Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1024: Ultimate task completion reward

In the end, Lu Yuan didn't get any detailed information about that big boss war from Cassandra.

However, what happened here, coupled with the things in Yanzi's hometown, gave him some new guesses about the resurgent spiritual energy or magic power of his main plane.

The gate of **** suppressed at the foot of Mount Tai, shouldn't it be something similar.

Fortunately, after helping others to solve these problems twice in a row, Lu Yuan now seems to have no fear of that thing anymore, only the hope of uncovering the mystery.

Anyway, since I have so much experience, I can handle that with a high probability.

If you can't figure it out, just ask the master for help.

However, Cassandra seemed to feel his thoughts, and directly told him clearly that she would not act head-on in such matters. In her words, that was Lu Yuan's own experience and an opportunity for him.

When Lu Yuan wanted to ask carefully, she was the same again, letting Lu Yuan try it herself.

However, without waiting for Lu Yuan to sink, Cassandra took him directly to the next link where he was delighted to hear and see Xi Da Pu Ben beaming.

That is, after the task is successfully completed, the reward issuance link.

"There are rewards?" Lu Yuan lost everything when he heard it, and immediately became energetic, "What is it? Massive points? Or various special abilities? Or a complete optical analysis technology tree?"

Cassandra: "Hehe, none of them."

Lu Yuan fell down again in an instant: "Hey~"

Cassandra: "But if you take care of it, there will be all of them."

Lu Yuan immediately raised his head again, "Huh?"

"Master, stop fooling me, what the **** is it?"

"Hehe, it's here."

"Where?" Lu Yuan waited eagerly for Cassandra to point to something.

"It's here!" Cassandra said again in an accent, "I mean, this plane."

"What?" Lu Yuan was shocked.

It sounds cool to be sent to a plane, but think about it, for the traveler, as long as the points are enough, who can have countless planes? Still need it?

What's more, this noodle still has things left over by two big sects, which is simply a hot potato.

Cassandra was also very clear about the little Jiujiu in his apprentice's heart, and immediately explained it to him.

As Cassandra said before, Lu Yuan worried that the things left over by the two gangsters would be taken away by Cassandra.

After all, that is the standard configuration of every light analysis plane, not something unique to this face, it is equivalent to the stuff left by the big brother, and there are countless clones. So after taking them away, Cassandra didn't worry about having no place to settle them.

Without these, the remaining planes can be dealt with as long as they go.

In addition, although the traverser can go to countless planes in theory, the only one who truly belongs to himself, protected by the system and not infringed by other traversers, is the main plane.

It is still the main plane of certain stages. For example, before the original trouble is solved, for Lu Yuan, the gate of **** has not been solved, other traversers will not run into his main plane.

One is impossible, and the other is unwilling.

The pseudo-Shengdu Plane of Los Angeles that was given to Lu Yuan by Kassandra was equivalent to letting him directly own the second main plane that had solved the original troubles.

Here, unless his permission is obtained, no other traversers will enter.

This is as if he himself bought a house with complete property rights, land rights, etc., and no one will easily enter it again.

Of course, if you encounter force majeure factors such as war, natural disasters, etc., there will still be dangers.

That is another matter.

However, Kasandra's so-called giving this plane to Lu Yuan does not stop there, but also has another meaning.

"What, I can decide the historical direction of this face, and then create a new world?" Lu Yuan was really shocked this time, "Can it still be like this?"

"Hehe, it's not my kindness either, it's mainly because Rocky and the others planned to do it this way, so they used the ability of the World Tree to build this special space-time world." Cassandra said.

"If you want this face to return to normal, you have to finish the second half of the work."

"It just happens to be cheaper for you."

With that, Cassandra handed him something that looked like a tablet, but it was not a Los Santos version, it was more like a creation of light analysis technology, and the body seemed to be glass that was about to be mixed with fine gold.

As a result, Lu Yuan fell into choice difficulties again.

And he, who was drawn here by Cassandra from the flying saucer, couldn't call Yanzi Turner for off-site assistance.

"Give you a hint," Cassandra added, seeing him hesitate. "The world you have experienced, the timeline, and your system are all recorded."

"You can try to guide those out and import them into this node selector."

With Kassandra's prompt, Lu Yuan's movements immediately became swift.

Even so, it took a long time before he completed the construction and handed back the optical analysis plate to Cassandra.

After taking the tablet and looking at it twice, she nodded first, and after a while she actually laughed directly. In the end, she simply said, "Although I knew you would probably choose this way, you will still be laughed at." The expression shook his head and asked Lu Yuan, "That's it? Are you sure?"

"Well, that's it. Uh, I will confirm again, this new plane can enter the universe age, right?" Lu Yuan said.

"Don't worry, I will take away any problems. You can use whatever is left for you. You don't have to worry about who will come to you. So, of course it is possible. The star system, the spiral arms of the galaxy, and even the entire barred spiral galaxy, the Milky Way. , As long as the technology is enough, you can go."

"Then I can rest assured." Lu Yuan nodded, "I have no other questions, so be it."

"Good." Cassandra said, "Then, see you in the future."

"Ah? Now, is this going to begin?" Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

"Hurry up, you don't have to go back to Luo Shengdu, someone is anxious." Cassandra glanced at him with a smile.

"Um," Lu Yuan couldn't help but touched his forehead, which seemed to have a little cold sweat, wiped the non-existent sweat, and finally said, "All right. Master, see you in the future."


Time flies, 50 million years are fleeting...

Well, it doesn't actually...

To Lu Yuan, he was like walking another circle through the time tunnel. Only this time, the time inside was a bit long.

When he came out of the time tunnel again, his consciousness had already returned to his body. Even the clothes were replaced with a hand-made custom-made leather combat suit in a modern style.

However, these were not entirely his own preparations. To a large extent, it was the constantly changing and evolving plane that helped him complete the changes.

When he adjusted to the light of the night city, he looked up and saw that the iconic building in downtown Los Santos, the Arcadia Commercial Center, was still directly in front of him.

However, the sign on the building has completely changed its appearance.

Although Lu Yuan was sure he had never seen that sign, he always felt very familiar.

When he looked at the small sign on the front desk in the lobby again, he finally realized that it was clearly the acronym AE of Anaheim Electronics, which was operated by Turner, with a light analysis. The base map of the fine gold apple style.

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