Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 449: Gift of Creation Legend

"You!" Heersing and Su En, who were nodding their heads because they understood his explanation, couldn't help but change their expressions at the same time when they saw that he was eager to finish talking.

But Helsing became rejoiced, and Su En quickly avoided the innocent disaster with a cold face.

Regardless of Su En hurriedly hiding near the whalebone bridge, Helsin could not wait to show his claws, and licked his lower lip with his tongue, as if he could not wait to drink the blood that was far away.

"Hey, if you remain incorporeal, here in Songgadri, I won't be able to bear you!"

"But if you do it, you must take the initiative to get out of that state!" Haier Xinsi smiled, "Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being polite!"

However, Lu Yuan looked at Heelsing sarcastically, and did not say anything, but still remained unaffected, and could not actively attack others' incorporeal state, reaching out to the sky, as if calling for something.

"What are you doing? Are you praying to your god? Are you still ready to surrender? Ha ha, it's useless, you are destined to only become a prey specimen in my hunting ground!" Heelsing continued to survey.

Lu Yuan still just glanced at him disdainfully, neither explaining nor changing his movements.

Of course, there is no need to explain.

Just when Heersing opened his mouth and wanted to continue taunting, a whirlpool cavity suddenly swirled in the sky that Lu Yuan pointed at.

The whirlpool turned bigger and bigger, and it spread to half of the dome in an instant.

Seeing this scene that seemed like the end of the world, even the gatekeeper Suen was shocked and muttered to himself, "No, it's impossible. This is Songgard. How could it be possible for Shoel to open up the God Realm in the Light Realm? This kind of thing?"

Helsing's eyes also repeated back and forth between the vortex on the horizon and the road far on the ground, and the inexplicable expression in his eyes was more complicated than that of Su En.

"Could it be that these outsiders are really untouchable one by one?"

"Could it be that you can only be like that xx, preferring to use their power instead of being an enemy directly?"

"No! I don't believe it! I am the Demon God Helsing, I want him to die! He must die!"

Feeling the bursts of hatred coming from Helsing, Lu Yuan, who was trying to summon something, felt in his heart for a while, and secretly said, "Finally come over!"

The next moment, the stars were dark, and the sky was suddenly obscured by thick ink. Only the center of the vortex suddenly flashed a bright light. Then, a bolt of lightning slammed down from the center of the flash and hit Heersing on the ground.

Being pierced by the lightning that pierced through heaven and earth, even as the demon god, Heersing couldn't help screaming out loud, and those who didn't know thought he was pierced through not the upper body but the lower body.

"This, what is this?"

The question was naturally not Helsing, who was being healed by the electric shock, but Su En, who had no local landlord face.

Lu Yuan frowned as he watched Heelsing, whose soul and body still showed no signs of separation under the special electric shock that Thunderbolt had evolved many times.

But he replied in a deep voice, "Thunderbolt, my old buddy!"

That’s right, it was the shards of the Divine Realm stone that Lu Yuan had left in the Annihilation Soul Stone Mound before. Inside was the Thunder God Thor’s Lightning Palace, which was used by Thunder God Perun as a long-range slaying weapon. , Thunderbolt!

To say that the Thunderbolt was thrown by Lu Yuan in the soul stone mound, it would take more than a month to let it go. Lu Yuan can create a drone dragon from scratch, and the lightning bolt that absorbs energy in the soul stone mound is naturally more rewarding.

The masters of the soul stone mound, the ideal masters, have repeatedly summoned many people to try to drive out the thunderbolt. As a result, even the thugs who have been assimilated into the soul by the soul stone mound are eaten up by the thunderbolt every time. Net, but they are all absorbed.

After several damages and defeats, the ideal masters have lost track of it. In addition, although the lightning bolt keeps absorbing energy, the speed does not hurt the soul stone mound much. After all, the soul stone mound is also part of the annihilation realm.

In other words, thunder and lightning strikes the soul stone tombs or ideal masters, just like blood-sucking mosquitoes. Although annoying, even if they can't be driven away, they won't hurt the roots. Instead, he stretched out his hand to hit the mosquitoes, and would always slap himself on his body.

Based on this, the ideal masters simply did not see the heart, let the thunderbolt absorb energy there, and never thought about encirclement and suppression.

Therefore, during this period of time, using the unique magical energy of this world annihilation domain, the Thunderbolt has strengthened itself by using its own characteristics of absorbing magical power.

As mentioned before, Lu Yuan mastered the ability to communicate with Thunderbolt remotely after referring to the magic skills of this world summoning system.

In the process of absorbing energy from the thunderbolt, Lu Yuan did not gain much. Of course, it's mainly about the understanding of the source of magic in this world.

Just as Lu Yuan explained to Helsing before, he has indeed analyzed the essence of the face dragon roar, so he can use the infinite transformation of the infinite body like Alex, which is extremely high-end at a glance. Magic tricks.

The creation legends of this world are true and false, and the mystery is abnormal.

However, after absorbing or fusing the memory and soul of Sonaz, the Isu man in another world who was considered to be a god, Lu Yuan also escaped from the black and white cognition trap of the creation legend.

Although it is not possible to use the unique worldview of the light analysis plane to set the main plane, and think that the myth of the main plane is also misplaced in human understanding of prehistoric civilization or technologically advanced aliens, but this at least provides a new Possibility.

That is, of course, things in myths and legends cannot be absolutely true, because it does not conform to the principles of communication, but at the same time, things that happen in myths may not absolutely never happen.

With this recognition, when looking at the creation myth of the plane of Nin, Lu Yuan's perspective is much freer, and he has taken the first step towards his final harvest.

The founding myth of the plane of Nin, those forcibly metaphysical parts were temporarily ignored by him, starting from the original spirits in the light world, the myth behind Lu Yuan felt that changing to a sci-fi version could still be in the city.

The original founding myth was that this world had only the light world, a world full of magical energy. A powerful primordial spirit lives in it.

One day, one of them put forward the idea of ​​creating the world, so he lobbied part of the Primordial Spirit to help him create the Nin Star.

However, when the creation of the world succeeded, the Primordial Spirits discovered that the creation of the world would damage themselves and even lead to their own demise, so some of the Primordial Spirits fled back to the Light Realm. Magnus and his followers.

The remaining primordial spirits are divided into two categories. Those who are too worn out and turn themselves into a part of the planet are gods like the eight holy spirits.

The rest are thriving and are the ancestors of various races. It is also said that these primordial spirits first merged into Nien and then gave birth to elves and humans.

The primordial spirit who called for the creation of the world was killed by the remaining primordial spirit and divided to vent his anger. The heart became a red mountain, and the blood that flowed out formed ebony rock. The two halves of the body were hung in the sky, which are Nin’s two moons. .

The original spirit is Locke Khan.

Lu Yuan is no stranger to the fact that the gods lose consciousness but have influence over the world.

Among the stones of the God Realm, the God of Light and the God of Darkness, under Loki's secret calculation, became existences that lost their self-consciousness but maintained the operation of the God Realm.

The two are very similar.

The Nordic version of Lockhan, the master of Songgard, Schor, was able to open Songgard in the light world, probably because of his body hanging in the sky instead of integrating into the main planet.

So there are two sources of magical energy on the planet of Nin, one is the part of the light world that flows through the hole, and the other is the energy of the body of the **** transformed into the bones of the earth.

Legend has it that the rhythmic magic mastered by the Dwemers resonates with the bones of the earth and releases magical energy.

This can also explain why these little guys always like to drill underground, because the closer they are to the bones of the earth, the stronger their abilities.

And dragon roar, as another kind of magic caused by sound vibration, can be used in the light world like Songard, then the object of its resonance cannot be the bones of the earth, or maybe not just the bones of the earth, but more. Heaven-light world.

However, in Lu Yuan's view, the above creation myth can also be transformed into another version. A sci-fi version.

A spaceship with extraordinary energy is sailing in the void. Some of the crew members are a little bored and want to build a planet somewhere.

During the construction process, some crew members found that the energy they carried with them seemed not enough. They flew back for fear of not being able to return to the mothership.

Fearing that the remaining people would not be able to return, they kindly opened the long-range energy transmission system on the mothership to the crew on the ground.

However, somehow, some crew members may be tired of life on the ship and decided to live on this newly born planet.

Part of them simply transformed their energy armor into an energy station on the planet, and uploaded their consciousness to become the master AI of the energy station.

The other part has a bunch of children with Hu Tianhudi, who he likes, and there are all kinds of races in this world.

But at the beginning, the chief designer was a little confused, so everyone dismantled his energy armor and used it as an extra energy station for the planet, and helped him upload his consciousness.

So the planet Nion of the Mondace plane was completed.

Things are almost the same, but the style is completely different.

Of course, things like the "remains of the gods" left over from the plane of Nin cannot support this version. However, Lu Yuan can also say that it is because the consciousness managers have accepted their gods' identity, so they have hidden those things or changed their appearances.

These are not important.

The important thing is that in the process of understanding the creation myth, Lu Yuan unknowingly reached a certain resonance with this face, so that his transcendental attribute ideas finally reached 10 points.

After reaching 10 points of extraordinary attributes, Lu Yuan was recognized by the system as a Tier 2 traverser, unlocking a lot of new permissions, and he finally understood the power of mind attributes.

As he showed, his initial thoughts gave him a strong control over his body and even his energy. After reaching 10 o'clock, this kind of control can even extend beyond the body.

When he is in a world where the natural background is full of active energy, he can use this active energy like an arm.

This is why he can use the power of Dragon Roar infinitely.

[[Extraordinary Attribute: Mind] Derivative Ability:]

【Active Energy Control】

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