Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 380: Isu Chronicle

The women left, just three days after their son was born.

Sonaz, who left the treatment room with the little guy in his arms, felt extremely complicated.

Looking at the chubby chubby in his arms, the man loves and hates him. He hates him for taking away his beloved woman and loves him because he is her son and his own son.

"Is it right, I'm really wrong? Those guys are right?" Sonaz tortured his soul, but he couldn't find the answer.

The fertility rate of the Isu people has been low, leading to a weak increase in productivity. Although Eden, the Isu administration, tried a series of measures, such as giving preferential policies to those Isu men and women with strong fertility, but there were partial effects, but they could not solve the overall problem.

What kind of a tilt method is to allow the fertile Isu to have more children with different individuals.

For example, the administrator of the Southern Sea Experimental Site named Zeus has had hundreds of offspring born within a few decades. Or pure-blooded Isu.

In order to solve this problem, there was a "creation of people" plan, and it was successful.

However, what the world did not expect was that the initiator of this plan even conducted a series of follow-up experiments.

He disregarded the basic ethics and produced a hybrid offspring with his creation.

And the obedience module-neurotransmitter installed in the human brain by other laboratories was also removed by the Isu from his hybrid offspring.

If that's all, this matter is just a spark, and it can easily be extinguished.

But Eden, the administrative authority of the Isu people, was annoyed that when the illegal experiment was discovered, the number of mixed races around the world was disturbing.

Some Isu people even found that although the fertility rate among the Isu people is extremely low, the fertility rate of those mixed races is very high.

And human beings are productivity, the basic unit of all all-powerful money.

Some of the Isu people actually planned to systematically raise (make) mixed-race offspring and help them learn Isu knowledge, culture, and even technology.

This is what the "gang of guys" did in the sentence that Sonaz tortured himself.

If he could do it again, would he choose to have offspring with a human in order to save his wife's life?

he does not know.

He only knew that the human race, except for the weaker body, was mostly strong and brave good guys, uh, and good girls.

However, among those human beings, there are also some that make Sonaz disgusting.

It was an early winter evening, because except for some conditions in daily training, several students led by Sonaz were temporarily trapped in the mountains, their muscles aching and hungry, and everyone's morale was not high.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Sonaz frowned and thought for a while, and finally decided to let everyone eat first.

So he slaughtered the two accompanying rams who were in charge of the logistics load-lifting task, skinned them, and gave their meat to everyone for roasting and cooking.

The morale of the people was naturally boosted, and they all fisted and looked at the delicious lamb.

Only one student in the crowd quietly walked to Sonaz and asked, "Instructor, after eating them, none of us can carry your armor and weapons!"

Sonaz looked at the sword eyebrow star. Although he was less than two meters long, he was also a powerful young student. He vaguely remembered his name, Shia Fei, and reminded himself of his family who was about the same size. Guys.

With a gentle twitch of his mouth, Sonaz patted the little guy here on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, they are resurrected and can be resurrected."

Seeing the little guy's ignorant look, Sonaz didn't explain, but shouted at the people who had started, "Only meat is allowed, not their bones, understand?" He roasted the meat on his own. Come.

The next day, everyone who had been working on the spot for a night got up from the improvised camp.

Sonaz asked people to collect all the bones left over from yesterday and wrap them in sheepskin. He drew out his main weapon, a light-analysis creation known as Thor's Hammer, Mauernier, tapped the sheepskin twice. .

After a ray of light, the two rams really recovered.

"This, is this? Magic? A miracle?" Xiafei said in astonishment, and his eyes looked at Sonaz more respectful and respectful.

"Magic?" Sonaz clapped his hands and laughed, "That's right. I don't know the specific technology very well, but this is one of the results of our experimental field, the resurrection seed and the resurrection device."

This is one of the core technologies of the Asa Experimental Field. Regrettably, this so-called resurrection cannot "absolutely" resurrect a certain creature. It requires a series of preconditions.

The special biological creation that fully meets these prerequisites is the resurrection species.

The two pack animal rams are one of them.

It's a pity that this technique can't save Jan Shaza back. Because of the special genetics of the Isu people, the woman's soul has been irreversibly weakened due to the birth of offspring.

That kind of situation is no longer something that the rebirth energy can recover.

Looking at the two rams, the teeth grinder and the teeth grinder, who were resurrected in front of him, Sonaz tried his best to control his mood and recovered from the memory of his dead wife.

However, when he came back to his senses, he realized that one of the rams was limping on foot.

"Who is it! Who didn't listen to my warning and ate the bones of sheep?" Sonaz, who was already in a heavy heart, couldn't control his temper anymore, so he roared out loudly.

However, a giant of nearly five meters, with strong muscles like a hill, was so yelled by him that the humans, who were mostly 1.67 meters tall, were of course frightened out of their bodies.

Not to mention the instigator itself, it was Shia Fei who had just talked and laughed to him, and at the moment he was pale and sat down on the ground.

Seeing that the human soldiers around him who had high hopes for him were so embarrassed at this moment, Sonaz felt even more annoyed and did not speak, one by one, he violently lifted them from the ground and planted them in a row by himself.

The so-called kind is to lift a person with one fist, smash a hole in the ground with one fist, and stuff the person in with the leg facing down.

As the name says, my Sonats soldier is not allowed to be so useless, not allowed to kneel!

Can anyone be "planted" in the soil, maybe not afraid?

Some people even took a step ahead of him and poured water on themselves in advance.

It's the kind of yellow liquid rich in nitrogen fertilizer...

"It's you?" Sonaz narrowed his eyes, looked at the damp soil under the person, and even more disdain for that person in his heart.

"I...I...I...Yes...Yes...Yes..." The man saw a small mountain staring at him like a beast, and he was so guilty and panicked that he was so scared that he couldn't even speak a complete word.

Seeing this man talking, he was about to faint in the mud he used to make with biological fertilizer. Sonaz frowned, and there were really some eagles pecking hedgehogs with nowhere to put their mouths.

I thought that he would get rid of him with a hammer, and Sonaz was really a bit dirty.

In his eyes, such an unbearable person is not worthy to die under his own Mirnier.

Can you spare him? If this person violated his direct order, he can be dealt with directly during the war.

And this person is so timid that he is not qualified to be an Asa guard. Even if he is allowed to live, he must be relegated to the military.

Just when Sonaz was considering how to deal with this person, Xiafee, who was planted in the ground, stood up from the soil, walked up to Sonaz, and knelt on one knee.

Siafi's performance made Sonaz secretly satisfied, but he was a little confused.

And, just as he came, another soldier also stood up from the soil and followed him.

It was a rare female fighter, and Sonaz had some impression of her, because she was Siafee's sister and had always performed quite well. It's Rosecuff.

"Sir!" After knelt on one knee, Xiafee hesitated twice, and finally raised his head and looked directly at Sonaz's eyes, "I am willing to bear the blame for my father!"

"And me!" Rosecuff, who also knelt on one knee, said immediately.

"He, is your father?" Sonaz was a little surprised.

After all, the performance of the father and son in this family is really polarized.

"Yes, sir!" x2


"Okay." Sonaz rubbed his chin. "However, I can't let him go so easily. Although the death penalty is forgiven, the living sin is hard to forgive."

"First, it's impossible for a person like him to stay with me anymore!"

"Yes." "I understand."

"Second, since you said you want to suffer for him, then from now on, you will no longer be the guards of the experimental field, but me, the guard of the guard, Sonaz!"

"What?" "Really? Your lord!"

"Of course." Sonaz pouted.

"Yes, my lord!" x2 "Follow your orders, my lord!" x2

Just like most armies, the general soldier becomes the general's guard, it is not a punishment, it is more like a promotion.

However, for the two brothers and sisters, this promotion actually contained punishment. Although in the final analysis, this is not punishment, but help.

Sonaz’s punishment was that, from now on, the brother and sister had nothing to do with their human family. They were neither their children nor their brothers and sisters.

They have only one identity, Sonaz's guard.

This also means that they no longer live in human gathering areas, but live in Sonaz’s camp or at home.

Even, until one day, their human parents and brothers chose to rebel, they also obeyed their vows and stayed to fight for Sonaz.

Yes, the thing that the Eden authorities feared eventually broke out.

Those human Isu hybrids who have lost control raised their swords and spears against their creators, vowing to rely on force to seize a bright future for their race.

Although the largest rebellion occurred near the Nanhai Experimental Site, the Asa Experimental Site has also been affected to a certain extent.

After all, the boss of the experimental field has so many mixed-race descendants. Although his Isu descendants are nowhere to be seen.

But for Sonaz, what saddened him most about this rebellion was that more than half of the guards he trained by himself chose to defect.

When he investigated the reason, he surprisingly discovered that most people defected because they thought he was too partial to his brothers and sisters and was unfair to others.

The most annoying thing is that it is the father saved by the two brothers and sisters who spread this kind of rhetoric.

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