Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 377: Cool beauty violent heart

Not long after Lu Yuan got on the plane, a hotel in Kotza Quarks welcomed a few special guests.

They wore black uniforms, black knitted hats, and a pair of large black sunglasses on their eyes, which steadily covered half of their faces, making it impossible to distinguish their looks.

As soon as they entered the hotel, before the welcoming staff had finished saying their greetings, several people took out their guns and quickly controlled the entire lobby.

Two of the two-person teams quickly went upstairs from the fire escape, and several other personnel guarded the elevator door with guns in a posture that the road was blocked.

Soon, the wooden door of a guest room was kicked open by a gunman. When the door opened, his colleague immediately threw a shock bomb inward.

After the explosion, the four gunmen immediately rushed into the guest room and searched the valuable luxury suite inside and out.

But in the end, no one was found.

Hearing the news that there was no one from upstairs, the commander at the front desk in the lobby frowned. He immediately looked at the trembling hotel staff who was controlled to one side. He stretched his eyebrows and smiled and took it out of his arms. A pile of green paper was thrown on the counter.

"This is your loss fee."

"No...not so much~" a mature beauty who looked like a manager looked at the wad of dollars and said tremblingly.

"No, it's useful." The commander smiled and waved to the opponent. The gunman immediately walked into the front desk and smashed the hotel computer in twos or twos. The hard disk storing surveillance video was stuffed into the backpack by them. .

"It's just an accident. You haven't seen me and my people today, understand?" Seeing his subordinates finished, the commander laughed again.


"very good."


After processing the scene, on the way back of the gunmen, a soldier asked the commander, "Sir, this is the last place the person appeared in the last 24 hours. No new records of his various documents have appeared."

The commander nodded, "What about surveillance?"

"The search for the last 24 hours has been completed." Another technical soldier replied, "According to the surveillance, he checked in the hotel about 20 hours ago, and checked out and left about 2 hours ago!"

"Well, I see." The commander stretched out his hand and rubbed his astringent temples, and said a little discouraged. "What the **** is this guy running here for thousands of miles?"

I didn’t know that because I used Nick Road’s passport and credit card to expose my whereabouts in Maiheikou, Lu Yuan attracted a group of unknown men in black to hunt down. After a painful and boring 20-hour journey, he finally arrived. The first destination this time.

Of course, I don’t know, it’s just for the hotel staff.

If Lu Yuan was really present, he would naturally know the origins of these people at a glance, an old acquaintance.

There may only be one thing beyond his expectation, and that is Nick Road's identity, which was discovered by Black Armor so quickly.

But at this time, Lu Yuan, who just got off the plane, didn't know anything about it.

Otherwise, you will not accidentally use the "Nick Road" credit card to book a hotel suite here.

Because of the time zone, although it actually only took 20 hours to reach here from Mehek City, the time has changed from 10 o'clock in the morning on Monday to 19 o'clock in the evening on Tuesday.

Although he often travels between different planes and makes Lu Yuan’s jet lag much lighter than normal people, this time regardless of the weather and time changes are a bit too large, let him fall directly into the bed as soon as he enters the hotel. .

He slept faintly during this sleep. If it weren't for an accident, he was afraid that it would be possible to sleep for a whole day.

What's the accident?

Well, it wasn't that the people in black in Quarta Quarks came to the door so quickly. After all, even if they had a dedicated plane, they rushed over when they got the information about the opening of the "Nick Road", and it would take seven or eight hours to arrive.

It was a strange group of people outside the hotel that woke the road far away.

To be precise, a group of strange women.

This group of people is fair and beautiful with long legs, short jeans and small leather boots make the legs all the way down the waist, and the outline of the curve is even more terrible.

From time to time, a few people put on black silk-like leggings, no matter where they go, they are all wolves, huh, the focus of everyone.

But if this is the case, at best, only the friends on the roadside whistles and try to strike up a conversation, and they will never make a commotion that can wake up Lu Yuan in the hotel upstairs.

In fact, if the dress of the lower body of this group of people is considered normal in the open North America and Western Europe, then their upper body will definitely be the most avant-garde dress wherever they go—returning to nature.

Yes, it is the nature of ancient times that everyone can have leaves to wear well in the Stone Age or even earlier.

Of course, it's not that there are no modern creations at all. Those various oil paints can't be produced by humans in the Stone Age.

All kinds of slogans such as "This country is not a ‘broken house’", "My body is my weapon", "Women have power" and other slogans are all written in the form of oil paint on their upper bodies returning to primitive nature.

And now, these people are in groups of three and three, shouting slogans to several entertainment venues on the street.

The content is similar to those on them.

Around them, there were a bunch of reporters and photographers with guns and guns, shooting them 360 degrees, as if this was not a farce, but a serious drama with serious symbolic significance.

The security guards and operators of the surrounding entertainment venues, although not surprised by the costumes of these women, are obviously quite surprised that they actually appeared here in the downtown area.

Because they disturbed their wealthy and expensive guests, the security guards saw these women have been reluctant to leave, and inevitably clashed with them. As a result, the noise is several times stronger.

Lu Yuan was awakened by the riot.

Sleepy-eyed got out of the bed, opened the window to look at the violent cool beauties outside, Lu Yuan pricked his ears and listened to the sirens slowly approaching in the distance, knowing that this farce should end within half an hour.

But he also knew that this was just the beginning. What awaits this country in the future is greater riots, even a war.

Yes, this is the Eastern European country he has been away for a long time, Luxin.

Although Slavic mythology covers almost the entire three kingdoms of Russia, the most famous Slavic temple in history is here, Kiev.

This is also normal. After all, this is the origin country of the three kingdoms of Russia and the capital of the home country of Kievan Russia.

In 980 (978), because he was jealous of his brother who had just ascended the throne of the prince, the prince of Novgorod, Vladimir Svyatoslavic, who was expelled from the territory, succeeded in taking his brother Kill him and replace him as the new Grand Duke of Kiev.

Later, in order to strengthen the rule of the territory, the new Grand Duke of Kiev hoped to use religion to unite the relatively loose Slavic tribes, so he selected several gods from the Eastern Slavic system that would help strengthen the kingship and invited them into The temples.

This is described in "The Chronicle of Past Years":

"Vladimir began to be a prince in Kiev alone, and he enshrined the gods on the hill behind the inner palace compound: the **** of thunder Perun with a silver-headed golden mustache and a wooden body, and then the sun gods Hols and Daribo. Grid, Streberg, God of Vulcan, and Goddess of Destiny Mokosh."

This is the legendary Vladimir Pantheon. Of course, because there are only six gods selected, it is more appropriate to say that it is the temples of the gods.

This is also the target chosen by the Feathered Serpent God for Lu Yuan, and there may be a place where the "God Realm Stone" exists.

It's just that these gods are more unlucky than their Nordic cousins. That temple of gods did not exist for a few years, but the people who built it took the lead to demolish it.

Because the plan to use the Slavic gods failed, in the next few years, the Grand Duke of Kiev had contact with many foreign religions and wanted to choose a tool to consolidate his rule.

In the end, he chose Christianity, the state religion of the Eastern Roman Empire with which he had been in close contact.

In 988 AD, Grand Duke Vladimir, who had been baptized, returned to Kiev and "he ordered the destruction of the original statues--some of them were smashed, and some were burned."

"He ordered Perun, the **** of thunder, to be tied to a horse's tail, dragged from the mountain along the Borichev hill **** to Rukia, and assigned twelve strong men to break it with iron brazing."

"When people dragged the statue of Thor, they threw it into the Dnieper River."

"It drifted over the rocky beach and was swept over the shallows by the wind. The place was conveniently called'Thunder Shoal' until today."

However, "The Chronicles of Past Years" was written in the twelfth century, and what we know as "today" refers to that time.

When reading this chapter in the book on the main plane, Lu Yuan's MMP can be imagined.

This group of medieval princes and nobles worshipped when they really used others (called Renjia Xiaotiantian), and whip the corpse (called Renjia Niu Madam) at the statue of gods without using them, without shame.

No wonder the name of the Slavic gods is so unremarkable, far less famous than their cousins ​​who are active in all kinds of modern literary works.

However, the conversion of the Grand Duke of Kiev to the Orthodox Church later became a remarkable achievement in the cultural traditions of the Three Kingdoms of Russia. It is the legendary "Ross being baptized".

This event was also designated a national holiday in Greater Ross, which is the "Ross Baptism Day."

"Hey, if the **** Perun is still alive, I don't know what to think about this situation!" Lu Yuan ridiculed badly.

"But the Ross people, a thousand years ago, they kicked their traditional gods away for politics, and worshipped the foreign gods grandly, and they were complacent about it."

"Now the government is infiltrated like a sieve by Western espionage personnel, and a group of people are clamoring to be a gunman for the West to deal with their own big brother who always bullies themselves."

"The nationality of these thousand years is really amazing!"

Just when he took out the map and looked for the possible ruins of the temples in the past according to the history in the book, the commotion outside the window has come to an end.

Or the climax before the end.

As soon as the police arrived, several armed men in uniform Kong Wu filed out of the car and drove a half-fruit woman to the police car with ease.

At this time, those fruit girls were not only not afraid, on the contrary, they were like chicken blood, shouting the previous slogans in a louder voice than before, and occasionally the Western neoliberal set has never just talked about anything. The rhetoric.

The surrounding reporters slammed all kinds of equipment on the police's face like porcelain, and cooperated with the fruit girls to yell at the police.

As soon as the police personnel can't stand the anger and make some small movements, the so-called reporters who don't know who is holding the money will swarm them like cats smelling fishy.

Lu Yuan can even imagine that in the subsequent paper media and social media, those nonsense articles will be concocted and published at lightning speed.

Although Lu Yuan was only a middle school student at the time, he still heard about the series of major events that took place in Luxin from 2013 to 2014 in the main world.

After all, the same technique and the same situation will happen somewhere in China in the near future. It's exactly the same.

Well, maybe these half-fruit girls are missing.

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