Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 347: Unexpected guest

Chameleon, Lu Yuan was a little confused when he saw this nickname, but he felt a little familiar.

But after thinking about it carefully, isn't it that he didn't know who gave him the name of Ann after he set up an arsenal in Luxin?

Because he was dressed up as an officer in the arsenal, he finally let him go with his face. And that officer, who was actually a spy planted by IAA in the Luxin Armory, was killed by IAA.

It was the first time someone broke the two identities, and Lu Yuan would be false if he was not surprised.

Fortunately, his mind is much stronger than before, so he simply went back to the past for that person:

"What chameleon, I don't know what you are talking about."

"What the **** are you looking for me? Niya!"

That's right, it was Estefania who had said before that he would stay in Los Santos to investigate the matter.

Therefore, even though she asked in the text message, Lu Yuan was not so ignorant about why she was looking for herself.

When he scared the cowboy Thornton of Dugan's family before, he mentioned that there was a big man behind them. Obviously, Niya thought for some reason that the big man was once the person behind Madera Socatel.

Although this was originally one of Lu Yuan's guesses, he was still quite curious that Niya could guess this section.

"I don't know what I'm talking about? You should have already flown into the sky by flying a helicopter? In this case, you still send me a text message ‘in a timely manner’.

It's Niya's text message again.

{Hiss~ This woman is so amazing! }Lu Yuan was secretly alert. Unexpectedly, because of curiosity, he responded to a text message and exposed himself directly.

But even so, Lu Yuan still has sufficient rhetoric:

"Because of this? That disappointed you. You have seen how far I can play with a mobile phone with one hand, right? Dugan's mobile phone, remember?"

The implication is that I will drive a helicopter to send you back text messages. It is not difficult.

Of course, in fact, the difficulty of playing with a mobile phone while holding a gun in one hand and driving a helicopter is not an order of magnitude.

As long as the recoil of the pistol is not too great and the person is strong enough, it is not completely impossible to maintain sufficient accuracy in one hand.

But according to the helicopter technology on this world line, two hands are not enough to control, and I can't wait to share some tasks with the two feet that only control the pedals.

So in fact, Luyuan’s sending and receiving short messages are all done through the system relay. You can probably think of it as using a software similar to a voice assistant. It's just that the conversion and recognition in the process is not speech, but brain waves.

"You'd better say it straight, what do you want to do?" Lu Yuan said again.

"Huh, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, it doesn't matter." Niya responded in a text message.

"I only have one question, who is that person!"

"PS, you know who I am asking, don't pretend to be stupid about this!"

Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly, wanting to tell her the truth, but when he thought that this was a text message, it was hard to guarantee that he would not leave any evidence. If the Dugans found out, then his previous threats would be vain, and he would be sure. Will be chased by Dugan's family.

If you tell her a lie, in case the woman finds out, it will be a mess again.

After much deliberation, Lu Yuan simply sacrificed his own big move, dragging the word tactics: "These things are not good to say now, when I return to Luo Shengdu, I will talk to each other."

"FINE!!!" (Good!!!) Niya's reply was a word in all capitals and three exclamation marks, which were enlarged by the system into the initial font, which was put out in Lu Yuan's field of vision, almost taking his sight. The key points are covered.

Looking at the huge self-promotion, Lu Yuan realized that he might be in another big trouble. The subtext of this woman is probably that she must retaliate if she can't get a satisfactory answer.

{If you hate dealing with people who are vindictive, can't you be more sunny? }Lu Yuan stood still and sighed with pain, while unfolding the four heavy machine guns in the rear cabin of the helicopter.

It's just that it's not a good time to think about how to deal with Niya, because some unexpected guests finally appeared.

During the time he and Niya exchanged text messages, several helicopters flew out from nowhere and caught up with Lu Yuan and Gunther.

"Boss, these guys are not kind!" Gunther also shouted from the communicator at this time.

"Of course, these are the people in black just now." Lu Yuan said lightly.

"Men in black? Dugan's family want to go back?" Gunther asked in surprise.

"No, things are a little bit more troublesome than that." Lu Yuan said lightly, "Remember ‘professionals’?"

"It's them?" Gunther was stunned. "That's right, just like bodyguards all day, they are dressed in black suits wherever they go."

"So those were professionals just now? I thought they were the bodyguards of Dugan's family!"

"What are they here for?"

"I guess," Lu Yuan said lightly, "They want to force me to send out the scandal at Dugan's house, so that I can die with Dugan's house."

"Why ~ so poisonous? Why?" Gunther couldn't help but startled.

"Yeah, why? It's probably because there are more wolves and less meat, not enough to eat!" Lu Yuan sighed, and jerked off the joystick, which was able to avoid the precise shooter in the rear cabin of the opposite helicopter and hit his cockpit. One shot.

Immediately, Lu Yuan smiled at Gunther, "Picero, pay attention to avoiding some son's bullets!"

After that, he drove a bird helicopter, like a swallow with a dexterous tail, turned a little in the air, and then turned from the enemy's muzzle to their rear.

"The security firm's shipping rules. If an unknown armed force launches an attack on us first, we have the right to fight back with airborne weapons. Whenever legal issues arise, the firm will be responsible for the aftermath!"

Lu Yuan unfolded the external loudspeaker of the helicopter, aimed at the enemy helicopter formation, and spoke these words at an extremely fast speed.

After the last syllable was spoken, he also pulled the trigger at the helicopter that shot him first.

Da Da Da, the piercing and explosive bombs of four heavy machine guns, as if dripping water into the snow, directly opened a few large holes on the opponent's Bell 206 helicopter. A few of them even penetrated the helicopter windshield, directly opening a hole in the pilot's body.

"The score is 1:4!"

Seeing that Lu Yuan easily knocked down one of his five helicopters, the other personnel were on the verge of confusion and anger.

The result was aroused by his deliberately yelling through the speaker, and all that was left was anger.

All of a sudden, there were four helicopters left, completely abandoning Gunther's freighter Tula in front, and rushing towards the road one after another.

However, their Bell 206 does not have airborne weapons, and the output is for armed personnel in the rear compartment, so the flight angle must be maintained at least for a short period of time with a "T" shape in order to provide sufficient aiming for the rear armed personnel. time.

In this way, one can imagine how low their attack efficiency is.

According to Luyuan, they probably only counted the two 7.62mm water guns on the nose of the freighter Tula into the **** firepower, completely ignoring their own bird helicopter.

They probably didn't even see the two small-caliber machine guns that had been concealed.

But they don’t blame them. Everyone who has tried it knows how useful the 7.62mm machine gun is in flight, and it’s not a big problem to ignore it.

However, the two large metal boxes in the rear cabin of Lu Yuan's helicopter were ignored, which was beyond Lu Yuan's expectation.

After all, if the other party claims to be a professional, he should know not to underestimate such things.

Lu Yuan murmured in his heart, but he had no mercy in his hands. After being enclosed once, he easily found the 3 o'clock direction of a helicopter and pointed it near the cockpit. Ten rounds of piercing explosives were sent over.

"The score on the court, 2-3!"

The second helicopter was shot down and the enemy communication channel exploded again.

"Damn it! This guy is mocking us!"

"Send a message to the headquarters for help! Let them fly fighter jets to help!"

"No, Paul? Fighter? Are you crazy?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Just now I said to be careful that his two big iron boxes may contain heavy weapons. Didn't you say that even if the thing really exists, the hit rate is also touching? Yes, it's really touching! It's more accurate than a TM sniper. !"

"You can't blame me for this! I thought it was just some rockets or something. Also, you haven't tried those external weapons mounted on civilian helicopters. Is the hit rate touching?"

"That's because the fire control system is not off! The little bird's fire control technology itself is mature enough! That guy deliberately dismantled the outer arm, and pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger there!"

"How do I know this!"

"I'll take care of you, go to the headquarters for help!"

Lu Yuan looked for a good angle again while monitoring the communication channel of the other party.

This time, he simply intervened in their conversation and said, "Boys, stop arguing, it's 3-2!"



Obviously, the helicopter piloted by the one known as Paul was knocked out by Lu Yuan again.

In just a few minutes, there were originally a flying formation of five helicopters, but now there are only two left. The psychological pressure of the surviving pilots can be imagined.

In particular, they were hacked into the communication channel by Lu Yuan, which gave them a sense of powerlessness that "this guy can't be the enemy".

When the two were added together, the remaining two helicopters didn't care about continuing to find an angle to counterattack. They turned their noses one after another and flew back toward Luo Shengdu to the northeast.

"Sorry, lads, I can't let you go so easily. I need to leave a complete gift for your boss." Lu Yuan continued with a smile. With the better maneuverability of the bird helicopter, he soon made it Caught up with the last two helicopters.

"4-1!" One of the tail fins was hit. Because the entire fuselage lost its tail fin adjustment, it began to rotate with the propeller. Lu Yuan found the opportunity and directly destroyed the cockpit.

"5-0!" The last one was even more straightforward. The engine and fuel tank were directly shot through by the road behind. In the end, I didn't know whether it was the explosive bomb itself or the blast of the fuel tank. It directly interrupted the main shaft of the spiral wing. Flew out like a dragonfly.

The fuselage without the spiral wing could only fall in a circle, and finally hit a fireball on the ground.


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