Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 240: Kill the chicken with a sledge knife

According to Lester’s intelligence, this group of “professionals” put the equipment together with their vans in a warehouse in the Hollywood district.

That is, near where the four people are now.

"Okay, Alex, you follow me, change guns, we touched the sentry. Lingks, you are in charge of remote support. As for you, Picello, go get a van." Lu Yuan Arranged Road.

"Yes!" X3

In the past few days, because of a reminder from Turner, Lu Yuan found a set of good things, AAC (Advanced Armament Corporation) BLACKOUT modification kit, and their .300AACBlackOut ammunition.

This "advanced weapons company" has always been known for producing mid-to-high-end mufflers. Quite a bit research on silencing weapons.

The current mainstream of silencer firearms is the use of silencers with subsonic bullets to greatly reduce the impact of gunpowder explosions at the muzzle and the noise caused by the warhead breaking through the sound barrier.

In this case, the muzzle velocity of the warhead is basically fixed, that is, within the speed of sound of 340 meters per second, currently mostly around 900FPS (footpersecond feet per second), which is about 274 meters per second.

Regardless of the shape and characteristics of the warhead, the ballistic performance and stopping action of the warhead are closely related to the kinetic energy it carries.

Kinetic energy formula. The speed v is fixed, and the greater the natural mass m, the higher the kinetic energy.

Of course, m cannot be infinitely large, and we need to consider the bearing capacity of the barrel and the loading of ammunition and gunpowder.

In short, the American people do have a talent for “playing in the city” when it comes to guns. These people actually pulled out the commercial bullets on the market, the 5.56 NATO bullet, and replaced it with a 7.62mm bullet. A special heavy warhead subsonic wildcat bullet.

Wildcat (wildcat) bomb is a general term for this folk modified bomb.

Later, on this basis, AAC carried out a certain degree of modification and transformation to make it meet the standards of SAAMI (TheSportingArmsandAmmunitionManufacturers'Institute), and it was successfully transformed from the wild to become a commercial ammunition.

This is the AACBlackOut bullet, the AAC sentry bullet.

Because this kind of thing is really good, so the US-Canadian military also thought about it. After AAC, it simply made a short-barrel silenced assault rifle based on AR15, the AAC Honey Badger.

However, this kind of gun is not good, but AAC also sells modified parts, that is, it allows ordinary AR15 to fire. 300AACBLK upper receiver with barrel.

With this thing, those M4s in Lu Yuan's hand can still be changed into short-barreled silencer assault rifles.

This is what a few people are holding now.

After Lu Yuan's re-engineering, the overall noise reduction performance of this thing is comparable to that of MP5SD, that is, it will not be noticed 5 meters outside. But the range can reach more than 100 meters.

Of course, the biggest advantage this thing brought to Lu Yuan was that it opened a door to a new world for him.

Before, he really didn't know that there was a wild cat bullet. After all, he was not a beauty card person, and he didn't change his guns and play guns from childhood to adulthood.

If time doesn't allow him, he would like to make a few more special ammunitions and modify the corresponding firearms to play with. It's like that explosion.

After changing this honey-like badger with Alex, Lu Yuan took the lead and walked to the warehouse.

There were special noise-killing weapons to help out the sentry, and this group of professionals were not very vigilant, and they soon brought down all the sentries by the two.

"Piqueiro, did you get a car?" Lu Yuan confirmed that the surrounding cameras and the like had been successfully stolen by the system before saying on the team channel.

Gunther: "I'll be here soon!"

Before the words were over, I saw a gray-black van, cautiously driving in from the street. It stopped directly next to another van in front of the warehouse.

"Alex, come and take a hand." Lu Yuan pried open the enemy's van, pulled out the electronic equipment in the rear compartment in three or two, and handed it to Alex.

In this way, several people transferred things to Gunther's car in twos and threes, and Lu Yuan said to Turner, "Lingx, you and Alex drive this car. There is their positioning device on it. , You go and lead their chasers away."

Turner: "Understood."

"But..." Alex hesitated to ask.

Lu Yuan smiled at her and said, "Their tracker is on the shelf just now, and I will mark it with bright markers for you. After running almost, crush the thing and they won't be able to keep up with you. "

"Um, okay, boss!" Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go."

Turner patted Alex on the shoulder, got into the black van with her front and back feet, and rushed out of the warehouse.

Not long after the two left the warehouse, they heard the sound of a car moving around, and then several black SUVs chased after them.

Lu Yuan nodded, and said to Gunther on the gray-black van, "Piquetello, let's go, let's send things directly to L!"

Gunther: "Good!"

With Turner and the two attracting firepower, Lu Yuan's side really went smoothly and delivered the things to the place.

In this way, the four people only had the last piece of preparatory preparations to do. They went to the Lost Gang Club in Dongluodu to get their four Ducati Street Fighter S high-performance motorcycles.

"How about it, everyone, can you continue?" Lu Yuan asked the three of them in the conference room.

"I'm fine, I haven't had much effort today." Gunther raised his hand first.

Turner and Alex looked at each other, and both nodded.

Lu Yuan: "Very good, then let's continue!"

The Lost Gang’s Dongluo Sanctuary is in the northeast of the city, and it’s south of the Hollywood Park Lane Casino, which can be seen after passing the Eastern Expressway.

This nearby area is in a relatively awkward position.

This is almost the edge of the urban area. Although it is still restricted by the no-fly order, as long as you move a few hundred meters north or east, you will be free.

Moreover, because of crossing the highway, leaving the city center, between the middle-production area and the suburbs, the police force here is relatively insufficient, and more depends on the autonomy of local units. Wanting to come here is also one of the reasons why the Lost Gang has placed the clubhouse nearby.

Having said so much, I just want to explain one thing, that is, it takes a long time for the police to shoot around here.

In fact, when Lu Yuan first came to Luodu, the "chain saw" he met with the M249SAW saw the Xinluo gangster, it happened near this area.

Because of this, all four of them were replaced with heavy armor, and their weapons were replaced with their best configuration.

Turner, the precision shooter, still used his M39EMR, replaced by Luyuan and made a heavier barrel.

Gunther is his MK43MOD1/M60E6 light machine gun.

Assaulter Alex used the AK103 Lu Yuan had just given her.

In the end, Lu Yuan himself was still the SCAR-L.

Recently, he has used the SCAR series that he captured from the Vigo Gang very often, and he has forgotten his genuine HK416 aside.

There is no way, it is really a cost issue.

Based on his current usage of changing a barrel for a task, he is not willing to do it for a gun as expensive as the HK416.

Gunther stopped the car a little further away, Lu Yuan didn't rush down, pointed to Turner, and he dropped the unmanned reconnaissance plane out.

Lu Yuan took over the control of the drone, guided the four-axis small aircraft, and took a clean picture of the enemy's distribution around the clubhouse.

The captured image data will be directly generated into a pseudo 3D map through a small program written by Lu Yuan, and the location of each enemy will be marked in it.

Of course, in fact, the prototype of this thing is still a few related programs that the system found from the Internet and the confidentiality is not very good.

Lu Yuan is equivalent to using these building blocks to build things by himself.

After getting the enemy distribution map, Lu Yuan greeted the three of them to get out of the car together.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, Lu Yuan whispered in the headset communicator, "Lingkes, here you lead the command, wait for my signal, and attack from the front."

"I'll go back first and give them some presents!"

"Understood!" Turner nodded.

Lu Yuan turned to the side and circled around the outer wall of the clubhouse. After reaching the back wall, he made a light leap and turned in from the top of the wall.

Four Ducati Street Fighter Ss were placed on the back wall by the Lost Gang.

According to their thoughts, let's not say whether anyone dared to break the ground at Tai Sui, even if someone dared, they would shoot the thief indiscriminately on the way out of the car.

Therefore, there are only two huts nearby, with two or three people guarding each, and no one is always guarding the motorcycle.

But it's already night. With the daily routine of the lost gang, it's time to watch TV, drinking beer, and chatting in front of the TV.

Therefore, the entire defense can be as slack as it can be. On the contrary, the two guards near the gate, and about three to five gunmen, remained vigilant.

Because of this, Lu Yuan came here alone first.

He left some "presents" at the door of every hut nearby, and Lu Yuan threw a few of his special chili powder smoke bombs into the room with the largest number of people.

"I X! What is this?"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The riots broke out for a while.

Lu Yuan didn't waste time. Before they came out, he sent a few cans of chili powder in each window, and then he shot the lost helpers who ran near the windows to ventilate them.

Da Da, after every sound, a watermelon blooms.

"Someone attacked us! Hurry up, get out! Fight!"

The people in the room swarmed out, but only listened to the sound of "bang" and "bang". The gift Lu Yuan placed at their door--M18A1 Broadsword Anti-Infantry Mine, the modified version of the bunker, sounded one by one.

"Hiss~~ Boss, just some gangsters, are you going to give them infantry thunder?" Gunther's mutter came from the headphones, "What do you want us to do if you go on this set?"

In fact, they may not really need to act this time.

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