Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 343: Everyone wants to pretend to be a cultural person

Fortunately, when Alex went to deliver the goods, he used a special insurgent pickup truck brought in by Agent 14. The previous insurgent van was still there.

Otherwise, with the size of a folding weapon box, apart from being transported by van, only the mobile operations center can fit it.

But that way, it really has to be more conspicuous. Although the bunker is nominally a subordinate agency of IAA and should not be photographed by US-Canadian military satellites, this kind of thing is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, not to mention the main enemy of Agent 14 is likely to be inside the IAA.

After setting up the helicopter, Alex also completed the day's shipment and returned to the bunker.

In fact, she also ran to "take in" a batch of raw materials.

Seeing Lu Yuan preparing to leave in the bunker, Alex, who had just returned, thought about it, and stopped him.

"Hey! Agent 14 has something special about the raw material purchase channel that I gave me today." Alex stood in front of Lu Yuan and said, "I think you should be very interested in them."

"What?" Lu Yuan was startled, and saw Alex drew two long spears from the pickup and threw them at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan caught it smoothly, and immediately felt a foul smell mixed with the smell of the sea from this thing.

"Where did it come from, fished from the sea? It smells so bad?" Lu Yuan's keen sense of smell dragged his hind legs at this time, making him reluctant to turn his head and look at it for a long time.

However, when the system reminded him to look at the thing quickly, he knew that the thing Alex brought back was probably really unusual, the more he resisted the smell and turned his head.

"This is? Hand-held electromagnetic rail gun???" Lu Yuan opened his eyes and saw what was in front of him shocked him.

I saw that the thing was slightly longer than a normal assault rifle, about a metre more, which was close to the length of a marksman's rifle. But the biggest difference is that this thing does not have a barrel, but two upper and lower rails sandwiching a coil in the center.

These coils, separated by a certain distance between the two rails, just arranged the position of a barrel, even though that barrel is just air and coils.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan knew that he was wrong just now. This thing should be called a "coil gun" instead of a "rail gun", because the two rail-shaped things are actually just the brackets and passages of the coil.

"Where did this thing come from?" Lu Yuan asked Alex, playing with the thing.

"Remember that a cargo plane crashed in Meriwether before? The one that fell into the Alamo?" Alex said with his hands on his chest.


How could Lu Yuan not remember, he still knew that the freighter was actually brought down by Trevor.

Thinking of this, and thinking of the Meriwether mercenaries in the Kurtz Center during the day, he suddenly felt that perhaps the reason why those people reacted so quickly is probably not just as simple as being entrusted by the wealthy owner.

What? When they appeared, Trevor was still hiding beside him? But Trevor swaggered and ran in with a sack. The security guards there didn't react at all. Isn't it abnormal?

Putting him in deliberately, looking for an opportunity to kill him in chaos, seems to fit the Pentagon's means for the mercenaries doing illicit work in the war zone, right?

Thinking of these and none, Lu Yuan nodded to Alex and motioned for her to continue.

Just listen to Alex said, "The later salvage work of that cargo plane was obviously not very qualified. There are still a lot of things left under the lake. This is one of them."

"Agent 14 didn't know where the information was obtained, so I asked me to bring them back as raw materials."

"Uh, yes." Alex said again, "He also told me that this thing seems to be easily damaged due to structural reasons. After an incident as large as the plane crash, it is likely to be unusable. Take it apart and use it as a part."

"If you play with it, you must be safe."

"Well, I know, don't worry, thanks." Lu Yuan promised, and then asked, "Is there only a gun? Is there ammunition?"

Alex raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but smiled, "I knew you would ask, here, I found these two boxes of ammunition after searching underwater for half an hour, so save some trouble!"

With that said, Alex took out two small polymer boxes from his pockets and handed them to Lu Yuan.

"The green stripes on the box are batteries. The pure black ones are ammunition. Be careful. That thing should be the impact fuze heightening explosive, and the fragments of the projectile. The power should not be lower than the medium-caliber cannon shells. "

"Perfect! Great job!" The person who almost grabbed someone for a strong kiss this time became Lu Yuan.

In this way, the scene that had just been considered harmonious was once again embarrassed.

After an awkward silence, Alex arrived first, "It's almost time, I'm getting off work."

"Uh, yes, I should also go to the airport to help Gunther load goods." Lu Yuan also hurriedly put the things on the weapon platform of the mobile operations center.

When he came out, he happened to ran into Alex, who had returned to his normal service.

After another awkward meal, Lu Yuan said this time, "I'll take you back!" Maybe because he felt that such a sentence had no beginning and end, he added another word, "On the way."

When Alex heard that he was about to send her off, his eyelids jumped, and the corners of his mouth also curved upwards in a gentle and beautiful arc that was not easy to detect.

However, when he heard the word he added, the arc of the corner of his mouth turned into a machete obliquely downwards, as if I could see a heart slashed by the machete.

"No! I can drive by myself!" Alex slammed the door angrily, leaving Lu Yuan behind and wondering why this guy is becoming more and more like someone? Just one point?

[...] Secretly observing all of these systems, although I wanted to speak, in the end I held back, and no syllable was shown.

The road was so bewildered that he had to drive the helicopter alone and flew to the vicinity of the rented apron of Los Santos International Airport.

Fortunately, although Alex has been displeased with him in every possible way recently, let alone the boss, he doesn’t want to be called by his name. He “hey” and “hey” all day long, but Gunther at the airport is very much to Lu Yuan’s arrival. Very grateful.

Especially, after Lu Yuan said that he had come earlier to help him load and unload the goods, Gunther's "boss" and various compliments, like "the surging river," almost flooded Lu Yuan.

After finally calming down, Lu Yuan looked around after Gunther used the truck to get the cargo to the airport, and couldn't help but ask in a strange way, "Hey, why didn't you see Nia and Valeria? Also, where's your freighter? Hasn't it arrived yet? No need to check the flying vehicle in advance?"

Gunther said, "Nia and the others are chatting with the hangar manager, asking about the price of renting the hangar. Valeria is too conspicuous, so she painted her makeup. Now it’s the weather, let her stay indoors. The air conditioner is good."

"As for the cargo plane, here, isn't the gray-black one next to it?"

"Huh? It's not a C-130? Is it such a small cargo plane?" Lu Yuan turned his head to look, surprised.

"There aren't that many products this time. You don't need that kind of big guy." Gunther waved his hand.

"But this cargo plane? How does it look a bit old? I'm afraid it's a World War II model again? Well, it's amphibious?" Lu Yuan looked at the nose of the cargo plane that was tilted, and the underside of the plane clearly looked like The shape of the bottom of the ship couldn't help asking.

"You're right." Gunther slapped his thigh. "The grandfather of this cargo plane is really an amphibious plane during World War II, but it was still a passenger plane at that time. Hey, a bunch of businessmen in Liberty City enjoy life. of."

"It's Grumman's G21, which is the famous'goose style'."

"Later, I built a vertical take-off and landing verification machine from the goose, and came up with a Kaman K-16."

"That thing was not put on the market because of high failures and other alternative products."

"However, the technology was circulated in the market, and then an unknown big man combined with another vertical verification machine, LTVXC-142, to create this big baby."

"Hey, you know, although the Meka people have too many planes that can replace this thing, and there are enough airports for them to fly, but for some big people who have mountains, forests and waters, but there is no good airport, Do you know how attractive this thing is?"

"So why not just use the V-22 Osprey?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Ha, that's right, if Mika sells it, there must be a bunch of people rushing to buy it. No matter how!" Guntherpi smiled unsmilingly.

"Okay, I see, it's a special machine made by a big drug dealer in Central and South America, right? I thought you were renting a cargo plane from the security office." Lu Yuan nodded.

"It's from the security firm." Gunther smiled. "Will I use the drug lord's stuff? This is collected by the security firm from a big boss. Hey, I was involved back then, so I can use a relative or friend. Rent it at a discount."

"Really? Are you sure it's not that others think this thing is not safe enough, so you dare not use it?" Lu Yuan looked at the relevant information that the system found instantly, and then looked at the rusty vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL). Deformation mechanism, vomit.

"Oh, it's over if you don't need it?" Gunther clapped his hands, opened the door of the truck, picked up a box of cargo, and walked to the cargo plane. No need to sag, okay."

Lu Yuan nodded, followed him, and also picked up a box of cargo and loaded it onto the cargo plane.

"Well, it looks shabby on the outside, the decoration inside, uh, it's fancy!" Lu Yuan wanted to say it was good, but the colorful and green colors were full of the color of the nouveau riche, and it really made him unable to give that comment.

"Hey, the drug lord's evil taste, although it looks a bit annoying, is better than being bare, isn't it?" Gunther chuckled.

"Okay." Lu Yuan nodded again. When he turned to go out, he saw a small sign on the cargo door saying "Tula". He couldn't help but asked curiously, "What is this? Originally? The name of the owner?"

"This." Gunther heard the sound and came back and looked at it. "This is the name he gave to this treasure. It is the capital of Toltec civilization, one of the ancient civilizations of Meheiko, Tula City. The northern part of the Maihekou city is said to have been built by the Quetzalcoatl God descended to the earth."

"That's it." Lu Yuan seemed to know more about the drug lords active in Central and South America. I feel that this group of people also hope that others will take a high look at themselves.

"Even drug lords want to pretend to be a cultural man, this world!"

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