energy crisis.

At the beginning, most Isu people chose to enter the Rubik's Cube in order to deal with the shortage of resources after the cataclysm.

Unexpectedly, after escaping in, I couldn't avoid it in the end.

After this exchange of information, Thor was not busy blocking the temple again, but stationed nearby, waiting for Odin's new order.

Sure enough, soon after, Odin sent a new task to Sol, to follow someone, eh, it's a god, to find an alternative energy source.

That **** is,


"Aha, big nephew, long time no see, how are you doing recently?" The speaker has a handsome face, bright eyes, and a sly light flashes from time to time. It is Odin's righteous brother, Vulcan Luo base.

Loki is an outsider, and has no blood relationship with the Isu people in the Asa test site.

But when he appeared, Odin quickly accepted him and bowed to him.

There are rumors that it is because, like Odin, Loki is also a wise senior researcher in another experimental field with a wealth of knowledge. The conclusion is one of the ancillary conditions for the exchange of knowledge between the two.

Moreover, it is said that the Territory Rubik's Cube in Odin's hand is also inextricably linked to Loki.

Sol doesn't care about these things. He is not a researcher and is not well versed in technical issues.

But he knows one thing, that is, since Loki came to Asa's test site, he has never stopped the things he did.

Even later, Saul had become accustomed to asking if Loki was doing the trick again this time when he encountered abnormal troubles.

"You guy, could it be that you have insufficient energy supply? You did it again?" Sol looked at the handsome face in front of him, who was much younger than himself, and tightly clasped Milneil with his right glove on the palm of his palm, quite a bit. Asked unhappily.

"How come, big nephew! Don't always think of me so badly!" Rocky smiled evilly, "I can help you solve your troubles~ such as my beautiful niece and daughter-in-law. Hair like golden silk~"


Before he could finish speaking, Thor's hammer slammed out, rubbing his cheek and hit the ground, splashing dust.

Seeing this, Loki swallowed with lingering fears, and put his hand on his lips in a deadly posture, indicating that he would never mention it again.

In fact, it's nothing, just one day Loki didn't know what was wrong, and shaved Sif's blonde hair.

Under Thor's violent beating, he had to use some alternative methods to grow Shiv's blonde hair back. It's just a lady's psychological shadow. Seeing Sol's disagreement with his attitude of smashing the hammer, there is no shortage of pillow winds.

Although he was extremely wary of Loki in his heart, Saul knew that since Odin arranged for him to come out and arranged for him to find alternative energy sources, it means that at least this time, it is very unlikely that he will be a ghost.

In this case, he can only follow orders.

The destination of the mission was several Isu ruins near the South China Sea Testing Institute. The process does not need to be elaborated. With the bunker after the external catastrophe, the hard way can be imagined. What's more, there is also an explosive barrel Loki that may go wrong at any time.

But in the end, they managed to bring back alternative energy.

However, because Sol is not proficient in Isu technology, he cannot determine how successful this mission is. But he always faintly felt that Loki was planning something bad.

Several hundred years have passed. Humans on the outside are slowly recovering from the cataclysm, and there are even humans who have successfully built their homes solely on their own.

Correspondingly, there are fewer and fewer other Isu clusters that can communicate with the Asa experimental site.

I don't know if they are similar to Asa's, choosing to close the "God Realm" or have completely disappeared in the long river of time.

In the past few hundred years, Thor changed his previous style of guarding the outside world and entered the "Stone of the Gods."

On the one hand, the next generation such as Mannyur has grown up to be competent for outside work.

On the other hand, Sol was really worried about Rocky.

In a sense, he guessed it right.

Odin and Friega's eldest son, Badr, the actual system operation and maintenance engineer of the "God Realm", was unfortunately killed by his twin brother Hodder, who was also a system operation and maintenance engineer, under Rocky's scheme.

Sol is not proficient in Yishu technology, but he probably knows that Badr is the key to the normal operation of the virtual world inside the Realm Rubik's Cube. The other half is Hoddle.

In theory, Badr, who is almost equal to half of the entire God Realm, will not die, just like in the ocean, half of the ocean can never be drowned.

But the other half of the sea can make this half of the sea lose its vitality.

That's why Loki played tricks to get Hoddle to kill his brother's main consciousness.

With Sol’s knowledge, I am a little ignorant of this matter, but with the help of Sol’s memory to understand the long journey of the Isu people, it is easy to understand the logic behind it.

Simply put, if the entire realm Rubik's Cube is regarded as a computer or simply a server, then the so-called God Realm is obviously the sum of the programs running on this server.

Although this server has many CPUs, different CPUs only run specific programs, that is, those Isu.

There are only two CPUs, which are responsible for the operation of the operating system, namely Badr and Hodder.

Different from other CPUs, the CPUs of these two brothers are multi-core, and the ability of parallel computing is much better than others.

Loki murdered Badr, which is equivalent to destroying a core of his dual-core CPU. Once more than enough computing power, this will be stretched.

As a last resort, in order to keep the operating system running, Hoddle also used another free core of his own CPU to support the operating system.

In the eyes of other Isu people, including Sol, it became Hodell's guilt and regret and followed his brother.

The Isu people were naturally very angry. When they were sure that it was Rocky's ghost this time, they all went on the court immediately, and they repaired the guy very much.

However, what Sol did not expect was that at this level, Odin still did not choose to execute or exile Loki, but instead locked him up.

Although the BDSM is locked in a special way, it is not, ahem, it is particularly cruel and tyrannical.

But for Sol, Loki's alive is a serious safety hazard.

However, he was not seen by Odin. He had been "fighting outside" all the year round. He was estranged from the Isu people in the God Realm, and he was even less talkative. He had to silently bury the words in his heart, and relied on visiting Rocky Prison from time to time to relieve his anxiety.

On the other hand, because Badrholdl's main consciousness both disappeared, although the God Realm is still in motion, some of them have also begun to become abnormal in climate. It was a region that was warm like spring, but it also ushered in a harsh winter.

This is just the beginning. More disasters continue to fall in the God Realm over time, awakening the Isu people who are drunk and dreaming of death and the memory of the original cataclysm.

That's right, a multiba catastrophe that was equally devastating was once again staged in the God Realm.

After being awakened by the cataclysm, many Isu people gradually fell into a state of madness, especially those fire giants, Frost Giants and others who were not employees of the Asa Experimental Site and fled for refuge during the cataclysm.

If only this is the case, the security forces established by Sol for the Asa test site are sufficient to deal with the violent violent actions of these people.

However, what happened behind made Sol had to admit that he underestimated Loki, or what Loki represented.

The wolf Fenrir, the atrium python Yemengard, the goddess of death in the underworld, Hela. Loki's three illegitimate children were originally not only illegitimate children, but also had special consciousness that interfered with the ability of the world to operate.

To use Lu Yuan's analogy, they are like viruses that have invaded the system. The key to their successful invasion is the so-called alternative energy that Loki brought.

At this point, Thor had no other choice but to come forward and fight with the strongest Yemengard.

"If you hadn't scrupulously so much, and directly warned Odin, would you be able to avoid all of this?" Sol in the battle inevitably had this idea in his mind.

However, he knew in his heart that it was impossible.

He just didn't trust Loki based on his feelings, and he could be cunning with that fellow Loki, even if he was deeply trusted by Odin, he still had a way to make things go to the point where they are today.

In that case, he would probably kill himself first, just like killing Badr.

Just, why?

Even if Asa’s test field has nothing to do with him, what good is it for him to ruin it?

While fighting Yemengard to make you come and go, Saul also took the opportunity to look at several other battlefields.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, he faintly discovered something.

The battle between the Assa gods and the giants and the sons of Loki is so spectacular.

Under this intense war, Loki, who was trapped in the cage, naturally escaped and joined the battle group against the Asa Protoss.

It was his activeness that allowed Sol to discover the problem.

The technology of the Isu people is called light analysis technology, and most of the creations will emit crystal clear light on the surface from time to time.

The Isu people in different regions may have different preferred light colors, but in general, the light is quite pure and bright, just like crystals, with a high degree of recognition.

These technologies are highly versatile, easy to use, and have immediate effects. In the eyes of unclear humans, they are undoubtedly related to magic or miracles.

Over time, a considerable number of Isu people really regarded themselves as gods. For example, the so-called Asa Protoss.

Now on the battlefield, they are fighting with other Isu people in full swing, and they can't turn the rivers and seas at all times. In most cases, the light-analysis creations on their bodies will flash with that kind of crystal clear light from time to time.

But Loki, and his sons, the light on his body has nothing to do with the word "penetration". On the contrary, it is dirty and muddy, like water contaminated with ink.

The turbid green makes Saul stand upside down with fear every time he sees it.

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