Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 288: Three in a gang and the old witch

He suddenly remembered that in the offline plot of the original game, Mike was forced to be a dead body by FIB again, and he seemed to have gone to the IAA building to rob people with Franklin and Trevor.

And it was taken from the old IAA witch named Karen before.

"Yes, if they get the vote, the security level of the IAA building will definitely rise a lot. You can't wait any longer, do this as soon as possible tomorrow morning!"

So with this mentality, Lu Yuan simply didn't stop doing it. That night, he ran to the house of the hapless guy who had just returned to Luo Shengdu and prepared in advance.

Use the disguise device to sneak in, and rely on the information collected in advance to get through. This trick has long been used and cannot be used again.

What identity ID, fingerprint, iris, etc., after completely controlling the person being disguised, all this is not a problem.

Therefore, the first half of Lu Yuan's dive operation went quite smoothly.

Relying on the identity of this hapless guy, he successfully entered the IAA building, successfully hacked into the database on the dozens of floors in front of the building, and obtained a list of people entering and leaving the building and a timetable.

In the second half of the plan, he needs to use the newly obtained list and timetable to select a person who can enter and exit the high-rise secret computer room of the building, pretend again, and then copy the data in the IAA confidential server at close range.

But at this time, an accident occurred.

In other words, the unexpected accident.

Just as he pretended to install the toilet, in fact, while waiting for a property manager who was qualified to enter the confidential floor, the building's alarm system suddenly rang.

Lu Yuan took a look at some of the building's monitoring equipment for which he had obtained permission. Sure enough, a group of unidentified armed men was invading a certain floor of the building by helicopter and was engaged in a firefight with IAA agents.

Although the operative who was hoisted from the helicopter with a descending rope was covered, Lu Yuan still recognized it as the offline protagonist Mike.

{This group of guys really helped FIB to grab people from IAA! }Lu Yuan said with emotion.

He rushed to the IAA in such a hurry. Even after he got the list of personnel, he didn't consider waiting for the right person to make up the person after get off work and easily sneak into the confidential computer room. Instead, he wanted to use the property management of patrols as a springboard and directly If you venture in, you are afraid that time is too late.

However, he did not expect that he speeded up on his side, and the offline protagonist was actually so fast on his side, directly disrupting his actions.

According to the plot in the game, it should be Trevor driving the helicopter provided by FIB, putting down the Mike hanging on the rope, and asking him to go to the IAA office to grab someone, which is when Billy the Hunter team met Mike in the autopsy room. , The person the latter went to investigate.

In addition, Franklin, the last of the three protagonists, used a sniper rifle to provide long-range fire support on the roof of another skyscraper near the building.

After grabbing the target person, Trevor will drive the helicopter to leave, and prepare for an air battle with the IAA helicopter, and will win the battle and escape successfully.

No matter how you look at it, this infiltration mission is exceptionally simple, rude and irresponsible, that is, the protagonist of the plot can succeed so easily.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly remembered that if it weren't for the missile car a few days ago, the downtown area of ​​Los Santos would still be under the control of a no-fly order.

However, now, after an inexplicable military operation by an inexplicable force, and under the arrangement of the office, a bunch of mercenaries fought an inexplicable war with these inexplicable people, and they were inexplicably obscured by the ban on flying. .

Others haven't enjoyed the benefits of the disappearance of the ban. The offline protagonist is so lucky to be able to attack the IAA building with a helicopter?

If it were not for the control of the no-fly orders in the previous months, the IAA group would not have overlooked the possibility of helicopter invasion.

Could it be that the protagonist halo of these offline protagonists is so powerful?

At this moment, Lu Yuan mingled with these guys, suddenly had an unprecedented yearning and impulse.

But he is sane, knowing that this is not a good time to think about this kind of thing.

Since IAA's security personnel were temporarily attracted by those guys, don't waste your time.

So he simply threw the unlucky ghost who had been drowsy in the space into the toilet cubicle, ran two steps quickly, and knocked out the property management who had just entered the door and turned to leave after hearing the alarm. , Changed into his clothes in twos or twos, and ran to the staircase passage.

Following this, the property management dressed as rushing aid broke into the floor where the computer room was located with ease.

At this time, the offline protagonist had already cleared the first team of IAA agents, and began to hug the target character and prepare to escape.

He glanced at the surveillance Lu Yuan, and was shocked to find that the old IAA witch agent named Karen, after escaping from the conflict area, began to command the rescuers to carry out a counterattack.

And Lu Yuan was unfortunately called over by her.

Fortunately, the intrusion method of the system does not depend on the physical interface. In other words, there is no need to attach a USB external annunciator to the confidential server in order for the system to copy the information seamlessly.

This is related to the information channel built by the IAA server.

After all, the server is for human use. Although low-floor personnel and even external personnel want to access confidential server data, they need to pass through layers of firewalls, and access to the system along this line will inevitably be discovered.

But the staff on the high floors, because most of the daily work needs to access the confidential server to complete, so that they have to pass through piles of verification firewalls every time they access the server, which is particularly inefficient.

Therefore, the employees and confidential servers here are actually in a local area network. The internal security management of the local area network must be much more relaxed than the external security management.

Luyuan has already reached the high floor, and only needs to jump into the work LAN through the wireless network on this floor, and then the content can be copied to the server.

In this way, even if stopped by the old witch, the system still started copying information.

"You, what about you, hurry up, take five people, and rush in! Never let them run away! Understand? Otherwise, I'm asking you!" The old witch hid behind a table and shouted to some spy Shouted the member.

While roaring, he pointed at the people behind him, including Lu Yuan who had just been called over.

{Tsk tusk, brothers give me a sense of sight! So afraid of being responsible, don't run away at the beginning, be tough with the protagonists, and then let others out of anger? The senior officials crushed people to death! }Lu Yuan pouted his mouth and spit out in his heart.

But he didn't know. Although most of the people present thought that way, he was the only one who dared to make emotions into expressions. In other words, other agents have long been used to hiding such emotions.

As a result, the old witch saw him pouting at a glance, and stared at him.

Lu Yuan's forehead was cold, and when he looked at him, he saw a pair of vicious eyes staring at him fiercely.

{It's over, it's over! To be targeted by this old witch! }Lu Yuan felt annoyed.

He is not afraid of being put on shoes by this "superior", anyway, he is not a real property management. By the way, the property management in the IAA building is also an IAA agent, and this part will not be completely outsourced to commercial companies. After all, it is secretly involved.

What he was afraid of was that if the old witch arranged a task for himself, which was the kind that made him leave this floor, his plan to sneak in and copy the IAA information would be ruined.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked the system, {Brother Six, how long will it take you then, how is your progress now? }

[Global information copy rate 1.3%]

{what? So low? Doesn’t it take an hour? }Lu Yuan, after calculating the time for a while, said in surprise.

[At present, priority is given to copying documents related to Los Santos, gangsters, mysterious forces, technology companies, hunter squads, humanitarian laboratories, etc. 】

[Such files account for about 8% of global information. And according to the degree of confidentiality, the copy rate will be different. 】

[Therefore, within about ten minutes, the above information can be copied. 】

{Well, that's ah, that's okay. }Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if someone is targeted, one hour can’t be won, but ten minutes shouldn’t be a big problem.

Sure enough, when the person named by the old witch to take the lead in the charge, turned around and selected five people from the rushing agents to set off, the old witch recommended Lu Yuan to him. In other words, the property management that Lu Yuan dressed up.

The reason she gave was also quite strong, saying that Lu Yuan seemed to be able to fight well, and his eyes told her that he was very urgent for this task and wanted to show his fists, not like others who were greedy for life and fear of death.

In a word, he not only pushed Lu Yuan out to die, but also succeeded in making other agents hate him, and almost everyone cursed him to die quickly in their hearts.

Lu Yuan secretly scolded the old witch for not shaking Bilian, but he had no choice but to take out the Glock pistol from the holster, carefully follow behind the chief agent, and touched it towards the attacked office.

{Sixth brother, how is it? how much longer? }

【Countdown for 8 minutes. 】

Hearing that there was still so much time left, Lu Yuan sighed lightly, hiding behind a certain bookcase outside a certain warring office, and grinding foreign workers.

"That guy, yes, you are talking about! You rush first!"

Unfortunately, not long after he squatted down, he was named by the previous boss.

After all, none of the people present were stupid, knowing that he had offended the old witch, he was named and sent to death. But even if he knew it, others would only cherish his life more than others.

Anyway, letting him go out to die, it will only be more in line with the boss's will, and can protect himself to a certain extent, why not do it?

So Lu Yuan was pushed out like this.

Lu Yuan felt a tingling pain in his chest as soon as he emerged from behind the bunker. He was familiar with this feeling when he was fighting an elite sniper who was suspected of being a dark eagle.

He knew that this was an enemy aimed at his chest.

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