Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 378: Others' War-Major Events in Advance

After the fruit girls were all taken away by the police, this bustling business district finally returned to its former calm.

Well, prosperity and tranquility don't seem to match. Unfortunately, this is Luxin.

Since he was awakened, Lu Yuan didn't plan to make any more sleep.

Comparing the ancient books and maps to plan for a while, he packed up his bags, dressed as a tourist, and headed for the first target area, the St. Vladimir Mountain Park.

The palace of Kievan Rus a thousand years ago, as well as the church that was built by Grand Duke Vladimir on the site of the temples, have all disappeared in the long river of history.

In fact, they only existed for one or two hundred years. After all, the boys of Temujin's family can really fight. At that time, Kievan Rus had already split.

Of course, more than two hundred years later, the descendants of the Kievan Rus’ descendants, the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Khanate of Crimea, destroyed the imposing Chincha Khanate, or the Golden Horde.

Although it is not rare that the cubs of the Grand Duke of Kiev beat up their brothers to each other, it is not uncommon to hear things like blood kinship. For them, power is the most important thing.

In short, the current St. Vladimir Mountain is to commemorate the Grand Duke Vladimir who introduced Russin and even the whole of Rus into the world of "civilized civilization" and was chased as a saint, and there is even a monument to him.

There, it is likely to be the location of the temples of the past.

At least this is the most probable place Lu Yuan inferred based on the information currently available.

Because of advance planning, Lu Yuan deliberately chose a hotel not far from the center of the city this time.

Now that you leave the hotel’s gate, follow the north-south road at the door and walk northward, you will be able to reach one of the most famous attractions in Kiev, the Independence Square.

From there, turn to the northwest and you will reach the destination, Mount Saint Frankimir.

The whole distance is only a little more than two kilometers, and if you don't pretend to be a tourist, you can reach it in a few minutes if you don't have to pretend to be a tourist.

However, as a qualified tourist, it is enough not to take pictures when walking on the small road between various apartment buildings. If you arrive at Independence Square and don’t spend a while holding the DSLR, I am afraid that everyone will look strangely. Give him two eyes.

Therefore, in Lu Yuan's plan, he planned to walk at least an hour for this two-kilometer journey.

However, after arriving at Independence Square, he immediately corrected his previous plan, put away the camera and turned away.

The reason is simple. There are too many people around Independence Square.

As a landmark building and even a national symbol, the flow of people in Kiev’s Independence Square has not been low. But today's personnel density is another level.

Moreover, most of the people gathered this time are young people, that's all, their childish faces are often flushed with sickness, and it can be seen that the whole person is in a state of excitement.

There are three or five of these people together, which is a group of ten or twenty. In the small group, I don't know whether they are discussing or arguing, whether they can hear an angry curse.

There are other people who wander between small groups from time to time, as if they are planning something.

No matter how you look at it, some sort of change will soon occur here, so that Lu Yuan chooses to leave immediately when he sees that the situation is not right.

{Sixth brother, what's the matter? Looks like a prelude to some kind of protest? }Lu Yuan rushed to the mountain, while silently muttering in his heart, {Wouldn’t it be the big commotion in 13 years? I remember that the main plane only broke out in winter? Why is it so much in advance? }

Returning to Lu Xin this time, Lu Yuan could feel from the depressed air around him that the situation here was more undercurrent and turbulent than a few months ago, and the waves were strange.

At first he thought it was getting closer and closer to the big event, which was not unexpected.

But now it seems that something must have gone wrong. I am afraid that the time of the big event here will break out in advance.

[Does the host remember the warning email sent to the relevant authorities when he left Luxin a few months ago? 】The system does not answer the question.

{Uh, remember. }Lu Yuan thought about it for a while, {I remember that it seemed that the Ruxin authorities had leaked the thing, and it seemed that the IAA agent had to go back to the Pentagon for questioning? }

{What's that guy's name? That's right, Sam Smith! }

{Why, because of this, IAA intends to do things in advance? }

{But I remember that they seemed to be stabbing needles, taking advantage of the opportunity to mess it up? }

[Well, it is true. ] The system responded, [IAA's style of acting is to make arrangements in advance, fan the flames, and then take the opportunity to expand the conflict when the first shot is fired, and finally the fisherman benefits. 】

[Unless necessary, they will never take the initiative to be the vanguard. 】

{Hehe, it's the same as letting me run an arsenal to sell weapons, and they pump water behind their backs? }Lu Yuan pouted his lips.

【good. 】

[So the problem here is that the early bird appeared early. 】

{Forehead? }Lu Yuan stepped slowly, and said with a heavy heart, {Is it my fault? what happened? }

[This kind of thing has nothing to do with wrong. If you have to talk, you can only say that weakness is wrong. Insufficient ability, the weights were delivered to his hands, and failed to take advantage of the situation to fight back, on the contrary, greed was not enough to eat the consequences. 】

{what happened? }

[First of all, the major event in November 2013 on the main plane was due to the pro-Russian Russin government, which suspended negotiations on joining the European Union. 】

[Immediately, Lucin pro-European supporters began a large-scale commotion. In the end, the situation escalated, the pro-Romanian government stepped down, and the pro-European government carried out a series of operations to "sooze popular anger", which resulted in the pro-Romanian public resentment. 】

[Soon, the Crimea incident broke out. After a series of international and domestic political struggles, the European and American stealing chickens failed to eclipse the rice, and the Great Ross blitzkrieg beat the teacher to death and ended temporarily. 】

[Of course, the follow-up impact of the event has never been interrupted, and here in the main plane timeline, there is still full of gunpowder. 】

{and then? }Lu Yuan asked without comment.

[According to the information available on this plane, after the IAA spy invasion, the Ruxin authorities thought they had gotten the handle of Mika, and seemed a little more confident in handling international relations. 】

{Can you tell me the point? }Lu Yuan finally got a little impatient.

[To make a long story short,] The system is as good as a channel. [The Ruxin authorities announced their decision to suspend negotiations a week ago. 】

[The people in the square just now are probably the pro-Europeans planning the riots. 】

[In other words, this big incident was more than a month in advance. 】

{Is that really the case? }Lu Yuan was in a complicated mood for a while, and he was kind of heavy about doing bad things with good intentions.

After slowing down, he suddenly thought of another thing, and he hurriedly said, {But such an important thing was suddenly greatly advanced, and the Void Flyer who has been transforming the timeline hasn't done anything? Let the timeline become chaotic? }

[No, the host wants to go wrong. 】

[Their purpose is only to make the timeline of this plane infinitely approximate the real Rockstar plane, and other things are not within their scope of consideration. 】

[The core of the Yanxing Plane is in Meka, and even only in a few large cities such as Los Santos Free City. Outside matters, people in a few cities do not have much sense of existence. 】

[So the Void Flyers may arrange for manpower to correct the fate of some people in Los Santos, but they are unlikely to care much about Eastern Europe. 】

{Uh, is that so? }Lu Yuan thought for a while and felt that this was probably the case, so he stopped wasting more brain cells on this.

Let's advance ahead of time, anyway, such major events are the general trend, and it is impossible to turn the tide with a single manpower. This is what I wanted to understand when I left Luxin last time, why bother to find myself uncomfortable now?

Thinking of this, the speed on Lu Yuan's feet immediately increased a bit.

Less than 5 minutes after leaving Independence Square, he climbed the St. Vladimir Mountain.

Although it is called mountain in translation, the practical English term is hill, hill, and hill. I want to come and know that the so-called mountains in the center of a capital city will certainly not go high.

Climbing to the highest point here in three steps, unintentionally admiring the surrounding scenery, Lu Yuan immediately shifted his mind to the perception of the breath of the forerunner.

Fortunately, because of the big event, the number of tourists who had been in an endless stream is extremely rare today, which makes his actions much easier.

Perceiving the aura of the forerunner is the skill Lu Yuan obtained from the Quetzalcoatl God.

It can't be regarded as an acquisition. After all, with the foundation of Nin's plane magic, and with the extraordinary ability of thinking that tends to strengthen perception, Lu Yuan's recognition of deliberate energy fluctuations is quite strong.

After experiencing the so-called "light analysis energy" in Feathered Serpent God, he quickly mastered the ability to detect this thing.

After leaving the **** realm of the feather snake god, he even followed the remaining aura in the nearby stone monuments to probably judge the location of the deep-buried feather snake **** Realm Cong.

If it weren't for fear of making things happen and attracting the attention of Void Flying Insects, he would have the confidence to directly dig out that Jie Cong from the rock formations hundreds of meters underground.

If the Void Flyer could have this ability, the Isu survivors of this face would have been dealt with long ago.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan stayed calmly on the top of the mountain for half an hour, and could not perceive even the slightest scent of light-separated energy nearby.

This shows that either this hill is not the hill where Grand Duke Vladimir built the temples at all, or the changes that year were too decisive, plus the repeated whiplashes for thousands of years, the forerunner breath here has long been Was washed out.

In all fairness, although the possibility of the former is not low, Lu Yuan prefers the latter.

After all, that period of history shows that the temple of Kiev was built in a hurry, and the existence of less than ten years, the breath of the Slavic gods would not be too strong.

If it weren't for the Quetzalcoatl God vowed to say that the core believers of the Slavic gods must have participated in this construction, and the gods must have been placed in the statues, Lu Yuan would not even have the idea of ​​coming over and giving it a try.

Later, he was so sad that he was dismantled and killed the donkey by crossing the river to dismantle the bridge. Not to mention a strand of consciousness, but the intact ancient Isu giants stood in front of them. Before, the forerunner was shaved alive.

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