Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 109: Run to death

Just like this, the man in black quickly climbed to the top of the building along the wall with his abnormal physical ability.

When he had just stood on the top of the building, he took the rifle from his back with his backhand and aimed at the off-road vehicle that was far away.

The sight and the muzzle moved along with Lu Yuan for two seconds. The man in black decisively pulled the trigger, but he didn't expect that the off-road vehicle that had just been walking in a straight line turned suddenly almost at the same time he pulled the trigger.

So this killer blow only interrupted Lu Yuan's leg, but failed to stop him.

After that, he turned to a variable-speed off-road vehicle until he rushed out of the door of the arsenal without giving him a second shot.

Realizing that the prey had taken out his palm, the man in black grabbed his hands on the side wall, and the whole person slid along the vertical wall to the ground, and continued to chase in the direction of Lu Yuan's escape.

However, when he chased out of the arsenal not far, the whole figure suddenly stopped as if he had suddenly touched a wall. Then, the whole person ran back in the direction of Andrevic.

At this time, the major and his party had already chased them in a military vehicle. When the black-clothed bodyguard came back to the merchant, but there was no trace of his escape, the major couldn't help asking strangely, "What's the matter?"

Also sitting in the armored vehicle, Andrević, who was on the opposite side of Shaoqiang, smiled and said, "It's still a matter of bodyguard rules. He can't be more than one kilometer away from me. When he finds the border, he will automatically Return to me."

"Can it still happen? Is it GPS?" The major's eyes flashed, pretending to ask.

This time, Andrevic just smiled, but didn't answer again.

Seeing that he was speechless, the major looked at the man in black with blinking eyes, then turned his head and asked the captain in the cockpit about the current situation.

Back to the protagonist.

After leaving the arsenal, Lu Yuan drove directly to the expressway to the northeast.

There was an escape location he had arranged for himself before, the North Donets River.

It was already close to the evening in the afternoon.

In the northern hemisphere in mid-April, the daytime is just a little longer than the night. In addition, Kharkov is already to the north, but at six o'clock, the sunset has begun the last carnival before it fades.

Although it is the surrounding area of ​​Luxin's second largest city, the situation in Luxin has been turbulent in recent years, the economy has plummeted, and the people's lives needless to say.

In addition, it is also the border of the suburbs and rural areas. Although the sky is not too late, the second person and the second car can hardly be seen on the entire highway.

After a sigh of relief, when he saw this situation, he would be polite, and his right foot would directly step on the accelerator pedal to the bottom.

Unfortunately, the design requirements of military off-road vehicles have not been considered for this time. When the speed of the car reached 130 kilometers per hour, it could no longer advance.

Fortunately, the car chasing soldiers is similar to him. Perhaps only the black SUV driven by the businessman's bodyguard can barely exceed this speed. But the cumbersome guy who has been protected and modified can't be compared with military off-road vehicles in terms of flexibility.

But seeing the blue bar graph representing the destination getting closer and closer in the navigation, Lu Yuan turned his head up and down the road to the wild to prevent being caught up, and ran along the wasteland by the river towards a nearby hill. go.

When the whole car was about to jump from the **** and plunge into the Beidontzian River, Lu Yuan jumped out of the open door at the fastest speed, changing hands without forgetting to drop a few high-energy incendiary bombs.

When he was about to fall into the wasteland, he easily opened the working space door on the ground, and the whole person fell directly across the ground onto the operating table.

His broken left leg had been thrown in in advance ten minutes ago and was handed over to the automatic operating table for surgical pretreatment.

After thinking about it, I felt that the few high-energy incendiary bombs just now were enough to destroy all his own DNA information in the car. Lu Yuan finally collapsed on the operating table, handed over the treatment of his injuries to the system, and fell asleep.

In his dazed sleep, he felt that his left leg was first torn off by the crocodile, and then the thing turned into a shark, chewing continuously with several rows of sharp teeth.

After that, the sharks became a group of mice, each of which was eating a piece of meat from its own thigh.

I don't know how long it took, the mouse turned into mud.

The mud gathered together, and another stream of clear spring rushed towards the mud, washing away the dirt on the surface, exposing the shiny silver metal mechanical legs underneath.

When he looked at the leg, the metal leg seemed to be sensitive, and the surface armor suddenly opened, exposing the various firearms carried inside, which made him want to reach out and fiddle with it.

Just as soon as his hand touched the gun, all the guns inside went on fire, and there was a burning and tingling pain in the thigh.

With this huge pain, Lu Yuan finally opened his eyes.

{what? Where is this? }Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scenes around him, Lu Yuan took a long time before he regained his sanity.

{Uh, Brother Six, how is the treatment? }

[Perfect as ever! 】The system directly puts the physiological monitoring information of the automatic operating table into Lu Yuan’s mind, 【The host can get out of bed at any time without any sequelae. 】

{Yes? }Although Lu Yuan was a little skeptical, he turned and went down to the ground. The left foot gently kicked the ground first, feeling the reaction force that seemed to have been gone for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, he took his hands away from the bedside, stood on the ground with his feet, and walked a few steps, then briskly walked, ran, jumped, and made several sets of wolf-style demon hunters in the way of Professor Yanzi. Swordsmanship footwork, only then confirmed that his left leg is really okay.

{Can you recover so quickly even if Qigen is broken? }Lu Yuan is still a little unbelievable.

[Surgery costs the host 120 time and space points in total. 】

[The host's current time and space points: 12151 points. 】

{...}Lu Yuan was taken aback, and then he hurriedly said, {I believe it, I believe it! How much does a portable space cost, and how much does it cost to travel to and from another world? A thigh, this price, I believe it! }

Counting the points that had been wasted during the previous breakout, Lu Yuan was about to waste 500 points from the time he sold out his arms.

If he loses his family at this speed, his little money is really not enough.

Thinking of this, he simply bought the space-time flow rate controller worth 10,000 points. Even if the thing can only be used in the main world, it can’t be used if it is exchanged now. He still feels that he should spend this windfall quickly. I feel at ease.

【Successful purchase. 】

[After returning to the main plane, the host can go to the permission toolbar to view it. 】

[The host's current time and space points: 2151 points. 】

Although the wallet fell by a single digit, Lu Yuan was still greatly relieved somehow.

Looking at the phone, he found that it was still the same night, before midnight, he couldn't help laughing, {It seems that I didn't sleep long that night. }

{Speaking of, didn’t my thigh bone hurt severely? Did you get healed so soon? Isn't it a manual fee for the 120-point head? }

【The upper half of the left leg femur was completely broken, the hip joint was pulverized, and the left side of the hip was pulverized. Based on the medical level of the host plane, even if the limb is amputated, there is a risk of death of more than 30%. 】

Hearing Lu Yuan's suspicion, the system spoke and released the image data left in the operating room for him.

Seeing the horrible masses of **** bone fragments flying away, Lu Yuan knew that his left leg had fully recovered now, but he still felt a dull pain coming from the original wound.

[Most of the operation time is spent on picking the bone pieces in the minced meat. After all the bone fragments were merged into the original shape, a large number of picometer-level atomic and molecular remodeling agents were used to regenerate the missing tissues of the host at the molecular level little by little. 】

{Okay, okay, you're all right. }Faced with the explanation of the system’s explicit explanation and implied credit, Lu Yuan had to be defeated. {However, the concept of nanometer in my main plane is quite popular. Isn’t the molecular diameter only on the order of nanometers? Why use pico? A thousand times smaller? }

[Well, it can be understood that the molecule is like a brick for building a house. To be able to control the size and location of each brick, thereby improving the quality of the entire house, this is nanotechnology. 】

[But if you want to control the quality and strength of each brick itself, you need to correct it in real time when you make the brick. This uses pico-level technology. 】

{Alright, anyway, your alien technology, just fool me, I can't tell. }Lu Yuan waved his hand, {Since it’s okay now, I'll find the opportunity to leave Luxin quickly! }

Just do it.

Lu Yuan previously opened the No. 1 workspace door on the hillside wasteland before falling into the river. Now he has to get out of the space and can only pass through that piece of ground.

He carefully wanted to set the space door to one-way perspective mode. In this mode, the door is like a huge one-way glass, light can only enter the space from the outside, and the light in the space will be completely intercepted.

It showed that it was like this, he could see outside, but he could not be seen outside, not even the door, and he still looked like a wasteland.

He found that there was no abnormality near the door, so he held the phone in his hand, carefully extended the door, rotated 360 degrees outside, and took a panoramic picture.

{Oh, at this time, it would be great if a drone was released for reconnaissance. }Lu Yuan said to the system while checking the photos, {Are there such small reconnaissance planes in the store? It's better to be invisible, that's even better. }

[Special items need to be unlocked by the host. 】

{Yes, it seems I have to find a chance to visit the drone shop. Well, it seems that there will be a domestic brand drone in 2013, right? Go back and buy one directly. Thousands of dollars is definitely cheaper than buying from your wicked shop! }

[The system declined to comment. 】

{Humph! }

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