Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1025: Los Santos

As the dizziness in the tunnel of time subsided, Lu Yuan finally received the memory of New Plane Ye's performance.

Among them, most of his experiences in Los Santos have been modified by localization magic, but these are not the main data in the memory information package.

What really occupies the mainstream is that this new plane is completely different from the historical context of the Luyuan main plane, the Los Santo plane or the Light Analysis/Assassin plane.

This plane, although there are some Isu people similar to the light analysis plane, but it is no longer the native first civilization.

These existences are just among the ancestors of mankind thousands of years ago, some ancient people who would obtain light-separated creations by fate.

Here, the people mistaken for gods by humans are no longer the remnants of the previous generation of human civilization like Isu, but humans who truly share genes with ordinary humans.

Although, among the optical analysis creations they obtained, there was also a world tree supercomputer. Relying on this supercomputer, they can also reincarnate to a certain extent.

And the main body of this thing is a piece of death-shedding structure that Kassandra did not take away from this face, that set of cobweb-shaped fine gold veins that envelops the entire planet.

This narrow vein of fine gold is also the last fine gold of this face.

It is Anaheim Electronics that currently masters it. In other words, this thing is currently in the hands of Turner.

In this way, whether the reincarnations of the ancient superhuman beings can be awakened, when they can be awakened, and who can be awakened, are all in the hands of Turner or Lu Yuan.

After all, Turner's daughter Liz has memories of this past life. For Turner, a mad girl, this past life memory will only interfere with their father-daughter relationship.

Looking forward to the future of these former Isu survivors, it seems very unoptimistic.

Compared with the great changes of the Isu people, the history of mankind itself is not much different from that of Luyuan's main plane in the first half.

Until that critical time point, the first half of the fifteenth century.

To be precise, it was 1420.

Everything develops like the peculiar plot of Lu Yuan following Zheng He's voyage into the Yucatan Peninsula in a time tunnel.

In fact, Lu Yuan corrected the direction of this time node based on his own past experience.

In short, Daming Navy discovered America and successfully transmitted the news back.

Although the official hasn't made any big moves, there are many seafarers who go to Southeast Asia to go to the Yucatan Peninsula.

In addition, the Maya and Daming races are similar in appearance, and although the two sides inevitably have some sporadic conflicts, they quickly lived together in harmony.

In this way, with the expansion of the Chinese influence, they gradually came into contact with the neighbors in the north, the Nahuatl speakers represented by Aztecs.

The Nahuatl people migrated from the far north to the Mesa plateau, so there are many northern stories in myths and legends.

Most of these stories are lost on the timeline of Lu Yuan's main plane. But in the fifteenth century, many remain.

Using this information, the Chinese immigrants who originally developed on the Yucatan Peninsula gradually continued to expand northward, and then came to Los Santos in the future, and even continued northward, found a gold mine in the mountains, and built it there. The first big city of Chinese people, Jinshan City.

However, in this plane, the city of Jinshan was not replaced by the new Jinshan in the end, and it did not become the city of San Francisco.

Yes, this part of history was learned by Lu Yuan from the plane of transformation he traveled.

With Jinshan City as the core, the Chinese people continued to discover the Ya Ni Gorge (Bering Strait) to the north, so there was a closer and faster migration route, and the immigrant population began to surge.

After a period of mutual help and mutual assistance, coupled with the advanced productivity brought by the Huaxia people, it has also adjusted the war between the local tribes. Everyone has some common points in religious legends. The local people are integrated into Huaxia at an extraordinary speed. Fast.

In the end, a new continent with Chinese civilization as the main body and a fusion of various local tribal civilizations formed here, and even a country

These are naturally the best results that Lu Yuan chose from countless possibilities when he corrected the time node.

However, he could not completely design the timeline, he could only modify a few parameters and let the plane derive a relatively optimal result by himself.

Therefore, although the west coast of this continent quickly fell into the hands of the Chinese ethnic group, the mainland China did not last forever. At the same time, colonists from Europe also began to colonize the east coast of this continent.

The mainland and here have stepped into the war with the enemy one after another.

In the end, although China won on both sides, the relationship between the two regimes was not as clear as it was at the beginning because of the long-term loss of contact.

The merits are hard to argue.

So hundreds of years have passed.

The new and the old China has been unified.

However, due to historical reasons, there are some special areas, large and small, here in the New World.

Specially planned areas with relatively higher autonomy.

This city of Los Santos, together with the surrounding Los Santos area, is one of the specially planned districts between states and provinces and cities and towns, with a scale of more than half a small province or a small half of a large province, and with varying degrees of autonomy. one.

Referred to as Los Santos District.

At this time, most areas of the North Continent of the New World, as well as the west coast of the South Continent, and the area west of the Andes Mountains, were all within the control of the New World China.

However, the European colonial forces that were driven out of the North Continent by the New World China after hundreds of years of wars, but relying on the advantage of the Atlantic Ocean to be closer to their hometown, especially the advantage of the navy, are still entrenched on the Caribbean islands.

And, relying on those islands, they further occupied the Florida peninsula of the northern continent, and the Yucatan peninsula, the homeland of the Mayans.

In this way, the various ethnic groups in China and the New World, and the European colonial army, began a tug-of-war in these places.

Most of the Maya who lost their homeland have moved into the Los Santos District.

Even the Chinese name of Los Santos is taken from a mythological story of the Mayan tribe. Of course, its authenticity cannot be tested.

The effect is that a sacred existence of Mingluo has stayed here.

Because of this, this port city, which is less than 600 kilometers away from Jinshan City, the largest city in the New World, was planned as a special zone.

And because of the long-term activities of radical organizations such as the Mayan Restorationists, the Los Santos in this plane version is still chaotic enough, although the degree is not as magical as the original.

For the Maya, a local ethnic group in the New World that has helped the Chinese people the most, the vast majority of the Chinese people have an extraordinary liking, and they also have a positive attitude towards their rejuvenation ideas.

But after all, it is convenient for European colonists to occupy the navy. Although the Chinese Navy is not weak, its core is to guard the inland sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean. There is no guarantee that it will have sufficient advantage when expedition to the Atlantic side.

After procrastination and procrastination, the mood will be irritable, the impatience will be out of control, and out of control will turn into chaos, and there is this version of Los Santos.

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