Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 335: Trapped beast fights

But three minutes later, Lu Yuan passed the small building on the northwest side of the pier and swam from the previous speedboat to under the arch bridge of a waterway in the north of the small building.

At this time, the four-person assassin team had separated two people, and probed towards Lu Yuan's previous location.

After getting the latest information from the system, Lu Yuan hurriedly disposed of the water on his body, so as not to expose himself because of the sound, he quietly walked ashore from the ladder beside the waterway and leaned toward the three-story building.

Just in front of the two people found that there was no one on the speedboat. When reporting the situation to his teammates, Lu Yuan also easily climbed up the small building, took out the .22LR Ruger MARKIII silencer pistol, and pointed it at the precise shooter on the top of the building. His helper gave them one bullet per forehead.

The bullet aimed at the precise shooter who was still exploring outside easily penetrated the parietal bone of the back of the man's head and sent him to long sleep.

However, maybe it was perceiving something, but the shooter's assistant observer was just inward at this moment, that is, Lu Yuan turned his head.

Coincidentally, that person actually wears a pair of archer goggles.

As a result, Lu Yuan’s second .22LR pistol shot just hit the nose bridge of the goggles. After losing a considerable part of the kinetic energy, it pierced the forehead of the observer hand from the lower edge of the frontal bone.

Unlike the 9mm keratme and .45ACP rounds whose muzzle kinetic energy is around 480J, the muzzle kinetic energy of .22LR is only about 140J.

Although due to the small cross-sectional area, its specific kinetic energy, that is, the ratio of kinetic energy to cross-sectional area, is similar to 9MM Pa bombs and higher than .45ACP, which means that its initial penetration is actually not lower than the former, but that is in kinetic energy. Without attenuation.

Just penetrating a piece of goggles lens, perhaps the kinetic energy attenuation will not be too high, but the bullet hit the beam with almost the highest structural strength.

At this time, although the remaining kinetic energy can also shoot bullets into the opponent's brain, because the penetration is not deep enough, the opponent did not immediately lose all his mobility.

For this, Lu Yuan just secretly sighed the other party's **** luck, ready to make another shot.

Anyway, even if that part is temporarily injured without dying, the other party will die unless he is sent to the hospital immediately.

What he didn't expect was that the observer who had been beaten half dizzy suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yuan with bloodshot eyes, with a terrifying expression.

Lu Yuan was a little startled, wondering whether the other party was going to spend the last moment trying to "stare" himself, or the traditional "I have to see who killed me, so that I can become a ghost and come back for revenge".

But in any case, things of this level have been difficult to cause any interference to Lu Yuan.

However, the strange thing was right here. Just as the man stared at him, Lu Yuan actually felt an unbearable tingling sensation on his chest and other parts. The pain was stronger than when the precise shooter aimed at him before.

In the next second, the person's veins exploded, and then the whole person exploded. At the same time as the explosion, the man's broken bones were like fragments, shrouded in a way that was only seven or eight meters away.

"I'm going! Blasted infantry again?"

Lu Yuan could not help but cursed secretly, and barely pulled out a shield to protect his chest, while the whole body shrank behind the shield as much as possible, and suffered the blow abruptly.

However, even if there was a shield blocking it, because of the dense and dense bone fragments, Lu Yuan was inevitably hit in many places, mainly on the shoulders and legs exposed by the shield.

However, there was also a long and thin bone spur, but after piercing the shield, it pierced Lu Yuan's leather armor, and gave him a hard hit with the left hand holding the shield.

"This TM is his killer blow, isn't it?" After Lu Yuan pulled out the bone spur, he cursed at the bone arrow fragments that definitely did not grow naturally and must have been artificially carved.

"I said, why didn't the black armored warriors come? Is this a new type of cannon fodder? Just this bone spur fragment, I am afraid that the black armored fighters can be killed in seconds at close range!"

Lu Yuan made this inference because the shield he just pulled out was not a medieval item on the plane of Nin.

In order to leave himself a back-up protection in the situation where he couldn't wear heavy armor right now, Lu Yuan made the kind of shield just now.

Although the main body is still a steel shield, on the outside of the steel shield, nine pieces of 25X30cm specifications are neatly embedded, and the protective force must be above NIJ level 4. Silicon carbide ceramic ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene bulletproof inserts.

In other words, his shield protection is almost the same as his heavy armor body armor. It should be close to the black armor's power armor.

Even so, after the bone spur fragment penetrated the board, it shot through at least the NIJ level three bulletproof arm armor on his arm. It can be seen how powerful that thing is.

Ruthlessly scolded the enemy's cunning, but Lu Yuan could only hurriedly jump off the top of the building.

He had no use of a rifle before, and he had to use a .22LR silencer pistol. He wanted to deal with the other two assaulters after the high-level precision shooters were killed in a quiet environment.

However, this explosion not only caused a certain amount of damage to him, but the plan to fight quietly was also completely invalidated.

With such a loud explosion, not to mention the other two assaultmen will react, even the police will definitely come quickly.

After all, this is not an unpopulated suburb or a slum that no one cares about, but a pier where the upper-middle class of Los Santos often visit.

The speed of police dispatching here is probably second only to the city centre, and it is cheaper than the high-ranking villas of Rockford Hills, which is closer to the police station.

Lu Yuan jumped off the top of the building, hesitated twice before leaving or continuing to kill the remaining two. However, when he saw an information prompt in his vision that he hadn't had time to read, he shot at the other two. People rushed over.

[Kill the biochemical puppet x1, get 90 time and space points. 】

This is the information he ignored before.

Unlike the black armored warrior's "Bio-enhanced Warrior" label, these are obviously more like cannon fodder, and they are actually called "puppets".

This actually explains why the person who just blew himself up before his death, although the blue veins burst into a squalid face, but he felt more like a killing machine than a raging human being.

Reminiscent of the previous half-tracked chariots, those who blew up with Lu Yuan, now these should have been improved and strengthened. At least those who were killed by Lu Yuan last time were not labeled this time.

The reason why Lu Yuan chose to stay instead of leaving was because he wanted to see the labels of the remaining two people, and also meant to add points.

After all, he has been frequently in and out of the main world and the Yanxing plane recently, and the accumulation of time and space points has been stagnant for a long time.

However, with the experience of almost being recruited just now, Lu Yuan didn't dare to get too close when dealing with the remaining two.

But perhaps for the same reason, the two assaulters, after discovering the self-destruction of their companions on the roof, actually covered each other and quickly withdrew from the pier trestle.

Lu Yuan looked at the posture of the two men, fearing that he wanted to rush to his side and explode directly. He dared to hesitate, and immediately flashed out from the wall, and shot two bursts of shots at the moving person outside the bunker. .

【Kill the biochemical puppet x1 and get 70 time and space points. 】

"There is only one left!" Lu Yuan said softly, and ran straight forward, preparing to use himself as a bait to lure the last person to the bait, and then use his shooting speed far stronger than the opponent to fight the last person.

After all, at this stage, it is faster than a gun in a one-on-one situation, and Lu Yuan has never encountered an opponent.

Only halfway through, the sudden tingling sensation again surprised him.

Because from the direction of the tingling sensation, he instantly judged the location of the threat, which was the assaulter who had fallen on the ground and had no sound.

But this time the pain was not too strong, Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, and after passing the vital parts, he continued to run forward.

The explosion sounded again, and the bone fragments spread out from the corpse at an extremely fast speed, hitting far away for a while.

At this moment, he only felt that the left half of his body wanted to be flooded with iron sand rain, and the fiery pain was spreading up and down.

Less than half a second after the explosion sounded, the last person behind the bunker also seized this opportunity to reveal his small body, holding an M4A1, and aiming over like Lu Yuan.

Only seeing Lu Yuan where half of his body was blown to blood, and still pointing the gun at him, the man inevitably stunned.

At this moment, a tongue of fire shot out from the muzzle of the black hole in his eyes, and then his whole body was shaken, and his whole body fell softly to the ground.

[Kill the biochemical puppet x1, get 65 time and space points. 】

This time Lu Yuan didn't dare to lean over again, if he was bombed by the last guy once, no matter how strong he was, he might have to faint.

Listening to the sound of police sirens in the distance getting closer, Lu Yuan hurriedly evacuated the scene.

However, before leaving, he did an experiment with a drone, allowing it to get close to the last corpse, and even bumped it up, but it did not cause him to explode.

"So, the person who blew himself up for the second time should have been detonated by the last person?" Lu Yuan in the car sighed as he looked at the video data from the drone.

It was just this time that he sighed and caused a laceration on the left half of his body, causing him to tremble with pain. As a result, the pain is more intense.

Enduring waves of severe pain in this way, he finally returned to the underground garage of the office. Lu Yuan hurried to the work space and immediately lay on his back on the operating table.

After half an hour, Lu Yuan finally recovered intact, looking at the bone fragments pulled out of his body, he was shocked again and took a breath.

"Even the small fragments are turned into arrow-shaped? Are there any bones in the group of people that have not been carved? Actually, this can be endured?"

Recalling the two previous explosions, Lu Yuan soon came to a conclusion that for those who blew themselves this time, the origin of the explosion should be the chest cavity. Those carefully crafted high-kill bone fragments should be their ribs.

As for the slender bone arrow fragment before, it is probably a whole rib.

In addition, the observation hand upstairs blew up when he turned his head sideways, which is more evidence of this.

The second person who exploded, that is, the assaulter who was headshot by Lu Yuan, fell face-to-face, so the long-bone arrow in his chest has a high probability of not being activated. The only ones that hit Lu Yuan were the small fragments.

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