Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 373: Offline end and future plans

Back on the previous battlefield, the sky had already darkened. Obviously, more than 24 hours had passed, and it should have been at least Saturday night the next day.

It's still the mountain range, or the dirt slope. The traces of the surrounding vegetation being impacted by the explosion are still there.

It's just that the wreckage of the black armor forces, including his own three-no off-road motorcycle that fell down before it rushed to the top of the mountain, were all gone.

Although he didn't look for it carefully, he probably couldn't find any of the bullet shells thrown by the large-caliber assault rifle.

It was found that there were traces of people's treatment in the surrounding area, Lu Yuan did not dare to stay for a long time, followed the cover of the mountain to touch the mountain road, pulled out another three-five motorcycle from the work space, and hurriedly left the neighborhood.

The first goal is naturally the Juniper Heights not far from Tongwa Mountain. There is nothing special here, just a farmhouse.

It's just that there is a complete underground fortress under a strange concrete building near the farmhouse.

There is a farmhouse bunker that is still under the name of Lu Yuan, but has always been maintained by Turner Alex and his apprentice.

After entering the bunker, Lu Yuan connected this face's cell phone to the Internet. Sure enough, it was 11 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, September 21. It has been nearly a day and a half since he fled back to the main plane.

Choosing useful things from the bunker and throwing them into the work space need not go into detail. The surge of taking care of two dementia patients in the space always expresses strong dissatisfaction with Lu Yuan's behavior of squeezing child labor.

No way, although it is late at night, the life schedule on the side of the surge is only in the afternoon. It was the world that took two soulless people for a walk after lunch.

Two large babies were being pulled over by the surge, and suddenly a pile of metal parts, gunpowder raw materials, and even batches of bullets and other cargo boxes fell out of the ceiling, and he was asked to pack them back. It's strange that he is not angry.

Does electronic life have no human rights?

Lu Yuan, who knew he was in the wrong, praised him very much, and made Qiyong look like "I am a good son of my father" and moved away excitedly.

After dismissing the surge, Lu Yuan took out his mobile phone and checked the news records for the day and a half.

The most inquiries from the offline protagonist team, especially Xiaofu and Lester, are mainly asking him how he is, whether he needs help or not.

After giving Xiaofu back that everything was normal, don't worry, Lu Yuan dialed Leicester's phone directly.

"You really are still alive! Ha! I knew it!" After the call was connected, Lester didn't have the pretentious vigilance that he had when answering Xiaofu's call before, and he yelled in relief.

"I heard that Xiaofu said that you encountered that group of people? A whole four-person squad, which allowed you to escape, amazing! Now you are really going to be a celebrity!"

"If Hei Jia will announce it to the outside world." Lu Yuan said indifferently, "Well, those will be discussed later, line... uh, how is the matter with Xiaofu and others?"

"Ha, you don't have to worry over there, everything is going well~" Lester laughed, "They are considered to have successfully retired. Well, if you have a pension, you can get your pension within a week."

"Eh?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, "You haven't dealt with those things yet?"

The so-called pension naturally refers to the four tons of gold in joint savings.

According to Lu Yuan’s previous speculation, this gold robbery was a bitter trick by the internal factions of United Savings. This lot of gold should be left-handed and right-handed, and it will soon be recovered by the internal black hands of the United Savings.

Unexpectedly, it's been almost two weeks, and Lester hasn't dealt with them yet.

"Hey, look at what you said, is that thing so easy to handle? Now I don't know how many eyes are staring, I shouldn't be careful?" Lester pouted.

"That's it..." Lu Yuan thought for a while, and confirmed his numerous assets with the system, and said to Lester, "In that case, I have a proposal here. Are you interested?"


"I will eat the gold!"

The total value of that lot of gold is probably 200 million U.S. dollars, and Lu Yuan's wealth on this plane can't take them all down.

Although he later stole the 16 tons of gold left in the underground vault of the United Savings, he could never exchange gold for gold, right?

Putting aside the gold, his bank accounts, stock market accounts, even real estate such as offices, apartments, bunkers, and some cash, the total amount is just over 30 million U.S. dollars.

The bulk of it is naturally that the system took advantage of the recent stock market turmoil and made a lot of stock assets.

The money is not enough to buy a ton of gold, let alone swallow it all. Despite the normal distribution, at least 700 kilograms of the four tons of gold is Lu Yuan's own share of income.

"You eat it? When have you been so rich?" Lester asked in surprise, "Also, what do you want gold for? Even if you are planning to run away, how can gold be spent in dollars? Is it possible that you are afraid of you? The bank account is not guaranteed?"

"Don't worry, those people are not so capable yet. They have blocked your bank account. They are not IRS."

"You don't have to worry about what you do." Lu Yuan waved his hand, regardless of the fact that Lester on the other side of the phone couldn't see it at all, "I definitely can't eat it all. I don't have to look at discussing with you about how much I can eat. "

"Is that so? Forget it, whatever you want." Lester thought for a while, "So, anyway, there are about 40 million in your dividend. I will give you a ton, how about it?"

"One ton? Fifty million?" Lu Yuan pouted, dissatisfied that Leicester only sold his own 10 million gold, and felt that he seemed to be underestimated.

But then think about it, if you don't consider the system's ability to make money by sweeping the stock market, as far as Lester knows, this money is almost an asset that you can use.

Is this just a coincidence?

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan asked tentatively, "Then what, except cash and checks, do you accept anything else, for example, fixed assets?"

"Fixed assets?" Lester laughed strangely, "Isn't it, you really plan to change the property and run away?"

"I definitely won't accept them, but I can help you deal with them."

"But there are a few things I have to remind you. Although the office in the Arcadia Commercial Center can be worth four or five million yuan, your notoriety is still there."

"Several owners died in a row. Now you have to run away. It is impossible to sell at the original price. If you sell for two million, you will be lucky."

"And your bunker, seniors are not willing to get involved with the group of 14 people, and novices can't afford that money, it's also a hot potato."

"Leave these two to me to help you deal with it. I can only give you three million first. The rest can only be given after they are sold."

"Is it so cruel?" Lu Yuan couldn't help frowning.

"So, how much gold do you want?" Lester asked with a smile.

"Hehe, if that's the case, I really can't eat too much." Lu Yuan curled his lips and said, "I want a ton and a half if I count my share!"

"Hiss~" Lester took a breath after hearing the words, "A ton and a half? Are you sure, fifty million one ton, one and a half ton is 75 million. Remove your 40 million, you have to Pay 35 million! Where do you get so much money? Is the arms business so easy to do?"

"Well, trade secrets." Lu Yuan avoids the heavy words, "Of course, the office, the bunker, and my apartment are all counted in it. Isn't it okay?"

"It’s okay, it’s okay, but are you? You’re not afraid anymore? Actually, you don’t have to. Look at the hunters and they have been fighting over there for so long, aren’t they okay? You are a wise man, you should be able to Understand why this is." Lester said.

"That kind of thing has nothing to do with me." Lu Yuan said, "Well, let's talk about delivery."

"All the money on my side will be available until Monday afternoon. How about your side? Where do I need to pick up the goods?"

"Oh, you are actually playing for real." Lester sighed, "Well, don't worry, when you are ready, let me know in advance, I will arrange for someone to deliver the goods to your door. As long as it is within Los Santos Inside, you can send it anywhere you want."

"The service is so good?" Lu Yuan said, "Do you still want to take the opportunity to explore my bottom?"

"You guy, I don't know who you learned from, so suspicious!" Lester said in an angry voice, "Then you say, what do you want to do!"

"Just kidding," Lu Yuan chuckled, "Just do what you said. Then I'll see you on Monday."

"Huh! See you Monday!"

A few minutes before and after, he allowed most of his assets in this face to go out, Lu Yuan put down the phone and looked around the bunker, quite a little lost.

However, he knew that although there was no major movement on the black armor side, as the conflict between himself and them became more and more intense, it would be almost impossible for these industries to survive in the future. It is better to deal with it as soon as it is not depreciated due to being affected.

As for Turner and Alex, who are also shareholders, anyway, it is the interplanetary companions who divide the gold by a ton, and the loss will be back hundreds of times.

Having said that, I sold everyone's things before I got their consent, which is not interesting enough. Although they are the boss and they are followers, there are still some things that can't be saved.

So, Lu Yuan ignored it was midnight and called Turner again.

No Lu Yuan imagined that the phone rang for a long time, and the middle-aged uncle who was interrupted by good things on the weekend cursed violently.

On the contrary, the phone rang only once, and Turner picked it up. The first sentence that came up was, "Boss, are you all right!"

Lu Yuan's heart was instantly surrounded by warmth. The secret path is still our turner. We don't accompany my girlfriend on the big weekend night, so we are always ready, waiting for the boss' call.

He is the best follower of the year.

Then think about the fact that I just bought everyone's assets behind his back, alas, why the gap in life is so big.

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