Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 466: Is this world poisonous?

Just when Lu Yuan watched the steam-tech tank robot driven by the suspected swallow slaughter the guards of the Temple of Eternal Fire, as the sky was completely obscured and dimmed by black clouds, several white thunderbolts in the dark night also exploded near the temple.

At the same time, the eternal fire, which was said to never extinguish, stopped burning in the burst of the white light ball that exuded cold and ice all the time, leaving only a few wisps of blue smoke in the sky above the altar.

"Do not!!!"

Seeing that the symbolic thing he believed in was forcibly extinguished, the guards of the temple, who were still around the robot before, couldn't help cracking their eyes. He picked up the weapon in his hand and rushed towards the black skeleton warriors who were revealed in the white ball of light.

At this time, the robot seemed to have sensed the mood of the guards of the temple, not only stopped attacking, but began to gradually shrink, as if to shrink.

No, not as if.

Looking at the road from a distance, I can see quite clearly, as the metal on the outer armour of the robot seems to melt and flows toward the center, and soon the giant robot, ten meters high and ten meters long, has changed back to a conventional T72. Look like.

However, the thing fell directly like a hole in the ground.

Seeing that, Alex couldn't help exclaiming, "Hey, why is this technique so familiar? It's really a concubine!"

"Hey, who do you say is the concubine?"

As a hazy turquoise light flashed, a tall and bright beauty with at least 90% of Alex's face appeared beside Lu Yuan and Lu Yuan.

"Swallow!" Lu Yuan couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the incoming person.

"Huh, don't call me the swallow. I don't even have a phone call for so long. I despise you! A scumbag!" That person is naturally the heroine of this world, another system traverser, the old lover of Lu Yuan , The name means Svia, the witcher of swallows.

After throwing Lu Yuan's eyes, Yanzi turned his head and looked at Alex carefully, and said in amazement, "Sure enough, it's exactly the same, there really are multiple bodies of mine."

But when she looked at Alex's upper body and looked down at her own, she couldn't help but a meaningful smirk at the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Don't think you won! You don't get to D!" Alex is worthy of being the swallow's multiple body, two or three times, he realized what was going on with the smile on her face. Immediately straightened his back and straightened his chest, and yelled loudly.

Swallow clasped her chest with her hands indifferently, and said contemptuously, "Calmness, calmness, don't care about it, girl!" The word "little" was also heavily accented.

"You are still young, and there is still a chance."

"However, you are a native of Los Santos, right? You had plenty of supplies and food in your days, and the average person's daily intake of protein was far in excess."

"Under these conditions, there can only be such a little bit. Tsk tsk, your chances are running out!"

"What are you talking about!!!" Alex was almost crazy this time, and he threw his teeth and claws on the swallow, apparently being hit and losing his mind.

"Don't!" Lu Yuan wanted to stop but didn't stop, and saw two beauties who can be called identical twins squabbling together like this.

But the classic battlefield of pulling hair and poking eyes did not appear. Because when Alex just held Swallow's left shoulder, the two of them were covered by a light white transparent light film.

It was exactly the same as the previous time when Turner and Vegard were on the plane of Nin, except that the light was different.

With his previous experience, Lu Yuan hurriedly called up the system control panel this time and stared at the news, but he waited and waited and did not pop up a message prompting the followers to merge with multiple bodies.

It wasn't until the white light dissipated and Yanzi held the somewhat relieved Alex to Lu Yuan with a gratified look that he was beaten to the chest by Yanzi's pink fist and recovered.

"Hmph, count you as acquaintance! I didn't expect you to really maintain a pure relationship with such a beautiful woman around you. This time I will spare you!"

However, the swallow, who was still grinning, didn't wait for Lu Yuan to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly changed his face, and gave Lu Yuan another vicious punch.

"Why is this again?" Lu Yuan was almost blinded by this second punch.

"Not why! After the old lover named Ella matures, his body becomes more plump! Humph!"

Only then did Lu Yuan understand that she was in a semi-fusion state with Alex, and from Alex's memory, she learned about her and Ella in the plane of Nin.

But, really, the focus is still on the size there? It's no wonder that these two people can fight for this matter.

Fortunately, Yanzi also knew that Ella was her first love before she knew her, otherwise she would let her go without being so cheap.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan burst into his heart, and subconsciously glanced at Alex, who was suffering from indigestion because of his contact with the swallow's complex memory and knowledge. He recalled those things on the plane of transformation, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. .

At that time, he would not refuse the sugar-coated shells arranged by the enemy and even his own country. He also did not once or twice about throwing the female spy to the intelligence department of the country after eating it all.

Fortunately, when he was doing that kind of thing, Alex had already gone to the front line, otherwise the swallow who knew these things would not be so "gentle" with his fist.

Is there anything like that known to Alex?

Uh, by the way, Ella’s Los Santos is multiple Helena, which is also a landmine. But fortunately, Yanzi knew Helena, and he did not act on her.

What else? Probably only those things about going to the "welcome" party with Gunther? Don't say that Alex didn't know that, even Turner probably didn't know.

What about the welcome party in the San Fernando Valley, tut tut, who will miss it?

Lu Yuan was thinking about whether his romantic affair was going to help, but the swallow over there saw that Alex was not recovering well, and couldn't help frowning.

"It shouldn't? Is your physique so bad? Why is it that you have been attacked by evil?"

Alex is indeed like having a heatstroke, dizziness is more than weakness in his limbs, and he feels weak at this time, "No, I don't know, I, I just thought, I want to try it, your instant movement! No, I didn't expect, That's it!"

These words finally awakened Lu Yuan who was still reminiscing about the rebellious girls who went to Los Angeles to find star dreams.

"What? You want to try teleportation? Are you crazy?"

"Quickly, Swallow, throw her into your living space, she is poisoned, poisoned by the unhealthy magical energy of your plane!"

"What?" "What?"

The two twins couldn't help exclaiming at the same time.

"What do you mean? My world magic is poisonous? How come I can't feel it?" Yanzi said a little annoyed.

"Don't you feel that when you awakened the magical ability of the sorcerer when you were a child, do you remember the spirit of the flame witch?" Lu Yuan hurriedly said.

This story took place during the original novel, after the coup on the island of Sinide, when the swallows evaded hunting. At that time, she met a unicorn, but she was also trapped in a desert. For various situations, please refer to "The Baptism of Fire".

"Of course, how could I have forgotten about that?" Yanzi said, "Because of that time, I gave up my control of magical energy and lost the opportunity to learn spells. In the end, I failed to help Ye Naifa with recovery magic. Go back to Geralt."

"But what does this have to do with poison? Don't you say that the flame witch is poisonous?" Swallow asked as he helped Alex into his lakeside grassy living space.

"Almost." Lu Yuan followed behind the two and saw that the living space of Swallows was much larger than when the two of them opened up wasteland in Luo Shengdu. The garage is much farther away from the lakeside than before.

It is also a secondary space of non-portable space. What is far away is the working space and the living space of the swallow. The most important difference is that a complete ecosystem can be maintained in the living space of the swallow.

Saying hello to the black little mare water fairy who hasn't seen him for a long time, Lu Yuan looked at the various swimming fishes that have emerged in the lake, and couldn't help but secretly sigh, is it possible that the fish soup is really amazing for that? Obviously the swallow was not much bigger than Alex's before.

"Hey, where are your thief's eyes looking?" Yanzi keenly caught Lu Yuan's eyes and immediately yelled.

However, despite the scolding, Yanzi immediately shook his upper body and gave Lu Yuan a look of "you know", as if to suggest something.

I was thinking about something strange and weird. I quickly swallowed and walked to Alex who was lying down on the grass. He coughed and said, "Ali, come and feel here. Magic elements, use them to wash away the ones you just sucked in from the outside."

"Like this?" Alex tried suspiciously, and found that the dizziness was reduced a lot, so he increased his absorption.

"Don't breathe so fast!" Lu Yuan immediately stopped her, "Pay attention to the rhythm, take a deep breath, and follow your breathing rhythm when absorbing energy. Very good, that's it."

Seeing that Alex quickly grasped the key under his own guidance, Lu Yuan was finally relieved.

"Now, what's the matter?" Seeing that their expressions eased, Yanzi hurriedly asked Lu Yuandao.

"Uh, how should I put it, I discovered when I first came to you, the magic elements in your place are a bit too muddy and filthy." Lu Yuan scratched his head and said, "You have been to a lot of worlds, you have seen you look like you Here, is it so easy for people to become a world of various dark creatures when they die?"

"I'm afraid that only worlds like Resident Evil apocalypse have such a high conversion rate to darkness, right?"

"This is all because of the magical energy in your natural environment background, the proportion of similar necromantic or death energy is somewhat high."

"Because of this, even the elemental elves with the concretization of magical elements have become extremely cruel and cruel."

"Like the witch that represents the flame element you met back then."

"The flame element is a relatively wild force. Under the erosion of that dark element, it becomes more like a destructive complex, driving any dominator to destroy the enemy, and even destroy everything."

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