Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 450: This feeling is hard to explain in a word


Lu Yuan, who was remembered by Su En's problem, was soon pulled back by Heelsing's bitter cry of mourning in the thunder and lightning cage.

Seeing the new ability acquired after being repaired by the Lightning Palace in the Thunderbolt and controlling the almost immobile avatar of the mojo Helsin, Lu Yuan not only did not have a relaxed and satisfied expression, but became more suspicious.

Originally, Su En only heard the word "Thunderbolt", but didn't ask anything, and was about to ask again. But seeing Lu Yuan walking towards Helsing with a dark face, he hurriedly stopped.

In fact, during this period, he did not go to his backstage Shaoer for help, but that kind of autonomy is almost non-existent. He only relies on intermittent awake periods to issue oracles, and most of the time only relies on the subconscious mind to influence the world. The chain is most likely to be dropped in this kind of unexpected situation.

It can be seen from Su En's current performance that he has not been able to ask for help at all. At least he couldn't ask for the level of help he wanted.

So when Lu Yuan passed by him and asked him whether he could use his back hands to hammer heavily, Su En was reluctant, but he took off his back hands and gave it to Lu Yuan.

After all, Lu Yuan has the memory of Sonaz, who is more than four meters tall. And from the name of Thor's Hammer Nuo, it is clear that Sonaz must be quite proficient in hammer weapons. Even if the later generations of Na Mulnier only handle a one-handed hammer, but that is for giants more than four meters to use.

If Lu Yuan's body had to take that thing, it would be a proper two-handed hammer just like the handle Su En now gave it.

Well, considering that Su En also has three meters, Thor's Hammer should be a bit smaller than his handle.

But that didn't matter, because even with this two-handed hammer, Lu Yuan still held it in his hand lightly, no less relaxed than when Su En himself lifted it.

However, after seeing Lu Yuan's next move, the mood of Su En, who was watching, had nothing to do with the word "easy".

I saw Lu Yuan holding the hammer in both hands and walking steadily to the vicinity of the thunder and lightning cage. The surrounding lightning did not deliberately avoid him, but the thunder and lightning that made Helsing unhappy did not hurt Lu Yuan a bit, as if they were part of Lu Yuan's body.

However, because of the blessing of thunder and lightning, the heavy hammer head also began to condense the electric light. Soon the hammer head seemed to be condensed by thunder and lightning, and the whole body exuded blue-violet light. The thunder light inside and outside the light ball was like a snake. Flashing.

Looking at the hammerhead, Lu Yuan picked up the sledgehammer with both hands, and slammed Helsing on the head, who was still screaming.

One click, two clicks, three clicks...

At first, Helsing was accompanied by a scream, but after a few hammers, although this guy was bleeding and miserable, he hummed twice and actually laughed.

"It turns out, haha, it turns out, you want to kick me out of this body?"

"Haha, the boring feelings of mortals! Haha, it's ridiculous!"

"I admit, I underestimated you, but you are just a mere mortal! Mortals, those ridiculous weaknesses are always indispensable!"

"Do you think I came to this body by a clone projection? If you drive me away, you will be able to return the Ahrabi?"

"Haha, stop dreaming!"

"I told you all! Your offspring are just used by me as the raw material to draw the power of destiny!"

"This body itself was conceived in a catwoman from scratch using the power of my soul separation and destiny!"

"There has never been an Ahrabi, haha!"

"This person is me, a real part of me!"

"No matter how you think of a solution, it is impossible to drive away only the part of the soul that belongs to me and let this body live alone!"

"Unless, you infuse him with a new soul and make him your servant of the undead!"

"Haha, give up, mortal!"

"How is it? Is there a sense of powerlessness? I feel that I have no strength, but I can't even save my offspring?"

"This is the method of the gods! Under the gods, they are all ants... Uh~ah~~~"

Heelsing was right, but Lu Yuan picked up the hammer and hit it on the head again. But this time, the target he was aiming at was not the forehead, but the mouth.

At this time, Heelsing's mouthful of teeth were directly smashed into all directions, and naturally there was no way to say anything.

"So many words!" Lu Yuan continued to slap with one hammer and one hammer, and every word was a slap in the face.

"Are you really addicted to the villain?"


"Then make you perfect!"


"Since there is no way to save!"


"Then kill it!"


"I'll leave you okay looking for trouble!"


"Let you mess with me!"


"Let you bully Ella!"


"Let you kill my son!"


"Even just a cell!"


"You have to pay the price too!"


"Knowing that you will never die!"


"I will see you once and I will beat you to death once!"


With the last blow, Lu Yuan seemed to have incorporated all the hostility in his whole body. After breaking through the second order, he continued to strengthen the strength that was officially stronger than that of mortals. It merged with the unhappiness and hatred for this guy, all condensed in the hammer. He smashed the head of Helsing Antlers into the ground.

Rao is the strongest clone of Heersing, and his signature giant antlers were also smashed by this blow to the roots and scattered.

Losing a pair of antlers, the lion figure's body seemed to suddenly change from steel and iron to ceramic glass. When Lu Yuan gave a hammer to the head of the lion who was smashed into the ground, it was still strong after dozens of hammers. The head of the Lion, this time finally resembling a watermelon, was smashed into pieces by Lu Yuan.

[Kill Haier Xinzhen's identity soul, obtain 9500 time and space points. 】

The massive amount of time and space points seemed to prove the truth of Helsing's explanation of the origin of this body.

However, getting this huge amount of points means that the cat-man dragonborn Ahraby is indeed Heersing himself from beginning to end.

Or, part of him.

However, watching Lu Yuansheng hammering Heersing to death, and receiving the thunder light before, Su En, who was watching the battle, felt extremely complicated at this time.

Can an outsider who used to be no better than ordinary mortals so easily slaughter a **** in just twenty years?

Although it was only the Demon God, it was still a part of the Demon God, but it was not a projection descending after all, it was the part of the Demon God's true body, and a part of the demon God's righteousness!

Demon God? Hunting Demon Helsin! Was he tortured to death by that person so helpless to fight back?

No wonder none of the sleeping gods are willing to come into direct contact with these outsiders! This pressure, this fear, life loss!

Seeing Su En staring at him with wide eyes, Lu Yuan paused for a while, raised his hand and hammered back his hands full of red and white things.

Su En hadn't reacted yet, or even if he had reacted, he didn't dare to pick it up.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Yuan looked at the hammer again, as if he understood, he quickly wiped the hammer on the corpse of Helsing twice, wiped off the brain pulp, and then handed it to Su En.

This time Su En finally slowed down, hurriedly stretched out his hands, and tremblingly took the hammer back with both hands.

However, after retracting his two-handed hammer, he seemed to have regained his courage, swallowed his saliva, and reluctantly nodded to Lu Yuan, and said, "This, this, uh, sir? You, where are you going?"

"What? Something?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, no, you are free, you can go anywhere you want!" Su En hurriedly shook his head, "It's just, just, can you keep that, that person's body?"


"Ah? Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to return it to the oblivious guy and sell it!" Su En hurriedly said, "It's just that, looking at this battle, Songard has been destroyed a bit seriously. I think, um, I need to use that body to fix it here."

"That's it," Lu Yuan nodded, "It's fine for you, but it may not be of any use."

"Ah? Heelsing's Soul Divided, isn't it that you forcibly shrank it in that body? I just didn't see his Soul Divorced escaping to annihilation?" Su En asked with surprise and doubt.

"Hehe," Lu Yuan chuckled, "You said this, he really didn't escape from annihilation, he is true, he was annihilated by me!"

"What? Haven't the outsiders you've seen ever shown it to you? This ability to annihilate gods is one of our characteristics!"

"What? How come?" Su En finally couldn't restrain his astonishment and exclaimed.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yuan knew that, even though he was a badass at first, but in fact, he knew very little about the traversers, at least the system traversers of Lu Yuan's line.

In view of this, Lu Yuan knew that the other system traversers he wanted to inquire about still had to fall on the Serberina who had escaped in advance.

After all, that person is the biggest beneficiary of the fate of the "Last Dragonborn Slaughter and Destroy the World's Dragon" on the plane of Nin.

And that person, if Lu Yuan guessed correctly, he really had contact with other traversers.

So, regardless of Su En's eyes widening and wanting to continue questioning himself, Lu Yuan raised his hand to sense the location of Alduin's portal, stretched out his hand and threw the lightning bolt to open the barrier, and let the portal open directly in front of him. , Raised his leg and walked over.

Soon, he felt his whole body sink, and Lu Yuan walked out of the previous portal of Skudaffin.

And Auda Weiying, who was guarding outside the door, was looking tangled at this time, not knowing whether to wait or leave.

Seeing that Lu Yuan came out intact, the old red dragon couldn't help being overjoyed, "Sure enough, Master, you successfully solved Alduin, haha, I know that guy is not your opponent at all!"

"Where are you going? Come up, please, I'll take you back!"

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