Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 465: Swallow's distress signal

It is the corresponding 90-degree counterclockwise, and Kodwin, where the Demon Hunter’s fortress Kyle Morhan is located, is the largest kingdom in the north. It is known that the world is the second largest kingdom after Nilfgard, and the corresponding nature is The Great Ross, or the Principality of Moscow, was still expanding in the Middle Ages.

Therefore, although the demon hunters have different ethnic origins, they probably belong to the fighting nation geographically.

Swallow later gave herself the name Svia Van Weingberg, which means the swallow from Weingberg, because in her mind the mother Ye Naifah came from Weingberg, which is also Wengerberg.

And this Fort Wenger is the capital of the northern kingdom of Aden.

Corresponding to the same geographical location, this Aden is probably Belarus on the main plane.

Therefore, the family of three demon hunters is actually a Bollard and Dechez hybrid adopted by the Belarusian couple.

Very interesting.

Of course, these are just the history of the main plane cited by the original author when making the setting, which is to facilitate his understanding of the current situation of the war. They are not strictly one-to-one correspondences.

In fact, not only here, but also the various races of the Nin plane can also find their prototypes on the main plane.

However, they generally have a common feature, that is, it is difficult to find a completely consistent correspondence, and many of them are the result of a mixture of various elements, such as Tamoria, a suspected Frenchized Bolander.

In other words, these corresponding thematic histories cannot be used to "predict" the future situation of this world.

Basically, in addition to letting Lu Yuan eliminate the strange feeling that he first touched in his heart, it was just to provide some information.

Fortunately, Alex and Rose, who were the listeners, gave him a lot of face. Not only did they finish listening to his theory, they also gave a timely "Wow" and screamed for good.

At this time, he triumphantly passed the double check of the guard of the eternal fire temple and the witch hunter, and successfully entered the city of Novigrad from the south gate.

"Well, look at the orange roof and grayish-yellow wall coverings. Does this tile style and this architectural style lie between Russin’s Byzantine-influenced architectural style and the Copenhagen Renaissance Catholic style? between?"

Walking on the stone-paved city road, looking at the buildings on both sides of the road, Lu Yuan still did not forget to continue to show off his knowledge of barren architectural style to Alex and Rose, who served as her helmet.

But maybe I'm tired of listening, maybe it's a flash of inspiration, in short, this time Alex did not continue to listen to his nonsense, but instead asked, "Where are we going? Looking for that person? Where will she be?"

Lu Yuan was racking his brains to sort out a series of European architecture and aesthetic style changes from Renaissance style to Baroque to Rococo, and found that it was completely useless in the Central European style around the mid-Renaissance. I'm worried.

The result was suddenly raised by Alex from one mental vortex, and thrown into another mental vortex.

"Yeah, where will the swallow be?"

Lu Yuan was startled.

Maybe it’s because of his own destiny in the dark (some meow: uh huh~), he didn’t let him think for a long time, he heard a loud noise from the northwest direction near Shangcheng, it was a giant cannon that Lu Yuan and others were particularly familiar with. Roar.

Then the sky suddenly became extremely dim, and even the warm and warm wind of early summer turned into a bitter cold wind.

As if in an instant, the city changed from June in early summer to cold winter in December.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan and the others hurried to the direction where the abnormal sound came from. During the period, they learned from the screams of the scattered citizens and vendors that the explosion occurred near the Eternal Fire Temple in Shangcheng.

While waiting for the road to bypass the inconvenient commercial area and rushing from the convenient passage of the port area to the Shangcheng district, he found that thick fog had already risen on the sea at the port.

Even Lu Yuan faintly saw a trace of ice gas spreading from the sea to the coast from the coast.

"Is this? Wild hunting?" When Lu Yuan secretly said, a muffled thunder blasted in the thick sea fog, and then a white light flashed out of the fog, and it rushed towards the harbor and passed by a certain sea ship. , Directly smashed the tall ship into two sections, rushing out of it like a cannonball.

The white ball of light rushed to the shore, and then exploded in all directions. A group of strong master soldiers with black rust armor skeleton masks rushed out of the center of the ball of light and ran straight towards the direction of the explosion in the previous temple.

And the people who flee like headless flies on the road, if they accidentally pass their path, they will be cut in half by those black armored samurai.

The black-armored samurai who slaughtered unarmed civilians, then continued to run in the direction of the target as if there was nothing wrong with him, at most kicking the remains that fell on his feet aside.

Lu Yuan, who was paying attention to the situation near the sea while running towards the direction of the explosion, couldn't help but feel angry when he saw this scene.

Although he has no sense of belonging to this face, it is because the original has no good feelings for the narrow, selfish and indifferent citizens of this city, but when he sees them being disposed of like garbage, he still has an instinct. indignation.

So he climbed to Luyuan in the upper city, turned around, drew out the heavy assault rifle, and fired at the black-armored warrior rushing from below.

The black-armored samurai who had been slicing cheese like a knife in a no-man's realm, finally met the iron plate.

Although the gunshots of Da Da Da were not as good as the previous roar, almost every shot made a black armor fell to the ground, and the impact on this team was quite severe.

Not to mention that during the change of magazines, Lu Yuan had nowhere to vent his anger and gave the firing order to Siafee, who was already on standby on the self-propelled artillery.

So the deafening roar sounded here again, and after the surge of air, the center of the black armored warrior team was cleared with a circular shock wave.

There was almost no complete body of the samurai in the center of the explosion, not to mention that other samurai at the edge were also directly stunned to the ground under the strong shock wave.

Lu Yuan also took this opportunity to change the magazine, and continued to fire at the wild hunting force that was a little overwhelmed by the sudden bombardment.

However, as if he heard the sound of his shelling, there was a second roar near the temple in the distance, and after the sound of the cannon, there was a shout that was obviously a siren.

Lu Yuan's face suddenly changed when he heard the three short and one long whistle.

After that, he didn't care about continuing to deal with these guys in front of him. He took out the six-pack grenade launcher backhand, emptied the grenade against those guys in an instant, then turned and pulled and continued to hit Alex and ran towards the temple.

"Hey, what are you doing? I haven't enjoyed it yet!" Alex, who was holding the spare large-caliber assault rifle forced from Lu Yuan in his hand, said dissatisfied.

Even Rose above her head held her two front paws constantly in the air, echoing Alex.

Lu Yuan was a little absent-minded, "Did you hear the whistle just now? It was a signal agreed upon by Yanzi and I, which means to rush over to support you as soon as possible!"

"Huh, I know what swallows are worried about all day long! I have never seen you worry about others so much...for example..." Before I said the word, Alex's muttering became smaller and smaller. It was so small that Rose couldn't even hear it.

But looking at Rose Little Spider's relieved expression, it was obvious that Alex would eventually squeeze the words of this weak grudge, and finally he was relieved.

But after getting over, the brass spider still raised a paw and gave Alex a hard hit on his head.

Two women, one big and one small, were muttering about the means of imparting emotional experience, and Lu Yuan had no intention of watching it at this time.

I don't know if it is really invisible, or deliberately blinded.

Now he is full of swallows. Why would she suddenly fire a cannon at the Temple of Eternal Fire in Novigrad, and why would she directly ask herself for help after hearing the sound of her own cannon.

In her own eyes, who else could force her to this level?

Could it be the commander-in-chief of the legendary wild hunt, the commander of the Ain El cavalry, and the Eredin Brick Glass?

But even though the original depiction of Ain El is so mysterious and mysterious, the reality is that they have been difficult to catch swallows, or swallows without systemic traversers.

The reality is the least able to lie, judging from their real ability, they are not as powerful as the legend.

Could it be that Ereding is just showing the enemy's weakness?

With hundreds of twists and turns in his heart, Lu Yuan didn't stop in his footsteps, and rushed to the direction of Shangcheng Temple Island at a speed far surpassing the modern Olympic sprint champion.

Soon, he saw the peculiar steam technology super tank robot in the temple square.

That thing is roughly like the special mobile tank fighting wolf of the Zeon Army during the One Year War, but it not only has many steampunk elements such as steam chimneys, sharp edges and even skull metal decorations, but also painted It is also a wilderness painting color dominated by gray.

At first glance, there is also the feeling of a Dwarf Centurion combat robot on the plane of Nien.

However, compared with the five- or six-meter Drummer Centurion in Lu Yuan’s hand, the Fighting Wolf-like tank robot is not only wider but also taller, with a length and height of more than ten meters, and a width of more than five meters, total tonnage. It feels like at least hundreds of tons.

However, with such a large volume and tonnage, the flexibility of the thing is not bad at all.

When Lu Yuan looked over, it was spinning in place, while one of its two arms was waving a huge double-edged battle axe, and the other turned into a huge drill, sweeping away the guards of the Temple of Eternal Fire. And empty.

Obviously, the robot is currently in a huge advantage.

Seeing giant robots bullying medieval soldiers, Lu Yuan always felt like seeing the world's heavyweight boxing champion bullying a group of kindergarten children.

Even if a certain mark on the armor was exposed from that thing, Lu Yuan was 100% sure that it was the change of the T72 that he had given to Yanzi, and it failed to prevent him from showing pity for those guards.

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