Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 289: Zhang Sanli goes to the sky on the sea

After realizing that he was mostly targeted by Xiaofu in the distance, Lu Yuan subconsciously wanted to step sideways and hide aside. But then he suppressed this impulse, and took out a level four bulletproof insert to block the tingling sensation in the coat.

The next moment, a sniper rifle hit the bulletproof flap inside the jacket firmly, knocking him to the ground.

"Quick, go! Go! Go!"

Ignoring how the remaining people continued to die, Lu Yuan fell to the ground and cursed secretly while resisting the sharp pain in his chest.

{FK! FK! Damn! Xiaofu, this guy is quite accurate! }

{This bullet too! Is it added? With a distance of one thousand meters, hitting the fourth-level A, it still hurts so much? }

{XX, fortunately, you can lie down and wait for the time to pass. }

{Sixth brother, how long will it take? }

[The countdown is 7 minutes and 32 seconds. 】


It had only passed half a minute, which made Lu Yuan very impatient.

But it's better to pretend to be dead than to be alive. Not only had to hide from Xiaofu's bullet, but also had to hide from Mike's bullet, and was targeted by his own people. It's better to die early and get out.

Soon, Lu Yuan's encirclement and suppression agents were also killed by the three protagonists.

This time, before the old witch Karen continued to send people up, Mike had left the window of the warring office with the unlucky ghost with an obvious Middle Eastern face.

Lu Yuan didn't bother to worry about the remaining IAA and the protagonist's air battle, so he waited on the floor with peace of mind.

He originally thought that at least this time he would be able to copy all the content on the server. But within ten minutes, a few teams of nurses dressed up came in the building and pulled the internal body to other floors.

Yes, it's not a hospital morgue, but a certain floor in this building.

Unfortunately, this floor is not among the classified floors, which means that the system's intelligence copy has to be ended.

In desperation, Lu Yuan had to play Resurrection once, and after avoiding the monitor, he swaggered out of the building.

Looking back at the chaotic IAA building and the investigators who jumped up and down the stairwell, Lu Yuan knew that the two hapless guys he threw in the toilet might have been discovered.

It turned out that he still wanted to be as secret as possible, so as not to cause harm to the innocent people who have used their identity. However, this time the protagonist team blocked the gun, and the IAA would only suspect them, and the unlucky ones who were used by themselves were a lot safer.

{You have to be grateful, hapless No. 1 and hapless No. 2! }After smiling at the IAA building, Lu Yuan hurriedly left the neighborhood.

As soon as he stepped into the office door, he couldn't wait to ask the system, "How is it, Brother Six? What is the harvest?"

[Well, there are some gains. 】

"What? Just some?" Lu Yuan seemed to be splashed over his head by a basin of ice water.

[First of all, the IAA building that the host just went to is just the location of the IAA Los Santos branch. 】

[An office building located on the bright side can be forcibly entered by several people due to accidents and taken away by a certain interrogation object. From this we can know that the confidentiality level of this building is actually not high. 】

"Oh, is that so?" Lu Yuan sighed.

As the system said, in fact, he felt the result before sneaking in. Otherwise, he will not delay this matter again and again because of other things.

Being able to be interrupted by other tasks also shows that this matter is not a high priority in his mind.

"Okay, let's talk about what we have found." Although Lu Yuan was somewhat distracted, he still asked with strong spirits.

[Which aspect does the host want to look at first? 】

"Of course it is the Black Armored forces." Lu Yuan said, but suddenly recalled another old thing, and quickly added, "Right, and the name dispute between Los Angeles and Los Santos."

The difference between Los Angeles and Los Angeles is a strange thing that the two of them discovered before the Yanzi left.

Roughly, the people of Los Santos almost all call this city Los Santos. But in other parts of the world, especially those in remote places where information exchange is lagging behind, quite a few people call this city Los Angeles.

If it's just that they don't know that the city has been renamed because of poor information exchange, then every library in Los Santos or other places should have records of the city's name change.

However, the fact is that everyone who thinks that the city should be called Los Santos can't hear the term Los Angeles at all. When they mention the word, they will directly treat it as if they heard Los Santos.

It's as if Lu Yuan said it was Los Santos instead of Los Angeles.

For this situation, Yanzi and Lu Yuan both believe that it should be done by some kind of extraordinary existence that can tamper with human cognition at the subconscious level.

However, after that, the two have not been able to find relevant information.

Now that he got the data from the Los Santos branch of IAA, Lu Yuan just wanted to give it a try.

In fact, he also knew that compared with information about black armor forces, this kind of information that may involve a certain high-energy existence is even less likely to exist in the intelligence center of the Los Angeles branch.

Sure enough, the system said, [Sorry, the word Los Angeles never appeared in the data. 】

"Oh, okay, then black armor forces!"

[Sorry, there is no black armor force either. 】

"What?" Lu Yuan couldn't be as calm as before this time.

Why did you go to the IAA building? Don’t you just want to find some information related to the black armor forces?

Agent 14 they have had so many conflicts with that force in secret, which shows that IAA must be well aware of that force.

Not to mention, based on past accumulation, Lu Yuan had long suspected that the so-called Black Armored force was probably a certain faction within the IAA.

Right now, there is no relevant information in the database of the IAA Los Santos Building. Is it possible?

"It's impossible!" Lu Yuan shouted, "Even if Agent 14 belongs to the American Affairs Office and they are not under the management of the Los Santos branch, they can't have no information, right?"

[Hmm, please calm down the host. 】

[The system means that there is absolutely no information related to the term Black Armored Forces. 】

[This word is created by the host, isn't it? It's normal to not have it. 】

"Are you shaking me? Xiaoliu, you're not good again!" Lu Yuan said in an angry voice, "Hurry up!"

[According to the current information about the black armor forces,]

[It has an unusual relationship with the U.S.-Caribbean military, especially the navy. 】

[Cooperate with IAA, Meri Weather and Pacific Standard Bank to a certain extent. 】

【Close ties with military contractors, especially holders of power bone technology. 】

[There is a connection with the Los Santo Triad, and it may also be connected with Madera Sokatel, and is hostile to a certain Silla gang. 】


[To sum up, there are several major suspects in the information database. 】

[Former head of IAA European Affairs, former Pentagon military staff officer, former partner of Meri Weather, special adviser to the president, Cove Black. 】

[Former Director of the Aerospace Agency Ames Research Center, former Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Ministry of Defense, Director of United Technologies Corporation, Theodore McCall]

[Former Director of the Criminal Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, former Secretary of Homeland Security, Co-founder and Executive Chairman of the Cherko Group, Clark Cherko. 】

[Former head of IAA Middle East Affairs, former director of the National Counter-Terrorism Center, former deputy director of IAA, director of the San Andreas Consortium Litton Industries Group, Edward Petraeus. 】

[Former acting commander of the Central Command, now member of the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of Naval Operations, Admiral James Dempsey. 】


Looking at this long list of more than twenty names, Lu Yuan inevitably fell into chaos.

"No, so many? Who are these people? The position looks familiar, but so many people can have that kind of power?"

[In fact, there are more than 60 people, but they are more likely to be the managers behind the security firm, so they are not listed. 】

"Hey, it's really like nothing this time." Lu Yuan sighed.

[Can't say that either. 】

[If the host can get more information about the black armor forces, then we can directly cross-check this list. It's better than finding a needle in a haystack. 】

"It has no choice but to do so." Lu Yuan still couldn't raise his interest.

"Is there any other useful information? I mean besides the black armor forces."

"For example, what are Agent 14's ideas?"

"Um, what kind of existence is a security agency?"

[Regarding the Americas Affairs Office, there are only some official documents and no specific names. Mentioned some code names, such as United Paper, Northern Shipbuilding and so on. 】

[However, there is a record, which is an official document from the American Affairs Office requesting the Los Santos branch to strengthen the management of the humanitarian laboratory. 】

[Some documents show that the head of the Los Santos branch has a good relationship with Don Pacival. Almost all interceded for Meriweather. 】

[Regarding information about the security firm, most of the contents of the file are encrypted. But in some key words, the security firm is the product of a secret project called XX Arena. 】

"XX Arena?"

[Yes, but the specific content is encrypted and cannot be viewed without the key. 】

"No, Xiaoliu, you copied all the content back, but you can't decrypt it?"

[The system copy method is to directly read the binary data at the bottom of the disk. If there is no data extraction rules such as encoding for conversion, the so-called information is just a string of 01011. 】

[Even if most of the information is restored to text based on the encoding, the 01001 that has been processed by a certain encryption method is converted back to just a string of meaningless garbled codes. 】

[If you don't know which encryption method they used, it is quite difficult to restore it to meaningful information. Even if it is restored, it may be an error message. 】

"Well, escape encryption? I played it when I was a kid. If you replace Li Si with Zhang San, God replaces the sea, and prepares to replace the past, then the text says'Li Si is ready to go to the sea', which actually means'Zhang San once went to heaven'? "


[Host or go to heaven...]

[But, indeed, that's what it means. 】

[Although the actual password used will be much more complicated. 】

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