Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 158: Boss, you really deserve a reputation

Lu Yuan hanging on the wall, listening to Robin's anxious shout, was moved and a little bit wanting to laugh, but more worried.

He was really afraid that Robin would rush over regardless, if he was hit by the rest of Vigo's help, the fun would be great.

After all, he is actually far from death.

And there may be many people who can kill themselves on the Yanxing plane, but these Vigo gangs are definitely not among them.

"You be careful! I'm fine! Watch out!" At this time, Lu Yuan had to make her be more careful.

But after speaking, Lu Yuan simply took out another vial, took a sip carefully, and launched the life-exploring magic on the surrounding area.

Recently, I found out that life magic has been used a little bit, and his change is the inventory of magic enhancement potions, which has also plummeted.

If this continues, he will have to drink up his potion for at most three high-intensity battles.

So when he came out this time, he even brought the drone on purpose. Just to save some potions.

As a result, Robin did not save the materials he most wanted to save.

Looking at the sporadic yellow dots in the magical field of vision, only one blue dot was rapidly approaching, Lu Yuan was completely relieved.

Don't say, he lost thousands of dollars, but he really didn't feel any loss of this potion.

Probably because, even without the loss of those thousands of dollars, he felt that he could not die. And this magic potion was consumed to confirm the safety of others.

Sometimes people are like this. You can save the money you usually spend on yourself, but you are very generous to others at critical times.

Lu Yuan is quite like Lu's mother.

But after confirming that Robin would be fine, Lu Yuan turned over and jumped off the ladder at the same time as the stone fell to the ground at the heart of Lu Yuan.

Following the location in his memory, he hurried to several yellow dot gathering areas and fired at the Vigo gang who had lost combat effectiveness on the ground.

[Kill the Vigo Gunner (unconscious) x1, get 8 time points]

[Kill the Vigo Gunner (seriously wounded) x1, get 5 time points]

[Kill the Vigo Gunner (unconscious) x1, get 9 time points]

The other three people were stunned at this scene, and they didn't dare to breathe.

In their eyes, they are overwhelmed by the enemy and need to whip the corpse to vent.

But for Lu Yuan, this is called accumulating less and making more, not letting go of any opportunity to make up for the shortfall.

It doesn't count after playing. After Robin arrived by car, Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to ask her to check the PA-46 plane, which had been buried underneath by the roof planks and dust. Instead, he pulled her to clean up the battlefield together, so that it could be used. All of his weapons were thrown onto the car.

"Boss, you, your name as'Sweeper' is really well-deserved!"

Robin, who was drawn to be a strong man, said that he is a high-tech worker, and he is a fixed-wing pilot, so you can let him move the bricks!

"What do you know!" Lu Yuan's tone became even more grief and indignation, "Don't worry about it, I will lose it this time! Didn't you pay attention? This time, we have to save that guy before we can get the money!"

Fortunately, Robin was not instructed a few times, but was pushed down by Turner who came afterwards.

Picello, who was rarely smart once, drove the helicopter directly to the sniper spot and picked Turner back.

In this way, things returned to a group of flying teams and a group of ground teams.

The few people had good luck this time. The falling roof only scratched a few panes of glass on PA46, which did not cause serious impact. After being filled with fuel, Robin flew directly to Los Santos International Airport under the protection of Picello.

Agent 14, or the people of Agent 14, prepared a temporary hangar for Lu Yuan and them there.

Lu Yuan and Turner, with dozens of long and short guns and RPG transmitters, set off toward Lu Yuan's apartment.

The reason for going back to the apartment was that in addition to putting down these guns first, Lu Yuan had to go home before he could replace the broken bulletproof **** on his body.

When the four people gather again, it is already six in the afternoon.

"Is it going well with you?" Lu Yuan asked Robin Picello as he chewed the food on the plate.

"There's nothing wrong with me, boss?" Robin ate a salad and frowned. "It's just, boss, why are they grilled with bacon and steak, so you give me a salad?"

Lu Yuan was taken aback and asked, "Don't you girls have to maintain your figure? Eat less at night?"

"Boss, that was when I was sitting in the office! I've been hungry for a day, so why don't I let you eat meat?" Robin said angrily.

"Come on, beauty, my sausage hasn't moved yet, I'll give it to you!" Picello saw the situation and hurriedly forked up his own grilled sausage and delivered it to Robin's plate.

"Go away!" Robin hurriedly picked up his salad, holding up a fork with his other hand to parry Picello. "Dare to wipe the oil at this time? You wait for me!"

"Stop, stop! Enough of meat, okay!" Lu Yuan hurriedly stopped the two of them.

At this time Turner also quietly brought two fried steaks from the kitchen and handed them to Robin.

"Thank you, Bobcat (Lingks)!"

Turner nodded slightly and sat back in his seat.

"Well, you made this steak? It's amazing!" Robin couldn't help exclaiming after taking a bite of meat.

"No, the steak is Turner, uh, Lingks fried it." Lu Yuan waved his hand, "Actually, I want to order takeaway, but uh, the Chinese food of Los Santos, alas, it's hard to say."

"Really? I'm eating well!" Picello said, chewing on the roast sausage that Robin disliked.

"Hmph, what you eat is good!" Robin frowned, disgusted.

Seeing that they were about to fight again, of course, it was mainly Picello's courtesy being rejected by Robin, and Lu Yuan hurriedly interrupted, "What do you think of the Maihekou dishes in Los Santos? I mean the kind in the store, no Count those snack carts."

"The Maiheiko dishes in the store? That thing is also called Maiheiko dishes? All XX is Meika dishes!" Piqueiro was stunned, and suddenly became angry.

"Look!" Lu Yuan smiled, "So, do you understand? Luo San Du Hua Xia Cai is the same!"

"Huh? Is that so? But the Cana dishes here are not bad, at least much better than Liberty City!" Robin said vaguely while chewing on steak.

"Canada also have food?" Picello, who had been stunned several times, finally caught the opportunity to fight back. "Couldn't maple syrup pancakes, maple syrup muffins, maple syrup scrambled eggs, maple syrup bacon, etc. be called Cana dishes?"

"What are you talking nonsense! Those are all breakfast, how can they represent Cana dishes?" Robin dissatisfied.

"Then you say, what is the main dish?" Picello asked.


"Fried salmon with maple syrup." Robin was silent for a while, and finally squeezed out these words from his teeth, his voice was so small that he could hardly hear him.

"Hahahaha, Lord Kana and their maple syrup! Ha, you really love maple trees! Not only are there on the flag, but you can also eat three meals a day~ Hahaha!" Picello laughed. .

Robin blushed instantly, and said to Picello dissatisfied, "What's wrong with liking maple syrup? This is a special product, don't you understand the special product? You Maiheikou people, don't you drink tequila every day? You are right. Isn’t the cactus also true love!"

"Agave is not a cactus!"

"Dare you say there are no thorns on the tequila?"

"If there are thorns, it must be a cactus? Do fish have thorns. Have you ever seen a group of cacti swimming in the sea when nothing happened? They are all succulents, they don't belong to each other!"

Seeing them quarreling endlessly, Lu Yuan had no choice but to look at Turner, who had been silent.

"Ahem." Unexpectedly, Turner just gave a light cough, stood up and copied the dinner plates of the two people in the quarrel, took it to the kitchen, and said in his mouth, "It looks like you are full!"

"No, my meat!"

"I was wrong, I'm sorry, please return the meat, uh, return it to us!"

When the two saw that Turner was about to take the meat away, they hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Still noisy?" Turner asked with a stern face.

"Absolutely not noisy!" X2

Seeing the two obediently taking their respective plates, hiding under the plates and winking at each other, but never dared to scream at each other again, Lu Yuan suddenly felt a strange familiarity on Turner with facial paralysis.

{This, isn't this my mother's method to deal with me? }Lu Yuan couldn't help being surprised when he realized what that familiar feeling was.

Seeing Lu Yuan looking at him with trepidation, Turner's mouth twitched a few times. After sitting down, whispered to Lu Yuan, "This, this is what Vicky taught me..."

"Ou!" Lu Yuan suddenly realized.

If this matter was said to be Victoria's method, it would be logical.

After this quarrel, the relationship between the four of them has become closer unconsciously.

Although the strange relationship between Picello and Robin, from the beginning of the greasy boy to the beautiful girl, has become the big mockery of the neighbors in the north and south, it is still controllable for the time being. After all, it's just funny.

The four-man Zhong Luyuan was most worried about Turner, who was unable to blend in. Instead, relying on the "strict mother" approach, he successfully became an important presence in the team second only to Lu Yuan.

In fact, at the beginning, when he called Lu Yuan the "head", he was ridiculed by seven points, and the remaining three points were still based on the fact that he was the only firepower assaulter, the one who was sent to death from the front line.

As a result, his performance in the seaside seizure mission was quite strong, and this ridicule dropped from seven points to only three points.

This time he was made a meat shield twice, once it attracted a lot of RPG firepower, and the other time it was almost beaten into briquettes. Both times were nearly dead, the three of them were called "heads". It's all sincere already.

To this Lu Yuan is also a little bit apprehensive while delighted.

He knew that, even though he seemed to be fearlessly blocking the guns for everyone several times, let alone his life-threatening, he would not lose a single hair. Even if it is less, it can quickly grow back with the help of various medicines.

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