Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 198: Ever since I saw you at the Acacia River

"Since I saw you at the Acacia River,

Just like the spring breeze blowing into my heart,

I want to tell you softly,

I must have you! "

Seeing two insurgent off-road vehicles, mainly the pickup version equipped with M2HB heavy machine guns, Lu Yuan's heart kept echoing this song.

When Turner and Robin hurried over, they saw their boss, Nick Road, standing in front of the car, drooling at the two cars.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? Are you a nympho?" Robin hesitated to push the distance a bit, and found that he had slowed down a bit, and asked curiously.

"Don't blame him, it's so beautiful!"

Hearing this, Robin turned his head abruptly and saw Turner, who had always been facial paralyzed. At this moment, he also stared at the two cars and swallowed his saliva. He couldn't help holding his forehead with one hand and shook his head, "Man! Virtue." !"

"Okay, okay, are you two, are you idiots enough? Get in the car!" Seeing that the two of them were really outrageous, Robin simply gave them a brain collapse.

"Ah? What are you doing?" Lu Yuan came back to his senses first.

"Hmm." Turner also rubbed his forehead.

Seeing the two of them recovered, Robin said, "Okay, if you like it so much, hurry up and get in the car. You two drive one. Don't you both need to cut your love. Can you make it?"

"Well, good!"

Lu Yuan originally drove the pickup truck, but because he was not in a good position, he was on the right side of the car. As a result, he hadn't gotten around to the driving position. Turner had already climbed up excitedly and started the engine directly. .

Seeing this, he had to get in another van. Robin also followed in the back seat.

In her words, there is a lot of space in the back row here, so she has enough space to carry the rifle.

After Lu Yuan started the car, he realized that the big guy looked good outside, but it didn't feel good to sit in the seat.

The main plane database of the system also has vehicles with similar appearances, such as Cavaliers XV, Bulldog VX, and Paramount Predators. The military and police use in these cars may be similar to the current rebels, but the civilian version is definitely much more comfortable.

However, if compared with the military off-road vehicle used in the Luxin Arsenal, this vehicle has at least a large space and a wide field of vision.

The two cars drove out of the quarry area along the ramp, and when they were approaching the door, they saw a figure suddenly flashed out of the gap between the two tin huts. It was Gunther.

"Well, this car is so thick~"

Gunther's emotion came from the communicator.

"Piqueiro, give you that heavy machine gun." Lu Yuan said quickly, "wear a tight helmet!"

"Boss, don't you need it? Where can I find a helmet?"

"Don't worry, there is it in the car, I deliberately took it off the body for you before you came! Don't thank you sister me?"

"Thank you for being a big-headed ghost, why don't you wear it?" Gunther grunted, "Boss, you didn't kill that person with a headshot? If there is a brain in the helmet, I won't wear it!"

"Then, if you don't chase soldiers, you don't have to bring them. If so, you can choose between being opened by the other party and getting some other people's flesh and blood!" Lu Yuan teased.

"Buddhist, God, Mary! May we not be overtaken by the chasers! Amitabha!" Gunther got into the car, glanced at the helmet, and began to pray.

"Yeah, are you not Catholics? How come you believe in the Buddha? You are not a firm pagan!" Robin said.

I don’t know if Gunther prayed for the miracle, or if there were no other people near Meriweather recently. In short, until the four people threw the car to the assistant agents waiting on the north shore of the Alamo Sea, the chasing soldiers did not appear. .

Although the road was calm and calm, after getting out of the car, Lu Yuan's heart shot by Cupid's arrow had already recovered a bit of reason.

No way, it really made his **** hurt.

His state is like a flash marriage after love at first sight, but the next morning after the wedding night, he discovered many unacceptable problems in the other party and planned to divorce.

[So, the host, you are a scumbag, no doubt this scum. 】The system faintly commented.

{Why is this also scum? }Lu Yuan was very angry.

【look! The system directly marked him with a navigation arrow in his field of vision. He followed the navigation and saw Turner who got out of the car. He still reluctantly stroked the insurgent pickup truck, reluctant to leave for a long time.

[That's a good man with love! 】


"Lingks, let's go!" Lu Yuan yelled at Turner jealously and furiously, and turned to the old-fashioned official car provided by Agent 14's person.

In a daze, Lu Yuan found out in the light that Turner seemed to have kissed his finger in the end, and then pressed his finger on the outer armor of the pickup to give a goodbye kiss.

[Look silly! 】

{Humph! }

On the way back, Robin drove twice and almost stalled in the mud. He couldn't help but abandon him, "This car is too difficult to drive, right? A scrap car?"

"That's really hard to say." Gunther the co-pilot said, "Ford Crown Victoria, more than half of the US car's police official cars are this, and there are a lot of scrap cars and broken cars. This may be one of them."

Lu Yuan looked at Turner, who was in the back seat, obviously still on the armored car of the rebels, and couldn't help asking, "Why, Lingks, do you have an idea about that car?"

"What?" Turner was awakened from the trance, and said slowly, "I haven't driven a military vehicle for a long time, I kind of miss it."

"Hey, Lingks, don't you Meka Marines use a hummer? Why, have you used this?" Gunther asked hurriedly.

"It's HMMWV, or humvee, a highly maneuverable multi-purpose wheel drive vehicle! Hummer is a civilian version of the same company." Robin corrected.

"Hey, understand the spirit!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again with three sentences, Lu Yuan hurriedly gave Turner a look, and the latter smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, the main wheeled armored off-road vehicles used by the Marines are humvee."

"However, we have used this kind of insurgents several times. It is much better than the military fierce, and the armor is thicker. The most important thing is that it has enough space and is comfortable to ride. Alas, the feeling of driving her is wonderful. Words!"

Listening to Turner there, Lu Yuan could not help but slander his vision is really bad!

You almost shake yourself apart, how can you still ride comfortably? Then if you drive a humvee yourself, wouldn't you have been killed by your own car before encountering the enemy?

There was a hot chat over there for a while, the content was which of the various military off-road vehicles was easy to drive but too crisp, which was thick but too uncomfortable, and so on.

Soon, after taking the AMG bulletproof version that was far away, several people returned to the office garage again.

"This time, don't follow too close!" Lu Yuan said to the three of them after putting on Meriweather's combat uniform.

"Boss, you don't want to sneak in again, do you?" Gunther asked hurriedly.

"This kind of thing is the most convenient for me alone." Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Piqueiro, you need to use a bird to cope nearby. If the enemy is chasing too many helicopters, you have to rely on you."

"That's okay, leave it to me!"

"Well," Lu Yuan nodded, and said to Robin and the two again, "Robin, Lingks, this time is the mercenary base camp, the other party's firepower is too strong, you should still be a sniper on the Picello helicopter. !"

"Understand!" x2

"Okay. Lingks, you drove me over, just in time to drive the broken official car out. Picello, Robin, you go and drive the helicopter, move!"

"Yes!" X3

Half an hour later, Lu Yuan got off the car in front of the gate of Meri Weather Command Center in the Santo Port area of ​​Nanluo.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to get out of the car in front of the gate guard. Instead, after getting off the car early, he found a suitable place near the main entrance and hid.

When only one guard at the gate looked at him, he slowly walked towards the guard with a mercenary face that had just been blown up by him.

"Jeff? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you go to the quarry?" The guard immediately exclaimed when he saw Lu Yuan's familiar face.

Lu Yuan restrained his desire to rush forward, and walked forward without rushing, but said, "Don't mention it, there was an accident, I have to report to the boss!"

"Boss? What's the boss?" The man asked strangely, suddenly reacting to something, he would raise his gun at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan cursed secretly, {Doesn't this group of mercenaries use the internal title of ‘boss’?" What is it for? Sergeant? Captain? }

He cursed secretly in his heart, but his hands were not slow. He ran two steps quickly, reaching into the opponent's trigger frame with his left hand to prevent him from shooting, while his right hand took out a tactical knife and pierced the guard's neck fiercely.

[Kill Meriwether base guard mercenary x1, get 51 time points]

At the same time, he opened the space door under his feet and threw the body in.

Lifting his head again, his face suddenly became the same as the guard just now.

{Brother Six, how do I feel that I am catching up with the Devil Girl? }Lu Yuan said with emotion as he walked into the base.

【The host's clothes need to be prepared by himself, and his body shape cannot be changed. It's far worse than the magical girl. 】

{How do you keep hitting people? }

[...Pride makes people fall behind. 】

{I say I am like a devil, so proud? Then I want to say that my marksmanship is about to catch up with the special forces, do you have to say that I have a pig's nose with green onions? }


[In terms of marksmanship alone, the shooting accuracy within 200m of the host is already higher than that of 90% of the soldiers of the special operations forces. Especially rapid fire. 】

{Sixth brother, did you spoil your food in the morning? Why did you praise me again? }


[The host should concentrate on the task! 】

Lu Yuan wanted to ridicule a few more words, but two mercenaries like gorillas came and ran into him.

However, after a fight with Wave Blade, Lu Yuan has also consciously strengthened his melee combat ability recently.

Just when the person's shoulder was about to touch his chest, he stepped back a bit, then stepped forward, turned and twisted his waist, his body just gave him a ride to the gorilla who was a little imbalanced forward, and almost made him slap his mouth. mud.

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