Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 459: Where is the next goal?

Stepping on the fallen Xiao Hong, the golden retriever actually started talking like a human.

"You little girl, toast and not eat fine wine!"

"Do you think I'm really afraid of grandma, you won't make it? Humph, if it weren't for this bunch of thugs and spare meat, grandma would have been beaten down!"

"Let you make a shack unhappy?"

"Do you really think that grandma is in love with your shabby shack?"

"Don't be afraid to tell you that grandma's house is thousands and tens of thousands times bigger than your shabby shack! Will grandma aunt fancy it?"

"If it weren't for such a strong evil spirit there, my aunt would not even look at your broken place!"

Xiao Hong, who was yelled at by the Golden Retriever and trampled under his feet, did not know why at this moment, he managed to save another breath. After taking advantage of the opportunity of the Golden Retriever to lift his claws to turn into lightning and escape, he roared at the Golden Retriever, but turned around and escaped without a trace.

"Huh, that's the skill? It's not over like this a long time ago? It saves my aunt's hands and feet! Alas, I'm sorry for my servants."

"Well, with these demon auras, servants of that level are not created as many as you want!"

The golden retriever muttered as he walked to the small shed.

When she had just been able to see the situation in the low shed, the red lightning that had disappeared before seized the moment and flashed out again, aiming at the back waist of the humanized dog and patted it with two paws.

In a flash, the red light burst, and the golden retriever was hit by a small raccoon and broke his back, and fell to the ground wailing.

And as the golden retriever's wailing became lighter and lighter, the half-human figure returned to its previous golden retriever state. Not only was it time-effective to transform itself into a human, but also because it used the demon power used to transform a human after being injured. Above the healing.

Or both.

In short, she would have a golden retriever in the form of a dog, and the wound on her back slowly stopped the blood. I don't know if the puppies in her stomach will abort because of this blow.

After the guy controlled the injury, he turned his head and glared fiercely at the tabby cat Xiaohong who was still gnawing nearby as an offensive preparation. In the end, he might consciously not be enough to take it without injury, and ran away without looking back.

Lu Yuan was determined to catch up with the dog monster, but seeing Xiao Hong, who had just opened his teeth and danced his claws, lay down on the ground with a clatter after the golden retriever left. Lu Yuan thought for a while, but temporarily gave up chasing and went to check his red tabby cat. Case.

After the system scan, this little thing didn't have a big problem. In addition to being beaten a little bit miserably by the golden retriever, the main thing was to lose strength.

Even so, the tabby cat still had some remaining consciousness when it was inspected by Lu Yuan. However, it seemed to know that Lu Yuan had helped it before, and it didn't stop Lu Yuan from feeding it the life potion and stamina potion.

That's right, the moment that just hit the golden retriever's back waist was not just the tabby cat's double-claw pounce, but also the rubber bullet shot by Lu Yuan with a 9mm pistol.

However, his shot on the same part of a person would not be fatal, and the damage from a kennel body was even more limited, but it broke the Golden Retriever's defense in advance for the subsequent raccoon cat's claw attack.

Seeing that this little guy is not low in IQ, Lu Yuan is also affectionate.

Although this kind of association is quite ridiculous, but looking at a cat, it is still reddish. Although it is a skill effect, it still reminds Lu Yuan of old people who have the same characteristics in the other world.

With this thought, Lu Yuan deliberately took the little guy home.

"Hey, kid, that bad guy will definitely come back just now, you can't beat her alone!"

"Meow!" (Who said that?)

"Why don't you come home with me?"

"Meow!" (Don't!)

"Meow? Agree, right? Then let's go!"

"Meow!" (Let me go!)

"Huh? The shed? What happened to the shed?"

"Uh, I see, there are your important things in it, right? Let me see!"

As he said, Lu Yuan held the recovering little raccoon flower in his arms with one hand, opened the low shed with the other hand, and crouched in.

There is nothing special inside, just a messy shack. If there is anything special, it is that there are no bugs.

But this is not special. With such a swift raccoon living here, the surrounding insects will naturally become its belly.

However, there are also special ones, that is, in a corner of the shack, there is another raccoon crouching on its stomach.

But when Lu Yuan reached out and explored it, he found that the raccoon flower had been dead for many days.

"Is this your mother?" Lu Yuanjian asked the kitten in his arms, staring at the old cat's body.


"Well, you are protecting her, aren't you?"


"Although I don’t know how the power in your body came from, but since someone like the Golden Retriever wants to absorb the remaining power of your mother, if you leave her here, one day you will be attracted to deal with it. An invincible enemy."

"Meow meow!"

"Don't you absorb the energy from your mother? Good boy." Lu Yuan seemed to understand the little guy's words, couldn't help but reach out and touch his head, then turned his hand and took out a potion bottle and put it in the old cat's arms.

"Then, you also want your mother to rest in peace, don't you?"

"If I can move the energy from her into that bottle, and then bury her here, the bad guys won't perceive her."

"Do you think it's okay to do this?"

"..." The kitten looked at her mother's body, then at Lu Yuan, and finally stared at Lu Yuan with two big eyes, and meowed softly at Lu Yuan.


In the end, Lu Yuan didn't bury the cat mother in the shack, but found a place on a wasteland near the house. I hope it will not become a construction site recently.

The cat litter box and cat food needed by the cats in the new house are not there yet, and there is nowhere to buy it at night. Lu Yuan made a pot with iron sheets by himself, and put some sand in it for the time being. The food is chicken liver bought from the supermarket.

In this way, a semi-demonized tabby cat was raised under the eaves.

However, early the next morning, Lu Yuan found that the kitten had walked into the bedroom from the balcony, but his cat litter box Lu Yuan clearly put it in the bathroom.

Seeing the cat throwing the dead mouse in his mouth on the head of Lu Yuan's bed, he gave a "meow" like a treasure, and Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh. It seems that he is really going to take the child from the head again in the future.

Of course, Lu Yuan will not be reprimanded for his kindness.

It's just that if he understands that people are saying "This is your rent, no change", will he be like this, gently holding a rag and rubbing every little guy's feet, Bring it out a plate of chicken liver.

Because he had to return to school to sign in on the first night of school, it was impossible for Lu Yuan to sleep in his den on the last day. In fact, he will almost go home to clean up after dinner, so some things can only be discussed with the little guy in advance.

Fortunately, the half-demon IQ is much higher than that of ordinary cats. I didn’t read what the golden retriever said before. Others understood what he said. So while listening to Lu Yuan’s chatter, the little guy’s ears wriggled there, as if Say "Got it! Got it!"

However, when Lu Yuan came back during the break between classes and took back all the equipment he bought from the pet shop, seeing that the little guy really kept the house organized as agreed, Lu Yuan's hanging heart was relieved. .

Arranged the automatic feeding machine, water feeder, and new cat litter for the little guy, Lu Yuan then touched the head of the little guy who was still sleeping in his den, and returned to school with confidence.

After the first weekend, after confirming that the little guy didn't need to worry about his daily life, Lu Yuan focused on "Where to go in the next world".

Last time, the dog monster, to Lu Yuan's expectation, never appeared again.

According to what it means, its original owner may be either rich or expensive. If you want to inquire about it from the surrounding residents, it may be difficult to inquire.

It was the dead corpse of the stray dog ​​that caused quite a stir among the surrounding residents.

However, this is not the first time that a similar incident has occurred. Although there are different opinions on the Internet, it has not caused much disturbance.

Lu Yuan also knew that as the gates of **** approached, there would only be more and more extraordinary events induced by these leaked active energy.

At the moment, he still focuses on improving his strength.

He doesn't know what's in the gates of hell, but it must not be as good as the old white beard mage on the plane of Nin.

After the previous abstinence, he also knew that if he relied on these escaping active energy to cultivate, he was afraid that he would be controlled to death by the existence in the gate of hell.

I am afraid that my previous lives failed because of this.

Thinking about it this way, his next plane should still focus on the technology side and improve his technological strength.

For example, rail gun technology, power armor technology, ultra-high-altitude hypersonic aircraft, etc., are all he needs now.

But after Ella, somehow Lu Yuan would dream of swallows every night recently.

Only then did he realize that if Ella was unforgettable just because of the first love, then the time with Swallow was the most comfortable and peaceful day in his heart.

After tossing and turning around midnight, he simply sent a few messages to Yanzi asking about the situation. As a result, something unexpected happened there recently, so he took the initiative to ask Ying for help.

Although Yanzi hesitated a little at first, he nodded and agreed and sent Lu Yuan a plane coordinate key.

As long as the key is transmitted to the time-space anchor, he can locate the world on the side of Yanzi and open the time-space gate directly there.

Lu Yuan went straight over there with intention, and was afraid that Turner could not contact him suddenly for something, so he hurried to inform the two people over there.

As soon as he heard that Lu Yuan was going to find Swallow, Alex couldn't sit still. He sat the drone dragon driven by Rose overnight, turning on the stealth technique all the way, and flew back behind a certain civil aviation.

Now Turner will not be able to get back in the short term unless the visa is issued.

After being delayed by Alex for a day, when Lu Yuan was ready again, Yanzi was no longer able to contact.

Considering that the time flow rate of the two worlds is unknown, a day has passed here, and it is hard to say how long it has passed there. Lu Yuan dare not wait for her to reply any more, so he ran directly with Alex.

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