Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 197: Davis Quarry

The four discussed in the garage for a while, mainly for research, whether to go to Meriwether’s headquarters first and grab their gunship, or to go to the Davis Quartz Quarry in Blaine County first, where the two were named. An armed off-road vehicle for "insurgents".

Finally, with a three-to-one vote, Gunther rejected Gunther's plan to grab the helicopter first and chose to go to the quarry first.

The idea of ​​Lu Yuan's trio was that if they attacked Meriweather headquarters first, all Meriweather active outside would enter a high-level alert state, which would have an unpredictable impact on the tasks behind them.

In case all the external units return to the headquarters to shrink their defenses, will the four have to attack their headquarters again?

Then it really became what Agent 14 said, raiding Meriweather.

And the loss of a car on the outside, around the chaotic Los Santos, can not be said to be daily, it is definitely weekly. Even if Meriweather raises his defense level because of this, it won't be much higher. After all, raising vigilance requires costs.

The task started very smoothly.

After the four had finished changing in the garage, they took the AMG armored version of Lu Yuan together, ran out of the city, replaced them with the bird helicopter called by Gunther, and went straight to the Davis Quartz Quarry.

The biggest advantage of this is that with the endorsement of the security office, Meri Weather cannot trace the four people from the four-person vehicle.

He didn't drive his own ground vehicle because he was going to steal two cars this time, and the two of them were assigned to each other.

Through the mission experience of rescuing Martina Parcival last time, Lu Yuan was basically able to determine that the three parties of the Black Armored Forces, Meri Weather, and the Security Office were mutually different.

But Meriweather has a certain degree of cooperation with the other two.

Lu Yuan has not forgotten that in New Medellin, it was Meriwether mercenary who finished the South American drug lord. This shows that the Black Armored forces and Meri Weather have at least once cooperated.

In the security office system, there is also a built-in function for calling Meriweather mercenaries. It may be an opportunity to call foreign aid for certain small companies with insufficient force.

But the relationship between the black armor and the security agency is not an enemy but a passerby.

Otherwise, the security firm should not directly appoint a member to rescue the sleeping beauty.

With this judgment, Lu Yuan used the security firm's vehicle to feel more at ease.

"Boss, it's almost here. I'm going to lower the altitude, you are going to rappel! Get closer to the other party and you will find us!" Gunther yelled in the communicator shortly after flying over a highway.

"Okay! Hurry up!" Lu Yuan roared, hooked his body, and buckled the rope drop bar outside the cabin. When Gunther hovered the helicopter in mid-air, he twisted and smoothed. The rope slid to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Robin also slid down from the other side.

Finally, Turner sat in the middle of the rear cabin.

This arrangement is to reduce the things Robin needs to do when descending. For the veteran Turner, those steps were as simple as eating and drinking, so he didn't come down until he made sure that Robin was successful.

If you say who is the weakest link in the team, it must be Robin.

After all, she was born as a civilian. Although she had hunting experience from a young age and was not an ordinary fighter in the use of firearms, she was not much better than ordinary civilians in other aspects such as parachuting, rope descending, or team marching cooperation.

This is not much different from the road when he first came to the plane of Rock Star.

Therefore, she still had to find a shelter in a high ground for the first time as a sniper.

Lu Yuan and Turner, under mutual cover, marched side by side in coordination, and quickly entered the quarry.

"Boss, Lingks, the results of drone detection have passed!" The two waited for a while at the entrance of the quarry. Robin, who was holding the drone, passed on the distribution of enemies in the quarry.

"Lingks, you are right and you are left, understand?"


After looking at the distribution map, Lu Yuan and Turner immediately started to act.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yuan dropped the mask. Hold the SCAR-L rifle in the right hand, firmly fix the **** with the shoulder blade, hold the front end of the barrel with the left hand, hold the thumb directly above the barrel, and say "action", then move two steps to the left and aim at a guard Shot in the head.

The 5.56mm NATO projectile passed a distance of less than 30 meters and shot directly into the head of the guard. Under the stimulation of adrenaline, the splashing blood flower, in Lu Yuan's eyes, looked like falling petals, slowly flying out backwards.

[Kill Meriweather mercenary x1, get time and space points: 43 points. 】

The gunshot sounded, and the mercenary who was talking to the guard was suddenly startled, and immediately squatted to the ground, raised the muzzle, and took aim like Lu Yuan.

However, the moment he saw Lu Yuan, he felt a pain in his forehead, and then he lost consciousness.

[Kill Meriweather mercenary x1, get time and space points: 26 points. 】

"Left 1 position, empty."

As soon as Lu Yuan's voice fell, Turner's voice came from the communicator, "Right 2, clear."

Then there was another sentence, "Right 3, empty."

Lu Yuan hurriedly sprinted for two steps, standing still before the downhill, with his muzzle as far as the small iron house obliquely in front of him. When the two guards who were waiting to hide suddenly jumped out, they fired two consecutive shots and took them away.

"Left 4, empty!"

At this time, the guards at the top of the quarry were all resolved by the two.

The overall structure of the quarry, like a cochlea on the ground, passes through a spiral downward ramp, leading to the lowest level step by step.

As the mining progresses deeper, the more circles need to be turned on the ramp to get to the bottom.

At present, it only needs to go around the quarry three times to reach the bottom.

But that is the way vehicles need to enter. If you are walking, you can slide down the edge of the ramp.

Of course, if you lose your balance during this period, you will roll to the bottom, which is not much lighter than the injury suffered by falling off the steps.

But in order to get the reserved position as quickly as possible, Lu Yuan must also choose this method.

"Lingks, fire cover!"


Let Turner use a precision shooter rifle to cover fire at the top edge of the quarry, and Lu Yuan slid directly down the edge of the ramp.

There are not many enemies at the bottom of the quarry, only five people and two armored vehicles.

But precisely because there are two armored vehicles, it is much more dangerous than the top level.

According to the information of Agent 14, the two armored vehicles, although one is an unarmed van, the other is an M2HB turret version pickup truck.

This made Lu Yuan, who was still inquiring about the heavy machine gun in Perito a few days ago, both excited and a little nervous.

After all, he has tested the power of the .50 caliber BMG in the shooting range. If the gun hits him at the current distance, he will definitely make a big hole in his body.

This is still when I have NIJ level four bulletproof armor on my body.

If it is to deal with an unarmored target, an interruption is also likely to occur.

Therefore, Lu Yuan’s mission is to prevent the enemy from touching the heavy machine gun as much as possible.

But this plan is destined to fail.

Because at the same time the gunshots fired from the upper level, although three guards began to form a fire team and went up the ramp along the ramp, the other two hid directly behind the armored vehicle and used the outer armor of the vehicle as a shelter to construct the last one. Fire defense line.

When Lu Yuan slid down, Turner concentrated on controlling the three guards who climbed up, and finally managed to kill two of them.

As soon as he stood at the bottom, Lu Yuan immediately resumed his combat posture, still using the TOB (ThumboverBarrell thumb pressed over the barrel) of the gun, aiming at the last person who was condescending on the **** and about to shoot himself, and sent three bursts of fire.

[Kill Meriweather mercenary x1, get space-time points: 28 points]

Only at this time, the two people behind the armored car saw that something was wrong and opened the inner door directly, trying to drill in.

How dare Lu Yuan let them in. From the perspective of the structure of the armored vehicle, the rear seat of the pickup truck can be directly drilled into the heavy machine gun console in the vehicle. Then the threat will be too great.

"Lingks, blockade the machine gun stand!"


In order to slow down the speed of the enemy boarding the machine gun stand as much as possible, Lu Yuan could only ask Turner to suppress and shoot the machine gun stand while using himself as a bait to lure the last two guards to shoot at him.

So he simply lowered the muzzle, ran diagonally forward, bypassing the firefighting area between the enemy and Turner, and walked around behind the armored vehicle on the side.

Sure enough, when he ran over from the side without raising his gun, the two guards who were hesitant to drill the car door immediately pointed their guns at him.

The road running diagonally forward was far away. At this time, he fell directly on the spot, and he dodged the bullets of the two men dangerously. At the same time, he held up the rifle in his hand and shot at them.

This is the distance between the two parties is less than 50 meters. Lu Yuan had mental arithmetic and unintentional. After finishing a bullet, although he failed to shoot accurately and did not kill the two, he still managed to get them to lie on the ground.

At this time, it was too late to change the magazine. Lu Yuan simply took out the pistol, stood up quickly, and walked a few steps forward, taking advantage of the gap between the two on the ground that they had not yet eased up, banging twice, and two more shots in the forehead.

[Kill Meriweather mercenary x1, gain time and space points: 31 points]

[Kill Meriweather mercenary x1, get space-time points: 34 points]

Destroy all the enemies on the map, Lu Yuan said in the team channel, "Destroy all the enemies, gather as soon as possible, and report the location!"

"Lingks, be here soon."

"Robin, be there soon."

"Picero, still at the gate, wait for me for a minute."

"Hehe, then you go slowly along the road, pay attention, we will pick you up in a while." Lu Yuan smiled.

Without the enemy, he raised his eyes and looked at the two armored vehicles carefully.

It didn't matter to look at it, he felt a dazed feeling in a trance.

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