Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 333: No revenge

After listening to Nia asking this question, Valeria was speechless again because of panic, and said after a long while, "He, he said he knew the video I made, and said that although this is not a serious matter, it is also Don’t let me do this, ask me to go home and give him all the original video."


You don't need to tell her what it is, it's nothing more than how to teach her. It's just that it's definitely a lot smaller than sending the killer directly.

At this time, the logic of the entire incident also worked out.

The woman took the video with Martin, took the video to San Fernando to request release, was detained by Martin's men, and informed Martin.

Martin invited a woman out in the name of introducing a job, but took the opportunity to threaten her and asked her to hand over all the video backups she kept, including the original version, but at the same time, the killer had been arranged to wait at the woman's house.

When the boss of the gangster is like this, no one will fall asleep when they go home, and they will inevitably sort out those videos.

Whether it's obediently handing those things to Madraso, or making them into some timed mail as her own amulet, she will definitely find those things first to confirm them.

That's why Martin didn't send anyone to follow her as an overseer.

Once it is confirmed that she has browsed everything, the killer hiding in the closet will come out to solve her and destroy the videos.

Only in this way can it be guaranteed that the things she recorded will not circulate 100%.

Although Lu Yuan always felt that a small video of a gang boss did not seem to affect his status in the arena. unless……

Lu Yuan thought of those special Aztec statues that Martin Madrasso particularly liked, as if he understood Martin's unspeakable concealment.

However, another question of Niya reminded Lu Yuan of an old thing that he almost ignored.

"Leave these aside," Niya said, "I'll ask you first, did you notice anything special about him with Martin Madraso? For example, old scars?"

"Ah? No?" Valeria was taken aback, with a look of confusion, "I told him at the time that he didn't even have a scar as a boss, he must be particularly successful!"

"Huh! You really can talk, no wonder men like you so much!" Niya snorted and glanced at Gunther next to her. "Then, what did he say?"

"He didn't say anything, just as if thinking of something terrible, and vaguely changed the subject." Valeria recalled.

"Yeah." Niya nodded thoughtfully, "One last thing, and then you can rest."

"You said that you saw the apartment camera on your cell phone and took the killer. After running away halfway, you hid in West Hollywood?"

"Then can you find out that video now?"

"This," Valeria hesitated, and said, "Actually, the video is on my phone, but Samuel told me to throw it away..."

"Except for that?" Niya frowned.

"Then only the magnetic cards in the pocket camouflage cameras." Valeria said, "They, they are in my handbag..."

As she said, she handed over the brand-name leather bag in her hand.

Niya took the purse, but saw that there were only some cosmetics or small ornaments or dolls in it, and she couldn't help asking, "Where is the camera?"

Lu Yuan, who is familiar with Valeria's tricks, took the bag directly, swiped it gently, took out a few small things from it, and took out a few nail-sized memory cards.

"This is? A lipstick camera? This woman actually has such a professional spy equipment? But she makes money from that kind of thing?" Niya saw Lu Yuan find out where the magnetic card was, and couldn't believe her eyes.

Listening to her words, Lu Yuan once had the same emotion, but also a wry smile.

How to put it, I can only say that for Valeria, that kind of thing is really love.

After getting the magnetic card, Lu Yuan fiddled with it twice and found out the video of the incident.

Fortunately, Guntheria also knew about his senior hacker's personality, and was not surprised that he actually carried a card reader with him.

As for being able to find the corresponding video in twos or twos, they also think that it is something that hackers should be able to do.

Lu Yuan can only say about this, fortunately Lester is not there, otherwise he would not do either of these two things.

First of all, the magnetic card used by Valeria is a special edition smaller than the commonly used ones, and the general card readers are not compatible with it at all. That was just redeemed by Lu Yuan from Transverse Space, and it cost him 50 time and space points, which shows how special that thing is.

As for finding the video, the main credit is the system.

After finding the target, Lu Yuan thought for a while, and stood up from the computer desk.

He doesn't want to watch that kind of stuff here with other people. Too awkward.

Fortunately, Niya is not a pervert. She just picked up a few screens, closed the video, and nodded to Valeria, "Okay, there is nothing wrong with you here, go and rest!"

After Valeria looked sadly at Gunther, who wanted to help but didn’t dare to move, and dragged the sleeping bag to the corner of the warehouse with difficulty, Niya closed the door from the office area to the warehouse. Lu Yuan said, "That person is not Martin Madraso!"

"What?" Gunther exclaimed immediately.

However, Lu Yuan on the side was still calm.

In fact, he who killed Martin Madraso himself and encountered the resurrection of the dead, of course knows that the current Martin is not the original version at all.

But having said that, he is definitely not the real Martin Madraso?

Seeing Lu Yuan's calm look, Niya took a deep look at him and said, "You already know it!"

"Don't talk about it yet." Lu Yuan waved his hand, "How are you sure that this person is not Martin Madraso?"

"Because of the real Madraso, there is a clearly visible scar on the abdomen." Niya said, "This person, not to mention the scar, even the skin looks more delicate and shiny. And this bronze skin is obviously beautiful. Copper treatment is not the result of long-term outdoor life being exposed to the sun!"

Since I heard Niya say that Martin has a scar on his abdomen, she stupidly opened her mouth and didn't know what to say about Gunther. At this moment, she seemed to have just recovered and hurriedly asked, "You, you, you, Niya , How did you know so detailed? You, you, you?"

"What are you thinking about!" Niya gave him an angry look. "Why, do you think I had a chance with him to get revenge?"

"What? Did you really think so?" Gunther yelled, and was immediately slapped back on the computer chair by Nia's slap.

"Shut up!" Niya snorted, "Only you have the most trouble! Why? Do you have to ask me what's the matter with the video of that little **** boy inside?"

Seeing Gunther's silence for a while, Niya hurriedly said to Lu Yuan, "Because the person who gave him the scar died in my ex-husband's hands. It was also because my ex-husband avenged Martin's revenge, they became an alliance. "

"So, this person is definitely not Martin Madraso, he is either a liar, or Madraso's previous stand-in, who was carried out by their gang as a cover to make the organization smooth and excessive!"

"Anyway, this is a good opportunity. We should get Madera Sokatel as soon as possible!"

Seeing Niya talked more and more excited, Lu Yuan didn't show any interest at all.

When she finished speaking, Lu Yuan paused and asked, "Niya, do you know what this means? It's the fact that this person is not a real Martin."

"What?" Niya didn't recover from the excitement just now, and she didn't know what Lu Yuan wanted to say.

"If this person is not a real Martin, it means that the real Martin is dead and killed by me." Lu Yuan calmly said, "The one who killed your husband and killed your children is dead."

"You have no revenge."

"What?" Niya, who was still flexing her hands, heard Lu Yuan's words, as if she heard something like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, her whole person was suddenly pinned there, and she couldn't speak.

"Niya?" Seeing that her condition was not right, Gunther quickly got up from the chair and lightly held her in his arms.

"Martin is dead? I have no revenge anymore?" After a long time, Niya murmured these few words, and two lines of clear tears also ooze out from her red eye sockets, sadly stroked. Over the cheek.

Seeing her waking up from a dream, Lu Yuan sighed secretly, nodded to Gunther, and walked out the door lightly.

In fact, before he said those words, he didn't expect that Niya would actually react like this.

In his opinion, Nya's revenge against Martin Madraso will definitely not end with the death of the latter.

After all, it was not Martin Madraso who killed her husband and children, but the leader of Madrasocatel.

Martin did not personally meet the blood as a killer, but because he is the leader of a drug cartel, it is not possible to allow someone to cooperate with institutions such as IAA or DOA to sell the interests of the group.

From this point of view, it is reasonable that Niya just planned to take the opportunity to destroy Madera Socatel.

The reason why Lu Yuan asked that was mainly because of Lester's suspicion before, which made him doubt whether Niya was trying to avenge or was ready to take over Madra Socatel's site.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be what it is now.

There is only one thing, except Lu Yuan knows, this world may only be known to the parties involved, that is, behind Madera Sokatel, there is also a black armored force.

Not only because Lu Yuan was attacked by a dark eagle on the day he killed Real Martin, but also because, from Niya's narrative, Lu Yuan always felt that the team of mercenaries who killed her husband in the first place was also like a black armored party. Even though they were not wearing the signature power black armor at the time.

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