Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 342: Good things cost money

When Lu Yuan flew to the lumber factory in Perito Forest, Xiaofu had already fought with the Bale gang who was staying behind.

This lumber factory is not the first time to come here. It was originally the site of the Vigo Gang, but somehow later, the place was taken over by the Bale Gang.

(System: Uh? Really? Host? You don't know? You beat people's base, don't you know?)

When the "first round of fundraising" was made for Trevor, this place had become the Baal Gang's Hagra plantation.

Just now, Lester mentioned in the communication channel that the police station in Perito Bay had a criminal record of this place, but it was suppressed.

It seems that the Bale gang did not fail to confess to the Perito police station. The last time they got the black money from the bank, they might have contributed to the Bale gang.

But because it bought the police station, the Bale Gang’s guards here are quite lax, and there is still the problem, and the guards have stolen themselves.

A group of themselves can't fight very much. The bottom gangsters around Los Santos have stolen their own hacao again, and the combat effectiveness can be imagined.

Originally, the three protagonists made it impossible to find the north, and then was bombarded by Lu Yuan's grenade, and his morale immediately went up for the most part.

"Hey, watch it! You almost hit me!" Lu Yuan shot out two grenade, killing at least six of the Bale gang who surrounded Trevor, but he was taken aback.

"Sorry, sorry, next time I'll say hello in advance." Lu Yuan said casually, "Uh, Xiaofu, take two steps towards your five o'clock."

"What?" Xiaofu exclaimed, and there was some helplessness in his words. Fortunately, although he didn't realize where five o'clock was, he was not stupid, and immediately ran two steps toward the direction of no one.

"Very good!" Lu Yuan nodded in satisfaction, then pulled the trigger.

Two more bursts of grenades happened to hit the middle of the gang members who were approaching Xiang Xiaofu, sending them to sleep with ease. Of course, this time it was eternal sleep.

"Hey! Man, can you aim at the guys in the distance? It's scary, don't you know? I was hit by a bouncing pebble, and I thought I was shot!" Xiaofu dissatisfied.

"Yeah, you fellow, are you showing off your marksmanship, okay?" Cui Fo also followed.

"Okay, okay, my fault." Lu Yuan hurriedly apologized, "but I want to emphasize that you don't need to be nervous, unless there is a sudden mechanical failure or a violent wind hits, I will not be biased."

"Whatever you say, buddy! No way, no way!" Xiaofu hurriedly said, "You have a good view from the top, help find Rama's location, and let us here. Deal with this bunch of waste without wasting ammunition."

"Okay." Lu Yuan curled his lips and said again, "Xiaofu, you are at two o'clock, outside the wooden factory, there is a thresher-like equipment, can you see it? Rama is at the end of the corridor nearby. ."

"Let me see, two o'clock, two o'clock, it's 12 o'clock right in front, and two more hours, it's the front right. Uh! I saw it!" Xiaofu cheered.

"Very good. Uh, also, run slower, I'll clear the way for you." Lu Yuan said again.

"No! No! I'll do it myself!" Xiaofu exclaimed, but the time was over.

The steps he had just started to run stopped immediately, and he heard the rumbling explosion in front of him.

"N! You violent man, don't you have a machine gun? Why do you always use bombs?" Xiaofu said angrily.

"Machine gun, I'm afraid you can't accept it. Why? Can I use a machine gun?" Lu Yuan grinned.

"No, wait, what do you mean? No, or else, forget it!"

"It's late!" Lu Yuan chuckled lightly, and launched a machine gun attack on the Bale gang who ran to a few people from other positions.

Da Da Da, after the familiar .50BMG sound, the smoke and dust on the ground was much less than the previous grenade explosion, but none of the Bale gangs that were hit could leave a whole body.

Broken hands, feet, heads, and waists are all standard features. The most terrifying thing is that there is a lucky guy who was hit by a 12.7MM machine gun bullet in the right hip. Although the right leg was broken, the person is still alive.

When he realized what had happened, the whole person wailed like a ghost.

In this scene, let alone the three people on Xiaofu's side, those of the Bale gang, they were all shocked and shuddering.

I don't know which guy yelled, "Help! Mom!" The rest of the Bale gang turned around and ran away.

Seeing the scene like **** on earth, the three of them were speechless for a while.

Finally, Xiaofu came back to his senses and said, "Well, I was wrong! You should use a grenade, N! Your machine gun is too scary!"

"Yeah, yeah, what kind of gun do you have? A normal heavy machine gun? .50BMG round? But the anti-material sniper rifle I use is also this round. Why doesn't it feel so powerful?" Mike also said.

"Wow! It's so cool! I love you, N! Such a good thing, I also want it, I will put it on the pickup, and the **** will kill the god! See who dares to stand in front of me!" Cui Fo yelled road.

Lu Yuan smiled and explained, "The gun, it is indeed a normal heavy machine gun, modified with M2HB. Nothing special."

"It's mainly about bombs. I use armor-piercing incendiary bombs. As you know, the biggest threat to helicopters is enemy helicopters. It's easy for low-speed grenade to hit ground targets, but it's harder to hit enemy planes."

"No way, if I don't add anti-vehicle weapons to myself, I dare not drive this guy to the battlefield."

"Armor-piercing incendiary bomb? It sounds expensive!" Mike smacked his lips.

"You're right. The cost of a round of this kind of bomb is at least ten times or even dozens of times that of ordinary bombs." Lu Yuan said.

"What is it, so expensive? It's made of gold?" Trevor said a little disdainfully, but his upright ears still exposed his true gossip heart.

"It's nothing. The main thing is that the warhead uses a tungsten alloy core. The front of the core is equipped with explosives and high-efficiency combustion agents. The material cost and processing cost are only 50%." Lu Yuan said with full force.

"Huh!" After all, Trevor was born in the Air Force. Other services may not be familiar with this kind of piercing and explosive bombs, but the North American Air Forces who participated in World War II used this bomb on their fighters early.

As an expert, Trevor naturally knew how high the cost would be to add those things to the .50 Browning machine gun shell. So he also put out the dream of adding a machine gun to the pickup.

"So, you just hit someone with a bullet that hits the plane?" Xiaofu asked in return.

"Why does this sound so awkward?" Lu Yuan slapped his lips, "Fighting the bullets of light armored vehicles, what kind of planes, weird."

"Also, there is no one to guard Lamarr. Don't you quickly rescue him?" Lu Yuan said again, "Don't look at these people running happily right now, they will come back when they wake up!"

"Well, I'm going now!"

Although Lu Yuan said that, he actually didn't believe in the mere Bale gang, and they could quickly regroup after the defeat, boosting morale to continue the offensive.

At least it must be the second-line regular army of a powerful land warfare. A group of gangs who are trapped in the slums and forget about the focus of the city on the outskirts of the city are not like fighters of that level.

In fact, it was true. After Xiaofu took Rama in the car, he immediately drove back to the city, not to mention chasing soldiers along the way, there was not even a patch of extra clouds.

Now that this has happened, Lu Yuan said goodbye to everyone after crossing the Chiriyed Mountain from the canyon to the west bank of the Alamo Sea on the grounds of returning to the beach and coast.

It's just that this time I finally managed to change the freshly baked bird, Lu Yuan only shot ten rounds of grenades and ten rounds of piercing and explosive rounds, which was completely uninteresting, and always wanted to find something to do.

After thinking about it, he simply called Gunther to see if he needed an escort.

Anyway, from Los Santos to Tijuana, there are only more than 200 kilometers, with the bird's combat radius of 500 kilometers, there is no problem at all.

Moreover, there is no shortage of aviation fuel in the far space.

"Boss? Are you coming to escort? Of course it couldn't be better!" Gunther's feedback to Lu Yuan's proposal was also quite positive, and he immediately agreed upon hearing it.

"It just so happens that I rented a freighter this time to transport goods, and I am missing an **** helper, boss, it's time for you!"

"That's good, that's good." Lu Yuan was also very pleased and asked, "How are your preparations there? When will you leave?"

"I'm waiting for the office to deliver the truck," Gunther replied. "It will take three or four hours to load the goods from the warehouse, drive to the airport, and load the goods."

"Three or four hours later? Seven or eight o'clock? You want to fly at night?" Lu Yuan asked after calculating the time.

"You have to fly at night, this time you have to cross the border, even if there is a cover from an office, you still have to do everything in place." Gunther said.

Lu Yuan nodded, agreeing with Gunther's approach.

Although the office will use its own capabilities to prepare the various documents of the cargo plane, but that thing is only to prevent Gunther's cargo plane from being hit by the air defense forces of the two countries.

But that doesn't stop those who are interested from coming to cut the leeks.

It's like taking money from the Bale gang, and turning a blind eye to the Perito Police Station who planted grass in the Perito Forest.

There are not too many people like Amerika and Mehekou on the border.

You know, the Amerika armed forces that are called the "National Guard" in name are actually equipped with heavy firepower that is not available in other countries' regular forces, including F22 fighters, F15 fighters, and M1A1 main battle tanks.

These nominal "Guards" often perform border patrols and other tasks.

After confirming the mission for a few hours, Lu Yuan thought for a while, and stopped the helicopter back to the airport and replaced the grenade launcher, which was basically not used in the **** mission, with another twin heavy machine gun.

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