Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 341: A series of rescues of deja vu

"Well, no matter what, I was saved by the two of you, and I wrote down the favor." Mike also nodded.

"So, you want me to help, is this guy invited me to lobby me? What do you do?" Trevor also understood.

"Everyone knows it in your heart, isn't it?" Lu Yuan smiled, "Look, you two, Party A, one asks me to persuade each other, the other asks me to help save each other, but also to persuade each other, I, Party B, did what he did. Not bad, right?"

"The two big guys, since they have the same thoughts, why are they so indifferent."

"The last vote!" Mike said solemnly.

"Then TMD is the most! Last! One! Ticket!" Trevor also shouted word by word.

"Really, you said it earlier!" Mike shook his head helplessly, "Okay, I see, you wait for my notice."

"Wait!" Trevor called him immediately, "Call him now and make a plan!"

"You still don't worry about me?" Mike gave a wry smile.

"What do you think! Someone who stabbed me in the back!" Cui Fu said bitterly, "Browning with that FIB behind my back, why, you actually trust a corrupt note?"

"Dave is not that bad," Mike shook his head, before calling someone.

At this moment, Trevor suddenly pressed a button on his hand and added, "Turn on the handsfree!"

"You guy, as for?" Mike laughed and cried.

"Huh!" Trevor answered this question with a finger.

"Hey, L, guess what happened? I met an old friend who actually said he wanted to join us again about the thing that we said before!"

"Well, it's pretty good, so we are friends again? Very good, give him a hug for me~ Haha, just kidding." A familiar wretched voice came from the other side, it was the sergeant of the protagonist team. Leicester.

"Okay, I see, I'll start arranging now, you all have to make sure the phone is open, you know?" Lester said again.

"No problem." Mike nodded and looked at Trevor again.

"Look at what I'm doing? I have no problem!" Trevor said.

"That's good!" Lester suddenly said, and a few people jumped down here.

"Huh? It's kind of interesting, what's the matter? Xiaofu actually called me at this time." Lester whispered over there, "Wait a minute, I'll take it first."

The three looked at each other, but it didn't take long for the line to recover again, but Lester said, "Wait a minute, I'll change the line," and he sank again.

Within a few seconds, the phone rang, and after the microphone was connected, Franklin was on the opposite side.

"Hi, Mike, hi, Trevor." Xiaofu's street-like accent came over, "I'm glad you have regained your friendship. But I'm sorry, I have to ask you to help."

"I received news that my friend Rama was arrested by the people of the Bale Gang. It should be in Perito Bay now. I need help to rescue him."

"I know you two must still have something to deal with, but, for the sake of my face, can you help me with this?"

"Of course, Xiaofu." Mike finished speaking and looked at Trevor again.

"What do you think I do?" Trevor said angrily, "I am not like someone, who loves to stabbing a knife in the back of a friend! Rama is also my friend, of course I will save him!"

After speaking, he said loudly to the phone, "Don't worry, Xiaofu, wrap it around me!"

"Great." Xiaofu was obviously relieved, "I have to find another friend, see you later!"

"That's it." As soon as Xiaofu's voice left, Lester said in passing, "So, friends, take action, um, whose phone is it? The vibration is so loud? It's better to just use the ringtone. NS!"

"Sorry, it's mine." Lu Yuan, who didn't say anything, took out his phone with some embarrassment, "The location just put it in the wrong place, I'm sorry."

"Why did you put it on the wooden board?" Cui Fo said casually.

Lu Yuan shrugged, looked at Lai Xian, then smiled, "This is interesting."

"Hi, Xiaofu, I'm with M and T." Lu Yuan connected to the phone.

"Huh? What about you just now?" Xiaofu said in surprise.

"Well, I heard it all, do I need help to save Rama? No problem, help a friend, let me go!" Lu Yuan nodded.

"Great, thank you, N!" Xiaofu said again, "Well, I don't know, can you ask that one to help? The one who can drive the helicopter?"

"Hey! I'll fly the helicopter, OK! Who else are you looking for?" Cui Fu suddenly interjected somewhat dissatisfied.

"I understand, you mean the guy driving the gunship!" Lu Yuan waved his hand at Cui Fo, and continued to say to Xiaofu, "Unfortunately, he has something on his side, so he shouldn't be able to spare time now. However, you are Want air support? I can provide this."

"You? Just the junk you parked at the airport?" Trevor interrupted again. "That's also air support? What do you rely on? Do you use propellers to scare people?"

Lu Yuan ignored him this time, and hung up after humming a few words with Xiaofu.

"Okay, two people, let's go quickly. It's still too late." After saying that, regardless of the two, they returned to the car and galloped toward the north.

When Lu Yuan arrived at the beach coast airport, Alex, who had received his call before, had already waited there, handed the bird helicopter and surge to his hand, and opened a rebel van for him. Rear compartment.

"Here, what you want." Alex said with a curl of his mouth to the rear compartment.

"Oh, Alex, don't you say to load things for your boss?" Lu Yuan scratched his head.

"I'm not strong enough!" Alex snorted coldly, apparently still irritated by what happened before. But listening to what Lu Yuan said, she still helped put the two huge boxes into the rear compartment of the bird.

"Thanks, you should go back first." Lu Yuan confirmed that the box was firm enough, and said to Alex.

"You don't need a helper?" Alex frowned.

"It's okay. There are enough helpers this time. And the opponents are all young men, don't let us dispatch the whole team." Lu Yuan smiled, "What? Some hands are itchy? How is your driver's license?"

"According to the current progress, it will take more than half a month." Alex thought for a while, "I am still waiting for the shipment, you don't need manpower, huh!"

"You want to ship?" Lu Yuan was taken aback, and quickly took out the surging tinder box and handed it to Alex, "Hey, let him go with you."

"What are you doing? You can't believe me?" Alex raised his eyebrows.

"I'm worried about your injury!" Lu Yuan said sternly, "I'm just a few small thieves here, you, Meri Weather, professionals, even FIB, NOOSE may appear, take it, don't worry me! "

Alex had something to say, but don't worry about it when he heard his sentence. Somehow, he took the tinder box in a wicked manner.

Then she looked at Lu Yuan and whispered, "Then you should be careful too."

"Well, I know." Lu Yuan nodded slightly.

"That's right, Lamarr is a bit unreliable. When you save him, be careful not to be dragged by him." Alex said again.

"Don't worry, he sent Franklin to take charge of saving him. I'm just fire support." Lu Yuan nodded again, then got on the helicopter and slowly lifted off.

Soon Lester sent the communication frequency of the walkie-talkie, and Lu Yuan immediately adjusted the communicator.

In fact, if it is targeted by someone who is interested, the security of using this short-range (about 10 kilometers) wireless communicator is not much higher than that of directly using the security firm APP on the mobile phone to encrypt the channel.

Considering that this task does not involve the interests of the firm itself, the security of using the firm's APP is even higher.

However, unlike the underground mercenaries like Lu Yuan, Mike and other offline protagonists, except for Trevor who used the security office app, did not join the other two.

After adjusting the channel, Lu Yuan corrected the route according to the position information from Mike, and at the same time began to deploy the two big boxes just now.

I saw him flip a few switches on an obviously external control panel on the top of the cockpit, and heard a mechanical impact sound behind him.

Soon, under the action of several sets of hydraulic rods, the two metal boxes stretched out the two pairs of heavy weapon gun bodies.

On the left is a pair of 12.7mm caliber heavy machine guns. It is a dual version modified by Lu Yuan with the M2HB heavy machine gun. This thing is a bit smaller than Gunther's M134 six-barrel revolving machine gun, and just fits into the two folding weapon cases that are a circle larger than the large suitcase.

On the right is a pair of 40mm grenade launchers. Mk20 was originally obtained through IAA's bunker system.

Although this thing was produced in the 1970s with only a thousand units, it was quickly replaced by the Mk19 using high-speed grenade because of its close range, but because of this, its price in the IAA internal market was lower than the latter. A lot.

The most important thing is that because it uses a 40mmx46mm high-pressure and low-speed grenade, it is a long way to master the manufacturing and even modification technology of this ammunition, and will abandon the higher-range version and use it.

After all, it is compatible with most grenades.

In addition, as a master archer, Lu Yuan personally improved the fire control system of the grenade launcher. The most important thing is the aiming system. Therefore, if the launch platform is at high altitude, using the parabolic principle, the effective range of this grenade can barely reach the kilometer level.

These two sets of heavy-weapon folding boxes were also the work of Lu Yuan during the weeks of sheltering at the beach coast airport.

It was also because they were made while being monitored by the people of IAA, so the two sets of weapon boxes were not put in the space by him, but left in the bunker.

Isn't this thing afraid of IAA people stealing a teacher? At least Lu Yuan is not worried at all.

The craftsmanship of this thing is complicated, and only a mechanic of Lu Yuan's level can easily handle it. In fact, the practical effect is not better than the active weapons of the US-Canadian Army. The biggest advantage is nothing more than being portable and detachable, which is specially designed for underground mercenaries who need to avoid official searches.

In fact, each of the two metal boxes is almost half a large wardrobe and weighs hundreds of kilograms. The portability is actually not high.

Lu Yuan made them, in addition to adding weapons to the unarmed bird helicopters, they also used them for training and technical reserves.

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