Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 219: IAA's internal factions

Lu Yuan didn't rush to go far this time. He waited for the corresponding flight to take off. It probably flew out of Los Santos airspace or even reached the open sea. Only then did he apply for the mission from the office's APP.

Soon, the application for the completion of the task was approved, along with the 50,000 US dollars, and Huang Weili's message: Thank you.

Lu Yuan looked at the remarks specially written in Chinese and couldn't help but sighed, "I hope he can do what he wants."

After returning to the office, Turner was still in the meeting room, writing and drawing in his notebook.

Seeing Lu Yuan's return, Turner immediately stood up and said, "Boss."

"Turner, why aren't you going home? Will Little Liz go back today?" Lu Yuan asked quickly.

"She has Vicki with her." Turner said, "Boss, it's okay, I'm leaving now."

As soon as he heard this, Lu Yuan understood that he had stayed here to wait for himself, and he couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart.

He patted Turner on the shoulder and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"No need to do this next time. If I need your help, I will tell you in advance. Don't worry, I won't be polite with you."

"If this is the case, you can do your own things with peace of mind. I will take care of these things."

"Understood, Boss." Turner nodded, "Then, the man just now, sent away?"

"Sent away." Lu Yuan couldn't help sighing. "However, there is always a bad premonition. I hope that guy will have a smooth road afterwards."

Seeing Turner look like you don't say I don't ask, Lu Yuan is also a little funny, so he simply told him the ins and outs of the task. It even includes the recognition of IAA.

Turner knew about the work space anyway, so it wouldn't be a big deal to know about Luxin. What's more, he didn't take the initiative to mention the arsenal, but just said that he was going to travel at the right time.

After listening to Lu Yuan's explanation, Turner nodded thoughtfully, and said in doubt, "Then, boss, are you worried that Mr. Huang will be unfavorable after IAA?"

Lu Yuan nodded, "They just want to use Huang Weili as a smuggler. They must know that professionals like him will not let it spread even if they use virus samples."

"If their purpose is to allow the virus to spread, then after they get to the place, they should still have someone attracting business Huang Weili."

"I hope they can leave him a way out after they fail to find a virus sample."

Turner was silent for a long time before hesitated, "Boss, Huang Weili or a normal researcher can take that thing out. IAA has more ways to bring it. I'm afraid, they just need someone like Huang Weili who can speak out. It’s just a way."

After listening to Turner's words, Lu Yuan nodded unwillingly, "Yes. Originally, IAA did things out of nothing and unscrupulous. Now there is such a person who splashes dirty water on him, whatever he wants. "

Having said that, Lu Yuan suddenly felt that he was so easy to sign a bunker contract with Agent 14, and he was somewhat shaken.

In the unlikely event that Agent 14 kills the donkey, he is definitely not afraid. It’s amazing to put all the assets in this world that can be taken away in the workspace, and after the ones that can’t be taken away are sold, they are replaced with time and space points. Even IAA can’t take it as a visitor from another world.

But Turner Gunther, local people who are close to him, are in big trouble.

Moreover, Turner finally found her daughter and is starting a new life, just because he was angered by the IAA, that's all there is to it.

However, after Lu Yuan told Turner about the transaction with Agent 14, Turner nodded calmly and said with approval, "This is actually good."

"Why? You also know IAA's style of doing things..." Lu Yuan couldn't help but wonder.

Turner nodded, cocked his mouth, and tried to make a smile before he said, "Boss, you may not know it. Actually, IAA is also divided into factions."

"Faction?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Yes." Turner nodded. "For example, IAA has Eastern European Affairs Office, Western European Affairs Office, Central and Northern Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa, America, Far East and so on."

"Like Mr. Huang just now, if IAA's handwriting, then it is mostly the handwriting of the Far East."

"And Agent 14, since he is responsible for delivering arms to Latin America, he is basically from the Americas."

"America, isn't it Latin America? Uh, because Kannada and Mika don't employ many people, they don't make a distinction?" Lu Yuan murmured, "Then, is there any difference between them?"

Turner nodded again, "Generally speaking, in regions like the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the Far East, because the United States is hostile to many countries, the IAA sub-offices in these places, just like the boss you said, do whatever you can to complete the task first. There is no morality at all."

"But in the sub-districts in Latin America and Western Europe, the pressure is not great, so the IAA staff in these places, how do you say, are more lazy and slack. And because most of the issues involved are not allies or doorsteps, they act. There are also more scruples."

"But, there are anti-US card countries in Latin America, right?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Yes, but there is too much power, and there is no real strength. After all, it is not the last century. Those countries cannot even deal with the opposition armed forces who sell narcotics, and what can they do to the US card? Trouble."

"As for the narcotics war, it is even more ridiculous. After decades of fighting, the narcotics market has become bigger and bigger. Now, it is the official concern of the United States and the card that smuggled narcotics is not taxed. What pressure can there be?"

"So, being able to have a good relationship with Agent 14 is not a bad thing for us. The danger is not high."

After listening to Turner's explanation, Lu Yuan finally felt better.

No matter if he said it was true or false, right or wrong, at least he didn't want to quit because of this, that would be enough for Lu Yuan.

But there is still something to ask.

Lu Yuan said, "How do you know these things?"

"When I was in the war zone, the IAA there wanted to transfer me to the special operations team. I was also a little moved for some reasons. But after talking with the officer he knew well, he firmly opposed the plan and told me Me."

"The IAA in the war zone is also the kind of people who act without scruples. They often kill donkeys. Once they have a relationship with them, they don't want to live a normal life for the rest of their lives."

"When I think about it, I should really thank that sir." Turner said with emotion.

"Lieutenant?" Lu Yuan asked curiously.


Lu Yuan understood now. Suddenly, the relationship between Hunter and Leicester and Agent 14 became clear.

I think that if Turner heard everything from the lieutenant, it would be no surprise that the lieutenant knew Agent 14 and even had some cooperation.

After understanding this, Lu Yuan stopped to say more, and hurriedly let Turner go home to rest.

It was just that he hesitated for a long time before going to bed, and finally sent a letter to the emergency contact information of the Chinese Embassy in the United States in the tone of an international student.

The letter stated that the international student encountered a scholar who was doing research on African swine fever at the airport. In words, the scholar intentionally or unconsciously stated that he had been suppressed in Meika and had to run to China with the research results. .

The international students later recalled this incident, fearing that the results of this academic rule might contain swine fever virus, so they came to report to the embassy.

The letter also intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the riots at the airport at that time, saying that there were two groups of people, one group seemed to be besieging someone, and the other group was besieging the previous group. And also attached some photos of the two factions.

As for photos, it’s also easy to find. As long as you search for a time period on social networks, you can easily find some useful materials for selfies posted in Los Santos International Airport.

After sending this anonymous letter, Lu Yuan fell asleep in the office with peace of mind.

{I hope that the relevant departments in this world's hometown can be as reliable as the main plane! }

Early the next morning, Lu Yuan re-energized, after the morning exercise, went straight to the Juniper Heights farmhouse bunker.

Seeing Agent 14 again, he still looked good at talking, and soon introduced the mechanics and security guards to Lu Yuan.

In this way, Lu Yuan's bunker will officially operate.

During the first operation, Agent 14 brought all the raw materials. This part still costs money.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan is now faintly conspiring with Agent 14, wanting to inquire about factions within IAA from him, so when he mentioned that the raw materials were brought here by the way, Lu Yuan gave him the raw materials fee without saying anything. Pay off in one lump sum.

The total is seventy-five thousand dollars.

At this time, Agent 14, who received the order from his boss to win Lu Yuan, was even easier to speak, and had a posture of a fellow traveler burning yellow paper and worshiping the handle.

Of course, the Meka people are not interested in this set.

Seeing that his attitude is so friendly, Lu Yuan asked tentatively, "You said earlier that I can buy the raw materials by myself, so I don't need to spend any money. How is that?"

"Simple. There are so many illegal gang companies in Los Santos. When you need it, you can apply directly on the main control computer of the bunker. We will give you a suitable target from the intelligence of the day, and you can get them Just grab the available raw materials in your hand." Agent 14 said.

"Black eats black?" Lu Yuan asked, "No problem, right?"

"As long as you don't get caught upright by the police or similar agencies, there is no problem." Agent 14 said very embarrassingly.

Lu Yuan nodded, and then asked what he wanted to ask more, "First, although we are all tacit, but I still want to ask clearly, 14 you, are you from IAA?"

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