Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 218: spy? Virus? IAA!

Ten minutes later, after coming out of the airport toilet, the two changed their faces again.

Huang Weili has become an Eastern businessman with gold glasses, a little bald spot, and a suit and leather shoes. Lu Yuan became a middle-aged East Asian man with some malnutrition.

Although his disguise props can make his face 100% consistent with Huang Weili, the difference between the two figures cannot be eliminated.

After Lu Yuan's strengthening during this period of time, although his height did not jump sharply, he was still in his early one-meter-eight, but the muscles on his body were much tighter than before he traversed.

Huang Weili is a Yangshan native, short and thin. And recently because of bad luck, it has become more decadent and weak.

No matter how Lu Yuan changed, he couldn't become like him.

But at this point, you can only bite the bullet and move forward. Lu Yuan simply got a fat coat and wrapped himself firmly in it, as if he had recovered from a serious illness.

In this way, the face shape will be repaired, so that people can barely be distinguished from a distance.

Sparing a few laps in the hall. When the flight finally started boarding, Lu Yuan took Huang Weili to the direction of the boarding gate.

After finally reaching the boarding gate from the enemy's search, all the previous guests also entered the boarding gate.

At this time, Lu Yuan suppressed Dr. Huang who was about to board the plane and told him to wait a while nearby, while he went to the staff nearby first.

Sure enough, as soon as the staff saw his name on the boarding pass, they winked at the colleague next to him in silence, and then delayed Lu Yuan's boarding for various reasons.

At the same time, the other staff member hid quietly to the side, picked up his mobile phone, and sent a message to a certain mobile phone number.

The system also showed this message to Luyuan simultaneously.

Just three words "He is here."

Lu Yuan also pretended to be more and more impatient.

When several Meriweather's plainclothes mercenaries hurriedly ran over here from the escalator, the staff saw that Lu Yuan wanted to go and hurriedly checked the tickets for him.

With these two delays, those Meri Weathers also surrounded him.

Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to board the plane at this time, but he hugged Huang Weili who had walked behind him, and slid the checked boarding pass into his pocket, and drove him to the Meriweather crowd. In the middle of a throw, he ran out while taking advantage of the chaos.

When he did this, those plainclothes mercenaries didn't even bother to check the real Huang Weili, threw him aside, and hurriedly chased Lu Yuan.

{This is finally done for the first half! }Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief as he ran.

In order to attract their attention and prevent them from discovering that Huang Weili was actually boarding the plane pretending to be another person, Lu Yuan could not hide out of their sight.

Fortunately, there is a system to help retrieve the surrounding monitoring information, and Lu Yuan can always successfully escape from their gap before Meriweather catches up.

Just when Lu Yuan thought that he needed to play hide-and-seek with them until the plane took off, the system detected a new change.

Those Meriwether mercenaries who were chasing far away are decreasing little by little.

The system retrieved the information records and found that there was another group of unknown persons, one by one, stopping them and subduing them.

{What is the origin of these people? Why do you do this? }Lu Yuan is quite puzzled about this.

{Sixth brother, did the camera capture the face of this group of people? Check what they do! }

[Public Internet information shows that they are employees of the security department of several different companies. 】

[This is a typical false identity information. 】

{What about others? }

[On the public network, only these materials are available. 】

[However, one of the hosts has seen it before. 】

{Forehead? }

[It was in Russin Kharkov, when I met that Sam Smith, one of his men. 】

{Sam Smith? }Lu Yuan recalled twice, his face immediately became serious, {IAA? Why? Agent 14 sent it? }

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan realized that he hadn't paid too much attention, and simply called Agent 14 over.

The bell rang for a long time before Agent 14 answered the phone, but the tone was the same as he had in the morning.

"Hello, sweeper, big night, what can you do with me?"

Lu Yuan thought that even if the opposite party didn't directly ask for the credit, he would have to say something about himself, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"Um, I'm sorry, I'll bother you in the evening." He reached out his hand and didn't hit the smiley man. The other party was so polite, he could only choke back at the question he asked, "I just want to confirm that work can start tomorrow. "

Agent 14 was stunned, apparently he didn't expect Lu Yuan to ask such a trivial matter. The tone was stagnant, and some wanted to get angry, but he still suppressed his anger in the middle, and said in a good voice, "Well, didn't we say it, 9:30 in the morning. I will arrange everyone for you, don't worry!"

"That's good, that's good." As soon as Lu Yuan heard it, he knew that he was probably not the same as the person who rescued him, and he hung up after a few more words.

{Not Agent 14 sent to help me, so these are suspected IAAs, why do you want to do this? }

Lu Yuan was even more puzzled this time.

After thinking about it, he asked the system again, {what did those people do after they controlled Meriweather? Did you mean to catch me? }

【Absolutely not. Once Meri Weather was settled, these people immediately disappeared from the crowd. 】

{In this case, their purpose is just to let me or Huang Weili escape successfully. Yes or no? }A long way.

[Currently the most reasonable guess. 】

{If so, what if the relationship between me and Agent 14 is excluded, or even me is excluded, just considering the task itself? }Lu Yuan thoughtfully.

{IAA, want a Chinese scientist to escape back to China? Could this person actually be an IAA spy? }

{No need, the nature of his work cannot enter the core circle of China, even the core circle of scientific research. Even in his core circle in this field, it is difficult for him to get in. }

{Does it make sense to let such a person be a spy? }

{Not to mention, just as he showed it, unless his acting skills deceive you into my sixth brother and me, he is not suitable to be a spy at all. }

[What if it is not him who wants to send to China, but what he is carrying? ] The system said suddenly.

{Yes, the problem should lie in things! }Lu Yuan agreed.

{Some fragmented genetic maps. Several special gene fragments. Weakened African swine fever virus sample, wait, virus sample! }Lu Yuan suddenly reacted.

{Brother Six, have you checked the virus samples, have they really been weakened? }

[The micro inspection consumes too many time and space points, and the system cannot be performed without the host's authorization. 】

{Damn it, that is, you don't know what those virus samples are, do you? }Lu Yuan asked.

【Yes. 】

{No matter, whether it is or not, we have to check it out! }Lu Yuan changed the route of wandering around and ran directly to the previous boarding gate.

When it was the boarding gate, it was the previous staff member who saw Lu Yuan running over, and wanted to repeat the trick, but was thrown aside by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan ran into the plane on his own. Knowing that Lu Yuan had checked the tickets, the staff picked up the walkie-talkie and asked the police for help.

Lu Yuan didn't have time to take care of him, and before the police came to the door, he hurriedly looked for the middle-aged Dongying businessman's seat. Huang Weili, who was made up as alopecia areata, was still there safely.

Lu Yuan didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly let the system turn on the scan mode, looking for his briefcase that he had done. And, let the system do a comprehensive inspection of the things inside by the way.

Soon, the system side lit the briefcase in Lu Yuan's field of vision. And said, [Verification is complete. Everything else is fine, but the so-called weakened African swine fever virus sample does not match the real situation. 】

{really! }Lu Yuan said in a dangerous voice, {Why, it is the full version of African swine fever, isn't it? IAA wants Huang Weili to become a surrogate for deliberately spreading African swine fever to China. }

[They want Huang Weili to be a substitute for the dead, but the virus is not African swine fever. 】

[In fact, it is more serious than the swine fever virus that can only make pigs get sick and die. The virus samples there are MERS-like viruses. It is a virus that causes people to produce respiratory diseases. 】

{Respiratory virus? Pneumonia? }Lu Yuan was startled, but his hands were unambiguous, he opened the luggage rack directly, flicked over the briefcase, and put the virus sample into his personal space by the way.

At this time, the police and security personnel had walked to the vicinity of Luyuan, and without asking questions, they set him up and bombed the plane.

Lu Yuan has already completed what he has to do, and ignores Huang Weili's several searching gazes, pretending to be a unique posture of the Meka people, and being spit out while being pulled off the plane by the security guard.

When he returned to the boarding gate, the staff member saw that Meriweather hadn't come, so he reluctantly took a long way from the security staff and asked in a good voice, "Sir, you haven't Show your boarding pass."

This is no way. He knew that he was at a loss. He had clearly checked Lu Yuan's boarding pass before, knowing that he actually had the ticket, but for the benefit of Meri Weather, he had not checked the boarding pass as an excuse. Security pulled Lu Yuan down.

The fairy Ameriweather's people are not coming. He knew that Lu Yuan must have a card, so naturally he didn't dare to mess around like before.

It's just that where did he know that Lu Yuan's boarding pass had already been in Huang Weili's hands at this time.

Holding the boarding passes for two people, Huang Weili only needs to wait for the plane to leave Los Santos, go to the toilet to remove the makeup, and then arrive at Pudong Airport as he is. Don't worry about the problem of incorrect personal information and not being able to pass customs.

This routine is basically the same as Lu Yuan's use of Maxim's identity to help him escape from Bolingbrook. It was nothing more than covering up with Maxim's identity last time, and this time covering up Huang Weili with his fake identity.

Therefore, seeing the staff asking for a boarding pass, Lu Yuan just trimmed the collar wrinkled by the security guard, snorted, and walked towards the hall instead.

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