Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 107: Field trial

The two returned to the command building, and there was no captain nearby. Several drivers and security personnel in the previous black convoy were still "accompanied" by soldiers in the armored vehicle group to release the wind in the parking lot.

Seeing this scene, I missed the opportunity to escape the road far, it is more unpleasant to see Victor, I can't wait to punch him directly on his face that is still smirking.

It's just that before he put it into action, the captain, who just couldn't see the figure, jumped out of the corner.

Still a stinky face, he sternly shouted at the two of them, "Where did you go? Just come back?"

Victor was about to say something, but saw the captain wave his hand abruptly and shouted, "Don't give me a reason, I won't listen! Now that Class 3 has done your work, you should hurry up and patrol for them!"

Although he was scolded, Lu Yuan's eyesight was bright. The task of Class 3 today is to be responsible for the patrol task near the main entrance. If he is allowed to do this job, it will simply give him a chance to guard and steal.

In addition, this also explains why I didn't encounter other guards when I "restocked". Didn't this mean that I was called away by the captain.

But he had forgotten one of the most critical things, that is, this Rovwich and that Victor he pretended to be, what the task of today was.

When he vaguely felt that something was wrong, it was too late.

Just when he turned around to get into the car, he saw several off-road vehicles of the same model rushing over from the inventory area.

Before getting off the car, the people in the car shouted at the captain, "Martial law, come on, the captain, the major order martial law for the whole camp, everyone will gather in the playground!"

This sudden change caught everyone by surprise, including the way he thought he could finally escape.

Victor beside him also changed his face and murmured, "It seems that there is something wrong with today's supply. Could someone secretly sell what the customer wants today?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Yuan instantly understood.

I didn't run, and the incident happened to me.

Wanting to understand this, Lu Yuan decided in the next moment whether to rush out directly.

Just looking at the armored vehicle that was not far away, the three crews were all on standby, most of his heart of forcibly escaped.

After all, to rush out, the best means of transportation on the scene is the military off-road vehicle with the car key still unplugged.

But that thing has almost no armor, and if the 30mm cannon is fired at random, he will have to crash and die.

The T72 in the space is not afraid of that kind of small artillery, but it's hard to say whether there is fuel in the tank and it can be started. Secondly, the full speed of the tank is only 80 kilometers per hour, and most of the cars on the scene can easily catch up.

It’s easy to rush out with a tank, but it’s hard to get rid of the chasers and escape safely.

As for the fact that he can't drive a tank, it is not a problem at all because of the cheat system.

After thinking about it for a while, he realized that he really couldn't get out of his body right now, and Lu Yuan had to wait patiently and honestly ran to the playground with a few nearby soldiers in line.

As soon as he saw the green-faced major on the field, and the guest who was sinking beside him, but who was obviously not mindful, the last trace of luck in Lu Yuan's heart had to disappear.

Just this scene, just this place, 100% of the time when the major took the guests to "collect the goods", he found the arms box that had been emptied by Lu Yuan.

Sure enough, when everyone was in place, at the command of the major, another officer shouted loudly in Russ. The content was exactly what Lu Yuan was worried about before. They found that the munitions in the library were a lot less, and even delayed. Regarding honorable guests, this is to catch mice.

"Anyway! Traitors are among us!" The man shouted, "Now, everyone, think about the people around you, if there is anything unusual recently! Including but not limited to, stingy in the past and now being generous! There have been difficulties at home, recently Be happy!"

"All of this will be reported!"

"Catch the traitor, the major has many rewards!"

"If not, all will be punished!"

"let's start!"

After this talk, the people underneath instantly exploded the pot. Some people began to think about the differences between their comrades-in-arms, while others planned to take the opportunity to avenge their personal revenge.

Some people were very dissatisfied with the punishment of this law, and began to yell at friends they knew well, preparing to ask for a clear statement from the superior.


After a gunshot, the non-commissioned officer who had just exploded the loudest was directly smashed to the ground by the major with a large-caliber pistol.

The schoolyard, which was just as noisy as a vegetable market, was suddenly silent.

"Let you talk about it when you say it, it's noisy, how decent it is!" The major's stern voice pierced everyone's ears like an awl.

"If you want to speak, raise your hand first. Only when you hit you can you speak!"

"If anyone shouts and yells from below, he will be executed in violation of military orders!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

After being intimidated like this, people who are no longer dissatisfied dare not be the first bird at this time.

After a chilling silence, the first person finally raised his hand tremblingly.

"Private soldier Mikhailo, you say!" said the officer.

"Yes...yes, sir..." a thin young soldier with pimples all over his face, hesitated. Obviously scared.

"Uh, uh, I...I..."

"What I am, I have something to say!" the officer interrupted impatiently.

"Oh, why are you in a hurry, let him say it by himself!" The major stood up at this moment, and said to the second-class soldiers, "It's okay, you say it slowly. As long as you don't violate the military order, don't worry, no What can people do to you."

This was supposed to be a relief, but the second-class soldiers were about to cry.

"I...I...I confess! I have suddenly been in such a good mood recently, yes... yes... because Larissa from the neighboring village finally agreed to fall in love with me..."

"But I swear to the sky, Major, I really didn't steal anything! Please don't kill me! Ahhhhh~" Private Mikhailo burst into tears when he was halfway through. The nose and tears flew all for a while, and the people around him were forced two or three meters away.

"Enough! Just shut me up if you don't want to die!" The major couldn't pretend to be fair and honest at this time, and directly shouted sharply.

"How many of the people who raised their hands behind are going to report themselves to me? Just let them go! You don't need to tell yourself! It's true or false, I have your own judgment!"

After being engaged in this way by the second-class soldiers, a group of thoughtful people raised their hands immediately, but after the major's shouts, they all withdrew.

Seeing this farce in front of him, Lu Yuan in the crowd was anxious and funny.

After hearing the major's cursing, he also unwillingly dropped his hand that had just been raised in the air. No need to ask, he also wanted to learn to smear himself in order to get a gold medal to avoid death.

At this moment, perhaps because of the increased mental attributes, he felt that he had a pair of eyes looking at himself from the back right.

Turning around, it was Victor, the veteran.

However, it is strange that when the two eyes met, Victor's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately dropped his hand in the air, and raised it again.

This pass operation makes the journey far inexplicable. However, thinking about the contact with Victor a little bit, Lu Yuan immediately understood a little.

In fact, it's easy to think that it's just that Lu Yuan is a thief himself, and he can only look at others from the perspective of a thief. No matter where he would think that others may also be a thief.

Thinking about it now, this Victor was in an accident at the house of his mistress outside, and the family was about to leave Luxin. When he came back, he made an excuse to avoid the sight of everyone, and finally reappeared next to a pile of arms.

Calculating this way, because of lack of money, suddenly prepared to hide some private goods, looking for opportunities to sell them to realize the image of stealing, is ready to come out.

And when he saw Lu Yuanwang just now, his face changed drastically. Needless to say, he thought that Lu Yuan was already suspicious and was about to report him, so he took a bite first, and at least it would make Lu Yuan's accusation less convincing.

However, how did he know that Lu Yuan was actually the real thief.

Perhaps many of the guards here have been stolen by petty thieves. But their "shipments" are pitiful after thinking about it.

But Luyuan is completely another concept.

Even if the major is like this, the supreme officer who really guards the theft does not have as many arms sold by Lu Yuan this time.

So Victor's bite for self-protection is likely to directly strike out the real culprit.

At this moment, the man in the windbreaker who had been silent, suddenly took two steps forward and said to the major, "Okay, major, I won't get involved with your housework. Let's do it this time, I I'm leaving."

"Mr. Andrevic, are you?" The major seemed to be prepared for this, but he still pretended to be at a loss.

"Okay!" Andrevic waved a big hand, "Don't worry, the box itself is just a deposit. Then put it here first. When you check out the inventory, I will come back and get the equivalent. That part."

"I won't accompany you to drink here."

Andreevich said this, both to give the major a face, and to express his dissatisfaction. The most important thing is that the business is still balanced.

He thought that after saying this, the major would let him go even if he was not reconciled, but he didn't expect it to be okay if he didn't say it. After speaking, the iron blue on the major's face increased a bit.

After hesitating twice, the major finally gritted his teeth and waved to his deputy to take up a black leather box and hand it to Andrevic.

"Major, what do you mean? Didn't I say that the deposit should be placed with you first?" Andrevic asked strangely.

"Sir, it is true that according to the condition of the shipment just now, in this entire arsenal, apart from the tanks, I am afraid that there will be no more goods worth so much!" said the major uncertainly, "this munitions The library is empty!"

"How is it possible?" Andrevic couldn't help but exclaimed.

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