Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 425: Prisoners of the Soul Stone Mound

Thinking back, Lu Yuan didn't immediately let Thunderbolt appetite.

After all, the Xun Ma duo haven't come back yet, although they are not familiar with them, but they still don't take them seriously.

Seeing that the two people over there were not coming back, after studying the lightning bolts, Lu Yuan simply took out the crossbow bolts that Turner had given him to seal the fire and ice thunder energy and fiddled with them.

With Skyrim's current level of craftsmanship, this thing is not at all difficult for Lu Yuan. Even, not as high as the level of craftsmanship in the paralysis arrows he made when he first left the plane of Nin.

Vaguely seeing that the frequency of lightning and thunder was suddenly higher near several high towers in the distance, Lu Yuan guessed that it was probably the two who were fighting with something.

But since the two didn't come back to ask for help, he was too lazy to worry, and after retracting the crossbow bolt, he took out the spell books that were specifically aimed at vampires.

The magic of the plane of Nin, he is most familiar with the recovery system and the transformation system. So even if his magic talent is not high, he slowly mastered these new magic.

Of course, after studying it, he discovered that he seemed to have used it accidentally.

The basic logic of these recovery magics specifically aimed at vampires is to condense the energy of recovery magic to be as close as possible to the nature of sunlight.

In this way, natural vampires who are naturally afraid of the sun can be harmed several times.

Lu Yuan used to make a dense trap formation outside the gate where Hegang was hiding, and inadvertently achieved this kind of cohesion, so he was able to beat the vampire lord several times into a mess.

After understanding these magics, he has a new idea, which is to find a way to seal this magic into the arrow.

This may be a difficult task for local craftsmen, but it is not difficult at all for Lu Yuan who has mastered modern technology and craftsmanship.

The simplest way is to seal the high-concentration recovery magic potion in a glass bottle that will shatter after a severe impact, and then use the same glass bottle to contain some catalyst-like substances that can trigger the violent volatilization of these potions.

Then install the two glass bottles next to each other to the top of the arrow, and a ghost hunting arrow is complete.

Moreover, this kind of arrow can not only restrain vampires, but also has miraculous effects on most undead creatures.

In this production process, the most troublesome control of the damage of the glass bottle and the determination of the catalyst-like substances were not difficult for Lu Yuan, and he soon produced a dozen of them.

Just as he was about to take the newly baked ghost hunting arrow to find the undead around and play a game, Vegard gave a warning and drew his attention back.

"what happened?"

"Look, isn't the thing flying there a dragon?" Vegard pointed to the sky above a ruined church-like black building on the hillside in the distance.

Lu Yuan looked over, and sure enough, a huge lizard with a pair of bat wings was descending from the sky to the church building.

When the height was lowered to a certain level, ice cones or lightning destruction spells suddenly appeared in the church, and they greeted the huge lizard one after another.

Lu Yuan looked at it for a while, then said, "I didn't expect that eldest lady is still quite powerful. Well, there may be her mother."

"That guy named Ahraka also has a good arrow skills!"

"Hey, Vegard, do you think that guy's archery is a bit familiar?" Lu Yuan commented sentence by sentence, without any intention to help in the past.

However, he watched Vegade's expression ease down and was no longer as miserable as before, so he hurriedly spoke.

"Is there?" Vegad's mental strength, who had just slowed down, did not fully recover. He frowned for a long time before he was a little uncertain. "Familiar? At least one-third of the archers in Skyrim province use this style of play. ."

"Really?" Lu Yuan was also a little uncertain at this time. After all, he is not a local, and speaking of it, the places he has been are only around the two cities of Baiman City and Winter Fort. Of course it is not as good as Vegard. Have a say.

"I just think that his archery is like a comrade-in-arms style of play." After thinking about it, Lu Yuan said straightforwardly.

"Um, so you were talking about this." Vegard reacted. "That's normal. It is said that this style of play was passed from the comrades-in-arms group hundreds of years ago."

So the two simply exchanged ideas with the famous and unknown archery players in Skyrim, completely ignoring the colorful and fierce fighting over there.

After a while, the light on the horizon suddenly stopped, and after another hour, three figures slowly walked over from far to near.

"I saw you guys playing very lively just now, how did you succeed?" Lu Yuan couldn't help teasing when seeing the trio in embarrassment.

When Lu Yuan said that, the three of them, especially the eldest lady Serana, noticed that they had messy hair and torn clothes. They really looked like people who had fled, and Qiao blushed.

Although Ahe remained calm on the whole, he still stretched out his paw to treat his furry head.

It was the third person who came out, a middle-aged lady whose expression was so serious that Lu Yuan had to think of the "dean of teaching". She looked up and down Lu Yuan quite scrutinizingly, and she was a little bit yin and yang, "Hehe, it seems Times have really changed, and there are so many masters in mortals."

"If Selana didn't try to ensure that she was telling the truth, I couldn't imagine how a mortal would beat that guy so hard to leave the church!"

"Maybe my old fellow has too little imagination."

When a middle-aged aunt gave a weird look on his face, Lu Yuan seemed to think of a certain class teacher who had deliberately found fault with him. New grudges and old grievances rushed into his heart and sneered at each other, "What you lack is not only imagination, but also Knowledge, and humility."

After finishing speaking, before the ugly-faced aunt said something cruel, Lu Yuan grabbed the bow with his backhand, and in a flash, five shots of ghost hunting arrows shot out, and went straight to a strange figure following the three of them.

The whole body was transparent, with red fire in the eyes, and the soul body flashing strange purple light from time to time. It was shot in the chest by Lu Yuan's five magic arrows almost indiscriminately. The high-energy level restored the violent burst of magical energy, and it was directly above the chest. Melt down.

Lu Yuan easily killed an undead creature that looked quite bluffing. The few people nearby still don't know what happened.

"That's it? Reaper?"

In the end, it was the thousand-year-old monster Valerica who had a venomous look and could not help exclaiming when he saw the origin of the thing.

"What reaper?" Miss Serana couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Is one of the most powerful thugs of the ideal masters, no, we have to go quickly! I didn't expect them to achieve this level!" The middle-aged aunt said with an ugly expression.

After that, she turned to look at Lu Yuan again, her expression was rather complicated, and she bowed to a salute. She changed her previous arrogance, and said rather modestly, "Please forgive my offense, your honorable alchemist, it’s arrogance. Covered my eyes!"

"With your attainments in alchemy creation and your mastery of archery, even if you want to kill that person, it won't take you long!"

"You are a real strong man!"

In a career that is neither long nor short, Lu Yuan is no longer the first time I have seen such a textbook-style arrogant person.

However, no matter how many times he saw it, it would cause him psychological and even physical discomfort.

Fortunately, he just drew his bow without making a sound. He was meant to achieve this effect, so he just nodded at her pretendingly, then turned to look at Serana and asked, "Are you sure you don’t have to Are you back here again?"

Selana, who was a little embarrassed about her mother's performance, became a little baffling when Lu Yuan asked.

After thinking for a while, she tentatively replied, "Yes, don't you need to come back?" Then she looked at Valerica again, "Is it, mother?"

"No, I probably won't be back for a long time." After Valerica finished speaking, she turned to Lu Yuan and asked, "Master, you? What do you want to do here?"

The old witch is the old witch, and he guessed the subtext in Lu Yuan's words in two or three times. However, while speaking, he didn't seem to understand Lu Yuan's disdain for her at all, and naturally and smoothly changed to a lower-level posture in front of Lu Yuan.

At this time, if Lu Yuan deliberately ignored her, he would appear to be petty.

However, Lu Yuan didn't intend to tell them his plan. After a slight smile, he didn't say anything, and pulled everyone from the portal back to the castle laboratory.

Of course, the last one to leave was far away, and before leaving, he threw the Thunderbolt away. This time, Lu Yuan gave it the order to eat boldly and eat as much as possible.

After passing through the portal, Lu Yuan did not rush to leave, just guarding near the portal.

Although judging from the various types of information he has, including those that have just happened, the ideal masters in the soul stone mound should not be able to use lightning bolts. No matter what undead creatures they send or go out on their own, they may be swallowed by the thunderbolt.

But that was just an inference after all, and Lu Yuan was still a little worried.

Guarding at close range, if the situation changes, he will be able to shoot in time.

Seeing that he was planning to stay behind, Valerica, who was the owner of this place, did not dare to make any comments, but after whispering to her daughter for a while, she rushed towards the front hall of the castle.

Lu Yuan guessed that she probably ran to taunt her ex-husband Hegang.

Although it was mainly to vent thousands of years of grievances, if the **** **** could be drawn out and removed by the hand of Lu Yuan, Valerica would definitely not give up such an opportunity.

But Serana was a little nervous, looking at her mother's back, and at Lu Yuan, as if she was fidgeting in her throat.

On the contrary, Ahe paid a salute to Lu Yuan, saying that he had promised to help a friend, so he also hurriedly left the laboratory.

Just when Lu Yuan was curious, there was a roar full of magic power outside the house, and then another similar roar appeared in the sky, as if one sang one and one answer.

However, as soon as he heard the hearty laughter spreading across the sky, the man laughed, "Haha, I'm back at Donneville! Hmm! The fresh air smells really good!"

Suddenly encountering this situation, Lu Yuan was naturally a little curious, and when he ran out to take a look, he saw a giant dragon spreading around in the sky like a wild horse.

After a long time of trouble, he slowly landed in front of Ahe and thanked him.

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