Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 381: Chaotic Isu family relations

Time still goes by like water.

It's just that the life of the Isu is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, full of wars and killings.

Finally one day, a larger disaster broke out.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, any kind of disaster can make civilization go back an era, but at this time it seems to be an appointment, and a brain rushes towards the Isu and humans.

Although according to the research report of the South China Sea Experimental Site, this major disaster, which has become a catastrophe in Tobah, was due to the abnormal eruption of the nearest star overhead.

But Sonaz was dissatisfied with this statement.

Obviously it is a series of geological disasters, but they have to rely on the sky. The people in the south have never really investigated and dealt with problems seriously.

There is even a rumor that this is the use of weapons of mass destruction by the Eden authorities in order to deal with the human rebels. As a result, the weapons are too powerful to be beyond their control.

Someone asked, is it really just accidental out of control? After all, just a few hundred years ago, there was a so-called unification war between the Isu. In fact, it was the invasion and attack launched by the Eden authorities against several Isu city-states around them.

It was also the part of the Isu who had lost control of the core city-state after the war and began to build their homes further afield. It's just that this time they are in the name of the experimental field, which means that Eden is recognized as the administrative center of Isu.

As one of the Asa test sites, it is conceivable to agree with the latter statement.

But Sonaz didn't want to participate in these things.

He has only one creed. Since he is the security director of the Asa test site, protecting the Asa test site is his only responsibility.

However, soon, under the continuous attack of the catastrophe, the surviving Isu people at the Asa test site decided to abandon this place and find another safe place.

In other words, his only mission failed.

In the following hundreds of thousands of years, he was like a walking dead, carrying out meaningless killings under the order of the highest leader of the Asa Experimental Site.

Even if his eldest son Manny has grown up.

Even with the marriage given by the leader of Asa, who has been renamed Odin, he has an additional Isu wife named Shiv, and a stepson, Uller.

Even though, his two human guards were transformed into combat weapons similar to pack beast rams under the technological transformation of the Asa Experimental Field.

He was so sad that he had not recovered his soul.

Until one day, Odin decided to transfer all the remaining Isu people at the Asa test site to another world.

That is still the technology of the South China Sea Experimental Field, a hybrid technology of consciousness upload technology, and optical analysis storage medium technology.

It can create a space no less than the real world in the optical analysis storage, and carry the unique and powerful consciousness of the Isu people, which will exist forever.

This technology can enable the Isu people to safely escape the ongoing Doba catastrophe.

But those rebellious humans were completely unable to attack the Isu consciousness in the realm Rubik's cube, which is the optical analysis storage medium.

Odin gave the Isu who entered there a new name, Asa Protoss.

Also named the new gathering place of the Isu people, Asgard.

Even Sonaz was given a new name, or god's name, Thor-Okusol.

A large temple built by hollowed out mountains, the center of a beam of light that runs through the entire temple up and down, rotates a two-meter cube without hesitation.

In front of the beam of light, a figure of Isu was wrapped in the light released by the cube, and the body was placed in a sarcophagus, and then pulled away by humans dressed as temple guards and pushed into the honeycomb storage at the back of the temple.

Seeing that the Isu was almost in, a middle-aged man with a height of four meters, a golden armor and one-eyed white hair, turned to look at Sonaz behind him, no, Saul.

"Are you really sure, just staying outside like this?" The humanity.

"Yeah." Saul nodded gently.

"Huh, it's really reliable!" There was something in the man's words, "Speaking of which, for so many years, you haven't visited your house, let alone visited Friega, your mother and queen. I guessed it, you finally Still have to stay outside."

Hearing this, Thor's fist was clenched uncontrollably, and it took a while to relax, but the words in his mouth remained unabated.

"For me, Friga will always be the younger sister following me. Although she has another father..."

"Shut up!" The one-eyed man said angrily, "Since she chose to marry me, she has only one identity, your stepmother, your mother's queen! No other relationship exists!"

"Really?" Saul sneered. "If you hate my mother so much, why did you second me here?" "If you can't see me, you can forget her forever." , Isn't it? Why use her daughter to retaliate?"

The character relationship sounds a bit complicated.

Needless to say, the one-eyed man is naturally the Odin, the so-called **** king of the Asa Protoss, and the former chief researcher of the Asa Experimental Site in the northern border of Isu.

Perhaps the only surprise is that the security director Thor, who has not been close to him for a long time, and is even too cold for the general relationship between superiors and subordinates, is actually Odin's son.

Sol's mother was named Jiao De, who was Odin's partner when she was in the core area of ​​Isu.

But because of some things, the two finally separated. Jiao De, who was renamed Feoqin, had a daughter with another Isu, Friga.

That Frija is Odin’s current wife, the **** queen of the Asa protoss, and the biological mother of Odin’s son Badr.

She is also Thor's half-sister.

The family relationship of the Isu people is so chaotic.

"Huh, it's really something you can say!" Odin sneered, and didn't mind that Saul proclaimed his chaotic family relationship in front of everyone.

"I really hope you can one day understand what responsibility is!"

"Frija and I can give birth to more and healthier offspring. That is the result of the DNA report given by the Eden Core Research Institute!"

"For the sake of Isu's future, she chose to take her own responsibilities. You incompetent brother, what right do you have to blame her?"

"Well, it looks like you still have to let the cold wind blow your useless mind!"

"In that case, you just stay outside!"

"Huh! Let's go!"

The golden light flashed, and in the end, apart from the human guards, only a few Isu figures remained in the temple.

"...Father..." Manny, who had grown into a hill, walked to his father's side, and opened his mouth unconsciously, not knowing how to persuade him.

On the contrary, another fair-haired Isu woman who is more than four meters tall and has a well-proportioned figure walked gently to Saul, embraced his sturdy left arm, and whispered in his ear, "Let's go, there is Many things to do."

Seeing that the eyebrows are seven points similar to the dead wife, except for the healthier Sif, Saul sighed slightly in his heart, turned and walked outside the temple.

"Manny, Uller, you take the guards to inspect the temple."

"If there is no accident, next time I come back, it will be a hundred summers!"

"Yes, father!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Doba catastrophe not only almost destroyed two races, but even the war between the two races was destroyed by it.

After most of the Isu people chose to live in the "God Stone", the Isu, mixed races, and humans who remained in the outside world had to live together slowly under the harsh environment.

After all, what the mixed race wanted back then has almost gotten. The most important thing next is how to survive.

To be able to say goodbye to the complicated family relationship for the time being, and to lead the surviving humans to rebuild their homes outside, for Sol, it is more pleasant than the life in the experimental field back then. Except for a little harder.

Especially, his second wife gave him another pair of children, Moody and Slud. This made him, who was a bit phobic about having children, finally found some sense of security.

However, after that, he never agreed to Sieff's request to continue having children.

According to Odin's arrangement, every one hundred years, the Thor family will return to the temple surrounded by mountains, connect the "Stone of the Gods", and update the information on both sides with Asgard.

Although Asgard was responsible for the handover with Saul, he did not want to see him, a member of the chaotic family relationship, Heimdall, but seeing only one face in a hundred years, his forbearance passed.

"Well, uncle, it's been another hundred years, how is it going outside?" Heimdall smiled when he saw Saul.

"You either call my uncle or my eldest brother, don't call it together! Don't you think our house is not messy enough?" Sol angered.

Heimdall is also one of Odin's sons. But his mother was the older sister of Saul’s dead wife Jaen Shaza, to be precise, the older sisters...

And also share the same name...

So, from the mother's side, Sol is Heimdall's little uncle.

From his father's side, Saul is Heimdall's eldest brother.

The family relationship of the Isu people is normal.

"The outside is roughly the same. The clouds still block the sun for a long time. Although the frequency of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has slowed down, it seems to be fully restored to normal. There are at least thousands of summers."

"Really." After hearing Saul's summary, Heimdall nodded, putting away the previous cynicism, and said rather heavily, "Maybe, I mean it's possible, maybe after a while, father and the others may go out."

"Go out?" Saul said in surprise, "Why? I'm tired of waiting? Didn't you say that the scene there can be arranged as you like? What do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure about this either." Heimdall shook his head slightly, "I just heard that there are abnormalities in some marginal areas. It seems that there are signs of dissipating."


"Hey, I heard from those technicians that there may be a problem with the energy supply system. The energy supply of the Realm Rubik's Cube is insufficient, and the space inside can only be forced to shrink..."

"How is it possible?" Sol was incredulous. "How long is this? Doesn't it mean that the energy in it can be used for at least ten thousand years?"

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