Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 336: Madeira Socatel, out

Because he had injuries that needed treatment, and it was inconvenient for others to discover the secret of his quick healing, Lu Yuan did not return to the apartment where Gunther three people lived temporarily, but returned to the office alone.

After the bone fragments were taken out and the medicine was used to restore health, it was almost four o'clock in the morning, so Lu Yuan spent another night in the office bed that day.

In fact, Lu Yuan has rarely returned to his apartment in the past half a month or even a month, and his daily life is here in the office.

Correspondingly, there are almost no personal belongings in the apartment, but it looks like a hotel room.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Yuan allowed the three people to hide in his apartment.

But they moved in separately, and Lu Yuan was still cut off by them the next morning.

To be precise, Gunther interrupted his sleep. Because I just slept for less than five hours, I should still be in the dreaming stage.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yuan asked, trying his best to control his anger. After all, with the current situation, if Gunther is also targeted by that kind of battered infantry, or even blocked by a genuine black armored soldier at home, that's really true. All previous efforts were abandoned.

"Boss, boss, look at the news, the news said that Martin Madraso was killed in his villa last night! And nearly 20 security personnel of the entire villa were also brains removed! "

In Gunther's tone, besides excitement, there seemed to be some other emotions.

Grasping the subtle feeling of Lu Yuan, he shook his head lightly, and lay back on the bed in a sitting position.

"Hey, it has nothing to do with me! Don't think that I did it!" Lu Yuan hurriedly changed his side to a more comfortable position, "Is that all? Are you all right? If it's all right, then I'm dead, I have to make up for it!"

"Yeah, I understand, it was really hard for you last night, boss! You must make up!" Gunther replied immediately, but the hidden meaning in the words made Lu Yuan understand. In fact, he didn't understand at all.

"I told you, that's not me!" Lu Yuan was obviously unable to restrain his anger when he got up. "I made a big circle around Los Santos last night, and finally killed a four-person squad killer in Wespucci. Where is the time to go to what villa!"

"Ah? It's really not you?" Gunther asked in surprise, "Who would it be?"

"Yes, who is it?" Lu Yuan said in cooperation.

In fact, as soon as he heard the news, Lu Yuan remembered something from someone.

"He will die someday, but certainly not today!"

"Will I die someday?" After hanging up Gunther's phone, Lu Yuan lay on the bed, muttering these words, and for a while, his sleepiness disappeared.

"Brother Six, you said, why is this?" Since Lu Yuan was no longer sleepy, Lu Yuan simply got up to wash and started daily routine exercise. At the same time, do not forget to ask the system's opinions.

[The host is saying, why Martin Madraso was assassinated? 】

[It seems that organizing infighting is a good excuse, isn't it? 】

"You know what it means!" Lu Yuan gasped, "The four battered infantry who ambushed me last night must have been sent by the black armor forces?"

"Their original purpose should be to solve Valeria and rescue Valeria's people, isn't it?"

"The purpose of solving Valeria is to not let her shoot those things to spread, right?"

"But, the thing is important, isn't it related to Martin Madrasso's reputation and status in the arena? If it is to protect his reputation, why would he sit back and watch others kill him?"

"Or, it was Black Armor himself who actually killed him?"


[Maybe, the problem lies in those videos of Valeria. ] The system said lightly.

"What?" Lu Yuan was slightly startled, and suddenly said, "You mean, there are actually other people who were secretly photographed by her? Is it his liaison with the Black Armored forces? Or is it some important person in the Black Armor? Like the black armored soldier in the underground club?"

The more Lu Yuan thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely high.

If from beginning to end, whether it was to deal with Valeria or Madraso yesterday, it was all about defending an important figure in the Black Armored forces, then this matter would make sense.

But what about Niya's suspicion?

According to Niya's thinking, it should be that the current Martin found out that he was photographed secretly, and was afraid that people familiar with the real Martin would see the flaws and knew that he was not the real Martin, so he sent someone out to kill him.

Although this line of thinking cannot explain why the current Martin was killed, as long as a patch is added, it can be explained again.

Quite simply, if it is the other people inside Madraso that controls the current Martin? For example, Martin Madraso's deputies, then everything is now smooth again.

No, this hypothesis has a huge flaw, the black armor forces.

Niya doesn't know the existence of the black armor, so her hypothesis can't answer a question, that is, if the current fake Martin was killed by the real Martin's deputy, then how did they get the support of the black armor?

Lu Yuan has every reason to believe that it is the black armor forces that have mastered a variety of biochemical technologies that brought Martin Madraso back to life. Making a clone or something is not so difficult for them.

If this is the case, how can the deputies who want to take the opportunity to usurp power successfully under the nose of the black armor forces?

"Yes, no one can kill Martin Madraso under their noses with the abilities demonstrated by the black armor forces. Well, except for me!" Lu Yuan thought.

"But I did not do it. Then there is only one possibility, that is, Black Armor did it himself!"

"If Nya recognizes the real and fake Martin, is it just an unimportant coincidence?"

"In this case, my hypothesis is not flawed, is it?"

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan hurriedly dialed Gunther's phone.

"Boss? You're not going to sleep?" Gunther asked strangely.

"I ask you, are you still holding the magnetic cards of Valeria yesterday?" Lu Yuan asked directly.

"Magnetic card? You mean the ones she secretly photographed?" Gunther said helplessly, "Don't mention, those magnetic cards were burned by Nia last night! You know, boss."


Of course Lu Yuan understood. There are clips of Gunther and Valeria above. Nia didn't burn Valeria with them. It was her servants who were merciful. How could they continue to exist?

"No backup?" Lu Yuan's question was just doing his best. Niya's purpose was to completely destroy those videos, how could it be backed up.

"Backup? How is it possible! We don't have a card reader like yours!" Gunther said.

"Card reader?!" When Gunther said the word, Lu Yuan suddenly remembered that he relied on his newly bought card reader with time and space points to read those magnetic cards into his notebook last night.

It was precisely because the thing was produced through the store, so after using it, Lu Yuan then received it in the portable space.

And the last magnetic card!

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan hurriedly stretched out his hand and took out the card reader to take a look, sure enough! The last most critical magnetic card was not removed from the card reader.

"Okay, I understand. You guys pay attention to safety, I'll hang up if it's okay!" Lu Yuan hurriedly connected the card reader to the office computer, and wanted to hang up the phone.

"Wait, boss." Gunther suddenly said at this moment, "I just inquired about it, and it seems that I found out who killed Martin Madraso!"

"What? Who is it?" Lu Yuan was taken aback, then asked.

"Hey, it's said to be a criminal family from Texas. It's called, yes, it's called the Dugan family!" Gunther said, "You don't know, in fact, just after the last time we went to save the other person, Wasn't that manor bombed?"

"Just not long after that time, maybe within two weeks, the estate seemed to be sold by Madera Socatel to the Dugan family."

"It's those Texans who live in that manor now!"

"Now it's rumored on the road that it's the Texans who are going to take over Madraso's site, so I just did them all."

"I heard that the Dugan family is also one of Meriweather's shareholders! They are fully capable of doing that!"


There are more people capable of doing it, but what about the motivation?

Hearing this piece of information from Gunther, Lu Yuan, who had just chosen one of the two hypotheses, was once again confused.

"How come out of the Dugan family again? Texas? Meriweather's shareholder?"

"Wait, Meriweather!"

Thinking of this mercenary organization, Lu Yuan immediately spurred the spirit, and hurriedly asked the system, "The last time the half-track tank was chasing us, it was Meriweather's people, right?"

[At least the helicopters that came after were all under Meriwether's name. 】

"Sure enough!" Lu Yuan slapped his thigh, "So, what if the soldiers who blew themselves up were actually Meriweather's people from the beginning?"

"Perhaps the Black Armored forces provided them with some low-profile version of biochemical warrior production technology!"

"In this case, it was the Dugan family who cleared Madraso last night, and they also sent blew soldiers to clear Valeria!"

"The sentence that the dark eagle said that day,'He will die someday, but certainly not today.' In fact, he meant to keep him and hand over the business to the Dugan family. After that, he has no use value and can disappear. !"

"There is also a sneaked video tape, maybe someone from the Dugan family was also filmed by Valeria, so they did it in advance!"

"In this way, all explanations are made, right?"

[...] The system remains silent.

"By the way, magnetic card!" Lu Yuan recovered, hurriedly copied the video from the last magnetic card on the computer, and said to the system, "Brother Six, give me the information about the Dugan family. Especially. It’s an important person!"

【Hold on. 】

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