catch up with the fake distance supported by a turbofan jet engine, at least it would be possible to wait until the fuel there was exhausted.

However, this is not easy to say.

After all, it was Loki.

He was slow before, and the root cause was that he didn't need to be faster before.

Right now, Lu Yuan has broken his mindset several times, and he has no reason not to follow evolution to learn.

This is not a good thing for Lu Yuan, but at least he has gained some time now.

When the body went out, he wouldn't make another plane to attract the attention of the surrounding secret guards.

On the contrary, he not only collected all his consciousness and physical energy and retracted the two-finger-sized Thunder God arrow, but also added two layers of refracting glass around the Thunder God arrow.

It was the same kind of technology used by the semi-mechanical biochemical warrior capable of optical invisibility that appeared at Ewan Hertz during the doomsday crisis in Los Santos.

This long east-west road is still half-understood for the time being. It is probably the outer film of this special material that can reflect and refract the light from the outside at a specific angle.

As long as the observer uses optical technology, under the deceit of the light, the things that are covered in the outer membrane of the material will be ignored.

This technology is far from perfect, but at least it is better than nothing.

In addition to the fact that Thor is small in size, and the small plane that looks like Lu Yuan was flying just after flying out, Jin Lu Yuan still escaped from the small world smoothly and swayed into the vicinity. In another small world.

He didn't rush to study this time, because while hiding in Thunderbolt, he discovered that the conscious wrist that was cut from Loki's body before also escaped some memory fragments in Thunderbolt.

Although there is very little useful information in it, Lu Yuan has confirmed several things because of this.

First of all, Loki has to spend several years in this fine gold vein, there is indeed a reason.

Although there is no specific reason, the memory fragments are not there, but the urgency is not fake.

Secondly, it is also derived from the previous one, that is, when Loki and the others first entered this face, they did not know about the fine gold veins.

They also only regarded the light analysis energy of the Isu as some kind of special magical energy. So in terms of technology development, Ascharotar has always been based on his own magic technology.

It wasn't until Lu Yuan disrupted the situation in the Los Santos era that Luo Elementary decided to go back to the era they had just arrived to reshape a timeline and exclude Lu Yuan, only to make new discoveries in the process of trying.

After receiving information from Liz Minerva and other Isu survivors, Lu Yuan slowly traced the matter back to the Isu Computer World Tree, thinking that the supercomputer was probably the key to the problem.

On the Rocky side of Ascharotar, the direction of thinking is similar.

It's just that the Isu they harvested have more memories and richer resources, and they quickly tracked down the whereabouts of the real World Tree computer.

It's the terminal used by the Olympus Proving Grounds, and the part of the vein behind it.

However, it seems that because of some problems, Ascharotar has not gained much there.

All of the above are the roughly deduced results after Lu Yuan combined the information he knew to complete the information in the memory fragments of Loki's consciousness.

As for what went wrong at the Olympus test site, why did Ascharotar ran directly to the Paleogene era and accurately found this small piece of the Chicxulub crater. Mineral veins, those memory fragments are not provided.

But even so, Lu Yuan had a faint conjecture.

Just this conjecture, there is still a lot of evidence lacking.

It would be great if you could call off-site assistance at this time.

Lu Yuan couldn't help thinking to himself.

This kind of thing is exactly the time to call the master.

Cassandra must understand what's going on here.

It's a pity that now, let alone calling for Kassandra's off-court assistance, it's just contacting other support in the court and telling Lu Yuan, who has lost his physical body, that it can't be done.

Uh, wait, it seems not necessarily.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan hurriedly opened the main page of the system panel that had been used less and less recently.

Sure enough, even if it is an ideological form, he can still open it.

Being able to open the system means to be able to open the interplanetary communicator, and to be able to contact Turner and Yanzi.

This discovery made Lu Yuan's slightly anxious heart relaxed a lot.

However, after staring at the communicator panel for a long time, Lu Yuan didn't write even a single character.

What can you say at this time?

It's impossible, let Turner and the others rush to Chicxulub as soon as possible despite the chase and interception of the lizardmen legion on the Yucatan Peninsula, and then rush to the crater against the attacks of countless mosasaur monsters in the sea. center?

just forget it.

It is enough for them to concentrate on attracting the attention of the Loki clones outside, and the Loki here still has to solve it by themselves.

This time, it really belongs to my battle, so let me try it!

What should be done next, Lu Yuan had a vague draft before.

Before in the first small world, Lu Yuan found that it was more like a hard disk with read-write protection. The data is unchangeable and will be restored automatically.

After testing with the same method again in this second small world, and the results were also consistent, Lu Yuan basically confirmed this.

Then, if there is a storage device similar to a hard disk, there should be a main control and even arithmetic device similar to a central processing unit.

This is his next goal.

As for how to find it?

Imagine that at first I was injected as a medicine by a needle. After I entered, there was a small world like a snow globe floating in the world, like blood cells, still flowing in an empty world like blood vessels.

So, if you go down the flow, will you meet the heart here?

Something like a pump that makes the small world in this empty world flow?

If you combine the two metaphors, the device that functions as a pump like the heart is also managing the storage device or data stored in the small world.

So, isn't that place like a disk manager?

Although I feel that the painting style is always a little weird by forcibly mixing a biological metaphor and a computer metaphor, but since the road in front of you is already this way, Lu Yuan can only xing (zhi) his head ( bo) Pi (bo) go down.

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