Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 424: Sileia, and Raiden Arrow

"That said, you have been looking for me outside for so many years, and haven't gone back to see Little Rena?" After hearing Vegade's account, Sileia gave her husband a punch with a bit of complaint, but she felt regretful. There he rubbed it, as if he was afraid of hurting him.

Vegard, who understood his wife's intentions, quickly took her hand back to her palm and promised, "When we go out, we will find her immediately. Our family will be reunited soon!"

Sileia's eyes dimmed and nodded non-committal.

Avoiding her husband's eyes, she looked at the sky outside the window and murmured, "In the future, you must treat Rina better."

"Also, don't blame her!" When she said this, Sileia turned her head back and looked at her husband, asking him to agree to her request.

Vegard was startled. Although faintly felt something was wrong, he thought that his wife was talking about dystocia, so he nodded firmly and agreed.

Seeing that he agreed to herself, Sileia sighed with relief, her face dimmed.

I have been on the sidelines and did not bother the couple. Looking at Sileia's gradually dimming soul body and body, she finally realized what her previous anxiety was!

Her condition is wrong!

In other words, too weak!

I had seen Silaiya Luyuan before. She hadn't taken off her helmet. The British capital on the battlefield directly made Lu Yuan think she was a strong man. At that time, she made some jokes.

Even after taking care of Vegard, who had not healed from an old injury, she was a bit overworked, but after thinking about it, Vegard wouldn't let her overdraw too much.

Even if it is difficult to give birth when giving birth to a daughter, the physical damage is a bit serious, but it will not affect the soul!

But now Sileia's soul was as weak as dying, completely illogical.

Was the soul wasted by the soul stone mound?

That's not right, those old souls are just losing their minds and want to be strong in appearance.

Like the "young" sages who have advanced for two hundred years, they are still alive and kicking. It makes no sense that Sileia, a new soul who has been in for less than ten years, will be so badly consumed.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan turned his head and looked at the black skeletons outside the house, thinking, could it be that some local existence deliberately targeted it?

At this time, Vegad also discovered that Sileia was in a wrong state, and hurriedly picked up Sileia and looked towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan understood what he meant. He wanted to repeat his old tricks and transform Silaya into an electronic life form.

However, what the two of them did not expect was that Sileia stopped Vegard.

"Brother Vigo, I have no regrets to be able to see you again at the end." Sileia shrank into Vega De's arms and said, "I can marry you and have children, and have such a wonderful time with you, I am too early. I'm satisfied."

"I don't want to be the yoke that binds Big Brother again. Forgive my selfishness, okay?"

Seeing Vegade, who was shuddering gradually, but was afraid to sway his wife in his arms, Lu Yuan struggled to control the balance of his arms there. Lu Yuan felt that his eye sockets were moist, and compassion and sourness were intertwined, and he couldn't tell which was more. concentrated.

"You have never been my bondage, Sileia! You are the most beautiful being in my life, don't leave me, okay?"

However, Sileia never answered him again.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan didn't wait for Vegard to say anything, so he opened the crossing store and sold another set of tinder boxes, but was stopped by the system.

Under the prompt of the system, he took a close look at Sileia for the first time, and couldn't help but understand the meaning of the system, and his actions stopped.

The real Silaiya, or Silaiya's spirit, should have been obliterated long ago.

What remained here was just a light and shadow formed by her obsession. It's like a holographic image. But because it is in the soul stone mound, there is a body similar to that of an entity.

At this time, the light and shadow that completed the obsession slowly dispersed, and disappeared into Vega De's arms.


For a long time, Vegard, who knelt on the ground in silent mourning, slowly recovered his calm and stood up.

Lu Yuan opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

On the contrary, Vegad silently wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and looked towards Lu Yuan, "I know, she was gone a long time ago. I knew from the first sight that she was on the bed just to wait for me and was left behind. Remnant soul."

"I'm just, I'm just thinking, at the beginning, if I didn't promise to stay with her, would she have a more stable and peaceful life!"

"You know what she would say." Lu Yuan said silently.

"I know." Vegard nodded. "Because I know, I feel sorry for her even more."

Lu Yuan was silent.

What Sileia would say, she had just said. She loved Vegard deeply all her life, and she could only spend a short one or two years with him, without any regrets.

Can't be with him, even if he lives for a hundred years?

"Yeah, so what?" Lu Yuan mumbled rather self-deprecatingly.

Ask yourself, he and Sileia are really not the same.

Perhaps as Yanzi said back then, once he became a traverser, his attitude towards his lover and life was different.

There are only the traversers in the game world, but there are no undead who grow old together. How can that kind of deep-seated love appear in the almost immortal existence?

It's just that, after all this, he can't help but think of Helin Town back then, and those young but sincere young people back then.

If love will grow old, will there be the courage to love?

In a daze, the figure, the girl she didn't dare to face, appeared before her eyes again.

Only this time, even though he was still nervous, Lu Yuan's heart was firm.

"What we should face, we should face it!"

Waking up from his thoughts, Lu Yuan still wanted to accompany Vegard in this thatched hut that looked like their warm little home for a while, but in the blink of an eye, the hard as iron wall turned into a cloud of fly ash. , As the breeze dissipated, slowly dissipated in the air.

But faintly, Lu Yuan felt that there was such a blue light thread, under the cover of flying ash, rushing to the sky above a certain bunker building in the distance.

Lu Yuan couldn't help narrowing his eyes as he watched the seemingly huge soul stone above the bunker.

He knew in his heart that it seemed that Sileia's death had nothing to do with certain existences. For example, transform yourself into ideal masters in the form of that huge soul stone!

However, after looking at Vegard, Lu Yuan carefully chewed Sylaya's last words, always feeling that there was something else.

The hut was gone, and the two naturally had no reason to stay, so they walked back to the vicinity of the portal.

This is the meeting point agreed by the four people.

In order not to waste time, Selana and Ahe have gone to find Selana's mother according to the direction in the intelligence.

Seeing that the two hadn't come back, Lu Yuan didn't go to Vegard, who was still in grief, but took out the fragments of the God Realm stone before, ready to study its changes.

Lu Yuan was stunned immediately after he took out the little thing and took a look.

It's not that something went wrong, um, it's not that it's not out of the question.

How should I put it, there has been a change, but no matter how you look at the change, it doesn't look like a negative one.

It turned out that the old fragment resembled a thatch polished with stone by primitive people, with fine and irregular edges and corners, revealing the roughness of the original processing technology.

But now it looks a bit like the arrow of thunder and lightning. The whole body has been changed from the roughness before, as if it is a carefully polished double-pointed multi-prismatic crystal. It is crystal clear, dazzling and dazzling, and it does not violate the harmony when used as a decorative pendant.

In the crystal plane, the flashing arc from time to time reminds the observer not to forget its energy attributes.

The most important thing is that this is clearly a certain ornament that Lu Yuan had accidentally seen on other planes before. He didn't care about it at the time, and just subconsciously thought that it would be so good if the rubble on his body had become so much. Thinking about it now, at that time, the Thunderbolt was really worn by myself as a pendant.

Looking at the Thunderbolt, which was still absorbing the surrounding energy, Lu Yuan secretly said, could this thing not only follow simple commands such as how to eat or not, but can it even feel the complex composition?

So Lu Yuan simply added some patterns on the basis of the double-pointed polyprism, and the prism was also changed from six-sided to twelve-sided.

Sure enough, when he sent the signal, Thunderbolt speeded up the energy absorption rate again, and the appearance began to gradually change, according to Lu Yuan's new design.

Only this time, the speed at which it absorbs energy is not as wild as before.

Lu Yuan can now confirm that at least in the plane of Nin, the lightning palace in the lightning bolt can really receive his own orders directly, instead of having to consciously enter into it like in its initial plane. Just work.

As for why it can absorb the soul energy floating in the soul stone mound, it seems more logical to Lu Yuan.

After all, as a Divine Realm Stone Fragment in another world, it is conceptually very similar to the Annihilation Realm here in nature.

Although the technology implemented is different, the status is close. And this plane is an idealistic world of magic.

In addition, the Thunderbolt is the lightning palace of Thor, and the energy in the soul stone mound is also lightning in the external form. This can be understood by looking up at the thunder light that flickers in the sky from time to time.

All kinds of factors are intertwined, separated from the main **** realm for many years, and the Lightning Palace, which has been in a state of energy shortage for a long time, subconsciously absorbs external energy impatiently. It is really not too normal.

Looking at the Thunderbolt, which was changing its appearance while eating under his command, Lu Yuan suddenly flashed a flash of inspiration. He glanced at the looming huge soul stone in the distant void, and he had something different in his heart.

{Lord of ideals, right? }Lu Yuan thought obsessively, {Regardless of your specific position in the death of Silaya, it is an indisputable fact that she disappeared on your territory. }

{In this case, I will charge Vegaard some interest first! }

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