Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 159: Robin's real body, and two-line combat

In fact, the truth is meaningless to the other three people. They just thought that Lu Yuan could charge ahead and couldn't die, so he was especially suitable to be the captain of this line, so they were convinced.

If they learn that Lu Yuan really can't die, they will not change their minds, but the arm holding Lu Yuan's thigh will only work harder.

Moreover, there is such a "boss" where there is a free dinner, why not do it.

Connecting feelings depends on eating, this is the common feature of all people on earth.

When the meal was over, the four also told each other their real names.

Of course, Lu Yuan still reported the identity of Nick Lu, a Chinese American.

Bobcats/Lingxterner's full name is Turner Newman, and the journey has long been clear. But this is the first time he has heard of the real names of the other two.

Let me talk about Picello.

His code name means Pikeman in Spanish. In fact, his real name is Samuel Gonzalez.

As mentioned before, he was once a captain of the Mehekow Air Force and a combat hero.

However, in Mehekou, when you are a government army, it doesn't matter if you are a spoiler. When you are a combat hero, you will die very quickly and miserably.

Because the biggest and only enemy of the Mehek government forces is the drug lords in the territory.

Since the US-Mexico War ended in the mid-nineteenth century when the Mehei bands lost nearly half of their territory, the Mehei bands have hardly waged any foreign wars.

Its army is still one of the few troops on the planet without tanks.

This kind of military based on stability and internal security, met with a large amount of money in the US card market, brandishing a large amount of dollars to buy a large amount of heavy firepower from the underground arms dealers around the world, the scene can be Think about it.

Fighting, of course, is still possible. But after the fight, those officers and soldiers, especially their families, will be taken care of by the drug lords.

The better your government forces fight on the battlefield, the more ruthless the drug lords will treat your family in private.

Gonzalez, also known as Picero, is the same.

Fortunately, even though his family has a government army that "smears the family", there are also a lot of "family honors" that can be talked about in the gang.

In the end, he left the army and left Santo Los Angeles as a condition, in exchange for "forgiveness" from the drug lord to his family.

This paradoxical social relationship made Lu Yuan from China startled.

But looking at Gonzalez's expression as if he was losing a fight, he seemed to have no sense of the magical reality behind it.

Lu Yuan asked only to find out. Similar things are not only the case of Meheke, but also the whole of more than 30 countries in Latin America.

Among them, Maiheikou is not bad, because it is close to the US card, at least it can get some narcotics to sell, barely make some extra money, and support the economy.

Those countries in the southern region that fight in the sky, but no matter which party comes to power, will sell national minerals to the US card company as soon as possible, and it is even more difficult for the people to make a living.

However, because the land is fertile and the climate is pleasant, the whole people can still have fun there.

Yilu Yuan couldn't help feeling that the emergence of magical realism really requires a realistic basis.

Compared to Gonzalez's experience involving family and country, Robin's affairs are much simpler, seeking revenge.

Robin's real name is Charlie Shebatsky. The ancestors are Jewish Jews of Great Rus, and fled to the west when the tsar fell. So mixing is much better than the average big Russian.

Father has his own farm and company, so Robin has had no worries about food and clothing since childhood.

As an adult, Robin left Kannada and came to Meka, where he has been working as a journalist. Even a news anchor for a TV station in Liberty City. Of course, it's actually pretty average.

Later, her boyfriend and colleague was killed suddenly, and she found some clues in the police materials, so she went all the way to Los Santos to trace the whereabouts of the murderer.

What kind of clues it was, and why he didn't hesitate to come to Los Santos to be an urban mercenary in the underground world, Robin didn't know what it was.

Fortunately, other people also understand the rules. If others don't want to say, then don't ask.

Moreover, being able to say so much already shows that Robin trusts the three of them very much.

Gonzalez patted his chest, saying that he could help at any time if needed, but Robin was stunned by a word.

"Have you finished your special cargo contract?"

Feelings Gonzalez harassed Robin many times before asking Lu Yuan for help.

After dinner, the four discussed the next task.

According to Agent 14's plan, the four of them also needed to obtain a bus for relocation.

In addition, the former vice president of the Humane Laboratory needs to be killed, that is, the guy who sold Maxim to Don Pasival, the CEO of Meriweather.

Also need to get rid of, there are two lawyers who oppose Maxim. In fact, being a former member of the legal department of the Humane Laboratory is equivalent to betraying Maxim.

And, it is necessary to take back a car of Maxim's.

"According to Agent 14, these three people are in contact with each other. If any one of them has an accident, the other may find a place to hide and never show up, so they can only kill them all at once." Lu Yuan pointed to the three people on the table. Said the photo.

"Agent 14 also said that tomorrow morning, these two guys will go to the City Hall's Prosecutor's Office to submit evidence. They are the ones they have about Maxim's incriminating evidence." Gonzalez added.

"If this is the case, then we will be divided into two groups tomorrow morning, and the two will go to the gate of the city hall to guard, and the others will go to the vice president villa of Rockford Hills to kill him."

"it is good!"

"What about the grouping?" Turner asked.

Lu Yuan touched his chin and said, "The city hall needs speed. Whether it is the speed at which the two can kill them after they show up, or the speed at which they can run away immediately afterwards and cannot be overtaken by the authorities, it must be fast."

"As for the villa of the black-hearted capitalist on the other side, this is a tough battle that requires heavy firepower and a certain degree of accuracy." Lu Yuan thought.

"Not necessarily." Turner said suddenly, looking at the photo on the table.

"What?" Lu Yuan couldn't help being curious.

Turner took out a few photos of the vice president’s villa and placed them on a map of Los Santos. He pointed to a street south of Rockford Hills on the map and said, “This family’s swimming pool is just exposed on this road. If I were in For long-range sniping here, there should be no forced assault."

"Can it work? What if he doesn't come out to swim?" Gonzalez said suddenly.

"Then I have to rush in." Turner shrugged. "But based on what I know about these people, as soon as the sun comes out in the morning, they want to soak in the swimming pool. Therefore, our chances of success are still very high."

"That's it." Lu Yuan rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "Let's do it, Ling Kesi, you go to the villa with Picello. Then you will try long-range sniping first. Luo rushed in."

"Hey, boss, why is it just me rushing in?" Gonzalez said dissatisfied.

"Because you have been too lazy recently and need to exercise!" Seeing him explode, Lu Yuan's eyes slanted, and he stunned.

Gonzalez, who had just been yelling about unfairness, was so stunned by Lu Yuan and settled down directly, seeing the other two in amazement.

In fact, the reason behind it is also very simple. A few days ago, Lu Yuan was born to death outside to help him with special cargo tasks, but he was in the office, "running" with his female secretary.

This allowed Lu Yuan to grasp the handle, and he has not used it less recently to fix him.

Of course, the rectification is the rectification, and Lu Yuan did not give him less sweetness. Later, when he asked him to go out to get the goods, Lu Yuan, with the aid of the system's big data analysis, was surprised that he had successfully traded several times in a row and got the goods smoothly.

So there was Picello, who became Luyuan's number one dogleg.

Seeing Gonzalez retracted and acquiescing to Lu Yuan's assignment, Turner nodded and said, "Okay."

"So, here at the city hall, it's Robin and the two of us." Lu Yuan looked at Robin again, "By the way, do you know how to ride a motorcycle?"

"Of course." Robin said.

"Okay, then the vehicle we can escape is a motorcycle. This way we can get rid of tracking faster." Lu Yuan said.

"In this case, shall we go back and prepare now?" Turner asked when Lu Yuan had arranged an extra plan.

Checking the time, Lu Yuan asked again before nine o'clock in the evening, "Agent 14 said that we still need to sneak into the police station and get a shift schedule for the transfer bus? What is that? "

"It is for people who have sneaked into jail to arrange fake identities." It was Robin who spoke this time.

Just listen to her continuing, "If you get the shift schedule, Agent 14 can produce corresponding fake documents for us."

"Is it just like this?" Lu Yuan thought for a while, "the transfer bus that we need to prepare, don't we need to use the timetable to make a plan?"

"Well, the task of transferring the bus to the prison, according to Agent 14's plan, is to go to the street to **** it. Then escape and hide." Robin said.

"It's Mingqiang again? Is this guy an agent or a war monger sent by an enemy country? I think his home is not messy enough?" Lu Yuan snorted coldly, "We definitely can't do that!"

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan said again, "Well, let me find a way to go to the police station and get the information we need. For you, just go and grab the Maxim's car back."

"Are you alone?" Turner asked. "Otherwise I will go with you."

Lu Yuan waved his hand and said, "No. This kind of thing is more convenient for me alone."

"On your side, his car seems to have been loaded onto the ship by the Silla gang, is it ready to be transported away?"

"Nanluodu Wharf, the 10,000-ton container ship of the Xinluo Group, must have firepower left behind. It's just that the three of you, I think the firepower is not enough." Lu Yuan said, and threw the car key to Turner.

"My bulletproof car, you also drive over. Anyway, it can reduce the risk."

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