Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 199: It's not worth flying a helicopter

"What are you doing?" Seeing that his companion suffered a loss, another gorilla-like mercenary hurriedly helped him up, turning his head and glaring at Lu Yuan.

"Huh, if you don't have the ability, don't come out ashamed! Still have a face with me? Why, do you dare to fight with me righteously regardless of the task?" Lu Yuan did not pretend to sneak in, directly facing directly. Stunned and went back.

"You! I'm afraid of you? Come on!" The gorilla who suffered a loss immediately wanted to rush over, but was hugged by his companion.

The man persuaded him for a while, and Lu Yuan faintly heard the phrase "wait for work and then clean him up", and saw the two snorted coldly, put down the "you are waiting" scene, and turned his head. Go straight away.

Lu Yuan took a bite behind the two of them before continuing to the southern helipad.

Maybe it was because of the conflict between Lu Yuan and other people before. When passing a few guards, everyone nodded to Lu Yuan and ran away like a plague god.

This makes the way far very strange.

{Brother Six, is this guy so bad in popularity? All caught up with "Jingjieyu"! }

[Counseling people suddenly become sharp, most of them think he is crazy. Isn’t it normal to stay away? 】

{Forehead? Counseling? }

[The host heard that joke, do you eat and sleep with peas? 】

{Of course, I heard it in elementary school, ten thousand years old. }

【very good. Then the host you are now Doudou. 】


{The person I just killed the relationship, is Merriweather's human sandbag? Suddenly, my conscience hurts for a while. What's the matter? }

[Well, if the host knows why he became a human sandbag, then the mood will be much better. 】

{Why, isn't it because of counseling? }

[If you are beaten by a party every day, you can't help but persuade. 】

{Why? }

[Because he insulted a local civilian underage girl in the war zone. 】

{! }Lu Yuan was surprised, but his self-blame and anxiety just vanished in an instant, and he subconsciously began to plan how to throw the corpse to vent his anger.

{This kind of person, not being a human flesh sandbag is really cheap for him! }Lu Yuan was indignant, and his murderous aura immediately filled his whole body.

It didn't matter this time. I just saw him fix the two mercenaries who usually bully people the most. Although other people are afraid that he will go crazy, they are still a little doubtful.

Now, seeing him walking towards the southern port and tarmac with murderous aura, those who might have passed by him also avoided him all the way.

In the end, instead, let him come to the UH-1 special Valkyrie helicopter unimpeded all the way.

He glanced around and found that everyone was looking at him, he immediately turned his head. Lu Yuan was both pleased and puzzled, but he didn't waste this great opportunity, and hurriedly glanced into the cabin.

{Really, they really welded the lock on the helicopter ignition button! Didn't this mess with me on purpose! }

Lu Yuan cursed as soon as he saw the situation inside.

From the flight driving school instructor, I know that general helicopters, especially military helicopters, do not have the start key like a private car. It's an ignition switch.

However, some people feel that it is not safe, either at the cabin door or at the ignition button, add the lock and put the padlock on it.

Therefore, in the airport, it is easy to see a private propeller plane with more than one million yuan, with a big iron lock hanging outside the cabin door.

The scenery is simply unique.

Now this Valkyrie, although there is no lock on the outside, it has a lock to cover the ignition button, which is not as convenient as the lock on the outside of the door.

{What can I do? }


[Host, take another look. 】

{What? }Lu Yuan glanced around and saw that just above the main driver's seat of the helicopter, a thing that looked like a car accessory was hanging, and it was a padlock key that was highlighted by the system.

{This, is that key? }

[Exactly. 】

{Do you not take off your pants and fart? They are deliberately disgusting, am I? }

His anger made him even more murderous. Even a few people who smoked on the edge of the pier hurriedly threw their cigarette butts into the sea and hurried off the tarmac.

"Hey! What are you running! If I can still eat, you can't make it?" Lu Yuan saw that he became more angry and shouted directly.

It's just that when he heard him cursing, others ran faster.

This made the system who just wanted to reprimand Lu Yuan's two sentences and swallowed those words back.

[Okay, the host can do it. ] Finally, the system reminded.

{What's up? }Lu Yuan, who was still in the dark, was stunned by what he said, and suddenly recalled his mission, hurriedly opened the hatch and sat in.

{Hmm, nothing happened just now! }Lu Yuan took off the key as quickly as possible to open the padlock and started the helicopter engine.

[Sure enough, the host didn’t do it intentionally...]

{what? Ha, ha, this, this is an accident, I'm a little bit irritated recently, accident, accident~~}

People in front of him were afraid that he would go crazy, so they avoided him. Now that he secretly turned on the helicopter, even those who were afraid of his convulsions had to come and stop him.

It's just that I run over now, it will be later.

When Lu Yuan got up the helicopter, the fastest runner was five or six meters away from his tail, which was too late.

"Goodbye, idiots!"

With a roar, Lu Yuan pulled the left-hand distance lever upwards, and when the helicopter rose to ten meters, he couldn’t wait to push the right-hand cyclic pitch change lever to the left. At the same time, he lightly stepped on the pedal with his left foot and adjusted the total distance lever heel with his left hand. With the upper coordination, the entire helicopter flies obliquely to the left side of the sea.

"Picero, I'm out! The little tails behind are handed to you, I'll flash first!" Lu Yuan shouted from the communicator.

Because at the same time he came out, some of the mercenaries on the ground had begun to board the next few birds, ready to take off and intercept them.

"Understood! I'll give them a ride!" Gunther replied immediately.

Lu Yuan looked around in the surrounding airspace, and sure enough, a small bird gunship was rushing towards the Meriweather apron from the east, adjoining the coastline.

As soon as they appeared, two 7-shot rocket nests poured out towards the remaining helicopters on the tarmac.

A series of explosions directly sent Lu Yuan a ride.

"Apron, empty!" Gunther said bullishly, turning around and chasing Lu Yuan behind his ass.

"Picero, are your rockets finished?" Lu Yuan asked dumbfoundedly.

"It's over? No need for nothing, anyway, the money is spent!" Gunther said.

"Then I ask you, what if there is an enemy helicopter chasing you?" Lu Yuan said.

"Uh, uh," Gunther hummed, and finally said, "Flee!"

"I knew it!" Lu Yuan sighed and changed his hand to hit the nose of the aircraft. He should have continued to go west and bypass the city on the Pacific Ocean, but now he changed to the east and flew to the eastern suburbs of the city.

"Boss, what are you doing? It's far away! You have to fly a big circle to escape the no-fly coverage!"

"The wild land you just hid is always okay?" Lu Yuan said.

"It's okay there, but where do you want to hide from for a while? That can't get rid of Merriweather." Gunther said.

Lu Yuan sighed and said, "I want you to be the co-pilot to control the airborne cannon!"

"Uh, yes, you still have a 40mm automatic cannon! That's a good thing, haha!" Gunther smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense, keep up!"

Lu Yuan's choice is quite wise. When both of them sat on the Valkyrie and circled the sea to the west of the city again, several other Meriweather's bird helicopters also caught up.

This is their spare machine parked in the hangar of Los Santos International Airport. Lu Yuan saw it next to the security office's hangar when he drove the C130 last time.

"Boss, the angle of this cannon is limited. You'd better face the enemy forward or sideways. Also, your flying altitude should be higher! Yes, that's it!" Gang's head has been completely plunged into the cannon sight. Se, after the test, I found a good angle and fired a shot directly.

With just one shot, it hit a bird that was coming to the bottom right to hunt down.

After the explosion, a burst of black smoke tossed, and the entire helicopter fell down in a circle.

"Well, this gun is quite powerful, Boss! It's just that the rate of fire is really low. From the outside, isn't it a multi-barreled cannon? It's similar to the Mi-24 Hind Helicopter. How can the rate of fire differ so much? ?"

Gunther spit out while attacking. Although he was a bit disgusted, he still forced the remaining chasing soldiers into two or two, so that he didn't dare to get close.

"The female deer is a 12.7mm machine gun!" Lu Yuan said to Gunther while maintaining the sideways flying posture, while keeping the flight speed as fast as possible.

"Besides, you are wrong. Its appearance is deliberately made like that. In fact, it is painted with light-shielding paint. The body is a 40mm single-barrel automatic cannon. It is similar to the blinding technique used by a magician!" Lu Yuan said. (Forced and reasonable explanation of the contradiction between appearance and battlefield performance~)

"Huh? Isn't this unnecessary?"

"Who said no? The designer has a pit!" Lu Yuan said, "No, so the pressure on the aircraft body is too great. You move the cannon to the front of the nose. I don't think that will work!"

"Head? Boss, don't you want it?" Gunther asked in surprise.

Lu Yuan smiled, didn't speak, fiddling with the two joysticks and pedals, turning the plane around and heading straight for the enemy helicopter.

But just before entering the damage range of the local six-barrel revolver machine gun, Lu Yuan made a slight stroke. The helicopter began to face the enemy helicopter formation, but the fuselage flew around with them as the center.

It is the fighting skills Gunther once showed.

"Boss, who did you learn from?" Gunther was shocked. "It's not just that I have used it twice. You will learn it, right?"

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