Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 241: Oriental Theater

Just as Lu Yuan's gunfire sounded, a few of them rushed in from the front door.

Except for the checkpoints at the door that had not been gifted by Lu Yuan, they were killed. When they raised their guns and wanted to continue, they found that the lost gang had already stepped on the mine pressure sensor at the door.

After a series of big explosions, although a considerable number of enemies were not killed, they were either stunned or stunned. In short, they all temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yuan hurriedly took the other three people on four motorcycles and left the neighborhood before the others could react.

However, Lu Yuan couldn't help but shook his head looking at Alex, who was so happy all the way at the front of the team.

"Ling Kesi, do your apprentices like motorcycles so much? Even the spur wheel can be both forward and backward. It's amazing!" Lu Yuan smiled.

Turner, who was ridiculed, nodded slightly and said, "When she was in the war zone, she drove an off-road motorcycle. Not only did she like it, but the technique was really good."

Gunther: "Look at her Sa Huan like this. Hurry up and catch up with how wild you were when you drove the rebels!"

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Hey, some people don't know who they are when they get on the helicopter. Don't say who, you know!"

Gunther: "Boss, you will always have such a day! There will always be a vehicle, and you will be as crazy as we are when you sit on it! Wait!"

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head, without saying anything.

Not to mention, let alone high-end sports cars, fighter tanks, gunships, etc. on the plane of Yanxing, he has driven them all.

But he really did not appear to be like Alex in front of him on any kind of vehicle.

This is a kind of joy and fit from the depths of the soul.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan hasn't met yet.

Back in the office in an instant, Lu Yuan greeted Turner to remember to call Sahuan's Alex back, and threw the motorcycle into the vehicle modification room for disposal.

Anyway, these four motorcycles were not necessary for the mission. After they were modified, they were all given benefits to Alex as a toy, which was not a loss.

After this is done, the preparatory work left only the thermite.

Although such things as thermite are tall and tall, in addition to high-end practices, there are also very simple methods.

Because Lu Yuan has a whole set of underground munitions production lines, he has almost all the materials and equipment for making thermite.

As for the production method, there are a lot of relevant papers on the public website.

There are methods, materials, and equipment.

For Luyuan today, items of the thermite level are as easy as transforming smoke bombs into homemade tear gas bombs.

So when he took the time to give Lester, who was a little unbelievable, to demonstrate on the ground the use of thermite to melt the steel security door, Lu Yuan and the others directly missed a mission to go desperately with Meriweather mercenaries.

According to Lester's plan, the four of them are now ready to start formal operations at any time.

However, Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "It's too risky to rush out of the police enclosure. We'd better think of an individual way."

Lester: "What way?"

Lu Yuan: "Why don't we take a look around, rent a house, and make a tunnel? Isn't that often the case in movies? It's impossible for this kind of building to have drainage pipes, right? A ready-made tunnel!"

Lester said with a smile and a smile, "Next door? Rent? Do you know where is next to the bank? That's the Oriental Theater built in 1928! Can you rent her?"

In fact, this theater is called Grauman's Chinese Theater in the main world. It was established in 1927, and it was selected to open on May 18th, which fits the Chinese psychology. It was founded by this American Jew named Grauman under the influence of a Chinese friend.

Interestingly, in 2013, TCL Corporation won the ten-year naming right of this theater, so the main world is called TCL Chinese Theater.

Knowing that there is such an old landmark building next to the bank, Lu Yuan knew that renting a house might not work.

But he was still not reconciled if he didn't see him personally, and he said, "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I'll check it out first. It's better than braving the bullets, right?"

Although it is called the Oriental Theater, the establishment here is a bit old in the 1920s.

At that time, the aesthetics and understanding of Huaxia people of Meka, and even the understanding of Huaxia art by Huaxia people who came to Meka at that time, were far from the Huaxia people of today.

The result is self-evident, Lu Yuan can hardly feel any intimacy here.

Although I didn't get any comfort in personal sense, but in the task, it was not small.

Because after he turned on the system perspective function, he soon discovered an available escape channel.

There is a sewer entrance and exit on the west side of the theater, which can lead to the underground. In the underground pipeline, one can clearly find the weakest wall closest to the underground vault gate of the bank next door.

"Brother Six, can we blast a gap in this wall and enter the bank without worrying about burying ourselves alive?" Lu Yuan asked the system when facing the sewer pipe wall in front of him.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but it is necessary to make directional blasting bombs. You cannot use remote-controlled bombs directly." The system said, "Of course, the tutorials in the system database are enough for the host to complete all this with sufficient materials."

Lu Yuan smiled and didn't say much. With a wave of his right hand, he directly unfolded the space door of the working space in front of him, and walked in.

Wednesday is the third day of the mission.

At 9:30 in the morning, the four people gathered in the office on time.

Leicester's various equipment and tools, as well as Lu Yuan's various bombs, are all ready to be completed.

Finally, they sorted their weapons and equipment, and the four of them drove a three-no official car to the Pacific Standard Bank in West Hollywood.

After entering the bank, Lu Yuan tied the ball-shaped door handles of the gate together with ropes.

In this way, those who want to come in outside the door, no matter how to turn the handle, the door will not open. In this way, the risk of being alarmed by someone at the door can be reduced.

After confirming that the door was locked, Lu Yuan nodded to the three of them to signal the start of the mission.

Turner and Alex rushed into the hall with their rifles directly.

Bang bang, after two gunshots, two guards armed with guns were knocked down by special rubber bullets.

Although the rubber warhead is not completely non-lethal, under the current circumstances, it is already the best choice that Lu Yuan can give.

After knocking down the two gun guards in the hall, the two went to one side to control the crowd panicked by the gunfire.

In order to resolve the conflict between not killing the innocent and controlling the crowd as much as possible, the rubber bullets Lu Yuan rationed several people this time were also divided into levels.

The low-power paralysis shell used at close range, the half-power slow shell used at medium range and above, and even the general-purpose shell used in Los Santos.

The effect of the paralysis bomb just now was not bad. The two guards didn't even shed blood, but they had bruises at the place where the rubber bullet hit, and both of them fainted.

As for whether the effect of the paralysis potion is good, or is it stunned by the huge kinetic energy, is it necessary to study it so clearly? It just works.

In this case, although they did not die, in the eyes of others, there is a high probability that they are dead. In this way, at least deterrence is sufficient.

While the Turner and the two controlled the crowd, Lu Yuan also began to use homemade thermite to melt into the iron door of the employee counter.

Originally, this task was more appropriate to Gunther, because Lu Yuan, the gun **** within 50 meters, was just right to deal with the current situation.

However, after all, he prepared the thermite himself and gave it to others, which is really uneasy. In case something happens, it is not worth it if you don't say anything about being disgraceful, and then kill your own helper.

If you go out on your own, all these things will be gone.

It took only five seconds to ignite the thermite, and with a metal click, the entire lock core of the iron door was completely melted by the thermite. In the original position, a palm-sized cavity appeared.

Lu Yuan directly pushed the door inward slightly, and walked inside the staff counter.

In the next step, another iron door leading to the basement of the vault can be done in the same way.

Just as Luyuan installed the second thermite bomb, Gunther, who was in charge of the guard behind him, suddenly yelled, "Be careful."

It turned out that the two guards hiding on the second floor suddenly entered the interior through the corridor and fired at him.

I saw Lu Yuan where the thermite was still being placed, and there was no panic on his face, his body moved a small step to the right, and he easily dodged in the future.

And the work of planting bombs in his hands was not stopped at all.

No way, who would let Lu Yuan have a system that can predict the trajectory and use it as a fraud.

And it happened that this guy came here for a field inspection in person yesterday.

What does that sentence say, genius is not terrible, and people who work hard are not terrible, just because geniuses work harder.

To him, it's not terrible to have a cheat device. What's terrible is that it's hard work for him to have a cheat device.

This is all right.

When Luyuan ignited the thermite and waited for the iron door to open, the two guards who came out of the office on the second floor had been taken down by Gunther and Alex.

Naturally, it is safe to have a small life, that is, stomach pain and head pain for a period of time. After all, rubber bullets will swell the stomach, and the fast-acting anesthetic will inevitably hurt the brain.

A few more seconds passed, and with a click, Lu Yuan pushed the door directly and walked in again.

But this time, instead of rushing down the stairs, he threw two smoke bombs down first. After the smoke spread, he rushed to the bottom of the stairs with the thermal imaging, giving the two who were choked by the smoke to stand unsteadily. One of the guards, one shot.

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