Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 488: The respective calculations of the "twins"

"Sure. But I'm not referring to this." Yanzi nodded and shook his head again.

"Well, I understand." Alex also nodded, sighed, and said solemnly, "I feel like an outsider, right?"


"Um, yes, you know this, you have those memories of mine." Alex said somewhat self-deprecatingly, "You know, I am actually in love. I knew you existed before I fell in love with him."

"However, I didn't expect that after I fell in love with him, my heart would be so tangled when I thought of you."

"I don't care if he has other women. You know, in a place like Luo Sandu, bees and butterflies are always indispensable for men."

"But, when I think that even if we can really be together, he just treats me as your substitute. My heart feels like being shot through by an arrow. What's more terrifying is that after the pain, there is endless The emptiness. That emptiness makes me unable to breathe."

"That kind of feeling, I understand." Yanzi stunned looking at the direction of the studio where Luyuan is located on the upper floor of the garage, and muttered. This kind of relationship, I have never had a relationship with him."

"You are all born in the kind of magicless world, and you live in the same age. Knowledge and technology are all the same. There is a natural advantage when you cooperate with each other."

"Not to mention that you can cooperate with the battle. Look, you can still work together during the refurbishment period."

"You are the partners who are suitable to advance and retreat together!"

"So what? Even if all these exist, every time he sees me, he will think of you!" Alex said as he was angry and jealous, but he turned into tears near his eye sockets.

Seeing Alex, who was exactly like him, looked like this, the swallow ghost took two steps forward and hugged her in his arms.

And Alex didn't break free, so he hugged it back.

Even if the fusion white light of the multiple bodies lights up again, wrapping the two of them inside, they did not let go.

Fortunately, Yanzi is already a genuine traveler and has the right to choose whether to merge or not. But the fusion of memories cannot be cut off, or the swallow doesn't want to cut it.

For a long time, the two talents separated again.

Seeing the tears on each other's face, the two couldn't help but laugh at each other.

Only after the laughter, Alex changed his previous envy, jealousy and even resentment, and looked at Yanzi with complicated eyes, "You..."

"Don't," Yanzi stretched out his index finger to plug Alex's lips, "you know my mood, and I know yours. Don't say extra words. This is the best plan, and you agree."


"Isn't that good?" Yanzi forced a bright smile.

"What's good?" Alex wanted to say something, but Lu Yuan's face suddenly appeared from the ceiling.

"Nothing, what do you want?" Swallow motioned to Alex to wipe away his tears quickly, while he stretched out his hand to cover his eyes as if wiping sweat.

"Really?" Lu Yuan looked at the two women suspiciously, but he was used to letting him suppress the doubts in his heart for a long time, holding the mentality that they would not say that they were reluctant, and shook his head, "Uh, I need Rose to come over and help, just spider form."

As soon as the voice fell, a brass-colored spider suddenly jumped out of the driver's seat of the insurgents. Several pairs of claws flicked two or three times before climbing up the stairs, "Come on!"

"Oh, okay, then you guys." Lu Yuan looked strangely at the Rose Spider who climbed upstairs as if fleeing for his life. He decided whether he should look at or listen to ashamed or ask, and ran back to the studio.

Yanzi and the two looked at each other, only to realize that there was still a little spy hiding beside him. She had just listened to the conversation between the two.

Yanzi was a little worried about whether she would talk too much, but Alex took out a set of headsets, adjusted it twice, and said into the microphone, "Rose, you little eavesdropper, when were you there? "

"Hey, hey, hey."

"Don't pretend to be inaudible, this communication system has been tested by both of us and it is absolutely easy to use!"

"Don't pretend that you can't speak either. Your body can send electronic signals directly over, and you don't need to speak out!" Alex feinted.

"I'm wronged, I've been there all the time! I don't know that you guys are doing your work, and you suddenly get involved. I am also a victim. I am still a baby. I don't want to see what you have!" Rose's electronic sound seemed to have been wronged.

"Ah? Uh, it looks like it is." Alex was stunned, as if before the swallow came, she really asked Rose to help monitor the state of the vehicle on the console.

But after shaking his head, Alex decided to pretend to be pregnant, and continued to say cruelly, "I don't care, but don't say anything that shouldn't be said, okay?"

"Ah? I'm still a baby, what should be said and what shouldn't be said?" Rose grumbled, "Then who hugged, cried and laughed, kissed and made trouble, which one? Shouldn't you say it?"

"Who is making a noise?" Alex's voice was octave higher, but he didn't expect Lu Yuan's voice from the communicator, "Huh? What's wrong, Rose? What is that? You? Is your circuit broken? I'll check it for you?"

"Uh, it's okay, maybe there is a signal that is interfering with the speaker?" Rose on the other side hurriedly covered up. Alex can really hear the sound that only the electronic signal is converted into sound and the sound is transmitted. the difference.

"Uh, isn't it? If something is uncomfortable, I must say it earlier." Lu Yuan didn't delve into it.

"I know." Rose finished speaking, and switched back to the electronic signal sound, "Sister, I have never seen you want to expose yourself like this! You do it again, I can't help it!"

"You guy!" Alex was so angry that his teeth were itching, but after looking at the swallow's eyes, he took a hard breath and said, "Go ahead, how can you keep it secret?"

"Hey, this attitude is right!" Rose said with a tricky smile, "What are the conditions? Well, I didn't expect it for a while. You owe me personal love first. Hey, I am still generous. Bar?"

"Huh, okay, but you remember, if you leak out, don't talk about all this!" Alex grinned his teeth.

"Huh? Threatening me, then who, sir, I have something..."

"Stop! Good, good, I promise you!"

"Hey, how good is this, why bother~"

"You vicious little spider!"

"Hey, it's not as good as you said~"


After being interrupted by such a interruption, when Alex died of anger, he turned to look at Yanzi, only to find that she had already left at some point.

It's just that there is an extra piece of paper next to my lunch, with a round smiling face drawn on it, and an index finger on his lips.

Alex understood that Yanzi meant that her plans should not be told to Lu Yuan.

Picking up the note and looking at it for a while, Alex sighed, took out the lighter and burned the thing completely to ashes.

It seemed that she had agreed to Yanzi's request, but her clenched fist seemed to say that she also had her own plans.


A few days later, the preparation work on Luyuan's side was finally completed, and Yanzi also purchased all the travel supplies in Novigrad, and was finally ready to set off at any time.

The previous wild hunting invasion event still had a lot of impact on Novigrad, so don’t look at Lu Yuan’s strenuous effort, and the purchase of Swallows is not easy.

After all, most of the upper city was destroyed, and more than half of the city’s armed forces were slaughtered. Even if it was a commercial city, it would inevitably be affected.

What’s interesting is that because of the third Northern War, which is now the war between Redania, the northern kingdom, and Nilfgard, the southern empire, the king of Redania used the Temple of Eternal Fire for military expenses. And the witch hunter wanted to forcibly take back control of Novigrad.

Of course, it is mainly financial power.

Originally, the actual controllers of Novigrad, under the pressure of Ridania, began to form a certain degree of tacit understanding. As a result, as soon as the wild hunting invasion occurred, not only those upper-level deaths that had considerable influence on Novigrad A lot, even the guards of the Witch Hunter Temple have been reduced a lot.

As the saying goes, one loses the other. The forces that Ridania used to force Novigrad to submit have suffered heavy losses, and those local forces that rely on the business district and even the Xiacheng district have relatively greatly increased their strength.

As a result, the Novigrad separatist faction once again gained the upper hand.

This has triggered a series of chain reactions, such as the near stagnation of port loading and unloading work, the reshaping of order in the business district, and so on.

Fortunately, no matter where it is, the biggest demand for Novigrad is money. But if you want to get money, you have to find a way to make your business run. Therefore, when the market on the bright side cannot open normally due to various reasons, the corresponding underground black market is in full swing.

However, in black market trading, there are many participants with "thoughts and action". That is the person who has caused a lot of trouble for Yanzi recently.

Imagine that she was only going to a certain market to buy some alchemy materials, but as soon as the transaction was completed, dozens of black cloaks surrounded her. What can she do? Teleport? The things that lead to will only be greater.

No way, she had no choice but to use the sword to teach those guys to be smarter when they were human again in the next life.

If this is an accident, it's okay, but the work has been affected recently, and there are not a few people who are active in their minds. As a result, she has to leave almost a dozen heads in every business.

Of course, it can't be counted as all for her. Her hard-working old father also helped a lot.

Therefore, the black city area is very safe, but the underground world has a few more legends of the butcher and the devil.

For this kind of thing, the old father, who already has the title of "Blavikan's Butcher", naturally has more lice and does not bite more debts, but the swallow, the "Novigrad's servant girl" can Not very satisfied.

After all, she also wanted a nickname similar to "The Ghost on the Lake of Tarn Milla" that had both horror and beauty.

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