Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 346: Two people in trouble

Seeing Niya's face looked very ugly between the cowboy Thornton and Yi Rong Luyuan, Gunther next to him finally couldn't stand it, and shouted.


"Niya! I know you take revenge very seriously. I respect your choice and haven't said much."

"But, your enemy is dead. Whether it was killed by the little white-faced family or just died, your hatred is over!"

"What's the situation now? You have to add another inexplicable item to your revenge list? Didn't you see your companion surrounded by dozens of gunmen?"

"In this world, apart from revenge, is there nothing worthy of your heart?"

After talking, Niya's face changed drastically.

In the end, she hesitated again and again, and gave Lu Yuan a strange look, and finally took two steps back without making a sound.

Without Nia's obstacles, Thornton Dugan, who had been frightened by Lu Yuan, immediately agreed to Lu Yuan's deal and left the airport griefly with the circle of black suits.

It's just that when they left, several people in the black suit were suspected of being in contact with someone in the communicator, and they looked back at Lu Yuan and others.

With the help of the system, Lu Yuan was able to hack into the turned-off smartphone of the cowboy, and he naturally knew what those people said to whom on the communicator.

{It turns out that these black suits are so-called "professionals", they are really professional. }Lu Yuanxin said, {Hehe, it seems that he forcibly replaced a cartel, and created a lot of enemies for the Dugan family within the black armored forces. }

{Want to kill someone with a knife? You picked the wrong object. }

Lu Yuan and the others, watching those people walk away, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But after calming down, everyone knows that there is one more thing that needs to be resolved.

"Sorry." It was Niya who spoke first.

The first thing she heard was an apology, and Gunther, who had been unhappy, had a joy on his face. However, after hearing her next words, he couldn't be happy anymore.

"I'm going to fumble, I can't help you send her back to Tijuana."

"Why?" Gunther muttered.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to keep her." Niya's low voice made the air more dignified, "It's just that there are some things that require me to stay in Los Santos and continue to investigate."

"Really?" Gunther tried to suppress his feelings of more anger or more sadness, and continued to ask, "Is it going to investigate the sponsor of Madera Socatel? You really want to put all the relevant Will everyone be killed to complete their revenge?"

Niya's figure seemed to trembled, and immediately became extremely firm. If Lu Yuan's reaction ability was not beyond ordinary people, she would think it was her own dazzle.

After a pause, she didn't answer Gunther's question. She just adjusted her clothes, turned around and stretched out her hand to Gunther, pretending to be calm, "Thank you for your care over the months. I hope we will be friends in the future."

While watching the show, Lu Yuan couldn't believe that Niya was so hard in her heart. The meaning of this sentence is no different from the breakup declaration, eh, it is completely the breakup declaration itself.

Is this the feeling of putting aside the relationship with Gunther completely?

Just for revenge?

Hearing her words, Gunther's face was even more ugly. But after all, he is in his 30s and 40s, his emotional experience is even richer, and his psychological stress resistance is not comparable to that of young people in their first love.

Looking at Nia's face, Gunther also stretched out his hand and shook her firmly.

"You know, right? You did this, in fact, just punishing yourself." Gunther retracted his right hand and said, "Maybe the real you was dead during that massacre. Now, just driven by revenge instinct. Body, no brain, no heart!"

"But you don't have it, it doesn't mean that others don't have it either!"

"I hope you will stop dragging other innocent people on your way in the future, and self-destruct with you!"

{Wow, Gunther is so tough? It is my fault that he is Duan Zhengchun, Duan Zhengchun is not so straightforward! }Luyuan on one side sighed with emotion.

The feeling right now is that when two people break up, one sends a good person card and the other sends a curse card. It seems to be a generosity and a stingy, but if you think about it, you will know who paid more in this relationship.

If you pay less, you will lose less, and you will be generous.

He paid a lot of money and lost his money. It is quite free and easy to be able to do Gunther. No matter how generous, it shows that this person has no heart.

Licking the dog, heartless.

Just when Lu Yuan thought that after being so positive by Gunther, Niya would at least review her behavior a little bit. Even if she didn't cry and apologize, she would at least shake her, but saw her standing more determined.

After taking a deep look at Gunther, Nia just turned her head and walked away. The steps are firm and powerful, as if using practical actions to prove their determination.

For at least a moment, Lu Yuan thought that this Niya was a man of lofty ideals who did not fear hardships and lofty ideals. He could not imagine that this was actually a self-destructive person who would avenge her husband and set himself on fire.

After she left, Lu Yuan looked at Gunther, and was about to give him a thumbs up to praise, but saw that he seemed to be drained suddenly, and he collapsed on the ground. Was hiding behind him. Leriya hugged her arms.

This change made Lu Yuan, who had just apologized to Gunther in his heart, instantly felt that he was afraid that he was wrong.

In particular, he heard a question from Valeria, which made him more doubtful of his judgment in this regard.

Valeria, who held Gunther in her arms, said quietly, "Do you love her that much? You didn't want her to leave you a heart when you broke up?"

After a while, Gunther was struggling to stand up from the gentle village where so many men coveted, and leaned on Tula for a while, "You don’t understand, she seems to be strong, but she has a heart. It's already full of holes."

"You loved ones, you always don't understand the pain of loving someone." When Gunther said this, Lu Yuan felt that he could see the two big golden characters on his head, "Love Saint."

Hearing his words like "The unavailable is always in a commotion, and the favored is always confident", Valeria's face is also unpredictable and unpredictable, as if being prodded in pain.

Seeing Valeria standing alone at the door of the cargo plane, Lu Yuan recalled her and Gunther's affairs, and remembered another song in his mind.

"It's a rainy street in this late night,"

"Even the stars are extinguished. What kind of appointment are you going for?"

"I didn't mean to say this, but I still have feelings for you,"

"Thinking that all deficiencies can be solved with love."

Although the relationship between these two people is not the relationship between "playful girl" and "infatuated man" or the gender exchange, in Lu Yuan's heart, Valeria probably really has a relationship with the "you" in that song, too. It's a bit like.

Just when Lu Yuan was like these, Valeria also woke up and said hopefully to Gunther, "This way, does that family stop chasing me? Then I don't have to. gone?"

"You want to be beautiful!" Gunther glanced at her irritably, "Do you think they let you go so easily? As long as you stay in Los Santos, I dare say that you'll have to cross the streets before a long time. Don't even want to see the sun tomorrow morning."

"How come? Sweeper-sir, haven't you already scared them?" Valeria still reluctantly said to Gunther, still looking at Lu Yuan, her eyes sprayed with small stars.

"Don't look at it, the boss doesn't eat your way!" Gunther hummed, and then looked at Lu Yuan again, "Boss, you just did that. The Dugans will definitely treat you as a thorn in the flesh, get rid of it quickly. If you don’t, you don’t want to come back, right?"

It's just that he looked at it, as if he had found something, and then asked quietly, "Boss, how does your face feel like it's different from before?"

Lu Yuan said in his heart {Of course it's different, if I didn't show them a fake face, how could I threaten them face to face? Wouldn't it be enough to threaten secretly afterwards? }

Just thinking of the look Niya gave him inadvertently when she left, Lu Yuan always felt that the troubles this time were probably not in Dugan's house, but in that woman.

Shaking his head and throwing the trace of anxiety out of his mind, Lu Yuan thought for a while and said to Gunther, "Don't worry about me, but care about this mission. How are you? Or, I will drive this time?"

"It's okay, it's just a moment of confusion." Gunther waved his hand, turned his head and said to Valeria, "Okay, sit on it quickly, we're leaving."

"Can't you really stay?" Valeria still didn't want to give up.

"If you want to die that way, it doesn't matter to me!" Gunther snorted heavily. "What did the boss and I spend so much effort for? Since you don't want to live anymore, do whatever you want!"

I don't know if he was frightened by the really angry Gunther, or simply because he was afraid of death, Valeria shivered twice, and finally sat on the cargo plane obediently.

Gunther snorted when she saw her sitting in, and he let out a long sigh of relief, not at all as indifferent to Valeria as he had said before.

Seeing Lu Yuan looking over with a smile, Gunther probably guessed what he was thinking, and just said to him hurriedly, "Boss, let's go." He also turned on the plane.

Only two or three hours before and after, it seemed to Lu Yuan that several days had passed, but finally, the **** mission could finally begin.

However, not long after they took off and left the airport, Lu Yuan was once again broken by a text message.

It says:

"Should I call you a cleaner? Or a chameleon? Your disguise skills are good. It is difficult for a familiar person to notice your changes without looking carefully, but a stranger looks at that face and just holds that one. Look for pictures of your face, and you won’t be able to find you!"

"It seems that everyone who has made a name in Luosheng should not be underestimated!"

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