Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 359: Altruism in the Chiriyed Mountains Wilderness

After chatting with Cui Fo alone, Xiaofu re-opted for the cooperative anti-kill ending? This information is really interesting.

When he heard the news, Lu Yuan immediately recalled the murderous intention that Trevor had raised against him inexplicably before.

Could it be said that the Trevor in the face is immortal? Are you a child of the plane? Have great luck?

Wouldn't he be what the Quetzalcoatl said, that wise man? prophet?

Although Lu Yuan really cannot associate such a chaotic and evil image of Trevor with the ancient forerunners, considering that the Quetzalcoatl himself comes from the mythology of Central and South America, there are not too many cruel, wild and unruly gods in their mythology. It is absolutely mainstream.

If this is the case, it is not impossible to say that Trevor is possessed by the Aztec sun god.

After all, he had a good relationship with the Aztec gang before, a drug-trafficking gang of wheat black descent.

With this suspicion, Lu Yuan promised Lester that he would run to help when needed there.

However, remembering what the Quetzalcoatl reminded, Aschalotar's way of distorting the world was to make it infinitely tend to the real Rockstar plane. Lu Yuan knew that what he should do was actually to change the plot.

Isn't that the "story twist" of the early infinite stream.

It's a pity that Lu Yuan received this information too late, and the entire offline mainline plot was basically over, and it couldn't be deflected anymore.

Is it necessary to forcibly kill the protagonist trio for this kind of deflection?

Lu Yuan would not do that kind of thing for a vague goal.

In his eyes, only Trevor can die at the moment. However, among the three offline protagonists, Cui Fo is the one who has been in contact with him the longest and has the closest relationship.

Not to mention the tasks that they have worked together, they are still partners of the Beach Coast Airport at the moment.

Regarding the plot deflection, Lu Yuan hasn't come up with a perfect countermeasure for the time being, so he can only continue to take one step at a time.

After all, the fact that the entire 20 tons of gold sent to the West Coast by United Savings was stolen should always cause some plot deflection, right? Unless the real owners of Amerika choose to cover up the matter completely.

In any case, what Lu Yuan can do at present is quite limited, but there is one more important thing to be solved.

Rescue Niya.

Yes, during the time they were busy with joint savings, the system found a clue to Niya.

But that clue is hard to explain in a word.

After confirming that the clue was indeed worth pursuing on Friday morning, Lu Yuan immediately drove a helicopter and flew to the Chiliyed Mountains in Bryan County to the north.

It turned out that the day before, a famous mountaineer escaped from Mount Chiriyed and ran to the coastal town of Sandy Beach. The reporter who came to Wenfeng described his recent experience.

This climber, and his boyfriend, were attacked by a group of "savages" when they were hiking on Mount Chiriyed last weekend. Their boyfriend was killed by them on the spot and he was also caught in their camp.

However, this is only the beginning of the nightmare.

After that, not only did she suffer the inhuman torture of the entire camp, she also discovered that her dead boyfriend was cut out and eaten by these savages!

At that time she almost thought she had come to hell.

But after that, some climbers and others were also thrown into her cage. Among them is the appearance and physical features of one, which is very similar to the missing Niya.

She was able to escape because when she was tortured by the savages again, the savages seemed to fight because of something, and for a while, no one was watching her, so she took the opportunity to slip out of the camp.

Maybe it’s the gods’ blessing, she can’t tell the direction, and because it was night, she couldn’t use the sun to tell the direction. As a result, she thought she was escaping to the closer town of Perito Bay, but in fact she went to Senora. desert.

Unexpectedly, this staggered with the savages who pursued her in Perito's direction, and finally escaped fortunately.

Although I don’t know why Niya went to the savage camp, but from the information told by the survivor, Niya’s state is obviously not optimistic, and she might even be eaten by the savages. Lu Yuan could not tell. Gunther, he flew directly over.

He didn't waste it on the road. While letting the surge control the helicopter, he browsed the information about the savage camp on the Internet.

The savages are actually a cult, calling themselves altruistic.

The earliest members were from the baby boom of the last century.

Baby boom is an Amerika concept. In the 1920s and 1930s, after the great industrial development, Mika entered a long period of economic depression. The incident in which the milk was poured out and not given to the poor in the Chinese history and politics textbook occurred during this period.

Although there is actually a reasonable explanation behind that, in terms of cost, dairy farmers dumping milk just have no income. If they want to hire someone to distribute the milk to the poor in the city, they will have to repay the money, that is, they will sell themselves. Can't exchange money for that level.

And around the farm, before the milk was dumped, the people around were already full to vomit.

It's just that the reason why it is mentioned in the textbook itself is not to illustrate the absurdity, but to illustrate the existence of institutional loopholes in capitalism.

Say far.

In short, during the Great Depression, people were unable to live, and the fertility rate was naturally low.

However, after World War II, at a critical moment, they picked up peaches and shared the most profitable US card. Because of the great economic development after the war, the birth rate increased greatly.

From 46 years after the war to 64 years, more than 70 million people were born in Meka, accounting for one-third of the total population of Meka.

This group of people is called the baby boom, or baby explosion.

Different from the young people after entering the millennium, the baby boom era of the US card is full of opportunities, and you can get well-paid positions if you apply for any job. For them, they are simply living in a golden age when Mika is favored by the gods.

It was not until the two big somersaults in the Korean War and the Vietnam War that the Meka people awakened from the spiritual world of the illusory "God's favor", so there was the hippie movement of the 1960s.

In short, altruism is a group of people who were born in this historical period. They attributed the current issue of Meka to the uselessness of the younger generation, so they simply stayed away from the decaying and degraded cities and settled in the mountains and forests.

If that's all, then they are just hippies.

But compared with harmless hermits, they have one huge difference, cannibalism.

They think that eating a fallen person will save that fallen world one more point.

How should I put it, this way of thinking, I don't know who is depraved.

"I can't believe it. With such detailed information on the Internet, what is the official not doing to them?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but said after seeing this.

[Because of their existence, there is an obvious benefit for some people. ] System Road.


[Convenient to dispose of corpses. 】


Yeah, Lu Yuan just understood it now, isn't it? These people are natural black pots.

Maybe the gangs in the urban slums don't need it, but for those who enter and exit high-end hotels, if they are not careful, such as recruiting some special service women to accompany themselves, the result will be too high.

Or, using some weird but stimulating postures, the result was accidentally overstimulated.

How to deal with those special servant girls who died accidentally?

Give it to professionals? The charges seem to be too high!

Give the police a surrender? Just kidding, Mika is a magical country where the rich enjoy complete freedom. How can anyone give up their freedom for the sake of a few playthings?

So, spending a small amount of money to hire a driver to throw the corpse into an altruistic cult will not only "there is no case without a corpse," it will also allow the group of people to have a good meal and cheer together. , Bad things turn into good things.

But in this way, why Niya appeared there is quite worthy of intrigue.

Especially in the description of the climber who escaped, Niya was a "walking dead with a big figure but a sluggish look, at the mercy of others".

The reason behind this, I am afraid that it is darker than the existence of altruism.

"Dad! It's here!"

When Lu Yuan and the system were thinking about Niya's problem, the surge suddenly roared, awakening them from the discussion.

Lu Yuan hurriedly looked at the surroundings and found that he had indeed arrived nearby, so he said to Jiu, "Just stay around, watch out for those people's heavy weapons, and wait for me to come back!"

"Understood, sir!"

As soon as it entered the mission period, Jiyong immediately changed its name to mission mode.

Lu Yuan nodded, adjusted his equipment, gently opened the cockpit door, hooked the rope drop outside the door, and slid down in mid-air.

As soon as they arrived on the ground, the middle-aged and elderly people dressed as gold prospectors or farmers during the Western Development Period took out their cheap firearms and surrounded Lu Yuan.

This scene is like being surrounded by a bunch of zombies.

Knowing that this group of people cannot be judged by common sense, Lu Yuan did not land from the periphery of the camp and knocked on the door to ask for entry. Instead, he directly chose to drop by air.

Seeing that the members of the cult reacted so quickly, he directly took out his gun and attacked. At the same time, Lu Yuan dodged on the spot, and threw out the paprika tear gas grenades on the vest.

This thing is becoming less and less useful in the urban area, because Lu Yuan's opponents are becoming more and more professional. However, it is still very useful to deal with this gang of cult members who are called savages.

After a while, those cultists who stared at Lu Yuan with their eyes and gritted teeth, looking like the wizards and witches possessed by the devil in the fantasy horror story, all fell to the ground at this time, constantly coughing and snotting. Tears flowed.

Lu Yuan, wearing a gas mask, took advantage of this opportunity and hurried to the prison location that the female survivor said, and easily opened the lock of the fence door with a dagger, and saw a few ragged-looking women inside. .

Estefania is in it.

What's interesting, however, is that there is actually an acquaintance from Lu Yuan there.

They can't be regarded as acquaintances, they just have a relationship.

That person was the female triad hall master who fled from the secret road to the hidden pier under the bridge when Lu Yuan wiped out the underground clubhouse of the triad, and escaped with a motorboat.

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