Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 372: The barrel principle and the return of the dark eagle

When Lu Yuan heard this, the spirit of Xingshi asked the crime was stagnant.

Although the system is a little bit evasive, Lu Yuan has to admit that if the system is not fast enough, it is still light if he just breaks a hole in his chest, maybe the whole set of internal organs will have to be boiled or grilled.

Even so, the somewhat sunken body armor on his chest still oozes a blood stain.

Lu Yuan knew that this was just a blunt injury caused by the compressed air of a high-speed bullet tip, and it was magic like the wind blade when it was placed in the magic world. Although the puncture damage was prevented, the bludgeon damage caused by the energy impact was still there.

Subconsciously touched the chest, ah, there was a feeling of being pierced by a small awl, Lu Yuan thought for a while, felt that it was important to give up condemning the system for the time being, and to do business quickly.

Seeing that Lu Yuan didn't care about it for now, the system secretly breathed a sigh of relief. However, when he found that he was about to open the door of time and space when he changed hands, the heart that the system had just put down came up again.

[What will the host do? 】

{Forehead? do what? Go back? }The road is strange.

[This... that... the host can't go back for the time being. 】

{what? }Lu Yuan was really angry this time. If it hadn't been for the system, except for Lu Yuan in the previous life, there was no concrete image. Lu Yuan was afraid that he had already fought him in the sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

{What does it mean to not go back? Don’t tell me that if you wear it back in this way, the Chronicle Gate will still have CD cooling time! }

[That's not...] The system looked at the image of a certain supercomputer in Lu Yuan's mind that he had dismantled. It wiped the cold sweat on the non-existent forehead, and then continued with a light cough, [The host can now open the communication completely. The time-space gate to the plane of the pseudo-rock star. only……】

{Just what? } After Lu Yuan unloaded "Dark Blue", he immediately attacked his brother "Red Shirt" on the other side.

Wiping the cold sweat that didn't exist again, the system cautiously said, [That, because of the turbulence of time and space, the flow rate ratio of the two worlds will inevitably have some turbulence beyond the plan. 】

[The host is going back now, the opponent may be ten minutes after the fight, or it may be an hour or two, it is very likely to fall directly into the encirclement of the black armored soldiers...]

{Forehead? that is it? }Lu Yuan was stunned when he heard the words, and subconsciously released the trigger of the six-round revolver machine gun in his hand aimed at the machine room, allowing the various wrecks that shouldn't exist in the sea of ​​consciousness to slowly dissipate.

【that is it. ] The system hurriedly said.

{Ah, haha~ It’s just that, you said it earlier, really, I thought you lied to me again, ah, hahaha~} Lu Yuan smiled awkwardly while dealing with the murder weapon in his hands, as if everything was Just a misunderstanding.

After everything calmed down, Lu Yuan asked the system, {Then when can I go back? one day? Two days? }

[Under normal circumstances, half a day is enough. ] The system said, [However, it is better to wait a day for the other party's acting style. And must leave as soon as possible. 】

{One day? At that time, Defan was afraid that he was going to be killed by the offline trio! }Lu Yuan was quite reluctant to say, {That is the most important channel for me to torture the people behind the scenes! }

{Forget it, anyway, know that their base is on that mountain, uh, what mountain is that called? }

【Tongwa Mountain. ] System dogleg added.

{Ah yes, it's near Tongwa Mountain, anyway, the monk can't run away from the temple, it's not bad for this person's confession. }

After all, the human-shaped intelligence memory that was almost available, just quackly grew feathers and flew away from his dinner plate. If Lu Yuan thought he was not depressed, it was a fake.

But what can we do now? Let him not ask Chen Wei and Chen Tao who are also self-propelled humanoid intelligence storages? Obviously impossible!

Don't ask those black armored bodyguards? Less likely.

Since it is already an enemy, all this will happen sooner or later.

It's just that this time it's a little different. Lu Yuan is not helping Hunter or Agent 14 this time. Although it was still the task arranged by Lester, the latter could not block the mouths of the three offline protagonists, and his identity as a "sweeper" might be exposed to the black armor.

But the problem is not big.

That identity can be kept secret until now, it has been very lucky. It has been a good thing to destroy the black armor so many times, they don't know Lu Yuan's identity until now, and it is considered as the IAA and the hunter's side.

It's just that, whether it is the bunker, the office of the Arcadia Commercial Center, Turner and Alex, it is a little unsafe.

"It looks like it's time to deal with those increasingly meaningless properties." Lu Yuan, who had already entered the work space, murmured.

【what? 】

"It's nothing." Lu Yuan shook his head, took off the body armor, looked at the forging room in the space, said quietly, "Speaking of which, I've just been busy improving my attack recently, and I only focus on improving defense. In terms of mobility, it's really a bit blunder!"

"Should we find a world with relevant technology and upgrade the protective armor?"

Indeed, if the technology tree is simply divided into attack and defense, and then the attack is divided into precision and power, and defense is divided into active defense, which is mobile avoidance, and passive defense, which is self-protection, then Lu Yuan’s partial science is obvious.

Precision>Power>Mobility>Protection, this is Lu Yuan's tendency to choose all the time.

To be precise, in his already quite powerful technology, there are also detection magic, perception abilities, and even drone detection and other methods available.

Needless to say the power, the tanks and airplanes in the space and the massive spare ammunition are all. And his large-caliber assault rifle that was almost impossible for anyone else to use.

Even the mobility has recently caught up slightly because of the "terrain utilization props".

There is only protection. In addition to a second-generation semi-tank armor and dual-use vehicle armor, his strongest individual protection is only the lightweight NIJ level four standard bulletproof armor.

This is still combined with the special materials of Nin's magical world.

But this thing can barely guard against light weapon warheads, and heavy machine guns are a bit weak. Faced with the explosive sniper that fires 25mm high-explosive rounds like black armor, it is not much different from not wearing it.

And because of the weight, he really doesn't wear it often.

Although Lu Yuan has always sneered at the wooden barrel principle, thinking that as long as the low piece of wood is thin enough, it will not overflow due to the tension of the water. Unfortunately, his barrel now has only a few wooden boards on it.

Other boards are not enough to squeeze the protective power, as thin as hair.

So, after a few months, Lu Yuan finally opened the forging table again, trying to make himself some daily protective equipment such as goggles.

As for future plans, it is too early to plan.

During Lu Yuanping's ping-pong-pong period, because his regiment destroyed a team under his command, and other personnel in the command center recorded some problems, Zhan Siting knew that if he reported to his superiors in this way, he would still be sacked by his boss. Feed the dog.

As a last resort, he had to personally lead the team, with his partner Charlie 6, and three four-person teams of Quebec, Sierra, and Tango under his jurisdiction, with a total of fourteen black armored fighters. Run to the valley on the north side of Tongwa Mountain where the incident occurred to search for the enemy.

However, despite his mobilization, apart from being able to find some dispensable damage, he could not even find a piece of clothing far away.

Leading the people to find a whole afternoon plus one night, still nothing, the sickle inevitably fell into extreme panic.

Especially when he saw that Delta 1, the captain of the fourth team, Dark Eagle, was taken to the scene by a bird helicopter. He knew that the boss would never see him again. NS.

"Boom! Boom!" In front of a dozen of his subordinates, he shot Charlie 5-Scythe's head with a huge black pistol, and looked around the people who were as sad as his own, and the dark eagle sighed slightly. In a tone, he murmured, "Trust me, this is his best ending."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then they remembered something, their bodies trembled, and the eyes of the dark eagle were full of gratitude.

Yes, if it is turned into that kind of monster that is neither human nor ghost, it would be better to just die.

Seeing that the morale of the soldiers around him had recovered, Dark Eagle nodded silently, coughed lightly to suppress the grievances in his heart against that person, and said to Hei Jia Men, "According to the boss's order, you will be under my command in the future."

"At present, all action plans remain unchanged. Although the Romeo team needs to be reorganized, the triad they are responsible for will not have anything worthy of our action in the short term."

With that, Dark Eagle looked at Charlie 6 and said, "Chop the spear, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Well, you are responsible for the reconstruction of the Romeo team first. The first batch of materials will be in place within 48 hours." Dark Eagle nodded.

"Yes, sir."

"Very good." Dark Eagle continued, "Then, listen to my order, Serra team will be responsible for the finishing touch, and the rest, go back!"

"Yes, sir!" xN

After speaking, just as the other people took all kinds of transportation to go down the mountain in an orderly manner, Zan Spear slowly followed the Dark Eagle and hesitated several times, and finally asked, "Um, sir, about that goal..."

"Don't worry about this!" Dark Eagle waved his hand, "I will be personally responsible!"

"Yes!" Zhanmao shouted attentively, quite relieved.

Dark Eagle nodded, and strode towards the helicopter. As he walked, he murmured, "Is it a rocket jet? Didn't you think of 762 armor-piercing bullets that you would discard them? Okay, let us do it next time!"

Lu Yuan, who didn't know anything about himself being watched by an old friend, sneezed heavily at this time, not knowing whether he was scorched with anger or something.

Just as he was about to continue his work on the forging table, he was called to a halt by the system.

"Uh? Why, is it time? Is it so fast?"

"How long has it been? Fourteen minutes and twenty-four seconds? Why are there still zeros?" Lu Yuan was a little stunned, "Uh, multiplying by 100 is twenty-four hours."

Reluctantly putting down the hammer in his hand, Lu Yuan sighed, still picked up the bulletproof vest next to him, and walked out of the space.

"Forget it, these steels can't prevent explosions. Let's wait for a batch of good materials."

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