Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 358: End of mission? The show begins!

However, the old Casey was sent away, because Mike had adopted a different strategy, Trevor quarreled with him again.

Probably just because you dislike others and have a soft heart, letting go of key witnesses for such important things is simply making yourself trouble.

As far as things are concerned, Lu Yuan certainly agrees with Cui Fo's point of view. However, considering that although he himself killed countless people, he still maintained the bottom line of not killing innocent people as much as possible, so even if he was allowed to choose, he would choose the same way as Mike.

Therefore, he did not try to persuade him, but hurriedly moved bricks into the car.

This is really "moving bricks".

Just as the two quarreled, Meriweather's crew finally blocked everyone.

It's just a Meriweather mercenary with a total of eight people on two Rock Demon off-road vehicles. If it is a long way to deal with it, basically it can be resolved within ten seconds.

However, looking at the quarrel between Mike and Trevor just now, asking them to come back to move bricks is not as efficient as Lu Yuan, who can hold up to ten yuan each time.

So Lu Yuan still gave up going out and shot, leaving the opportunity to vent his anger to the three.

This also has the advantage that only the chef, who is hunched and panting from exhaustion while holding three gold bricks, can discover his appalling carrying capacity.

It is much easier to hide from the sight of one person than to hide from four people.

So after Lu Yuan told him that he had managed to get the first batch of mercenaries, but was fighting with the second batch of Mike and the others, when he had installed the car, the expressions of the three people over there were more interesting than one.

But even so, everyone did not rush to leave. After all, unlike LSPD, this group of Meriweather is very wicked in chasing people up.

Everyone stayed here, killing all the five groups of Meriweather who had been left in the city by traffic lights before drove the muscle car and fled outside.

Here the chef can change his clothes and escape by himself. With the three offline protagonists and Lu Yuan, it happened to be a muscle car for one person, and the speed of life and death began.

Because Meriweather was resolved in advance, the chasers sent by LSPD were indeed not enough. Although it can still bite four people, it can't force any of the four to stop.

In fact, when you think about it, the weight of a small civilian car is about one or two tons. But Lu Yuan and their cars gained another ton in weight.

If a police car came and hit their car, it would be like a tall and thin guy like Rama had hit, forehead, and hit Teacher Wang Yuebo, the consequence, tusk, can only be where he came from and where he flew out.

Soon, everyone left the city and entered the city highway, driving towards the western Pacific coast.

Lu Yuan thought that a few people would flee directly to Blaine County along the Pacific Expressway. Unexpectedly, two trucks with wide open doors were waiting in the tunnel where the urban expressway turned from west to north.

Looking at this posture, Lu Yuan once played this flower job in the jewels, immediately understood.

Four muscle cars, two on each side, drove directly into the cargo compartment of the truck, and could directly escape the LSPD helicopter that was barely following a few people in the sky.

There may be drivers of other vehicles in the tunnel calling the police or giving testimony afterwards, but by then it will be too late.

After the transportation vehicle was dumped again at Perito Bay, the four tons of gold in total was handed over to Leicester for processing.

After Mike reminded everyone to keep a low profile recently, everyone scattered and went home.

Only the road is far away, as if nothing has happened, leisurely travel back to the United Savings Bank again.

Of course, he was not afraid that the police would find him twice.

It is the kind of advanced detective who knows that "some arrogant criminals will return to the scene of the crime after the incident, observe the police handling the case, obtain psychological satisfaction or carry out targeted counter-surveillance" theory.

Compared with that kind of criminal, Lu Yuan has natural legitimacy, and he has plenty of reasons to come back.

Because his office is opposite.

Getting out of the taxi swaggeringly, while walking toward the gate of Arcadia Commercial Center, he looked innocently around the bank that was being questioned by several teams of undercover agents. Lu Yuan portrayed a normal crowd of onlookers vividly.

After walking into the lobby, he asked the property manager nonchalantly, "What happened on the other side?"

When the property manager described what happened before to him vividly, he had more reasons not to go to the elevator. Instead, he found a sofa in the lobby waiting area and sat down, took out his mobile phone, and watched. While shooting.

But in fact, he took the opportunity to get in touch with someone.

"Surge, can you hear it?"

"I heard, Dad, you finally came, I'm so bored!" The familiar surge electronic sound came from the pocket headset, "How about Dad? Let's start now?"

Why is the contact surge? Where he is now, presumably his attentive friends have already reacted.

Yes, he was in a certain working space, and that space was left in the underground vault of United Savings by Lu Yuan. It was the one he hit on the wall when he was escorting two gold frames.

After TFTG obtained a large number of time and space points, Lu Yuan upgraded his work space by a sub-level. To be precise, he has improved his authority capabilities in three areas.

What is used here is the ability to switch the work space remotely.

However, he left the bank for so long before, is the work space still in the underground vault?

The answer is yes, it's still there.

Because the retracting and unfolding of the work space is completed by the release of the work space space beacon.

The ability to retract and retract the working space from a long distance is the ability to remotely control the space beacon. There are four functions: put, recycle, expand, and close.

When he is too far away from the space beacon, he is like walking out of the house with a TV remote control. Although the signal from the remote control cannot be received by the TV, the TV will not disappear because of this.

After Lu Yuan took the remote control and returned to the vicinity of the TV, he could still switch the TV and adjust the volume.

Because of this, after entering the underground vault, he directly dropped a beacon of a workspace containing a surge on the vault wall, and only waited for the task to be completed before returning to do the second underground vault robbery.

"Ready? Surge?" Lu Yuan rubbed his ear with his right hand, and adjusted the pocket earphone to a comfortable position by the way, "Then, the ultra-small drone, let it out!"

Surging: "Understood! Sir!"

Lu Yuan's current technical reserves are not enough to make an unmanned aerial vehicle the size of flies and mosquitoes. However, it is not difficult to build a small remote control helicopter that can carry a pocket camera and a headset.

That thing was about the size of a baseball. Although it would still be found in front of a person, it could easily hide in the blind spot of the cameras in a vault where only cameras were monitored, and then went wild.

In particular, Lu Yuan had personally entered once before and recorded all the information such as the location and field of view of the camera in the underground vault. Moreover, there will be no people in the underground vault when it is not opened.

The surge can move around at will, only solving the problem of observation. The real difficulty lies behind, how to get rid of the things in the vault without knowing it.

This place can show Lu Yuan's current true level.

Indeed, the remote switch workspace, which is beyond the cognition of science and technology in the era in which the plane is located, is tantamount to cheating, but in fact it is not as versatile as it seems.

Presumably everyone can think of Lu Yuan's method of stealing something, probably by opening another workspace door on the floor below the target.

It is nothing more than relying on the identity of the traverser, or a traverser who can obtain a large number of points in the novice phase, and no one can bully the plane.

But in fact, it is still a technical task to accurately place the space door on the remote partition wall.

It is still a technical problem to be able to use the first workspace beacon and the location information of the surge drone to establish a spatial coordinate system, and in the spatial coordinate system, to locate the coordinate data of the ground below the target item.

Among them, a variety of cutting-edge technologies such as satellite positioning systems, 3D surveying and mapping technology, etc. are applied.

Of course, it appeared, but a hole was suddenly opened in the ground, and the box full of gold fell directly into it.

After that, another hole was opened in the ceiling, and an object that looked very similar to the previous box fell out.

When the surveillance camera looked back, it seemed that nothing happened.

In this way, Lu Yuan exchanged 16 tons of gold in the underground vault of the United Savings Bank in the next two days.

The main reason why it took so long was that Lu Yuan had to make the replacement box in real time, and he couldn't leave any clues.

If there were no accidents, those boxes would ignite spontaneously after about ten days, leaving no residue on themselves. After all, when Lu Yuan made these boxes, in addition to using combustible materials, he also added some combustion aids to ensure that they could fully burn.

Of course, if someone moved these boxes before, they would ignite spontaneously in advance. A simple pressure detection fuze is sufficient.

For Lu Yuan, the task that started on Wednesday morning was not fully completed until the early hours of Thursday night and Friday morning.

At this time, Leicester's gold is still being processed.

Not only that, the Leicester intelligence received by Lu Yuan on Friday morning showed that the three offline protagonists have begun to prepare for their future.

At this point in the original game, there will be three endings, one will kill Mike, one will kill Trevor, and the other will be the combination of the three protagonists, anti-killing the triad FIB and Devan Winston.

The different trigger performance of the three branches is who Xiaofu calls when he encounters the story of the branch.

To call Mike is to call Mike out and kill him.

Calling Trevor will kill Trevor.

Calling Leicester is the protagonist's joint anti-kill.

What's interesting is that what Lu Yuan heard from Lester was that Xiaofu and Trevor "talked alone once" and finally decided that the three would fight back together.

This detail caused Lu Yuan's infinite reverie.

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