Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 460: Goal, the celestial sphere meets the world group

[Import space-time coordinate key...]

[Target: Convergence of Celestial Spheres-Demon Hunting Plane]

[Link established successfully]

[The default time flow rate ratio is 1:28, are you sure? 】

"Can it be adjusted to 1:100? What are the consequences?"

[Yes, no obvious negative consequences. 】

"Then adjust it to 100 and open the door of time and space."

【receive! 】

Behind the time-space gate is still the familiar illusion, but this time it is different. When Lu Yuan and Alex walked into the time-space gate one after another holding hands, they could vaguely see at least in that illusion. Dozens or hundreds of planets.

It is not surprising to see planets in the sky, but although the topography of those planets is different, they are all habitable or semi-livable planets.

Although it was not clear whether they shared a star, Lu Yuan felt that the possibility was really not high. Otherwise, there are dozens or hundreds of habitable planets in a star system, which is simply a miracle of the universe.

Such a special star system, it is impossible not to attract the covetousness of outsiders.

However, after Lu Yuan recalled the fact about the Swallow’s "Blood of the Ancients" and the secondary system in the bloodline that could be activated by the senior traverser, he was not very sure about the above.

A high-level traverser who has fallen but left blood and secondary systems, it seems that it is not so impossible to pull planets from different planes into the same star system.

While Lu Yuan was thinking about something, Alex had a high-spirited expression on his face, as if he was not helping in the past, but challenging some big devil.

However, when the two passed through the gate of time and space, and both fell into the wetland swamp, splashing muddy water, the previous thoughts turned into a circle of confusion.

"How could this happen? Isn't it the coordinates given in advance? It's not in the safe area?" Lu Yuan was quite surprised.

"Hmph, it's called off Mawei!" Alex said irritably, then turned to find a fairly clean-looking stone, jumped on it with light hand, and began to tidy up his clothes.

But when she passed, she found that there were still a few small stones on the huge boulder, pressed against a piece of cotton cloth.

When I opened it up, it turned out to be a note written in Huaxia.

It was the swallow that left Lu Yuan.

"The road without conscience is far,

It is rare that you can still think of me. Although it is so long later, as a generous lady, I not only forgave your ruthlessness, but also prepared the welcome ceremony for you in advance.

Enjoy your first banquet here!

Although it may not be grand enough, but fortunately enough oil and water, you will be impressed!

Generous beautiful lady, swallows stay. "

Lu Yuan, who was attracted by Alex's smirk, was confused after reading this letter. He heard a series of rustling noises in the shallow water around him, as if something was about to come out of the water.

No, it's either as if, or some weird thing came out of the water.

Those guys looked like a human at first glance, but a little attention could tell that their blue-green skin, the pores oozing with silt and mucus, and the sour smell of rotten body could not be human.

At least not a normal human being.

"Evil ~ disgusting! What are these things? Zombies?" Alex first stood up from the boulder, just about to pick up the mace around his waist, but looked at the disgusting things and then again. Seeing how difficult it was to clean the spikes, the outstretched hand retracted again.

"Almost." Lu Yuan curled his lips. "It's a drowning ghost, or a water ghost."

"Huh? A zombie from a drowned person?" Alex asked.

"There is such a rumor in the local area." Lu Yuan nodded, "But according to the experience of the demon hunters, these things are just another kind of scavengers. The people who drowned are just their food, maybe they are a breeding ground for offspring. Maybe."

"Oh, can you not say it so disgusting?" Alex subconsciously hid behind Lu Yuan, "Also, these things are welcome to you, so let you solve them! I don't want to let myself. Such a disgusting thing is stuck on the weapon!"

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you something."


"There is a high probability that there is no **** in this world. Even if there is, it is far weaker than the original spirit demons and gods on the plane of Nin."

"so what?"

"So, we are in this world, we don't have to use cold weapons!"

As Lu Yuan spoke, he pulled out his long-lost large-caliber assault rifle from his portable space, aimed at the front end of the group of water ghosts that had just gathered and charged in the direction of the two, and pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom boom!"

The body strength of the water ghosts in this world has no special advantage compared to ordinary people. Under the mid-to-close range attack of the 12.7mm NATO bomb, it will still be interrupted wherever it is swept.

After two or three attempts, the water ghosts who rushed were the first to gather, and they became the stumps of broken arms in the puddle.

Seeing Lu Yuan slaughter the Quartet in front, Alex, who was itchy, quit. Taking advantage of the ceasefire, she grabbed the .50BMG assault rifle in Lu Yuan's hand and fired on the water ghosts who were hesitating to continue attacking or fleeing in the second line at the rear.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Ouch!"

After a gunshot, the leader of the water ghost number two on the opposite side was beaten into two sections, and his internal organs suddenly shattered and made a snapping sound similar to a plastic bag being chopped up.

However, this is the first time that Alex has used a large-caliber assault rifle. There is not enough expectation for the recoil of this specific gravity machine gun. Even though the force has exceeded the limit of normal human beings, she was still knocked down by the huge recoil. Ground, could not help but exhale in pain.

But Alex is Alex after all, and the potential for violence is not just talking about it.

After being thrown to the ground, she completely ignored the previous injuries. She stood up with a surprised look, held her gun and caressed it with her eyes, before facing the water that had already begun to escape. The ghost group launched the second round of offense.

"Hahaha! That's cool! It's so exciting! Hahaha, that's how it feels! Give me death! Monsters! Ahahaha~"

Seeing that Alex has adapted to two or three times, he has mastered the essentials of manipulating a heavy assault rifle. The 20 rounds of magazines are instantly empty, and he reaches out to himself for a new magazine. Lu Yuan can't help but smile, and pulls out the ammunition backhand. Xia handed it over.

It was just that after one magazine was lit, there were not many water ghosts for her to kill at the scene, and she stopped the fire in angrily without firing two new magazines.

At this time, she smoked a playful little nose and smelled the sour odor that filled the air due to the dismemberment of a large number of water ghosts. She couldn't help but quickly took out the gas mask and put it on her mouth and nose.

"Oh, is this a biochemical weapon? Why is it so smelly?"

Lu Yuan shrugged, said "It's a corpse-eating creature after all", and then quickly looked around.

Seeing his appearance, Alex, who was overwhelmed, couldn't help asking strangely, "What are you looking for?"

"Clues." Lu Yuan spread his hands, "Swallow knows that she left a prank letter, and she should also leave clues to her whereabouts."

"Uh, but the neighborhood has been disrupted, how can you find it?"

"What can I say!" Lu Yuan sighed, and reluctantly said to the air, "Brother Six, I'll rely on you this time!"

[Fine search within a radius of one kilometer consumes 200 time and space points. Are you sure? 】

"Hiss~" Lu Yuan took a breath, "Two hundred points? Six brothers, your charge has been getting higher and higher recently! I just got less than one hundred points for those water ghosts, so I can't make ends meet!"

[No way, the recent appearance rate is too low, the income is not enough, there is no way to small profits but quick turnover, only to increase the profit margin of a single business. Understand each other, okay? 】


"Brother Six, you are getting more and more familiar with your business..."

"All right, hurry up!"

[The search has been completed. At two o'clock the host has a broken pelvis on the back of the water ghost. There is a cotton cloth similar to the material of the previous letter. It is probably a message left by Ms. Svia for the host. 】

"So fast?" Lu Yuan was a little afraid to set up the channel. "Is this really what you scanned? It wasn't what you captured in the ‘surveillance video’, right?"

[Is the way or something important? Wouldn't it be enough if the result is successful? 】

"Hiss~~ Six brothers, you profiteer! You really don’t use scanning at all! Give my hard-earned money back!"

[The transaction is completed, please don’t make troubles unreasonably, otherwise 5% of the host’s account will be deducted as punishment according to the agreement! 】


"Hey, are you okay? Where are the things?" Just as Lu Yuan was thinking about whether to continue to be hypocritical with the system, Alex greeted him and rescued him from the edge of danger.

When there was a step, Lu Yuan quickly climbed down the pole, nodded to Alex, took out his mobile phone and pointed it directly at the position mentioned by the system and made a tactical mark.

Then he approached Alex again, hooked up Rosecuff in the form of a Dwarf spider in her backpack, pointed to the tactical mark on the phone, and said, "Your Excellency, help out~"

However, the little spider broke free from his hand in three or two. With eight paws clasped on Alex's arm, he hurriedly climbed to the top of her head and sat on the spot. It looked like a brass crown, firmly fixed in place. On the girl's head.

Alex tried twice and found that there was no way to pull her off, so she had to stay there temporarily, but she couldn't deal with Rose, but she stared at Lu Yuan fiercely. After all, he was responsible for this. from.

Seeing Alex staring over, Rose still looked like she was about to be pushed into hell. Lu Yuan didn't have a belly, but still said angrily, "Your Excellency, please raise your feet. "

"Don't go!" The other big head lying on top of Alex's head, swaying like a rattle is so funny and funny, but Lu Yuan didn't dare to laugh, for fear that he would be offended. Grandma's aunt is even more unhappy.

"What are those things! It's so dirty! I will never touch that thing! You die with this heart!"

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