Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 108: Tough bodyguard in black

On the other side, he was ready to be exposed and rushed out of the way he was ready at any time. After seeing the briefcase, he weighed it a little, and found that he continued to wait, at most until Andreevich's bodyguards evacuated.

But the biggest risk of breaking through the siege comes from soldiers with heavy military weapons rather than bodyguards. With fewer bodyguards, his danger will not decrease much.

In addition, Victor, as long as the major slows down, he will be reported immediately.

He wasn't really Rovwich, anyone who was present could ask him two questions, and he could expose himself.

It is conceivable that the moment when I have to break through is not too far away.

Right now, there is another box of black gold there, which is the sinful wealth of black-hearted businessmen colluding with corrupt officers. If you take it, you will not only get an extra income, but also make the gap in their relationship bigger, which is simply a contribution to world peace. Made a great contribution!

Why don't you take it yourself?

Thinking of this, at the same time Andrević exclaimed, Lu Yuan threw out all the dozens of smoke bombs that had opened the fuze in his portable space.

In an instant, the entire competition was completely shrouded in dense smoke and dust.

This is exactly the coverage attack that Lu Yuan can make with only one person by relying on the time pause feature of the portable space.

It should be noted that the basic portable space itself does not have this feature. Even if you have made a huge fortune, you don't want to spend a few thousand points now to solidify this feature that only works at a critical moment.

Like the system scan, this is a limited time service that he temporarily spent a small amount of money to purchase.

However, while the smoke was covering, when he snatched the heavy box of black gold from the major, the slight pain of purchasing the limited-time service before was obscured by a huge sense of satisfaction.

After getting the money, he immediately ran to the off-road vehicle closest to the competition field in his impression.

Because the off-road vehicles in the arsenal are shared by almost the entire camp, the keys of the vehicle are generally not removed.

Now this one is no exception.

Ten seconds after launching the smoke bomb offensive, Lu Yuan had successfully launched the off-road vehicle and went straight to the gate.

{Alas! Cool! }Lu Yuan yelled in excitement as he drove fast.

Fortunately, he hadn't forgotten that he was in Luxin now, and he didn't dare to really speak out what he said in his native language. He just made a noise with the system in his mind and then gave up.

You know, by shouting out this sentence, the people on the scene can immediately lock his true identity of Huaxia. With this first piece of information, it was only a matter of time to pull him out of the crowd.

After all, there is no perfect secret action in the world, and sooner or later, fragmented evidence will eventually be collected by those with a heart. It only takes a main thread to gather, and the identity of the real murderer will be revealed.

And the identity of the Huaxia ethnic group, which is very different from the local people, is obviously capable of gathering discrete intelligence.

However, before the system praised him for his professionalism of keeping confidential at this critical moment, the system directly sent him a warning.

[Turn right, sit up straight, stand up lower limbs! 】

{what? }A string of inexplicable warnings can be heard far away in the mist. But the long-term cooperation with the system has allowed him to develop a good habit of doing first and then asking.

While asking questions, he didn't stop for half a minute. He was so stretched that he almost opened the canvas on the roof of the off-road vehicle and opened a skylight for himself.

The next moment, a huge momentum burst out from the back of the car, directly piercing the root of his left thigh. If it goes a little higher, his baby will be crushed by this momentum.

Then a clear click came from directly behind him.

Lu Yuan, who already has a lot of practical experience in light weapons, immediately reacted. This is mostly the sound of a 12.7mm caliber sniper rifle with a silencer.

However, Lu Yuan, who was enduring fierce pain, had no intention of thinking about how this apparently Mika sniper rifle appeared in a remote arsenal in Ruxin.

Even he, who used to talk a lot, can't say a word now.

The only remaining sage, barely controlling the off-road vehicle, and continuing to take the S-turn route to avoid possible secondary attacks, the right hand hurriedly took out a healing potion from the portable space, and pressed it down against the thigh.

However, in the past, Baishi Bailing's therapeutic agents did not relieve the pain much this time.

On the contrary, as the power of the medicine was exerted, in addition to the severe pain, there was a deep tingling sensation on Lu Yuan's legs, as if a bunch of ants were crawling around on the bones.

Fortunately, with this little bit of relief, his brain finally recovered some previously considered useless functions, such as speech functions.

He opened his mouth and found that although he had regained control of his mouth, his throat was as dry and dumb as he was, and he still couldn't make a sound for the time being.

In the end, he could barely use his free right hand, caress his face, wipe off the cold sweat that had interfered with his vision, and then asked the system in his mind.

{Who fired that shot just now? The group of bodyguards? The guy in the black suit? }

[It's the latter. ] The system hurriedly replied.

[The opponent's gun was originally taken directly from the host's spine center. In this way, the host can be completely paralyzed, but there is still a chance to leave a breath for him to interrogate. 】

[Even if the host is killed directly, because the fatal injury is in the lower body, they can investigate based on the host's face and the characteristics of the upper body. 】

[In short, the person who fired this shot was not only superb and meticulous, but also extremely confident. Of course, if he is an individual. 】

{What's the meaning? }As the effect of the medicine started, Lu Yuan gradually regained his energy, but he still didn't dare to be distracted to probe the injury of his left leg.

[It means that the one who fired this shot is more like a robot that relies solely on program decision-making actions. 】

{robot? }Lu Yuan took a breath, wondering whether it was fear or leg pain, {or a puppet who was brainwashed so that he could only act in accordance with a limited set of commands! }

This time, the system did not answer.

Lu Yuan wanted to ask something more, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was pained back by the throbbing pain from his leg. He slowly said, {Hmph, once the .50BMG hits the spine, could someone not die? }

{Hiss~~I'm afraid my thigh was interrupted directly? This feeling is actually a phantom limb? }

[The host should not consider this matter for now. 】

[Don't worry, as long as you are out of danger, this kind of injury is easy for the host to recover. It is nothing more than pain. 】

{It’s just pain, nothing more? }Lu Yuan wiped away a large amount of cold sweat on his forehead again, and yelled at the system in angrily, {The feeling is not that you are hurt! Why don't you try? }

[The host obtains a large number of time and space points in a short period of time through abnormal means, and obtains a considerable amount of local world currency, which requires some price. This is the balance of luck. 】

[Moreover, the host's mind attribute has been increased to 3 points, with the dual blessing of mind power and the host's ability to be afraid of danger. This kind of pain far beyond the limit of ordinary people will not completely lose the host's mobility. It is the safest balance. Way. 】

[If the host feels unable to persist, he can give up the cash briefcase and 10,000 time-space points at any time. 】

{Depend on! Depend on! Depend on! }Lu Yuan shouted, {I knew it! I knew there would be tricky here! Not a normal method? Why don't you tell me in advance? At this time, I was beaten and I suffered, and I also suffered from the pain. I wanted to take the money away, but there was no way! }

Having said that, Lu Yuan slammed the steering wheel again, and the accelerator pedal with his right foot stepped straight to the end. The off-road vehicle slammed forward and directly smashed through the gate railing and escaped from the arsenal.

Look to the other side.

When Lu Yuan threw a smoke bomb at the competition, the black figure behind Andrevic immediately pulled the businessman under him.

It wasn't until the competition field smoke cleared that the major, who was choked by a large amount of smoke, found a blind spot in the competition field reviewing platform and found a businessman who was tightly guarded by black bodyguards.

"Mr. Andrevic? Since your bodyguard can maintain combat effectiveness in the smoke, why don't you let him catch the man?" The major said angrily.

The businessman frowned, obviously dissatisfied that a little major dared to question himself.

It's just that the situation is unnamed right now, not to mention that the strong dragon does not suppress the snake, and the businessman did not breathe with him.

So he settled down and replied, "He was specially arranged by a friend of mine. He is only responsible for protecting my safety. Other things are not within his scope of authority. Even I can't order him."

Hearing the businessman's answer, a hesitation flashed across the major's face, but he was forced to cover it.

"Is it only responsible for protecting safety?" The major thought, "I have given you the dollar bills just now, and that is your property. To protect security, isn't the property security protected by him?"

Hearing this, the businessman was taken aback for a moment and then laughed in a blink of an eye, "The major is worthy of the wisdom of the Zevorana family, and the wit is really amazing!"

After speaking, Andrevic turned his head to the man in black behind him and said in English, "Raven, that person just took away a box of dollars from me. That is my property. Please help me chase it. return."

Hearing the words of the businessman, there seemed to be two red lights flashing in the black bodyguard helmet, and then he saw him drag the businessman into the bodyguard group, and then headed away in the direction of Lu Yuan, at a speed no less than that of a car rushing. Gallop away.

He quickly ran to the tallest building nearby-under the command building. With his feet on the ground, he jumped onto the outer wall of the building. And his equally dark arms, like steel claws, firmly grasped into the concrete wall.

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